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    广州五年级上册英语知识点归纳总结 计划 汇报 设计.docx

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    广州五年级上册英语知识点归纳总结 计划 汇报 设计.docx

    1、广州五年级上册英语知识点归纳总结 计划 汇报 设计五年级第一学期英语知识点复习归纳Module1 Routines and Dates1、掌握一月到十二月、四季的名称(请写出来)2、用英语说出日期。日期的表示法有两种,如:“今天10月20日。”a) 先说月份:Today is October the twentieth (20th)b) 先说日期:Today is the twentieth of October(20th)3、掌握节日的名称及日期。详见书本第13页。4、能用英语说出学期的开始和结束The autumn term begins in September and ends in

    2、January. 5、掌握基数词和序数词,注意区分和运用。基数词表示数量:three pandas三只熊猫。序数词表示顺序:the second month第二个月重点掌握:first,second,third,fifth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth.6、注意表示时间频率的词:never、sometimes、often、usually、always,注意这些词在句子中的位置除了“是”动词以外,他们都放在在动词的前面,如: (1)She often comes here . (2)She is always late .7、能用英语谈论日常的活动(能写一篇小作文)8、掌握时态

    3、:一般现在时的使用:(1)定义:一般现在时表示已形成习惯、规律的动作或状态。(2)特征:通常句子中有often、usually、或sometimes等等。(3)肯定句的结构:人称+动词:其他人称(I、you、we、they、the boys)+动词原形第三人称单数(he、she、it、Tom、)+动词“s/es”形式例句:The boys like TV plays. Sally likes TV plays.(4)一般疑问句:助动词(Do/Does)+人称+动词原形Do the boys like TV plays?Does the boy like TV plays?(5)否定句:人称+助

    4、动词否定形词(dont/doesnt)+动词原形The boys dont like TV plays.The boy doesnt like TV plays.(6)记住:助动词一出,后面动词用原形。Module2 Abilities1、能用英语谈论人或动物的能力(能干什么)I can speak English. The monkey can climb trees.2、能用英语说出15种以上的动物名称。3、句子有“can”的时候,无论人称是谁,一般现在时的动词在肯定句,否定句或一般疑问句一律用原形,如:I/You/He/They/My mother can sing.Can you/he

    5、/they/my mother sing?I/You/He/They/My mother cant sing.4、注意“everyone”作为单数用: Everyone ishere. Everyone likes flowers.Everyone has his own gift.5、注意“notat all”的使用:He cant skate at all .=He can not skate at all.He doesnt like it at all .=He does not like it at all.Module 3 Plants1、能用英语说出一些植物(花,树木)的名称,并

    6、能写出十个以上有关植物的单词,并写上中文。2、注意must和mustnt的使用(1)must必须 mustnt禁止、不允许(2)must/ mustnt后面的动词用原形,例如I must go我必须走了 。We mustntpick flowers in the park.我们不能在公园里在摘花。3、掌握Can开头表示请求的句子的回答。如:-Can I go with you? -Sure./ Of course you can.Module4 Travel1、能说出十种以上的日常交通工具,并写上中文。2、注意使用交通工具的表示方法。by(乘坐):by bus/by train/by spac

    7、eship 等, on foot(步行、走路)3、时间的表达方有两种,一种是直接表达法,直接按照“小时+分钟”的顺序读出时间,7:15-seven fifteen 7:30-seven thirty 7:50-seven fifty第二种是逆读法,基本按照“分钟+小时”顺序读出时间,如:用past(在半小时之内,包括半小时),如:7:10-ten past seven 6:15-a quarter past six 9:25-twenty five past nine半小时用half past, 如: 7:30-half past seven用to(超过半小时).读作“相差的分钟+to+下一个

    8、小时”,如:7:45-a quarter to eight 2:50-ten to three4、介词的使用in、on、at在时间前的用法.at-具体几点钟,如: at five oclock (习惯用法:at the weekend)on-具体某一天,星期、日期前用,如: on Sunday,on May 1st, on weekdays in-早上、下午、晚上, 如:in the morning /in theafternoon /in the eveningin-年份、月份、季节前使用,如:in November月份 in winter季节 in 20XX年份5、掌握时态:一般将来时态:

    9、表示将要发生的事情.1)be ( is am are ) going to动词原形. 例如 :表示某人将要去游泳I am going to swim.You are going to swim.She is going to swim.He is going to swim. The children are going to swim.2)Will + 动词原形. 例如 :表示某人将要去游泳I will swim.You will swim.She will swim.He will swim. The children will swim.Module 5 Zoo Animals1、能用英

    10、语说出十五种以上动物的名称,并写上中文。2、能用英语说出一些地方(如各大洲)的名称,并知道它们的位置。3、当我们想要提出请求或征询意见的时候,我们可以用“Would you like to + 动词原形”的结构,请看以下句子:Would you like to go shopping with me?Would you like to water the flowers?Would you like to have lunch with my family?回答:Yes, Id love to./ Yes, of course.4、当你看到不良行为时,能用英语进行规劝,请写出5个以上。详见书本

    11、61页和90页。Module 6 Directions1、能用英语说出一些公共建筑物和学校建筑的名称,你能写几个呢? 2、能用英语问路,如:Where is the canteen, please?Could you tell me the way to the canteen, please?Could you tell me how to get to the canteen, please?How do I get to the canteen, please?Is the canteen near here?Is the zoo on the right or on the left?

    12、3、能用英语回答某地的位置,并记住以下的一些表达方式:turn right out of the hotel 在宾馆外面on the left / right 在左边 / 在右边turn left / right 转左 / 转右go straight ahead 一直往前走take the second left 在第二个拐弯处左拐take a No.216 bus 乘坐216号公共汽车4、注意询问别人或道谢的礼貌用语,如:(1) Thank you very much./ Thanks a lot. 两句都可以回答:Youre welcome.Not at all.(2) Excuse me

    13、. (用于打扰别人的时候。)五年级第一学期英语语法资料一 、名词复数的构成方法:1.一般直接在词尾加上“ s”(bookbooks)2.以x. s .ch .sh结尾的直接加上 “es” (boxboxes , dressdresses)3.单.复数同形: fish , sheep .4.大多数以f(fe)结尾的,变f(fe)为v再加上“ es”.(knifeknives shelfshelves)5.以y结尾的,y前是元音字母的直接加上“s”(boyboys );y前是辅音字母的变y为i再加上“es”(factoryfactories)不规则的复数:1.childchildren 2.thi

    14、sthese 3.thatthose 4.goosegeese 5.footfeet 6.toothteeth 7.myour 8.it/he/shethey 9.his/her/itstheir 10.a/ansome/any 11.hashave 12.manmen 13.womanwomen 14.policemanpolicemen 15.Iwe二、动词第三人称单数的变化方法1 一般直接在词尾加上s2 以x ,s,ch ,sh结尾的直接在词尾加上 es3 以y结尾的,y前是元音字母的直接加上 s; y前是辅音字母的变y为i再加上es4gogoes dodoes havehas arei

    15、s 三、 动词加ing的方法:1. 一般直接在词尾加上ing ;2. 以不发音e结尾的,要去掉e再加上ing ;(除了seeseeing 之外 )3. 两个辅音字母中间只有一个元音字母的重读闭音节的,要双写末尾的辅音字母再加上ing .(skipskipping swimswimming runrunning cutcutting getgetting forgetforgetting shopshopping beginbeginning )四、变一般疑问句的方法:(some变为any,I/we变为you,my变为your,句号变为问号)1. 是(is .are ).情态动词(can cou

    16、ld must should need)提前.2. 主语是(你you,我I,复数的)在句子开头加:Do.3. 主语是(第三人称单数的)在句子开头加:Does.五、变否定句的方法: (some变为any)1. 在是(is amare) ,情态动词(can could must should need)后面加上: not.2. 主语是(你you,我I,复数的)在动词前面加上dont.3. 主语是(第三人称单数的)在动词前面加上doesnt.六、对划线部分提问需要用到的特殊疑问词:what(什么):what time(什么时间)、 what colour(什么颜色) 、what day(星期几) w

    17、hat date(什么日期) 、what season(什么季节) how(怎么样) : how many(多少)、how old(几岁)、 how often(多经常) 、how much(多少钱)who(谁) 、where(哪里) 、whose(谁的) 、which(哪一个)七、不规则的序数词:1.onefirst 2.twosecond 3.threethird 4.fivefifth 5.eighteighth 6.nineninth 7.twelvetwelfth 8.twentytwentieth八、句型:1. How are you ? Im fine ,thank you .2

    18、.How old are you ? Im twelve.3.How many people are there in your family ? There are four .4.How many terms are there in your school year? There are two .5.Would you like to . ? Yes ,that would be fun . /No,thanks .6.Whats the date today? Its November (the) 22nd .7.Where are you going on holiday? Im

    19、going to Hong Kong .8.What are you going to do on your holiday?Im going to go shopping/ Hong Kong .9.How are you going to get there? By plane / car/ bus/ bike/ train.五年级上学期英语语法专项训练一1. Fill in the blanks with do, does, dont or doesnt. (用do, does, dont 或doesnt 填空)。(1)A:_ you often clean your kitchen?

    20、B: Yes, I _. (2)A:_ your brother always get there at seven? B: No, he _. Sometimes he gets there at seven thirty.(3)A:_ they usually play ball games after school? B: Yes, they _.(4)A:_ Tim do his homework every evening? B: No, he _. He sometimes watches TV.(5)A:My father_ go to work by bike. He goes

    21、 to work by bus._ your father go to work by bus too? B: No, he_. He usually goes to work by underground piano. (6)A:I_ like playing the guitar. I like playing the piano. What about you? B: I _like playing the guitar either. But I like playing the violin(小提琴).2. Fill in the blanks with the right verb

    22、 forms. 用适当的动词形式填空。(1) Look at the boy. They _ (ride) a bike.(2) Sometimes my cousin _ (go) to the zoo.(3) The pupils _ (go) to see the white tigers at the zoo tomorrow.(4) _ you _ (visit) the art museum next week?(5) _ your mother _ (get) home at half past six every day?(6) Tomorrow is the start of

    23、 the your holiday. What _ you _(do)?(7) Where _ you _ (stay) next week?(8) _ you often _ (go) there by train?(9) We mustnt _ (pick) the flowers.(10) She must _(take) a bus.(11) What animal _(do) your uncle like?(12) Mr Li _(like) elephants very much.(13) Mr Smith is _(feed) the chickens now.五年级上学期英语

    24、语法专项训练二1. Fill in the blanks with the right words. 用适当的单词填空。(1) A: _are Judy and Lily?B: Look. Theyre sitting _ the grass.A: Judy! Lily! _sit on the grass. There _benches here.(2) A: _Zhang Ping doing in his room?B: Hes listening _ the radio.A:_ he like listening to the news?B: Yes. Now he _listenin

    25、g to the news.(3) A: Look, theres _pine tree over there.B: So, thats _pine tree. What tree is that behind the _ Pine tree?A: Thats _ kapok tree.(4) A: What _Jill often do on Sunday morning?B: She usually _ some reading. Sometimes she _ to the library and _ some books.(5) A: Look at the little boy. H

    26、es _ a bike. He _well. _ he?B: Hes Mr Browns son.A: How _ is he?B: Five.(6) A: Lets go into the library.B: _ right. But _ we leave our bags here?A: Yes. (7) A: What _ is your ship going to leave for Macao?B: At a quarter _ eight in the morning.(8) A: I usually go to the market _ foot. What _ you?B:

    27、I go there _ bus.(9) A: _ are you getting to your grandmothers apartment?B: _ underground. (10) A: _ your aunt live near Yuexiu Park?B: No, she _ near Donghu Park.(11) A: What animal _ you like, Jane?B: I like pandas. _ are your favourite animals?A: Lions.B: What _ your cousin Betty?A: She _ dogs.B:

    28、 _ she have a dog?A: Yes, she _ a dog with long hair.(12) A: _ are those white animals in the picture?B: _ polar bears.A: Are _ any polar bears in this zoo?B: No, there _.(13) A: _ you like to come to the zoo tomorrow with me?B: Sorry. Im _ to my uncles farm.A: _ are you getting there?B: _ bus.(14) A: _ your father get up early every day?B: No, he _ . But my mother usually _up early.A: What _ you?B: I usually _ up _ seven. (15) A: _ there a picture show in Guangzhou now?B: Well, you can see pictures at the Art Museum of Guangdong.A: _ can I get there?B: Yo


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