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    1、上海市闵行区文莱高中学年高二上学期月考英语试题学生版2019-2020学年文来高中高二上10月月考. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below. fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for t

    2、he other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Teachers always have found that teaching and learning become _1_ (enjoyable) when students are actively involved in the lesson. Their active engagement, however, does not come automatically. In most cases, teachers have to find ways to get them

    3、 _2_ (involve).Hai K. P. Huynh, _3_ English teacher at American - Vietnamese International English Centre demonstrates how teachers can get students more actively engaged in the learning process and take charge of their learning by giving them the opportunities to find and correct mistakes by _4_.Th

    4、e effective way is to prepare an activity_5_ students take over the role of correcting mistakes, which is normally done by the teacher. The teacher purposefully becomes the mistake maker.This technique definitely brings forth several benefits. For instance, by switching the role of the mistake corre

    5、ctor, the teacher can often observe that students get excited. The degree of excitement is increased when the class _6_ (divide) into two teams to compete with each other in finding and correcting the mistakes.Another benefit is _7_ they have the opportunity to identify the possible mistakes on thei

    6、r own instead of the teacher _8_ (tell) them what the mistakes are. This technique also helps the teacher check his or her students understanding of a grammar point or comprehension of a reading task. It_9_ be used to reinforce and improve their production skills such as writing and pronunciation._1

    7、0_ the activity is a simple technique, it is very effective in getting students attention and participation. It can easily be developed to satisfy teachers needs.Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one wo

    8、rd more than you need.A. process B. stimulate C. consequences D. cultivate E. solutionF. especially G. present H. total I. initially J. associate K. addressAsk someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost certainly mention recycling. Recycling in home is signific

    9、ant of course. However, being forced to recycle often means we already have far more material than we need, we are dealing with the _11_ of that over-consumption. It would be far better if we did not need to bring so much material home _12_.Statistics have shown that the _13_ amount of packaging inc

    10、reased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. A large number of companies believe that they can attract customers attention and _14_ their purchasing desire by over-packaging their goods, thus gaining more profits.Without doubt, too much packaging is doing damage to the environment. If such packaging is burn

    11、t, it gives off greenhouse gases which may cause the greenhouse effect. Recycling helps, but the _15_ itself uses energy. Therefore, the _16_ is not to produce such items in the first place.Food waste is another serious issue we need to _17_ immediately. Too many supermarkets encourage customers to

    12、buy more than they need. Fortunately, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue, encouraging customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example. But this is not just about supermarkets. It is about all of us. We have always learned to _18_ packaging with quality, which is

    13、especially true when it comes to food. But it also applies to a wide range of consumer products, which often have far more packaging than necessary.Luckily, there are signs of hope at _19_. As more and more people come to recycle, we are beginning to realize just how much unnecessary materials are b

    14、eing collected. However, despite the ongoing campaigns to _20_ consumers green awareness, we still have a long way to go. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the world or phras

    15、e that best fits the context.A driving goal for most websites is for that site to be easily found by people looking for the products or services. One of the ways people may find these sites is via a search engine. With this in mind, companies obviously want their websites to _21_ search engines as w

    16、ell.First of all, website content should be unique and timely. Only quality content ensures that customers will frequent your website and also _22_ it to friends via links of through social channels. This act of sharing not only gives your site more chances of public _23_ but is also helps to push u

    17、p your search engine rankings, which extends huge psychological implication to other engine users as people tend to _24_.Now famous search engines such as Google use mobile friendliness as a ranking signal in their ranking algorithm(算法). Therefore, if your site is not _25_ for mobile devices, you ar

    18、e offering a less than ideal experience to some users and in result search engines will take the disadvantage into _26_Another key ranking signal that Google and other search engines _27_ heavily is page speed and overall site performance. If your site is loaded with too many high-resolution images

    19、and videos or other elements, much viewing time will be caused. These will make sluggish, slow loading that frustrates and often drives away visitors. Its time to _28_ the page size as all the visitors appreciate faster download. Some are even willing to trade better visual experiences for high view

    20、ing _29_. As user preference stands on top of any search engines list of priority, search engines will look favour-ably upon the speed improvements of the websites._30_, for a hot website, appropriate update frequency is also vital. Although the content is current and up to date when it is first lau

    21、nched, it will soon lose its _31_ with the explosion of other various online resources. If the _32_ on your websites has appeared on other sites before, your website is sooner or later to be deserted because of humans nature of having a low boredom threshold(门槛). In turn, your websites search rankin

    22、g will _33_ drastically.Finally dont look down on customer experience. Too often people ignore the benefits of creating a viewing experience that is enjoyable. When _34_ your websites user friendliness, understand that ease of use comes first, but do not discount the benefits of adding a bit of _35_

    23、 into that experience as well.21 A. remind of B. agree with C. appeal to D. take in22. A. establish B. recommend C. adjust D. evaluate23. A. feature B. comment C. exposure D. strength24. A. calm down B. make progress C. watch out D. follow suit25. A. applicable B. superior C. positive D. realistic26

    24、. A. assumption B. account C. guidance D. obligation27. A. weigh B. reserve C. represent D. revise28. A. decorate B. reduce C. increase D. eliminate29 A. aspect B. device C. speed D. scene30. A. In addition B. Nevertheless C. In a word D. For example31. A. sense B. wisdom C. freshness D. feature32.

    25、A. identity B. instruction C. context D. content33. A. rise B. drop C. lift D. restore34. A. assessing B. accessing C. referring D. pointing35. A. sadness B. anxiety C. delight D. sympathySection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several question or unfinish

    26、ed statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)A Beach in Bod-rum, Turkey, saw the horror of a human tragedy on Sept 2. A little boy, dressed in a red shirt and blue sh

    27、orts, lay face down in the sand. Sadly, 3-year-old Alan Kurdi would never wake up again.Alan drowned along with at least 12 Syrians, including his 5-year-old brother and mother. They were on a journey from Turkey to Greece. Trying to make their simple but dangerous dream of a safe home a reality, th

    28、ey paid with their lives. The tragic photographs of Alans lifeless body shocked the world. “What has drowned in the Mediterranean(地中海)is not only the refugees, but humanity,” said Turkish President.Refugees, according to the UN, are people escaping war or persecution. Their situation is often so dan

    29、gerous that they cross national borders to look for safety in nearby countries. The Kurdis wanted to head of Europe by crossing to the Greek island of Kos from Bodrum by boat.The Kurdis tragedy was just one story from over 1,800 people who have died in the first six months of this year while trying

    30、to cross the Mediterranean to Europe, according to statistics released by the United Nations. Migrants, however, are not necessarily refugees. A migrant may leave his or her country for many reasons apart from war, terrorism, and persecution. They may seek employment, life with their family, or stud

    31、y in another country.European countries have taken different approaches to the crisis. Germany and France are opening their doors to more asylum(避难)seekers, those who say they are refugees but the status has not been decided by the UNHCR or a government. Other countries, such as Poland, Hungary, Slo

    32、vakia and the Czech Republic, have been unwilling to take a large number of refugees for various reasons including economic problems and safety concerns.36. What happened to the Syrian family in this article?A. A 3-year-old boy was killed in the war.B. Three of the family members died.C. 12 people were drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.D. They reached the Greek beach succ


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