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    1、人教出版七年级上册英语课本学习知识同步听力材料英语听力材料Stater unit 1 Good morning! 1b Listen and repeat.Conversation 1Bob: Good morning, Helen!Helen: Hi, Bob!Conversation 2Cindy: Good morning, Alice!Alice: Good morning, Cindy!Conversation 3Dale: Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!Frank/Eric: Good morning, Dale!2a Listen and repeat.a

    2、b c d e f g h2b Listen and number the letters your hear 1-8.a b c d e f g h3a Listen and number the pictures 1-3.Conversation 1Dale: Good morning, Helen!Helen: Good morning, Dale.Conversation 2Frank: Good afternoon, Eric!Eric: Good afternoon, Frank!Conversation 3Alice: Good evening, Bob!Bob: Good ev

    3、ening, Alice!3c Listen to the conversation. Cindy: Good afternoon, Dale!Dale: hi, Cindy! How are you?Cindy: Im fine, thanks. How are you?Dale: Im OK.4b Listen and repeat.A A, H, Dale, Grace Frank, thanksE B, C, D, E, G, evening F, HelenStater unit 2 Whats this in English?1b Listen and repeat.Boy: Wh

    4、ats this in English?Girl: Its an orange.Girl: Whats that in English?Boy: Its a jacket.2a Listen and repeat.i j k l m n o p q r2b Listen and number the letters you hear 1-10.i j k l m n o p q r3a Listen and number the pictures 1-8.a key a map a pen a quilt a ruler an orange a jacket a cup3b Listen an

    5、d complete the words under the pictures in 3a.a key, K-E-Y, a keya map, M-A-P, a mapa pen, P-E-N, a pena quilt, Q-U-I-L-T, a quilta ruler, R-U-L-E-R, a ruleran orange, O-R-A-N-G-E, an orangea jacket, J-A-C-K-E-T, a jacketa cup, C-U-P, a cup3c Listen to the conversation. Then practice it with your pa

    6、rtner.Boy: Whats this in English?Girl: Its a map.Boy: Spell it, please.Girl: M-A-P.3d Listen to the conversations and number the words you hear Conversation 1Girl: Whats this in English?Boy: Its a key.Girl: Spell it, please.Boy: K-E-Y.Conversation 2Boy: Whats that?Girl: Its a cup.Boy: Spell it, plea

    7、se.Girl: C-U-P.Conversation 3Girl 1: Whats that in English?Girl 2: Its a ruler.Girl 1: Spell it, please.Girl 2: R-U-L-E-R.Conversation 4Boy 1: Whats this in English?Boy 2: Its a pen.Boy 1: Spell it, please.Boy 2: P-E-N.Stater unit 3 What color is it ?1b Listen and repeat.Girl 1: Whats this?Boy: Its

    8、V.Girl 1: What color is it?Boy: Its red.Girl 1: Whats that?Girl 2: Its Z.Girl 1: What color is it?Girl 2: Its black.2a Listen and repeat.s t u v w x y z2b Listen and number the letters you hear 1-8.s t u v w x y z3a Listen and color the things.Boy: Whats this in English?Girl: Its a key.Boy: What col

    9、or is it?Girl: Its yellow.Boy: Whats that?Girl: Its a ruler.Boy: What color is it?Girl: Its blue.Boy: Whats this?Girl: Its a cup.Boy: What color is it?Girl: Its red.3b Listen again. Complete the sentences.Boy: Whats this in English?Girl: Its a key.Boy: What color is it?Girl: Its yellow.Boy: Whats th

    10、at?Girl: Its a ruler.Boy: What color is it?Girl: Its blue.Boy: Whats this?Girl: Its a cup.Boy: What color is it?Girl: Its red.3c Listen and complete the chart.Bob: Good morning, Alice.Alice: Hi, Bob. How are you?Bob: Im fine, thanks. Whats this in English, Alice?Alice: Its a jacket.Bob: Spell it, pl

    11、ease.Alice: J-A-C-K-E-T.Bob: What color is it?Alice: Its brown. Whats that in English, Bob?Bob: Its a quilt.Alice: Spell it, please.Bob: Q-U-I-L-T.Alice: What color is it?Bob: Its purple. And whats this in English?Alice: Its a pen. P-E-N.Bob: What color is it?Alice: Its green.4b Listen and sing the

    12、alphabet song.A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H, I, J, K, L, M, N,O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,X, Y, Znow you see, I can say my ABCs.4c Listen and repeat.A A H J K Dale Grace,Frank thanks jacket map blackE B C D E G P T V Z evening F, L, M, N, S, X, (Z), Helen, pen, red, yellowI I, Y, hi, fine, white quil

    13、t, inO O, OK, no , orangeU Q, U, W, ruler, blue, cupUnit 1 My names Gina.Section A1b Listen and number the conversations 1-3.Conversation 1Cindy: Good morning. Im Cindy!Dale: Hello, Cindy! Im Dale.Cindy: Nice to meet you!Conversation 2Ms. Brown: Whats your name?Alan: Alan.Ms. Brown: Hello, Alan. Im

    14、Ms. Brown.Conversation 3Gina: Hi, my names Gina.Jenny: Im Jenny. Nice to meet you!Gina: Nice to meet you, too.2a Listen to the conversations and number the pictures 1-4.Conversation 1Eric: Hello. Whats your name?Alice: My names Alice.Eric: Im Eric.Alice: Nice to meet you!Conversation 2Tom: Whats his

    15、 name?Grace: His name s Eric.Tom: And whats her name?Grace: Her names Alice.Conversation 3Bob: Excuse me, are you Eric?Eric: Yes, I am. Are you Mike?Bob: No, Im not. Im Bob. Nice to meet you.Eric: Nice to meet you, too.Conversation 4Ms. Miller: Good morning, boys and girls. My names Ms. Miller. What

    16、s your name?Jack: My names Jack.Ms. Miller: And whats your name?Mary: My names Mary.2b Listen again. Circle the names you hear.2d Role-play the conversation.Linda: Good afternoon! My names Linda. Are you Helen?Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda.Linda: Nice to meet you, too. Whats her name?Hel

    17、en: Shes Jane.Linda: Is he Jack?Helen: No, he isnt. His names Mike.Section B1b listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.Bill: Whats your telephone number, Alan?Alan: Its 278-6926.Bill: 2-7-8-6-9-2-6. Thanks.1d Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers.Conversation 1 Girl

    18、: Hello. Whats your name?Tom: My names Tom.Girl: Whats your phone number, Tom?Tom: Its 278-7928.Conversation 2Bill: Hi, Linda!Linda: Hello, Bill!Bill: Linda, whats your phone number?Linda: Oh, its, um 555-8024.Conversation 3Ms. Miller: Hi! Im Ms. Miller.Bob: Hello, Ms. Miller! My names Bob.Ms. Mille

    19、r: Whats your phone number, Bob?Bob: My phone number? Its 398-6149.Conversation 4Dale: Hello, Mary!Mary: Oh, hi, Dale!Dale: Mary, whats your phone number?Mary: Its 929-3160.1a Listen and repeat.Zero one two three four five six seven eight nine2b Read the messages and match them with the pictures. Ci

    20、rcle the first names and underline the last names.1. My names Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672.2. Im Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344.3. My name is Mary Brown. My

    21、friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155. Unit 2 This is my sister.Section A1b Listen and circle the words you hear in 1a.David: Thats my family. Those are my parents.Lin Hai: Whos she?David: Shes my sister. Oh, and these are my brothers.

    22、Lin Hai: Whore they?David: Theyre my grandparents.2a Listen and circle the words you hear.Li Lan: Cindy, is this your family photo?Cindy: Yes, it is, Li Lan.Li Lan: Are these your parents?Cindy: Yes, they are. This is my mother, Jenny, and this is my father, Tom.Li Lan: Oh, whos she?Cindy: Shes my s

    23、ister, Mary.Li Lan: Whore they?Cindy: Theyre my grandparents, Linda and Bob.Li Lan: And whos he?Cindy: Hes my brother, Jack.2d Role-play the conversation.(课本)Section B1b Listen and check the words you hear.Jiang Tao: This is a photo of my family. This is my aunt.Tom: Whos he?Jiang Tao: Hes my uncle.

    24、Tom: And is she your cousin?Jiang Tao: Yes, shes my cousin, Jiang Shan. And these are her friends.Tom: Whore they?Jiang Tao: Theyre my grandpa and grandma.1c Listen again. Which picture are Jiang Tao and Tom talking about?2b Read about Jennys family and circle the names. My FamilyHi, Im Jenny. Here

    25、are two nice photos of my family. My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo. These are my parents, Alan and Mary. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob and Eric. These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen. Coco is in my family, too. Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A1b

    26、Listen and number the conversations 1-3.Conversation 1Girl: Are these your books?Boy: No, they arent. Theyre hers.Conversation 2Woman: Is that your schoolbag?Boy: No, it isnt. Its his.Conversation 3Boy: Is this your pencil?Girl: Yes, it is. Its mine.2a Listen and check the things you hear.Tom: Excus

    27、e me, Grace. Is this your pencil?Grace: Yes, thank you. And those are my erasers.Tom: And Jane, is this your ruler?Jane: No, it isnt. Its hers.Tom: Ok, and these are my books. This is your pencil box, Jane.2b Listen again. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.Section B1c Listen and ci

    28、rcle the things you hear in 1a.Conversation 1Linda: I lost my watch this morning.Man: OK. Is this your watch?Linda: No, it isnt. Thats my watch.Man: Here you are.Linda: And thats my ID card.Man: OK. Whats your name?Linda: Linda.Conversation 2Mike: Thats my pen.Man: This?Mike: Yes and thats my baseba

    29、ll.Man: All right. Whats your name?Mike: Mike.Man: OK. Heres your baseball.Mike: Thank you.2b Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things. (课本)Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Section A1b Listen and number the things in the picture 1-4.Tom: Where are my books?Father: Theyre on the sofa.Tom: H

    30、ow about my pencil box?Mother: Its in your schoolbag.Tom: Ok. And wheres my computer game?Helen: Your computer game? Its under your bed.Tom: Great. Now where are my keys?Father: Oh, theyre on the table.2a Listen and number the things 1-6 .Tom: Hey, Helen.Helen: Yes?Tom: Is my computer game on the table?Helen: No, it isnt. Its in the bookcase.Tom: Oh, Ok. How about my books? Are they on the bookcase, too?


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