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    1、中考英语总复习基础语法专题复习讲义练习带答案动词的种类动词的时态被动语态2020年中考英语总复习基础语法专题复习讲义目录:1. 专题七 动词的种类2. 专题八 动词的时态3. 专题九 被动语态专题七 动词的种类学前自测(发现考点)( )1. Lucy and her friend will _ at the airport in half an hour. They are going to Taiwan.A. play B. come C. leave D. meet( )2. May I play computer games now, Mum? No, you _. You havent

    2、 finished your homework yet.A. dont B. neednt C. cant D. may not( )3. Shall we take a bus to the library? Its not far. I think we _ take a bus. Lets walk there.A. mustnt B. couldnt C. cant D. neednt( )4. How much did this dictionary _ you, Sally?I got it for 90 yuan.A. use B. cost C. take D. spend(

    3、)5. It is very hot here. Why not _ your coat?A. to take off B. put off C. take off D. put on( )6. The hotel is not far, so you _ take a bus.A. may not B. neednt C. cant D. mustnt( )7. The price of vegetables _ so quickly these days.A. rises B. afford C. improves D. raise( )8. My computer doesnt work

    4、. There _ be something wrong with it, but Im not sure.A. could B. must C. may D. need( )9. Hello! Im very glad to see you. When _ you _ here?A. are; arriving B. did; arrive C. have; arrived D. will; arrive( )10. Ann, are you hurrying out? I _ go now or Ill be late for the meeting.A. must B. can C. n

    5、eednt D. dont have to常考考点知识清单(研习考点)考点一 行为动词/ 实义动词行为动词/ 实义动词可分为及物动词和不及物动词,可接宾语的是及物动词,不可以接宾语的是不及物动词。动词种类接宾语的情况例词例句及物动词接单宾语clean/ read/ write/ raise/ want He is reading a book. 他正在看书。接双宾语give/ buy/ show/ pass/ cookCan you pass me the ball? 你能把球传给我吗?及物动词接复合宾语see/ watch/ make/ think/ find She found the b

    6、ack door forced open. 她发现后门被撬开了。不及物动词不接宾语 go/ arrive/ listen/ rise The Sun rises in the east. 太阳从东边升起。考点二 连系动词它本身有一定词义,但不能单独作谓语。 连系动词可以分为三类:1. 单纯表示一个特征或状态用得最多的是 be (是、在),另外还有 feel (觉得、摸上去), look (看起来), sound (听起来), taste (尝起来), seem (似乎是), appear (显得、看来好像)等。The flowers look beautiful. 这些花看上去很漂亮。She

    7、is a very good student. 她是个非常好的学生。The cake smells strange. 这蛋糕有怪味。2. 表示变成某种状态这样的动词有 become(变成),come(成为),fall(变得), get (变得), grow (渐渐变得), run(变为), go(变成), prove (证明), make (变为)。It gets darker and darker. 天越来越黑了。He became a doctor three years ago. 他 3 年前当上了医生。The girls face turned red. 那女孩的脸变红了。3. 表示保

    8、持某种状态这样的动词有 continue(依旧是),keep(保持),lie(处于状态),remain(仍是),stand(处于状态),stay(继续处于状态)等。Keep quiet, please. 请安静。The window stayed open all the night. 窗子整夜开着。The weather continued fine for several days. 一连几天天气都很好。考点三 助动词1. be 作为助动词构成(1) 进行时态:I am learning English. 我在学英语。(2) 被动语态:This book was published las

    9、t year. 这本书是去年出版的。(3) 接不定式:Where are you to meet? 你们打算在哪里碰头?2. have 作为助动词构成(1) 完成时态:What has happened? 发生了什么事?(2) 完成进行时态:What have you been doing? 你一直在干什么?3. 助动词 do(1) 构成疑问句:Do you know French? 你懂法语吗?(2) 构成否定句:I didnt go to the party. 我没参加那个聚会。(3) 表示之前所说的动作,避免重复:I dont know English. Neither does he.

    10、 我不懂英语,他也不懂。(4) 用在动词前加强语气:Do be careful. 千万小心。4. 助动词 shall, will, should, would助动词 shall, will, should, would 接动词原形构成将来时态:We shall often come to see you. 我们将常来看你。I will try my best to help you. 我会尽我所能地帮助你。考点四 情态动词情态动词在英语中考中占有很大的比重,多以单选题的形式出现,而且出现频率极高,所以有必要把它单独列出来重点讲解一下。情态动词没有人称和数的变化,它必须和其他动词一起构成谓语,后

    11、接动词原形,最常用的情态动词有:can (could), may (might), must, need, shall (should), will (would)。1. can, could 的用法(1) 表示具有某种能力,意为“能;会”(could 表过去的能力)。I can sing the song in English. 我能用英语唱这首歌。She could swim when she was four years old. 她四岁的时候就会游泳。(2) 表示许可、允许,意为“可以”。You cant play computer games on weekdays. 在工作日里你不

    12、能玩电脑游戏。(3) 表示请求某人做某事,意为“能;能够”(用 could 使语气更委婉,但回答时要还原成 can/ cant)。Can/ Could you tell me where the bank is? 你能告诉我银行在哪里吗?Yes, I can. 是的,我能。注意: cant 还可表示否定推测,意为“不可能”。It cant be true. 它不可能是真的。2. may, might 的用法(1) 表示许可、允许,意为“可以”,常与第一人称连用,用 might 表示可能性较小,might 不表示过去时态,只是语气上比 may 更委婉。May I ask you a questi

    13、on now? 现在我可以问你一个问题吗?(2) 表示没有把握的猜测,意为“可能”,用于肯定句和否定句,不能用于疑问句。He may be at home now. 现在他可能在家里。She may not be there today. 今天她或许不在那里。3. must 的用法(1) 表示义务或强制,意思是“必须”。We must obey the school rules. 我们必须遵守学校的规则。(2) 表示肯定推测,意思是“一定”,语气较肯定,较有把握。He must be a teacher. 他一定是位老师。4. need 的用法need 既可以作情态动词,也可作实义动词。 ne

    14、ed 作实义动词时,后跟名词、代词、不定式或动名词作宾语。need作情态动词时后跟动词原形,一般用于疑问句和否定句。You neednt clean the room now. =You dont need to clean the room now. 现在你不必打扫房间。Need he practise playing the violin now? =Does he need to practise playing the violin now? 现在他需要练习小提琴吗?5. shall, should 的用法(1) shall 用于疑问句,表示征求对方意见,此时常用第一人称。Shall

    15、we sing an English song? 我们唱首英文歌曲好吗?(2) should 意为“应该”,用于各种人称,表示根据常理认为是对的事或应该去做的事。We should be polite to our teachers. 我们应该对我们的老师有礼貌。6. will, would 的用法(1) will 表示主语的决心或意愿。I will do my best to help you. 我将尽力帮助你。(2) Would you please? 意思是“请你好吗?”表示客气的请求;Would you like (to do) sth. 意为“想要(做某事)某物”;Would you

    16、 mind doing sth. ? 意为“你介意做某事吗?”Would you please clean the blackboard? 请你擦黑板好吗?Would you like (to eat) some noodles? 你愿意吃些面条吗?Would you mind turning on the TV? 你介意打开电视吗?7. 常用含情态动词的疑问句的两种回答比较Can you? May I? Must I? Need I?肯定回答Yes, I can.Yes, please. / Sure. /Certainly. / Of course.Yes, you must. Yes,

    17、you must.否定回答No, I cant. No, you mustnt/ cant. No, you neednt.No, you neednt.巩固训练(夯实基础)一、单项选择( )1. I dont know how to _ my classmates. First, you should be more friendly.A. catch up with B. take part in C. get on well with D. make a living( )2. Kate _ eat a lot of meat. Yes, but she eating vegetable

    18、s now.A. used to; used to B. is used to; used to C. used to; is used to D. is used to; is used to( )3. Whose handbag is this? It _ be Li Pings. I saw her take her own away just now.A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. wont( )4. It _ me an hour to finish my homework. Well, its not too long.A. spent B. cost

    19、 C. took D. paid( )5. Shall we go there by bus?No, we_ . We can go there on foot.A. neednt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. cant( )6. Though they can _ English very well, they prefer to _ with each other in Chinese.A. say; speak B. speak; say C. say; tell D. speak; talk( )7. In autumn, the leaves _ yellow a

    20、nd _ the trees. Yes, and I like the falling leaves.A. turn; fall off B. make; fall down C. turn; fall down D. make; fall off( )8. Would you mind my _ here? _. Its my friends seat.A. sit; Better not B. sitting; Better not C. sit; Of course not D. sitting; Of course not( )9. Ill arrive at the train st

    21、ation at about 6:00 tomorrow morning. OK, I will _ you _ on time.A. take; up B. make; up C. pick; up D. put; up( )10. _ I go boating with you? Sorry, you _ . There is no more room for one more person.A. Can; mustnt B. Can; cant C. Must; mustnt D. Mustnt; neednt二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Can you _ (pass) me th

    22、e book?2. Tom _ (advice) me not to play basketball in the street yesterday.3. Sorry, I forgot to _ (close) the door again.4. Would you mind _ (turn) off the air conditioner?5. They _ (success) in holding the evening party last night.6. I need your _ (suggest) on how to deal with the situation.7. Lil

    23、y enjoys _ (play) the piano.8. If you want to sell your product, you must _ (advertisement) it.9. Do you believe that Linda _ (can) swim when she was four years old?10. We all look forward to _ (visit) you.答案:学前自测1-5 DCDBC 6-10 BACBA巩固训练一、1-5 CCBCA 6-10 DABCB二、1. pass2. advised3. to close4. turning5

    24、. succeeded6. suggestions7. playing8. advertise9. could10. visiting专题八 动词的时态学前自测(发现考点)( )1. When did you meet your English teacher? While I _ a bike along Jiaomen River.A. rode B. was riding C. ride D. will ride( )2. He _ computer games when his parents left home. So he didnt know where they were.A.

    25、 is playing B. plays C. played D. was playing( )3. As usual, Sally _ at 6:30 this morning by her mother to have breakfast.A. has woken up B. woke up C. was woken up D. wakes up( )4. I was at the cinema at nine oclock yesterday evening. What about you? I _ TV at home.A. watch B. watched C. am watchin

    26、g D. was watching( )5. Where is your mother? She _ in the kitchen.A. cooks B. has cooked C. cooked D. is cooking( )6. Tom like reading. He _ picture books with his dad every evening.A. read B. reads C. is reading D. has read( )7. Nicole, I missed todays lesson, can you lend me your notebook? Sorry,

    27、I _ it to Betty already.A. lend B. lent C. will lend D. have lent( )8. We have two days off a week. We _ at school from Monday to Friday.A. will study B. study C. studied D. are studying( )9. Have you ever been to Disneyland? Yes. I _ there last summer.A. will go B. went C. have gone D. was going( )

    28、10. Do you know the film Big Hero 6? Sure. I like it very much and I _ it three times since it was on.A. see B. saw C. have seen D. am seeing常考考点知识清单(研习考点)考点一 一般现在时1. 概念:一般现在时主要表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态,也可表示现在的情况或状态以及永恒的真理。2. 句式结构(肯定句)有以下三种:句式结构例句be+表语 She is a beautiful girl. 她是一个漂亮的女孩。there be 句型 There i

    29、s a schoolbag on the desk. 桌子上有一个书包。实义动词谓语 She likes eating chocolate. 她喜欢吃巧克力。3. 常用的时间状语有:always, usually, often, every day 等。4. 动词一般现在时第三人称单数构成方式:类型变化规则举例一般情况 在词尾加-s swimswims; leaveleaves以-s,-x,-sh, -ch,-o 结尾在词尾加-es passpasses; gogoes; washwashes; boxboxes以“辅音字母+y”结尾变 y 为 i 再加-esstudystudies; carrycarries特殊情况不规则变化havehas5. 一般现在时的用法:(1) 表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态,常与表频度的时间状语连用。My mother often does housework. 我妈妈经常做家务。(2) 描述现在的情况、状态等。He speaks Russian very well. 他讲俄语讲得很好。(3) 描述客观真理、客观存在或科学事实等。Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。(4) 在含时间状语从句或条件状语从句的复合句中,若主句用一般将来时,则从句用一般现在时表示将


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