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    1、初二英语一般过去时语法专项讲练 初二英语一般过去时语法专项讲练【教学内容】【概念引入】一般过去时是初中英语中非常重要的一个时态。表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,有时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。例如: He left home at half past five yesterday. 他昨天五点离开家的。 Li Ming always went to work by bike in the past.过去李明总是骑自行车去上班。【语法讲解】I、用法:1. 表示在过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。例如:Lin Tao left for Shanghai at 8:00 yester

    2、day morning. 林涛昨天早上八点去上海了。 He was ill last night. 昨晚他生病了。2. 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。例如:Li Tao always went to school by bus last term. 上学期李涛一直乘公共汽车上学。3. 表示已故的人曾经做过的事情。例如:Lao She wrote many great works. 老舍写过许多脍炙人口的作品。4. 表示过去所发生的一系列的动作。例如: The old man came into the room, took off his clothes and went to bed. 这位

    3、老人走进屋,脱下衣服,然后上床睡觉了。Mr. Black got up at six oclock this morning, dressed, had breakfast, and went to work.布莱克先生今天早上六点起床、穿衣服、吃饭,然后去上班了。II、一般过去时如何识别?每个时态,都会有其独特的标志性词语(主要是时间状语)。可以称其为“标志词”。通常来讲,一般过去时常见的标志词有:1. yesterday, the day before yesterday.2. last week / year / month / term(简称last系列)3. two hours ag

    4、o, three years ago, a moment ago(简称ago系列)4. in / on + 过去的年/月/日,如 in 1999, in April, 2005 5. just now, once upon a time, one dayIII、分类:1. 含有be动词的一般过去时:系动词be的过去式有两种形式:was和were。其中was是am和is的过去式,were是are的过去式。含有was和were的句子的转换方式与含有am / is /are的句子相似,即:否定句在was或were后加not (was not可缩略成wasnt,were not可缩略成werent);

    5、 疑问句是把was或were提前放在句首。例如:He was in Grade 6 last year. (肯定句)He was not (wasnt) in Grade 6 last year. (否定句)Was he in Grade 6 last year? (一般疑问句)There were many trees here years ago. (肯定句)There were not (werent) many trees here years ago. (否定句)Were there many trees here years ago? (一般疑问句)2. 含有实义动词的一般过去时:

    6、(1)常见句式:主语 + v.-ed + 其它(宾语/状语/表语)例如:He Lived in Guangzhou 5 years ago. 五年前他住在广州。I met one of my classmates in the street yesterday.昨天我在大街上遇见了一位同班同学。(2) 动词过去时的变化可分为规则变化和不规则变化。规则变化如下:1) 一般情况下在动词原形后直接加-ed。例如:wanted;played。2) 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,在单词末尾直接加字母d。例如:hoped;lived3) 重读闭音节单词需双写最后一个辅音字母再加-ed。例如:shopped;

    7、stopped4) 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词变y为i,再加-ed。例如:studied;worriedIV、一般过去时的否定和疑问句1. 含有be动词的句子含有be动词的句子在变成否定句时,在be动词之后加not;在变成疑问句时,直接将be动词提到主语之前,并在句尾加上问号。如果是特殊疑问句,则在句首加上相应的特殊疑问词即可。例如:He was born in 1996. 他出生于1996年。 He wasnt born in 1996. They were at home at that moment. 当时他们在家里。 They were not at home at that momen

    8、t. Was he born in 1996? 他是出生于1996年吗? No, he wasnt. 不,他不是。 When was he born? 他是什么时候出生的? He was born in 1996. 他出生于1996年。2. 含有行为动词的句子含有行为动词的句子在变成否定句或疑问句时,则需要助动词did来帮助完成。在进行变化时,将助动词放在行为动词的前边(否定句)或句首(疑问句),同时将该行为动词还原成原形。例如:Mr. Liu lived in Beijing twenty years ago. 二十年前,刘先生住在北京。 Mr. Liu didnt live in Beij

    9、ing twenty years ago. 二十年前,刘先生没有住在北京。 Did Mr. Liu live in Beijing twenty years ago? 二十年前刘先生住在北京吗? No, he didnt. / Yes, he did. 不是。/ 是的。巧记:行为动词一般过去时用法歌诀:动词一般过去时,表示过去发生事。句中谓语用过去时,过去时间作标记。否定句,很简单,主语后面didnt添。疑问构成也有法,主语前把did加。还有一点不能删,后面的动词要还原。【过手练习】. 单项选择。1. My mother _ an important meeting last night.A.

    10、 has B. have C. had D. will have2. _ your sister _ her homework yesterday? No, she didnt. A. Does; does B. Did; do C. Did; did D. Is; did3. Your sister _ her friend last Sunday. A. isnt visit B. doesnt visitC. didnt visit D. wont visit4. When _ you _ this article? I _ it last week.A. will; write; wr

    11、ite B. do; write; wrote C. did; write; wrote D. did; write; write5. Tommy is looking for the watch his uncle _ him last month. A. gives B. gave C. to give D. has given6. When _ you _ the bike? Last month. A. have; bought B. had; bought C. do; buy D. did; buy7. _ was your vacation? It was great. A. W

    12、here B. How C. What D. When8. _ did they go last Friday evening? In the park. A. Which B. When C. What D. Where9. When _ you come here? Two years ago. I have been here for two years. A. do B. will C. did D. have10. Hi, Kate. You look tired. Whats the matter? I _ well last night. A. didnt sleep B. do

    13、nt sleep C. havent slept D. wont sleep11. I _ late for the class because I _ill yesterday. A. were; were B. am; were C. am; am D. was; was12. There _ a film in the cinema last night. A. is B. was C. were D. are13. It _ cold yesterday, but it _ warm today. A. is; is B. was; was C. is; was D. was; is1

    14、4. There _ a ball and two books on the table just now. A. is B. was C. were D. are15. Last Sunday my aunt _ at home with me. We were watching TV all day. A. was B. were C. is D. are 真题链接 1. What did you do for your mom on her birthday? (2015 北京门头沟 一模) I her a birthday cake. A. buy B. bought C. will

    15、buy D. have bought2. Has Mary ever visited Tower Bridge? (2015 沈阳中考)Yes. She _ it two years ago.A. visits B. visited C. has visited D. was visiting3. Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight? (2015 长沙中考) No, I _it last week. A. see B. have seen C. sawII、用动词的适当形式填空。 1. He _(work) in that bank

    16、 four years ago.2. She _(learn) to swim last year.3. I _(see) him yesterday.4. He _(come) to school at 6 oclock this morning.5. The boy _(have) a bad cold yesterday.6. When _ you _(buy) that house?7. He _(tell) a story to his daughter yesterday.8._ you _(try) to call me last night?9. What _you _(buy

    17、) in the shop? I _(buy) a coat just now.10. The doctor _(get) up late this morning.11. She _(paint) the wall last month.12. My mother _(be) a worker 20 years ago.13. _(be) you here just now? No, I _(be not) here.14. Why _ your brother _(cry) last night?15. Yesterday _(be) my mothers birthday.16. The

    18、y _ (be) on the farm a moment ago.17. There_ (be) a shop not long ago.18. Jenny_ (not go) to bed until 11:00 oclock last night.19. Danny _ (read ) English five minutes ago.20. I _ (see) Li Lei _ (go) out just now.III、句型转换。1. The children had a good time in the park.否定句:_一般疑问句:_对划线部分提问:_2. There were

    19、 about nine hundred people at the concert.否定句:_一般疑问句:_对划线部分提问:_3. Ann did her homework yesterday evening.否定句:_一般疑问句:_对划线部分提问:_4. Last week I read an English book.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定/否定回答:_对划线部分提问:_5. My brother was in the park just now.否定句:_一般疑问句:_对划线部分提问:_IV、改错题(请改正每个句子中的一个错误)。1. How is Jane yesterday?

    20、_2. He go to school by bus last week. _3. He goes home at 6:00 last month. _4. I can fly kites seven years ago. _5. Did you saw him just now? _6. Tom wasnt watch TV last night. _7. I did not my homework yesterday. _8. He wait for you three hours ago. _9. Who find it just now? _【答案与解析】. 单项选择。1. C。本句子

    21、的时间状语last night是表示过去的时间,所以用一般过去时,have/has的过去式是had。2. B。本句子是考查一般过去时的一般疑问句,用助动词did构成,在did的后面用动词原形。3. C。本句子是考查一般过去时的否定句,用助动词didnt动词原形构成。4. C。从对话后面回答和时间状语last week可以判断是一般过去时,在问句中用助动词did动词原形构成。后面的回答用一般过去时。write的过去式是wrote。5. B。本题考查定语从句的时态,从句意为“手表是叔叔上个月给的”。由 “last month”可知用一般过去时,所以选B.6. D。根据答语的last month,可

    22、知应该用一般过去时;一般过去时的特殊疑问句,助动词应该用did,后面接动词原形,所以答案为D。7. B。根据答语可知,问句应该问“你的假期怎么样?”,所以疑问词用how。8. D。根据答语可知,问句问的是地点,对地点的提问,应该用where。9. C。根据答语中的two years ago可知用一般过去时,一般疑问句助动词用did。10. A。根据答语中的last night可知用一般过去时,否定句用didnt加动词原形,所以答案为A。11. D。根据句中的时间状语yesterday可知用一般过去时。12. B。根据时间状语last night可知用一般过去时;由因为主语是a film,所以应

    23、该用was。13. D。根据句中的时间状语yesterday和today可知,第一个空用一般过去时,第二个空用一般现在时;因为主语是it,所以用was和is。14. B。根据just now可知用一般过去时;there be句型要遵循“就近原则,由a ball决定谓语动词用单数形式,所以答案为B。15. A。根据last Sunday可知用一般过去时,因为主语my aunt是单数,所以用was。 真题链接:1. B。由问句中did可知是一般过去时,所以答语也用一般过去时。2. B。two years ago是过去时间,一般与一般过去式连用,故选B。3. C。从答句后面的last week可知该

    24、句要用一般过去时,故选C。II、用动词的适当形式填空。 1. worked 2. learned 3. saw 4. came 5. had 6. did; buy 7. told 8. Did; try9. did; buy; bought 10. got 11. painted 12. was 13. Were; wasnt14. did; cry 15. was 16. were 17. was 18. didnt go 19. read 20. saw; goIII、句型转换。1. 否定句:The children didnt have a good time in the park.

    25、 一般疑问句:Did the children have a good time in the park? 对划线部分提问: Where did the children have a good time?2. 否定句:There werent about nine hundred people at the concert. 一般疑问句:Were there about nine hundred people at the concert? 对划线部分提问:How many people were there at the concert?3. 否定句:Ann didnt do her ho

    26、mework yesterday evening. 一般疑问句:Did Ann do her homework yesterday evening? 对划线部分提问:When did Ann do her homework?4. 否定句:Last week I didnt read an English book. 一般疑问句:Did you read an English book last week? 肯定回答:Yes, I did. 否定回答:No, I didnt. 对划线部分提问:What did you do last week?5. 否定句:My brother wasnt in the park just now. 一般疑问句:Was your brother in the park just now? 对划线部分提问:Who was in the park just now?IV、改错题(请改正每个句子中的一个错误)。1. iswas 2. gowent 3. goeswent 4. cancould 5. sawsee6. wasntdidnt 7. not后


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