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    1、英语考试作文超详细外教雅思写作经验分享英语考试作文超详细外教雅思写作经验分享 这是一篇雅思考官在外网上教大家写作提分小贴士的文章。觉得很实用,翻译过来供同学们们学习一下。 正文开始: A multitude of IELTS learners ask me how to boost their IELTS Writing scores to Band 7.0 or higher. Its not an easy question to answer, but fortunately there are many tips you can make use of. Below, Ill show

    2、 you some areas to focus on in order to boost your IELTS writing skills. 很多雅思考生问我如何提升他们的雅思写作分数到7分或者更高。这个确实不是一个简单可以回答的问题,但是幸运地是这里有一些小建议可以供你参考。以下,我将会给你展示要提高雅思写作技巧时你要关注的领域。 1 Vary your sentence length 句子长度多样性 Once you know the different types of sentences, you should practice using them. The most diffi

    3、cult one is the compound-complex sentence, but even if you dont know that, you can still get a good score with a mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences. The key is varying the length and type of sentence so it sounds natural. Look at this example: 如果你知道不同的句子类型,你就可以试着多多练习。在众多句型中,复合复杂句式最难的,不过就

    4、算你不懂这个语法,尝试用一系列的简单句,复杂句,和复合句相结合来写这篇文章,你也可以得到一个很好的分数。这个关键就在于句子类型和句子长度要多变,这样写作文也会比较自然。看一个下面的例子: Firstly, children watch too much TV. Its bad for their health. It can make them addicted. They will spend too much time indoors. This can make them fat. The sentences are all short and could easily be mixed

    5、 together into more interesting patterns 这个例子就是句子太短,你可以把句子连接在一起,并且得到一个更加有趣的版本。 Firstly, children watch too much TV, which is bad for their health. This habit can cause them to become addicted, resulting in them spending too much time indoors and thus getting fat. 2 Remember collocation 牢记固定搭配 Studen

    6、ts preparing for the IELTS exam always want to study lots of vocabulary. This is understandable as vocabulary is important for understanding and making yourself understood. However, knowing a words meaning is very different from being able to use it. Learn a word in context and you will be able to a

    7、pply it more easily. When you are learning vocabulary, pay attention to what words commonly go together. 学生们在准备雅思考试的时候总会学习很多的词汇,雅思词汇对于我们提高对英文的理解是十分有重要的。然而有些时候,知道一个词语的含义和会使用它还是有一定区别的。在文章中学习一个单词会使得你在使用这个词时更加容易。当你学习词汇的时候,一定要注意的是什么样子的搭配会常常在一起。 我们来举几个例子: Verb + thought: Spare a thought for 想到,替着想 Spare a

    8、 thought for all those who are homeless on a cold night like this. 想到那些在寒冷的夜晚中无家可归的人 Hear ones thought 聆听的想法 Have you given the new proposal any thought yet? Were keen to hear your thought 你有没有考虑新提议了吗?我们渴望听到你的想法吗? The thought occurs to someone 某人有了一个想法 The thought just occurs to me that its mums bir

    9、thday tomorrow and we havent got her a card. 我突然间想到了明天是我妈妈的生日,我们还没有给她卡片呢。 Gather ones thought 理理思路 The President was taken aback by the question and took a minute to gather his thoughts. 总统被这个问题吓了一跳,用一分钟的时间来集中思想 Noun + preposition + thought: great deal of thought 很多想法,大量思考 Shirley doesnt devote a gr

    10、eat deal of thought to her appearance. 雪莉对她的外表没有太多想法 freedom of thought 思想自由 Some places dont encourage freedom of thought. 有些地方不鼓励思想自由。 school of thought 思想派别 One school of thought contends that modern man originated in Central Africa. 一种学派认为现代人类起源于非洲中部。 train of thought 思路,思绪 Sorry, where was I? I

    11、ve lost my train of thought. 对不起,我说到哪里了?我刚刚没了思路 3 Avoid ceally, so, a lot, very 避免使用really, so, a lot, very In IELTS writing, you need to write an essay, using “academic” language. So your goal should be to be reasonably formal/academic. To do so, you should not use imprecise language like really, s

    12、o, a lot, very, etc 在雅思写作中,你需要使用学术语言,你的目标是正式和学术,所以你不要使用较为口语化的really, so , a lot and very. 举一些例子 Examples: Many IELTS candidates think that achieving Band 8.0 in IELTS is very hard. = Use a stronger word: Many IELTS candidates think that achieving Band 8.0 in IELTS is difficult Very good = top-notch,

    13、 splendid, terrific, excellent, magnificent, fabulous, outstanding, etc Very bad = horrible, terrible, outrageous, distressing, awful, etc Very delicious = appetizing, delectable, flavorful, scrumptious, enjoyable, palatable, etc Robot-driven car is really controversial = Robot-driven car is controv

    14、ersial A lot of IELTS learners share their great tips on IELTS writing, speaking on IELTS Material website. = Many/A great number of/ A multitude of IELTS learners 4Do not use Contractions in academic writing 不要在学术写作中使用缩略形式 Its better to write out the words like: 最好写成一下的样子 Dont = do not Cant = canno

    15、t Mustnt = must not Couldnt = could not Wouldnt = would not Isnt = is not Havent = have not Hasnt = has not 5 Avoid “There is/ There are” 避免使用 There is/ There are When you write, try to write your ideas in a clear & concise way. There is/there are is extra words that are not needed. So just leave th

    16、em out to make your sentences stronger and straight to the point. 当你在写作的时候,努力将你的想法用一种简洁的方法呈现出来。有些词语是不需要的,这样可以使你的句子更加直戳重点 Example: There are many issues that students have to face at university = Students face a multitude of issues at university 6Know the sentence types 知道句子类型 Its really important th

    17、at you know the difference between a simple sentence and a complex sentence. You dont need to know the terminology, but it is important that you can form full sentences. Knowing the sentence types means being able to avoid these cardinal sins of writing: 了解简单句和复杂句式的区别很重要,你不需要知道术语,但是你需要有能力自己完成一个句子的写作

    18、。了解句子类型可以帮助你避免许多基本的写作错误 sentence fragment 句子片断,句子成分残缺 run-on sentences 粘连句 comma splices 逗号误接句 1. SENTENCE FRAGMENTS: 句子片断 This is the most common grammar error IELTS students make. A sentence fragment cannot be a sentence by itself. It does not even have one independent clause. Remember: a simple s

    19、entence is an independent clause, which requires 3 things: 1. A subject 2. A verb 3. A complete thought 这是雅思考生经常犯的错误。残缺句子成分的句子片断是不可以单独成句的,因为他并不具备成为一个完整的独立分句的要素。记住,一个简单句就是一个合格的独立分句,它由3部分组成 主语,谓语,和一个完整的思路 Sometimes it seems to be a sentence, but if we examine it closely it lacks the necessary parts an

    20、d thus cannot stand alone. 有时看起来像一个句子,但是当我们仔细研究时会发现它缺少了许多很关键的成分,因此它并不能成为一个独立的句子。 Examples: The doctor worked round the clock. Operating on the boy. As India has entered the WTO. The local entrepreneurs are faced with both challenges and opportunities. 我们怎么改正这些句子呢? Corrections: The doctor worked arou

    21、nd the clock, operating on the boy. As India has entered the WTO, the local entrepreneurs are faced with both challenges and opportunities. 2. RUN-ON SENTENCES: 粘连句 A run-on sentence consists of two or more main clauses that are joined together without proper punctuation (comma, semi-colon, period,

    22、etc). We often speak in run-on sentences but our pauses indicate meaning; however, when we write we need to use punctuation to break up our sentences and impart proper meaning. Comma splices occur when two independent clauses are joined by a comma. Remember: a comma is not strong enough to join these clauses itself! You need a conjunctive coordinator to complement it, or else use a semi-colon and a conjunctive adverb. Most importantly, to do well in the IELTS writing you dont need to be a punctuation expert. Just knowing commas and periods is usually sufficient for a good grade. 粘连句包含着两个或


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