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    1、物流配送外文文献及翻译1。 INTRODUCTIONLogistics is normally considered as nothing more than getting the right product to the right place at the right time for the least cost。 Faced with a rapidly changing environment, revolutionary changes in technology, continued government deregulation, the shortening of prod

    2、uct life cycle, proliferation of product lines and shifts in traditional manufacturer-retailer relationships, many organisations have had to rethink their traditional assumptions。Over the last ten years one of the most significant changes in management thinking was the emphasis on the search for str

    3、ategies that will provide superior value in competition。 Logistics management has the potential to assist the organisation in the achievement of both a cost/productivity advantage and a value advantage. The importance of logistics and its integration in the supply chain was argued by。China is a huge

    4、 consumer market that accounted for a third of global economic growth over the past three years。 Its development speed and potential cannot be ignored by the rest of the world. As a result of Chinas internal and external economic attributes, most of the global consumer brands have established operat

    5、ions there。 In particular in the automobile industry, many of the leading global OEMs including Honda, Toyota, General Motors, Volkswagen and Ford have established jointventure partnerships with local car manufacturers。 Auto sales in China rose by 76% in the year to July 2003 and by 2011, China is e

    6、xpected to surpass Japan to become the worlds second largest auto market。 In order to compete in the Chinese market share and satisfy increasing demand, these operations are continuously expanding their production volumes with astonishing speed. Such expansion is, however carried out in the context

    7、of a legacy environment.China spans a large geographical area with, in many parts, under-developed infrastructure。 This presents a challenge to efficient deployment of logistics strategies. Furthermore, the involvement of third party logistics providers, favoured by most global OEMs, is an emergent

    8、consideration in China. Finally, the conflicts that inevitably arise in the joint venture partnerships lead to delays in the introduction of western logistics management experiences and methods from the OEMs. All these factors increase the difficulties in managing logistics by Chinas local auto make

    9、rs.2. The overall development of foreign distribution Overview2.1 The United States of modern logistics developmentTwenty-first century from the 60s on wards, the rationalization of distribution of goods in general are valued in the United States to take the following measures: First, the warehouse

    10、will replace the old distribution center: The second is the management of the introduction of computer networks, on the loading and unloading, handling, custody, standardized operation, improve operating efficiency; Third, the common chain distribution centers set up to promote the growth of chainef

    11、fective。 United States chain stores have a variety of distribution centers, mainly in the wholesalebased, retail and warehousetype three types.2.2 Japans modern logistics developmentOn logistics and distribution of wood with the following features: well-developed distribution channels, frequent, low

    12、-volume stock, logistics and distribution reflects the common and set the trend sticks, logistics and distribution cooperative, the Government planning in the development of modern logistics and distribution play an important role in the process of .2.3 European modern development of logisticsCountr

    13、ies in Europe, especially Germany, logistics refers to the users orders in accordance with the requirements of positions in the logistics sub-goods distribution, the goods will be sent to the consignee with good activities. Germanys logistics industry formed of basic commodities from origin to distr

    14、ibution center, from the distribution center (and sometimes through more than one distribution center) arrive at the modern mode of end customers. Traveled in Germany, it can be said of the logistics and distribution in Germany has been formed to final demand-oriented to the modernization of transpo

    15、rt and high-tech information network as a bridge to a reasonable R69 distribution center hub to run a complete system。2.4 the main reasons of logistics industry developing faster in developed countriesRelying on hightech to the core economies of scale to allow flexibility based on a variety of forms

    16、。3、Chinas 3PL enterprises are facing a major obstacle to business3.1 The current situation of Chinas 3PLChinas 3PL enterprises: service radius of a small, low entry barriers. With the gradual warming heat logistics, urban logistics industry is also increasingly unitary covered by the importance and

    17、development。 However, due to historical reasons in our country, the longstanding emphasis on production of a light flow, heavy flow to light the idea of the logistics, distribution of development in the not yet ripe at this stage, there is the issue more prominent in the following two aspects: the s

    18、ervice delivery difficult to play a central role, the process of distribution of the low level of modernization. Chinas 3PL companies with foreign 3PL companies mainly in the gap between the three aspects: First, procurement capacity, and the other is logistics, and the third is cash flow. Aspects o

    19、f logistics and distribution, foreign retailers have done very well, has a set of efficient logistics information system, which can effectively improve the inventory turnover rate, so as to enhance the return on assets and profitability. And domestic retailers in this area has just started, or have

    20、not yet started.3.2 distribution center lower the overall distribution, commercial chain failed to give full play to the advantagesFrom our point of view the existing commercial retail enterprises, in addition to some large, well-known commercial enterprises, the general commercial ”chain businesses

    21、 are not set up their own logistics and distribution centers or use thirdparty logistics center。 Although these companies have also established some of his own chain” stores, but in fact operating goods stores do not do ”unified procurement, unified distribution, unified billing, which allows some c

    22、ommercial retail enterprises, chain seems to exist in name only。 The other has been established in their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics distribution center of commodities in commercial enterprises, the effectiveness of distribution centers has not been effective,

    23、 which in turn affected the procurement cost of an integrated chain advantages, including outstanding manifested by the distribution center for goods distribution ratio of unity is very low. Uniform distribution logistics center can not be achieved, indicating the stores commercial enterprises unifi

    24、ed purchase did not materialize, rather than a unified procurement chain has lost the core strengths。3.3 Chinas more enterprises are facing a major obstacle of the higher logistics costWal-Mart 8 5 of the commodities distribution through the distribution center, in which 80% is through the zero inve

    25、ntory of the more complete form of the distribution database. WalMart as a result of the use of the Cross distribution” and auto-replenishment of supply chain technology, so that goods turnover in the Treasury down to 2 days. And retail enterprises in China are in the 15-30 days, which reflects the

    26、retail , distribution enterprises, underdeveloped logistics system, distribution costs are too high. Rapid expansion of retail enterprises in Chinas size and speed in the short term if they can not form a qualitative edge is a dangerous speculation. Over the years the practice has proved that the mu

    27、lti-purpose logistics distribution center, intensive, lowcost supply hub, as well as the use of information technology to reorganize and upgrade the entire flow of the supply chain management is the core of largescale retail enterprises strategy is to support the retail giant super-conventional deve

    28、lopment. The face of largescale retail and distribution businesses of the main distribution center logistics requirements planning, focusing on how to reflect the integration of information flow in business flow, logistics, capital flow, so that the operation of retail enterprises to expand the logi

    29、stics for the entire enterprise supply chain collaboration nodes and so that the whole positive and negative to minimize logistics cost of goods (including consumers, stores, logistics, distribution centers, headquarters, suppliers and partners), and a timely response to sales demand and timely repl

    30、enishment。 This is also a largescale cross-regional, multi-format, chain retail enterprises have the capacity of the core competitive advantage。3。4 Lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel。 This is the thirdparty logistics industry in restricting the develop

    31、ment of Chinas most important one of the bottlenecks。 Logistics knowledge, especially in modern integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal, but that its main business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services, not know that it is new to these traditional

    32、 business integration of its business fields Far too simple to become connected with transport and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products supply, production process, material flow, the whole process of product distribution services, as cover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information

    33、 flow is equal to the integrated system of systems。4 to enhance core competitiveness, the implementation of integrated management”integrated management is the original English Integrated SupplyProcess, refers to the production enterprises, office, life of a non-core business areas of the operation and m


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