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    on stylistic features of english sports news体育新闻英语的文体特征研究英语大学毕设论文Word文档下载推荐.docx

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    on stylistic features of english sports news体育新闻英语的文体特征研究英语大学毕设论文Word文档下载推荐.docx

    1、作者所在班级: 作 者 姓 名 :作 者 学 号 :指导教师姓名:完 成 时 间 : 2013年6月 北华航天工业学院教务处制On Stylistic Features of English Sports NewsbyThesis Advisor:Submitted to the B.A. Committee in partial fulfillment of The requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Foreign Languages Department of North China Institute of Aer

    2、ospace and Engineering. 摘 要作为一种社会文明的标志,体育已经成为我们社会和文化生活中不可缺少的一部分。同时,体育新闻也越来越引起广泛的关注。然而对体育新闻语言的研究却很有限。以往的研究多是将新闻英语作为一个整体来进行分析,而体育新闻只是其中的一部分,因此在研究结果中出现了一些差异。本文认为新闻英语不是单一的,而是一个由不同新闻材料特点合成的语类,包括不同次语类,所以对其语言特点的归纳需给予充分描写。本文将基于现代文体学的理论,从不同的语言问题特征出发,对英语体育新闻做一个全面的分析。运用普通的文体学分析方法对新闻中的词汇、句子结构和语义层面进行分析。使用定性和定量的方

    3、法对混淆次做科学分析。通过以上研究分析报告可以得出结论:体育新闻报道在词汇、句子结构和语义层面都有其独特的文体特征。使体育新闻语言更直观、客观、丰富、易于理解的吸引潜在的读者。关键词:体育新闻 新闻英语 文体特征Abstract Sport is a sign of social civilization and becomes an indispensable part of our social and cultural life now. Therefore, sports news are getting more and more attention. However, only l

    4、ittle research has been carried out to analyze its stylistic features. In previous studies, scholars mainly regard the journalistic English as a whole entity; hence some differences appear in their results. In this thesis, it is argued that journalistic English is not onefold, but a composite of var

    5、ious kinds of news, which includes different sub-varieties. Based on the theories of modern stylistics, this thesis attempts to limit the scope to the analysis of English sports news report and to do an overall analysis of sports news reports from different level in linguistics stylistic features. I

    6、 would use qualitative and quantitative methods to do a scientific analysis on confusing words. Based on the above research, we can safely draw the conclusion that sports news reported in words, sentence structure and semantic level with its unique prominent stylistic features. All these features ma

    7、ke sports news language more objective, more impersonal, more informative, and more comprehensible to attract the potential readers. Key words: Sports news, News English, Stylistic featureContents Abstract in Chinese 错误!未定义书签。Abstract iiIntroduction 1Chapter1: Theories of Sports News 2 1.1 Definitio

    8、n of Sports News 21.2 Functions of Sports News 21.3 Types of Sports News 31.4 Structure of Sports News 4Chapter2: Variety 5 2.1 Definition of Variety 5 2.2 News English as a Variety 6 2.3 English Sports News as a Sub-variety 7Chapter 3: Stylistic Features of English Sports News 8 3.1 Graphitic Featu

    9、res 8 3.2 Lexical Features 8 3.3 Grammatical Features 9 3.4 Semantic Features 10 3.5 Sentence Features 11Conclusion 13Acknowledgements 14Bibliography 15Introduction Sports play an important role in social and cultural life of human society. With the development of society and technology, sports jour

    10、nalism and newspapers have changed in very remarkable ways and what was once fun and games at court is now much more than that. The days of reporters and editors who served as cheerleaders for the home team are gone. We know that sports journalism has been maturing since the final decade of the 20th

    11、 century. It is adjusting and changing relations and standards involving sports and society (Bruce Garrison,1993). Today, sports fills more available time on television and has become a major selling point for many comprehensive newspaper or daily papers and the Internet. People are exposed to sport

    12、s news more often than before.However, linguistic study on English sports news has not been paid enough attention and few works on systematic and comprehensive analysis of its linguistic features could be found in the linguistic field. Sports news reporting is no longer a simple list of scores and r

    13、esults. The contemporary news reports focus not only on the result or the scores of the match but also on many things other than the competition itself. By means of language use, it reflects, ideas, beliefs, values and assumptions of the society as well as those of the news reporters. From what I ha

    14、ve mentioned, I think there are three problems in journalistic English for sports. The first one is that the research scope of the news is mainly confined to news report in newspaper, not mentioned in editorial and feature. So the research breadth is not wide enough. The second one is the research d

    15、eepness is not profound enough. Though many scholars pointed out news words could attract the readers, they did not study enough about the reason of it. The third one is that it does not understand enough in dealing with the relation between journalism English for sports and other subject. This thes

    16、is will be divided into three chapters based on the theory of modern stylistics. We will discuss the stylistic feature of sports news at the lexical, grammatical and semantic levels. From what is discussed can get the conclusion.Chapter 1: Theories of Sports News 1.1 Definition of Sports News Accord

    17、ing to Cambridge Dictionary of American English, “News is something told as having just happened or information about something that is just happening or will soon happen.”(Liu Shisheng, 2006) And the best news has the greatest interest of the greatest number. As John Bogart, the director of intervi

    18、ewing department in The New York Sun, wrote in 1880, “When a dog bites a man that is not news, but when a man bites a dog that is news.”(Mencher, 1987)Sports report is one of the sub-varieties of journalistic English. The sports language is not as formal as economic and political language. The main

    19、function of sports news is to report sports news, but on account of different moods and intentions in contrast to other news reports. Sports report mainly serves to meet the sports enthusiasts interests in certain news items, so it may not be as serious as political news. Sports report covers a wide

    20、 range, including football, basketball, swimming, tennis, boxing, track and field, cricket, etc. It involves report of sports events, sports environments, exclusive interviews with the athletes and even the anecdotes and gossips about the sports participants.All the large-scale newspaper agencies, b

    21、roadcasting stations and TV stations have their own independent sports departments or columns. With so much competition, of course it is tougher to get the attention of a reader with so much other material available for them to read. Thats why sports reporters are working so much on their products f

    22、or the contemporary sports fans. Sportswriters have to report and edit diverse competing activities and broaden the appealing of their product to attract more readers at different levels.At the same time, sportswriters are also becoming less and less event oriented and more and more non-event, or pr

    23、ocess oriented in their reporting. Their stories become more insightful and interpretative, and the emphasis is given less on the results and more on why these results occurred. Therefore, the range of sports stories broadens considerably world-wide. Although sports events still appeal to readers, i

    24、nterest is growing in sports topics off the field and court. Reporters tend to look into restrooms, courtrooms, and training rooms. Meanwhile, more and more sports reporting involve athletes, athletes programs, sports agents, gambling, the abuse of illegal drugs and athletic organization rules cheat

    25、ing and so on. 1.2 Functions of Sports News English sports news has the following five functions: informative function, expressive function, aesthetic function, vocative function and entertaining function.According to Newmark, the informative function of language is featured with the external situat

    26、ion as its core. By saying external situation, Peter Newmark means the facts of a topic, reality outside language, including reported ideas or theories (Newmark, 2001:40). The informative function of English sports news is shown on its role to help readers to know the facts and relevant information

    27、of sports. Thus the audience and readers can share happiness of sports anytime and anywhere.The expressive function is the mind of the reader and the writer, their originator of the utterance. The language with expressive function is normally self-expressive, creative, figurative and subjective (Ibi

    28、d.:39). The expressive function is to set the tone of the news thus to create either a touching, exciting or horrifying effect on the readers.The language pleases the readers and audience firstly through its actual or imagined sound and secondly through its metaphors. The rhythm, balance and contras

    29、ts of sentences, clauses and words also play their roles in this sense. Their sound-effects consist of onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, rhyme, meter, intonation, and stress (Ibid.:42).English sports news gives aesthetic function in the way to provide the readers and audience aesthetic enjoymen

    30、t through colorful words containing many connotations and provide beauty through the application of rhetorical devices. “The core of the vocative function of language is the readership, the addressee (Ibid.:41). Newmark uses the term vocative in the sense of” calling upon the readership to act, thin

    31、k or feel, in fact to react in the way intended by the text” (Ibid.:41).Then we can conclude that a piece of good English sports news can also call upon the reader and audience to focus on the event.English sports news usually uses creative language, flexible sentence patterns and various rhetorical

    32、 devices to make vivid reports. Sometimes, reporters also use many of the techniques used by literary writers such as novelists. The sentence of English sports news is sometimes composed of rhetorical devices like hyperbole or metaphor. English sports news presents a vivid picture to readers or audiences and as well enriches sports culture and satisfies t


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