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    1、山东省淄博市张店区中考二模英语试题2020年山东省淄博市张店区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_Chinese delivery(传送) driver, Gao Zhixiao, was on the cover of Time magazine in March because of his great sense of commitment(使命感). Along with five others, he 1 by the magazine as one of the heroes during the period of the novel coronavirus outb

    2、reak.Ever 2 COVID-19 broke out, many restaurants have shut down or changed to takeout-only services. 3 of people have been staying home to avoid getting infected(感染). “People choose to order food online or buy fruit and vegetables to cook at home,” Gao told Time. As a 4 , delivery orders increased a

    3、 lot.Born into a 5 family in Ningxia , Gao started to make a living in Beijing at age 16. After the novel coronavirus broke out, Gao hesitated(犹豫) for a second to continue working, but then picked up orders 6 he thought customers might be in need.Because of the danger, Gao must be careful to avoid s

    4、preading viruses during his route around Beijing, including taking a regular health test and 7 twenty minutes disinfecting his motor bike and clothes each morning. 8 delivering food, Gao once warm-heartedly cooked for an old customer 9 was living alone at her home.It is the ordinary people like Gao

    5、that have made the 10 contributions(奉献) in the fight against COVID-19.1Awas taken Bwas brought Cwas chosen Dwas followed2Awhen Bafter Csince Dbefore3AMillions BThousands CHundreds DA couple4Areason Bresult Cword Dway5Arich Bhealthy Cpoor Dfaraway6Aso Bbut Cor Dbecause7Aspending Blosing Cpaying Dtaki

    6、ng8AExcept BBesides CWith DWithout9Awho Bwhom Cwhich Dwhose10Atallest Bfewest Csmallest Dbiggest【答案】1C2C3A4B5C6D7A8B9A10D【解析】【分析】文章讲述了中国快递小哥高治晓为抗击新冠病毒做出贡献的优秀事迹。1句意:他被杂志选中作为新冠病毒期间的英雄之一。考查动词辨析。was taken被拿走;was brought被带来;was chosen被选中;was followed被跟随;根据“was on the cover of Time magazine in March becau

    7、se of his great sense of commitment(使命感). ”可知,因为伟大的使命感登上杂志封面,所以是在众多人中被选中;故选C。2句意:自从新冠病毒爆发。考查连词。when当时候;after在以后;since自从;before在以前;根据“many restaurants have shut down许多餐馆关停”可知,自从新冠病毒爆发,许多餐馆关停,ever since自从;故选C。3句意:成百上千万的人待在家里避免感染病毒。考查数词。millions百万;thousands千;hundreds百;a couple一对;根据新冠病毒爆发期间,全国人民一起居家,避免感

    8、染,可知是成百上千万的人;故选A。4句意:结果,快递订单增加了很多。考查名词辨析。reason原因;result结果;word单词;way方法;根据“People choose to order food online or buy fruit and vegetables to cook at home”可知,人们选择网上订餐,买菜做饭,造成的结果就是快递订单增加;故选B。5句意:出生在宁夏的一个贫穷家庭。考查形容词辨析。rich富有的;healthy健康的;poor贫穷的;faraway远方的;根据“Gao started to make a living in Beijing at ag

    9、e 16.”可知,16岁就开始在北京打工讨生活,说明家庭贫困;故选C。6句意:他接订单,因为他认为顾客也许有需要。考查连词。so所以;but但是;or或者;because因为;根据因为新冠病毒爆发,都居家避免感染,但是高志孝还是接了订单,因为他认为顾客也许需要;故选D。7句意:花20分钟给他的摩托车消毒。考查动词辨析。spending花费;losing丢失;paying支付;taking花费;it takes sb time to do sth做某事花费某人多长时间;pay money for sth.花钱买某物;spend time (in) doing sth.花时间做某事;根据disin

    10、fecting,可知用spending,动名词作宾语;故选A。8句意:除了送快餐之外。考查介词辨析。except除了(不包括);besides除了(还有);with有;without没有;根据“Gao once warm-heartedly cooked for an old customer who was living alone at her home.”可知,除了送快餐,还热心为一位独居老人做饭;故选B。9句意:高曾经热心为一位独居老人做饭。考查定语从句。who谁;whom谁(宾格);which哪一个;whose谁的;根据句子结构,可知是定语从句,which的先行词是物;whose作定

    11、语;先行词是 old customer ,所以引导词用who,在从句中做主语,不能用whom;故选A。10句意:像高这样的普通人在抗击新冠病毒中做出了最大的奉献。考查形容词辨析。tallest最高;fewest最少;smallest最小;biggest最大;根据文章开头说他被杂志选中作为新冠病毒期间的英雄之一,说明做了最大奉献;故选D。【点睛】 The 18-year-old artist Wang Ximeng from the Song dynasty painted A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains, one of the most important

    12、 pieces in Chinas art history. Centuries later, an 18-year-old singer, Yiyang Qianxi, a member of the Chinese boy band TFBoys, shows honor to him in a special song called Magnificent Landscape in Painting(丹青千里).The song connects modern music with traditional Chinese musical instruments dizi, guzheng

    13、 and pipa. The music video of the song was shown online on July 25th, and it was watched more than 10 million times within three hours. Yiyang says he wants to share this painting through music with todays young people.The song also marks the start of a songwriting competition Ancient Painting Can S

    14、ing. The purpose of the competition is to encourage Chinese young musicians to pay more attention to traditional Chinese art forms.The competition is open to songwriters aged between 17 and 35. They are expected to write songs according to 10 ancient paintings at the Palace Museum. The songwriters m

    15、ust send their works online and 10 winners will be picked through online voting(投票). The winners will perform the songs along with some pop singers at concert held at the Palace Museum.11Which musical instrument isnt used for Magnificent Landscape in Painting?APipa. BErhu. CGuzheng. DDizi.12What do

    16、we know about Ancient Painting Can Sing?AIt was held by the Palace Museum.B16-year-old musicians can take part in it.CIt encourages young people to learn to read music.DIt helps young people understand ancient paintings.13What is the best title?AYiyang Qianqi BLets make our own pop music!CAncient pa

    17、inting can sing DLets visit the Palace Museum【答案】11B12D13C【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文,文章讲述易烊千玺唱千里江山图拉开了“古画会唱歌”比赛的序幕,该比赛要求参赛者根据故宫典藏的古画进行创作,旨在鼓励青年创作者以音乐创作的形式传递中国古画的文化内涵,传承传统文化。11细节理解题。根据第二段“The song connects modern music with traditional Chinese musical instrumentsdizi,guzhengandpipa”这首歌将现代音乐和古代中国的乐器笛子、古筝和琵琶连接起来。

    18、可知不包括二胡。故选B。12推理判断题。文中提到根据故宫的画来进行音乐创作,但是没有提到故宫举办了“古画会唱歌”比赛,A选项表述错误。根据“aged between 17 and 35” 参赛者是17到35岁,B选项“16-year-old”表述错误。根据“encourage Chinese young musicians to pay more attention to traditional Chinese art forms.”鼓励中国年轻的音乐者更加注意传统中国艺术形式,C选项“learn to read music学会读音乐” 表述错误;D选项帮助年轻人了解古代的绘画表述正确。故选D

    19、。13标题概括题。文章主要讲述的是“古画会唱歌”比赛要求参赛者根据故宫典藏的古画进行创作,旨在鼓励青年创作者以音乐创作的形式传递中国古画的文化内涵,传承传统文化。关键词是这个比赛Ancient painting can sing。标题可概括为Ancient painting can sing。故选C。 Many Chinese students are trying their best to pass English tests like the Test of English as a Foreign Language ( TOFEL) and the International Engl

    20、ish Language Testing System(IELTS). At the same time, many non-native(非母语) Chinese speakers are trying to learn Chinese and pass the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi( HSK) (汉语水平考试). The HSK is the test for non-native Chinese speakers. Passing it can give non-native speakers new work and education chances. It h

    21、as been offered since 1992. Each of the exams six levels includes three parts: listening, grammar practice, and reading. Schools in countries around the world are starting to offer more Chinese language programs. Thats because trade and cultural exchanges between China and other countries are contin

    22、uing to increase.For example, the Zambian government announced(宣布) in May that it had Chinese classes in over 1,000 high schools starting in 2020. It is the largest Chinese language program in Africa. Zambia is the fourth country in Africa-after Kenya, Uganda and South Africa-to offer Chinese langua

    23、ge programs in its schools.Starting this year, Russian middle school students can take Chinese as an elective(选修) foreign language on Russias college entrance exam.Besides, more and more foreign students choose to study in China because of Chinas history, culture and economic(经济的) development. They

    24、also believe that studying in China can provide them with some great job chances.14What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AThe HSK. BThe education chance. CThe new work. DChinese.15Which of the following is TRUE about the HSK?AThe HSK has been offered for 28 years.BOnly Chinese s

    25、tudents can pass the HSK.CStudents in any African country must pass HSK if they go to college.DIf a Russian student passes the HSK, he can get a job in China easily.16What can we learn from the passage?AChinese speakers are trying their best to pass the HSK.BThe HSK includes two parts: listening and

    26、 reading.CFour countries in Africa offer Chinese language programs in school.DStudents in Russia must study Chinese in their middle schools.17Why does the writer write the passage?ATo introduce how to pass the HSK.BTo tell us many foreigners are learning Chinese.CTo tell people the advice on learnin

    27、g Chinese.DTo encourage people to learn Chinese.【答案】14A15A16C17B【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍中国汉语水平考试,越来越多的外国人开始学习汉语。14词义猜测题,根据第二段“The HSK is the test for non-native Chinese speakers. Passing it can give non-native speakers new work and education chances”可知此处介绍中国汉语水平考试从1992年开始,此处的it指的是the HSK。故选A。15推理判断题。根

    28、据“It has been offered since 1992” 中国汉语水平考试从1992年开始,到现在有28年,A选项表述正确。根据“The HSK is the test for non-native Chinese speakers” 中国汉语水平考试是给不以汉语为母语的人的测试,B选项表述错误。根据“to offer Chinese language programs in its schools”非洲学校提供汉语课程项目,C选项“必须通过中国汉语水平考试才能进大学”文中未提到。根据“Russian middle school students can take Chinese a

    29、s an elective foreign language on Russias college entrance exam”俄罗斯的中学学生在大学入学考试的时候可以把汉语作为选修 ,D选项“he can get a job in China easily”未提到。故选A。16推理判断题。根据“The HSK is the test for non-native Chinese speakers” 中国汉语水平考试是给不以汉语为母语的人的测试,A选项表述错误。 根据“Each of the exams six levels includes three parts: listening, g

    30、rammar practice, and reading.”考试分成三个部分,B选项表述错误。根据“Zambia is the fourth country in Africa-after Kenya, Uganda and South Africa-to offer Chinese language programs in its schools”可知共有四个国家在学校提供汉语项目,C选项表述正确。根据“Russian middle school students can take Chinese as an elective foreign language on Russias coll

    31、ege entrance exam”俄罗斯的中学学生在大学入学考试的时候可以把汉语作为选修,D选项“must study 必须学”表述错误。故选C。17推理判断题。文章主要介绍了中国汉语水平考试,越来越多的外国人开始学习汉语。作者的目的是为了告诉读者很多外国人正在学习汉语。故选B。 Do you know 5G? It is the fifth generation(代) of mobile network technology. These new networks are coming.China just issued commercial licenses(发放商用牌照) for 5G on June 6th. This means that Chinas telecom companies were soon able to offer 5G networks for mobile phone users.Each mobile network generation is faster and more powerful than the one before it. 1G let us talk to each oth


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