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    初三英语 试题.docx

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    初三英语 试题.docx

    1、初三英语 试题2Id like _ a word with him.Ato have Bhad Chaving Dhave3 Mum, I left my key at home, so I cant get into the house. Honey, wait in front of the house. Dont go too far. Ill _ help in ten minutes.Ago off to Bgo out to Cgo over Dgo over to4This is a cartoon story _.Ahave a happy ending Bthat have

    2、a happy endingCwith a happy ending Dwhat has a happy ending5Shrek is a monster in a cartoon film which is famous _.Aall over the world Ball around the worldCall through the world Dall above(以上所有答案)6The character of Nemo is popular not only _ children, but also adults.Abetween Bwith Camong Dof7If you

    3、 have money and time, you can go _ you like.Aanywhere fantastic Bfantastic everywhereCsomewhere interest Dsomewhere interested8I dont think this cartoon can _ most children. Its so boring.Apopular Bpopularize Cpopularity Dpopularly9Tintin has been popular for 75 years, _ Belgian cartoonist Herge inv

    4、ented the character in 1929.Aever since Bsince then Cfrom then on Dby then10Mary just has her _.A15-year-old birthday B15th birthdayC15 birthday D15 years old birthday11Tintin is a reporter _.Awith red hair and have a small dog Bwho have red hair and a small dogChas red hair and a small dog Dwho has

    5、 red hair and a small dog12If parents leave children _, do you think the home is tidy or untidy when they return?Aby himself Bon his Cin his own Don their own13There are many classmates and stories _ you need to know after you join the new class.Athat Bwhich Cwho Dthem14Excuse me. Are you the person

    6、 _ I should ask _ information?Awhich; to Bwho; for Cthat; about Dwhich; for15_ Batman, Spiderman was also made into a television program.AUnlike BLike CSuch as DFor example16The teacher asks us to work _ to create a character. We must decide who will work on _ first.Ain group; drawing Bin groups; dr

    7、awingCby groups; to draw Dby group; to draw17I dont know the girl _ I had a word with just now.Awho Bwhere Cthat Dwhich18“Please” is one of the most common expressions _ in China.Athat is used Bthat are usedCwhich is used Dare used19He has taught English for more than 30 years. He is a teacher with

    8、_.Amuch experience Bmany experiencesCa lot of experiences Da little experience20I know a young student _ is also a cartoonist.A/ BwhoCthat Dwhich21There are many children _ and _ on the square. What a lovely scene!Aruns; laughs Brunning; laughingCto run; to laugh Dran; laughed22Mr. Herpin is one of

    9、the foreign teachers who _ in China.Aworks Bhas been workingCare working Dis working23Those _ want to see the film please put up your hands.Awhich Bwhat Cwhose Dwho24 Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Zhang. _.AOh, Im afraid I didnt cook well BIm glad you enjoyCIts not easy for you to

    10、say so DIt doesnt matter25The sign “_” is usually seen on the box with glass inside.APULL BCLOSED CDANGER DFRAGILE三、句型A用正确的引导词填空。1The email _ Ive just received from my foreign friend is too difficult to understand.2This is the teacher _ we are looking for.3The girl _ comes and looks after the old wo

    11、man every morning is a volunteer.4Yesterday they visited the house _ the hero had once lived in.5They dont know the reason _ she didnt attend the meeting last Tuesday.6The young foreigner visited the place _ his parents had been to.7She still remembers the days _ have made her suffer.8This is the ri

    12、ght coat _ she wore at her wedding.9This is the MP4 _ she wants.10We place the magazines and newspapers in a reading room _ is next to my bedroom.B根据中英文提示完成句子。1尼莫,一只可爱的橙白相间的小鱼和史莱克一个巨大的绿怪物赢得了中国和全世界年 轻人的心。Nemo, a cute _ fish, and Shrek, a huge green _ have _ of young people in China and _.2这将是一个有着幸福结局

    13、的卡通故事。This will be a cartoon story _.3这是一个讲述孙悟空带领一群猴子反抗天条的故事。This is a story about Sun Wukong _ against the rules made by the Emperor in heaven.4他的书已经被译成50多种语言,大约已经卖出去有2亿本。His books _ 50 languages, and about 200 million copies _.52000年,史努比的中国粉丝们为它庆祝了他的50岁生日。Snoopy had _ by Chinas Snoopy fans in 2000

    14、.6经历过生活的成年人将会更好地理解我的卡通。Adults _ will understand my cartoons _.7我喜欢有很多笑料的卡通。I like cartoons _.8Tintin是我最喜欢的卡通系列剧。Tintin is the cartoon series _.四、情景交际A: Good morning, young man!B: Good morning, doctor!A:(1)_?B: I have a headache and a cough.A:(2)_?B: Since yesterday.A:(3)_?B: Yes. It seemed a little

    15、high.A: Oh, its just a cold.(4)_.B: Must I get an injection(打针)?A: No, you neednt. But(5)_ stay in bed for two days and youll get all right soon.B: Thank you. Good-bye!A: Bye-bye.五、完形填空A Special PunishmentDavid received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot had a poor vocabulary, and many were not p

    16、olite. David tried hard to 1 the birds words and was often saying polite words, playing soft music, trying anything he could think of to set a good example. But nothing 2 . He shouted at the bird and the bird just got angry and became even 3 . Finally, without any hope, David put the 4 in the freeze

    17、r. For a few moments he heard the bird kick, and cry loudly in it. Then suddenly it was 5 not a sound for a half a minute. David was frightened that he might have hurt the bird and quickly 6 the freezer door. The parrot quietly 7 out onto Davids arm and said, “I believe that I may have made you angr

    18、y 8 me about my impolite language and actions. I will try my best at once to be polite. I am 9 sorry and beg your pardon.”David was surprised at the birds change, and he was just to ask what had made such a surprising change when the parrot 10 saying, “May I ask what the chicken in the freezer did?”

    19、1Achange Bteach Cmake Dhave2Ahappened Bappeared Cworked Ddid3Apolite Bless polite Cmore polite Dpolitely4Aparrot Bchicken Cmeat Dfood5Anoisy Bpainful Cfull Dquiet6Alocked Bshut Copened Drepaired7Aran Bstepped Cswam Descape8Ain Bfor Cto Dwith9Amuch Breally Ca little Djust10Awent to Bwent on Cwent ove

    20、r Dwent六、阅读理解AEnjoyable SaturdayCaptain GoodfellowDo your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances?Captain Goodfellow will be ready to do all these things with children at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10: 00, free.Movies at the MuseumTwo European movies will be

    21、 shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theater. See Broken Window at 1: 30. The Workers will be at 3: 45. For further information call 4987898.International PicnicAre you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious a

    22、nd not expensive. Noon to 5:00 p. m.Take Me out to the BallgameIts November, and Saturday night(7:009:00)is your last chance to see the Bulls this year. Get your tickets at the game. It might be cold. Dont forget sweaters and jackets.Do You Want to Hear “Wild and Windy”?“Wild and Windy”, a popular r

    23、ock group from Australia will give first US concert this Saturday night, at 8 at Rose Hall, City College.1On Saturday morning, you can _.Ago and watch a ballgameBtake children to play games at the City TheatreCgo to a concert at Rose Hall, City CollegeDgo to the Central Park for a picnic2The Bulls b

    24、allgame _.Ais in the afternoon Bis outsideCis inside Dis in the morning3You can eat many different kinds of food from all over the world if you go to _.Athe City Theatre Bsee a movieCthe ballgame DCentral Park4“Wild and Windy” is _.Aa US concert Ba park with many red birds in itCa music group Da Eur

    25、opean movie5Mr. Smith wants to have a nice Saturday. Which is NOT possible for him to do?AHave a picnic and watch a ball game.BHave a picnic and see a movie.CListen to a concert and watch a ballgame.DSee a movie and listen to a concert.BLast summer, 15-year-old Bob had a problem. Like a lot of child

    26、ren, Bob was interested in doing many things. He liked dancing most and wanted to join a dancing group. But Bobs high school didnt have a boys dancing group but a girls group. He tried to join the girls group. And he made it.Bob thought his problem was over after he had been one of the dancers in th

    27、e dancing group. But a bigger problem was just beginning. The school didnt allow Bob to stay in the girls group. “If we let Bob stay in the group,” the school said, “other boys will want to join. Soon, there wont be any girls in the group.” They took Bob off the group.Bob was very angry about it, so

    28、 he went to a judge(法官). The judge said it was not a right decision and told the school to let Bob go back to the dancing group.1Bobs favorite was _.Asinging Bdancing Cdrawing Ddriving2It was difficult for Bob to join the school dancing group because _.Athe school only had a girls dancing groupBthe school didnt allow boys to danceCthe group had enough dancers alreadyDhe was not a good dancer3The school worried that _ if Bob stayed in the group.Anobody would watch their danceBother boys would join and the girls might leaveCother schools might laugh


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