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    1、浙江省奉化市高考英语二轮复习阅读理解选练4浙江奉化市2016高考英语阅读理解(二轮)选练(4)多项选择题解题方法指导(一)语言特点和命题特点湖北高考英语多项选择题旨在“测试考生理解运用英语词汇知识的能力”。基于这种考试理念,加上若干年的考试实践,湖北的“多项选择题”具有以下鲜明的语言特点和命题特点:1. 内容新颖 贴近现实社会、生活等相关方面。如:Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to sponsor our schools campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster

    2、 three years ago.(2012, 21)2. 语言地道 原味浓,呈现出较明显的英语书面文句表达形式。如:The old engineers eyes still shone bright in the wrinkled brown face and his step as he came across the room was steady, though slow.(2011, 23) 3. 结构复杂 很多句子结构较复杂,与汉语思维及其表达方式相距较远。如:As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are explor

    3、ing new ways of making use of alternative energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel. (2009, 27)4. 语境明显 词义通过语境来呈现,体现“词”不离“境”、“词”为“境”用的语言规则。如:“Tommy, run!Be quick! The house is on fire!” the mother shouted, with panic clearly in her voice. (2011, 21) 5. 词类稳定 基本固定在名词、动词、短语动词、形容词、副词、介词

    4、(短语)等范围之内。近三年词类考查分布情况如下: 短语动词动词名词形容词副词介词(短语)2011年29题26、27、28题21、22题23、24、25题30题2012年23、24题21、22题29、30题27、28题26题25题2013年25、26题23、24题21、22题27、28题29题30题6. 能力考查 不少题句有思辨、论说倾向,考生需调用哲理思考的空间进行分析,从而能有效地考查学生的词汇理解能力、运用能力以及逻辑推理能力。如:Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may a

    5、lso limit our thinking. (2011, 26)(二)解题方法湖北高考英语多项选择题考查考生对词(短语)的理解,把它们放在具体的语言环境中去实际使用。它并不是如有人理解的那样只是简单的词义辨析,它更多的是考查考生结合题干所给的语境,抓住关键信息词去选用一个合适的词(短语)来表达一个完整的语句意义。从这个意义上讲,每个句子都是一个微型的语境,因而从考生解题的层面上讲,理解词义是根本,读懂语境是前提,找准“题眼”是技巧。下面我们结合2013年湖北卷多项选择题具体来谈谈我们在复习备考过程中要学会的几种解题方法。1. 语境分析法 语境分析是指拿到题目后,要分析和把握题干所提供的基本

    6、句意。其方法是根据句子结构、句中的连接词等,找到关键信息,锁定与这个关键信息相匹配的一个选项。如:例1:【2013湖北】 22. Carbon dioxide, which makes a _ between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer.A. difference B. comparison C. connection D. barrier【分析】 本题关键信息词us and the sun, heat, atmo

    7、sphere;解题思维指向:“二氧化碳隔热”的话题;解题关键词prevent。四个选项从结构上讲都可与make构成固定短语,但把prevent与相关的几个关键信息一起考虑的时候,我们就可以排除前三个的可能性。根据后边的prevents heat from可知二氧化碳是太阳和我们之间的一个屏障。答案为D。例2: 【2013湖北】 27. People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often _ rather than based on fixed criteria.A. appropriate B. consci

    8、ous C. arbitrary D. controversial【分析】本题关键信息词complain, approve, deny, rather than based on;解题思维指向:“人们处事的方式”的话题;解题关键词fixed criteria。appropriate合适的,恰当的;conscious自觉的,有意识的;arbitrary随意的,武断的;controversial有争议的,引起争议的。根据后文“rather than based on fixed criteria而不是基于一些固定的标准”可知,C项是符合句意的。答案为C。例3:【2013湖北】 29. Dont d

    9、efend him any more. Its obvious that he _ destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.A. accidentally B. carelessly C. deliberately D. clumsily【分析】 本题关键信息词dont defend, any more, apology; 解题思维指向:“不肯原谅(过错)”的话题;解题关键词even without。在四个选项中,A、B、D都表示的是无恶意的、非人为因素所致的意义,只有deliberately才与整个语境相符不仅故意破坏,甚

    10、至连道歉也没有。答案为C。2. 信息照应法 信息照应指的是在题干里前后有几个词在意义上互相映射,或为同(近)义,或为反义,或为关联,正是几个词之间的这种关系,使得承载的信息引导我们去进行四选一的选择。如:例1:【2013湖北】 23. While intelligent people can often _ the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.A. sacrifice B. substitute C. simplify D. survive【分析】本题信息关键词是intelligent people, comp

    11、lex, fool, simple;解题思维指向:“智者与愚者处理事情”的话题;解题关键词complicate。根据“a fool is more likely to complicate the simple”,不难看出其相反的话语,从而找到与complicate意义相反的词语simplify。complicate正好对应simplify。而sacrifice牺牲;substitute代替;survive幸存,皆不具有与complicate相反的意义。答案为C。例2:【2013湖北】 28. He didnt selfishly keep for himself the money inhe

    12、rited from his uncle. Instead, he made a _ contribution to help the community.A. commercial B. generous C. comparable D. profitable【分析】 本题关键信息词是didnt keep, instead, contribution;解题思维指向:“对人的品质评价”的话题。本句先讲到“他不是自私地贪图钱财”后面进一步语气一转,说出与之对应的行为,自然是“慷慨”的赠送。本题解题关键词是selfishly,前面的selfish与后面的generous意义上正好相对,信息照应。答

    13、案为B。3. 情理推论法 所谓情理推论是指答题时根据题干中的信息,在四个选项中选出一个合乎句子所描述情景的答案。往往是句子或是某些关键词表示了明显的事实情况,答题时需要进行合乎逻辑的推理和判断,才能答对。如:例1:【2013湖北】24. According to the law, all foreigners have to _ with the local police within two weeks of arrival.A. associate B. dispute C. negotiate D. register【分析】 本题关键信息词是law, foreigners, have t

    14、o;解题思维指向:“外国人入境手续”的话题;解题关键词local police。根据相关信息词和常规情理可知,外国人在到达异地时,与当地警察不可能是“谈判(negotiate)”或是 “争论(dispute)”。再把“联系(associate)”与 “登记(register)”比较一下,“登记(register)”更符合情理。答案为D。例2: 【2013湖北】 30. An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered _ a long lost antique Greek vase

    15、.A. at random B. by chance C. in turn D. on occasion【分析】 本题的关键信息词是traveling, ferry;解题思维指向:“发现古玩”的话题;解题关键词discover。按照正常的逻辑,发现应为“偶然的、无意的”,不可能有“随意、随便”之说。另外,既然是发现一个花瓶,就不可能存在“依次”“偶尔”发现的可能性。答案为B。4. 词义辨析法 词义辨析是指把意义相近或在相似语境中可能出现的词语放在一起进行比较。例 1: 【2013湖北】21. Poetry written from the _ of the urban youth tends

    16、to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.A. perspective B. priority C. participation D. privilege【分析】 本题的关键信息词是poetry, reveal, anxiety, a lack of;解题思维指向:“诗文”的话题;解题关键词tend to。四个选项中,perspective观点,视角;priority优先权,最重要的事情;participation参与,参加;privilege特权,优惠待遇。根据它们不同的意义并结合语境可知,只有perspective才

    17、能把句子的意义表达清楚。即:以都市青年为视角的诗往往会展示他们缺乏归宿感的这种焦虑。答案为A。例 2: 【2013湖北】 25. Butterflies _ a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.A. carry on B. feed on C. put on D. focus on【分析】本题的关键信息词是liquid, flowers, bees, insects;解题思维指向:“动物生活”的话题。解题关键词collect; 这四个选项中, carry on 继续; feed on

    18、以为食; put on 穿上;focus on集中注意力于。根据话题内容,feed on才是与之有关的词语。句意:蝴蝶会以蜜蜂和其它昆虫收集来的花朵中产生的甜味的液体为食。答案为B。例 3:【2013湖北】 26. In much of the animal world, night is the time _ for sleeppure and simple.A. set aside B. set down C. set off D. set up【分析】本题关键信息词是night, time;解题思维指向:“动物生活”的话题;解题关键词sleep。四个选项中,set aside 留出来,抽

    19、出时间;set down写下,记下;set off 出发,动身;set up建立。本句较短,不难迅速看出其句意为:在动物的大部分世界中,夜晚是留出来用于睡觉的时间纯净而简单。答案为A。多项选择专练(一) 1. Even though you have only basic knowledge of first aid, you can make a great _ to others life before the doctors are sent to help when an accident occurs. A. impression B. permission C. function

    20、D. difference 2. Earthquakes are very common in Japan. As a result, the Japanese peoples _ of safety is extremely strong. They start training in how to act in earthquakes when theyre in kindergarten. A. awareness B. privilege C. perspective D. performance 3. From cars to mobile phones, from glasses

    21、to furniture, from clothes to buildings, the designs are based on simplicity, _ the simple way of life in this small but rich country. A. conveying B. reflecting C. transforming D. encouraging 4. Alice Munro, an 82-year-old Canadian author, known as “master of the modern short story”, was _ the Nobe

    22、l Prize for Literature for her works in 2013, making her the 13th woman to receive the literature prize in the world. A. appreciated B. admired C. awarded D. rewarded 5. Having studied at Beijing Normal University for four years, Nancy made up her mind to _ her job as a teacher in Tibet because of t

    23、he eyes of those poor children that were eager for knowledge. A. make up B. take up C. set up D. put up 6. Something as simple as clean-up, is not only to get the cabin clean in the campsite, but also to promote the spirit of team-work which in turn _ friendship among children. A. adapts to B. takes

    24、 to C. keeps to D. leads to 7. Nowadays, when you want to read news around the world, you are more _ to open up your laptop than pick up a newspaper. A. likely B. potential C. possible D. probable 8. While Chinas recent economic data have cheered up the countrys markets, many economists remain _ abo

    25、ut whether the economic recovery will carry on throughout the rest of the year. A. curious B. conscious C. precious D. cautious 9. The programs aimed at youngsters growing waistline are continuously appearing all over the country, which shows that the threat to childrens health is being taken _. A.

    26、slightly B. seriously C. naturally D. normally 10. According to the 2013 World Happiness Report, people in Northern Europe are more generous to each other and always have someone to depend on in times of trouble. _, their countries are less affected by corruption. A. In turn B. In place C. In additi

    27、on D. In return (二) 1. We are now pressed for time and havent the _ to hear such an empty talk, so everyone attending the discussion should come to the point. A. privilege B. attention C. patience D. measure 2. The city of Dalian has developed really fast in the last five years; it has changed so gr

    28、eatly that its beyond _. A. recognition B. immigration C. contribution D. consideration 3. The project was a great success though we met with lots of difficulties, so I, on behalf of our manager, will take advantage of the party to express our sincere thanks to all those _. A. determined B. occupied

    29、 C. gifted D. involved 4. A large number of scientists, such as Einstein and Marie Curie, didnt _ great importance to fame and money in history. Instead, they devoted all their lives to their work. A. adapt B. attach C. acknowledge D. apply 5. According to the plan, which is called Chinas toughest-e

    30、ver anti-pollution measures, 338 cities will be required to _ the emissions of carbon dioxide to make sure of a blue sky. A. cut down B. set down C. put down D. break down 6. When Neymar joined Barcelona this summer, people naturally doubted whether he could _ Messi peacefully, whom he is always com

    31、pared to, and also whether hed be willing to accept the minor role. A. come up with B. get away with C. get along with D. end up with 7. The recent study has shown that most peoples attitudes towards protecting the environment are not _ with their daily behavior. In other words, what they do isnt in agreement with what they say. A. familiar B. sensitive C. consistent D. enthusiastic 8. As a simple and convenient way to get the latest fashions, online shopp


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