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    1、中考英语二轮专题复习材料语法专题介词2017年中考英语二轮专题复习材料语法专题-介词 中考专题七:介词介词是一种虚词,用表示它后面的名词或代词同句中其他某个成分之间的关系。介词在句中不能单独使用,必须连用它的宾语即后面的名词或代词构成介词词组后才能作句子成分。知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点!一介词at/ in /n 1表示时间:1)表示某一具体时间点,某一时刻/ 年龄at six l at nn at that tie at the ent at the age f at night 2)in表示时间段,一天的三个时间段以及月份,年,季节,世纪,人生的某个时期(某人几十岁时)in the

    2、rning/afternn /evening in spring /in 2007/in arh in the tent-first entur in his fifties3)n表示星期几/某一具体的日子/具体某天的上午/下午/晚上,表示一天中的三个时间段名词前有修饰语或后有修饰语时n nda n Ne ears Da n Sunda rning n a rain night n the evening f April 1st ,20072表地点:1)at 一般指较小的地点或较具体的位置 at the statin at the inea 2)in 表示在较大的地点或一个有限空间里 in h

    3、ina in the lassr 3)n 指在某物体的表面上 n the des注意: 写街道时,若有门牌号用at ,否则用n / in 都可 He lives at 270 Dnghangan Street二介词in /n / t 表方位:1in表示A地在B地范围之内(包含关系) Tanan is _ the sutheast f hina 2n表示A,B地接壤(外切关系) Hubei is _ the nrth f Hunan 3t表示A,B两地有一定的间距(外离关系) apan is _ the east f hina 三 beteen / ang 在之间1beteen :指两者之间 在

    4、之间2ang :用于三者或三者以上人或物之间 在之中u sit _ hi and e The sng is ppular _ the students四after / in 在之后1 after 1)after + 时间段 表示以过去某一时刻为起点的一段时间之后, 用于过去时2)after 作介词 after ding sth 2in +一段时间 表示说话时或以现在为起点的将一段时间之后用于将时 He ae ba _ t das He ill g he_finishing his her He ill e ba _ t das 五ith / in / b 表示 “用”1ith 表示 “用” 一

    5、般指有形的工具 / 手段 / 人体器官He ut the apple int halves _ a nife 注: ith 表伴随, “带有,含有”He ae in _ a big sile n his fae 2in表示用某种语言,方式,途径 或书写/绘画所用的材料 也可表交通方式an u sa it _English ? He rte a letter _ blue in 3b表示乘坐交通工具, 表示方式,方法I stud fr a test _ ring ith a grup He aes a living _ selling nespapers 注意: 同义词组1)b phne = n

    6、 the phne 2)b ar = in a ar 3)in pen = ith a pen = ith pens 六arss / thrugh / ver / b 经过1arss 指横穿,穿过 表示动作从某一物体表面上经过2thrugh 指穿过,透过,表示从某一物体空间内通过3ver 表示从某人或某物的上空经过或越过,不与表面接触4b 表示从某人/某物的旁边经过an u si _ the river ?the elephant is s big that it ant g _ the gate I dnt thin anne an up _ the feneI aled _ the ban

    7、 f hina esterda 七in frnt f / in the frnt f 1in the frnt f 表示在内部的前面2in frnt f 表示在外面的前面There is a des in _ frnt f ur lassr There is a big tree in _ frnt f ur lassr八其它介词的用法:1at的其它用法1)表示 “从事或正在做某事”,其后加的名词往往不加冠词She is at r n = She is ring n 2)at表示 “价格或速度”The train ran at 120 iletres an hur 2in的其它用法:1)in表

    8、示 “在方面” 词组:d ell in = be gd at be ea in 2)in 表示 “穿着”后接表颜色的词或衣服 词组: be in +衣服 = be earing +衣服3)in作副词, “在家” = at he 3lie 的用法:1)像/和一样 常与系动词连用 词组: l lie sund lie 2)与hat 连用, “是什么样子, 怎样” hat is he lie ? He is ind 4ff的用法:1)从下, 脱离某物体 词组: fall ff 2) “休假”通常放在时间名词之后 词组: have +时间+ ff He hasnt had a night ff fr

    9、t hurs exept / besides 1)exept 除了之外, 都 不包括在范围之内注: nthing but 除了之外,什么也没有2)besdies除了之外,还有 包括在范围之内e all ent siing _ Lu There is _ a letter in the bx e stud apanese and Frenh_ English 6ith / ithut 1)ith具有,含有 -反义词: ithut 没有词组: ith the help f = ith nes help =beause f = thans t ithut nes help 2)ithut 的用法:A

    10、)ithut + sb/ sth 没有某人或某物B)ithut + ding sth He left here ithut_(sa ) “Gdbe”t us) ithut sth 常与if 引导的否定的条句If there is n ater , e ant live = e ant live _ _ 7n the tree /in the tree n the tree 表示 “树上本身长的东西” 在树上 而in the tree 表示 “外界的物体进入树中” 人或物在树上There are se apples _ the tree There is a b _ the tree8sine

    11、/ fr 注: sine / fr 用于现在完成时1)sine : a)sine +时间点 b) 现在完成时+ sine +一般过去时 )sine +一段时间+ ag2)fr: fr +一段时间= sine +一段时间+ ag9be ade +介词的区别:be ade f 由制成 (看得见原材料) be ade fr由制成 (看不见原材料)be ade in +地点 由哪儿生产 be ade b sb 由某人制造10表示 “数量的介词”abut , rund arund ver1) abut , rund arund表示 “大约”2)ver 表示 “超过”= re than11inside /

    12、 utside Inside 在里面 -反义词:utside在外面12in the all /n the all in the all 表示“门窗在墙上” n the all 表示“某东西张贴或挂在墙上”九不用介词的情况:1)当时间状为: tnight, tda, esterda, trr 等时,不用介词hat are u ging t d tnight ?2)含有this, that, these, thse, last, next, ever, eah等时间状语He ent t uhan last ee 3)以all 开头的时间状语前面不用介词He has red all da 4)以se

    13、 ,an, ne 等构成的时间状语前不用介词 He et a bad an ne ld rning = He et a bad an n a ld rning 例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松!1( )! Ten students in ur lass ill elebrate their furteenth birthdas _ tber A in B n at D t 2( )The heials in the vegetables and fruit are bad _ ur health A fr B ith f D fr 3( )e are planning t have a surp

    14、rise part _ her fifteenth birthda A at B in fr D ith 4( ) Exuse e uld u tell tae the a t the peples Hspital? al alng this street _the end and ull find h n u A in B t b D at ( ) H an I get re infratin abut the dnatin t aan? u an e-ail r ang _ aanearthquae163 A n B in at D b 6( )h d u alas sleep _ ?-B

    15、eause I afraid f the dar A b urself B ith the dr pen ith the ind pen D ith the light 7( )D u n u an? f urse, He n the 2012 Nbel Prize fur Literature _ the age f 7 A in B at n D T8( )hen did the earthquae in Lushan happen? It happened _ 8:02 _ the rning f April 20, 2013 A n; in B at; in at; n D n; n

    16、9( ) Id lie a up f bla ffee hat abut u, aggie? I prefer ffee _ sugar A than B fr ith D t10( )The ld an is a gd sier, and even n he ften sis _ Tu iang River after supper A ver B thrugh t D arss11( ) Did u g t the exhibitin n a 18th? f urse There ere an inds f Taian fruits_ A n sh B n dut n business12

    17、( )The teahers hpe all f us an hand _ ur her _ tie ever da A up; in B ut; n n; in D in; n13( )Dn t as hi t stud t late int the night _ , he is nl a sall hild A As a result B After all Best f all D Fr exaple 14( ) abe u shuld all hi up But I dnt ant t tal ith hi_ the phne A n B at in D ith1( )hen is

    18、as nert? Its _three l _ the afternn f ul 18th A at; in B at; n n; in D in ; n16( )hn ften ass his teaher _ help A t B ith fr D n17( )hen did the terrible earthquae happen in aan Sihuan? It happened_8:02_the rning f April 20th ,2013 A n;in B at;n at;in D n;n18( )It is reprted that a lt f adults tae l

    19、essns nline _ further eduatin A after B t ith D fr19( )Its reall _ u t drive s fast n suh a rain da Sl dn! A raz fr B raz f ise fr D ise f20( )The rers ill build a ne railrad_ the t ities A sine B beteen as D During21( )The arrived_-Shanghai _a ld rning A in: in B in: n at: n D at: in22( )It is iprt

    20、ant _ peple_ learn tea spirit A f; f B f; t fr, t D t; t23( ) drea hetn is an aazing plae _ an pllutin A ith B ithut ut D in 24( ) I uldnt d it _ ur great help Thans a lt! A ith B ithut fr D t 2( ) ell,hs the girl _ glasses in the pht? Its e I used t ear glasses and have lng hair A b B f n D ith26(

    21、)Sue has an nie dresses She ears a different ne ever da _ the ee A f B fr at D fr 27( )Students shuldnt g t shl _ breafast Its bad fr their health A ith B ithut fr D b28( )r ang is strngl _ eeping anials in the z, beause he thins anials als shuld als en freed A u p A dn B fr against 29( )I thin I sh

    22、uld be alled t ae deisins _self A against B t fr 30( )u an iprve ur English _ pratiing re Ab Bith f Din31( )A terrible earthquae hit a,an Sihuan Prvine _ the rning _ April 2 A in, in B at, n n, f32( )hs that an _ sunglasses? Hes a Ding Ive ust gt an autgraph fr hi A n B fr f D ith33( )Li uhun is fav

    23、rite singer I ne et her _ 2012 in Hunan A t B n at D in34( )I had t uh r t d last night, I didnt g t bed_11 l A in B until fr 3( ) _ April 20th,2013, a terrible earthquae happened in aan it, SihuanA In B n At36( )Nt nl the ung but als the ld are getting interested _ ehat (微信) The an uniate re freel

    24、A b B abut in D fr 37( )I ling after T tda Hes been in huse _ 8:00 this rning A at B fr sine D till38( )Its s brave _ the sldier t save the bs life A t B f fr39( )hat did u have _ breafast this rning? I had se bread and a glass _ il A fr; f B f; fr fr; fr D at; f40( )Its reprted that President Xi in

    25、ping arrived _ s _arh 22nd pa a three-da visit t Russia A at; n B in ; n at; in D in; in41( )Befre the bridge as built _ the river, the villagers had t tae a bat t the ther side A in B beside arss D alng42( ) rs ing put a at_ the sleeping girl t eep her ar A ver B ith behind D beside43( )u dnt ant t

    26、 visit an ther untain if u have seen u ue, but u nt ish t see even u ue_ returning fr unt Huangshan A abut B befre sine D after44( )uld u lie se ffee, please?es, and please get se sugar I prefer ffee _ sugar A t B fr ith D fr 4( ) I _ building a ne z beause I thin zs are terrible plaes fr anials t l

    27、ive in A against B n in D fr46( )Ann ften helps e ath after shl A fr B ith n D b47( ) ihael rdan is a great Aerian basetball plaer He as brn _ 1963 A n B at in48( )The str he tld us happened _ the night f a A in B at b D n 49( )hat happened t ar? He fell _ the bie _ a sn rning A ff; in B dn; at ff;

    28、n0( )hats ur teaher lie?She is alas strit _ us A in B ith t1( )_her husband,she has n bee a faus fil star A Beause B Thans t Thans fr D ith the help 2( )u an iprve ur English _reading re A in B ith b D f3( ) H lng have u lived in the ne flat? _ 2010 A In B After Sine D Befre4( )If u read a lt, ur li

    29、fe ill be full _ pleasure A b B f fr D ith ( ) I a interested _ sprts I ften pla ser and I a _ a ser tea A in; in B in; n at; in D at; n6( )Sand is a real b lver and she ften brings he an bs t read _ the librar A in B fr b D fr7( ) ar, des ur brther get _ r b bus? N, he rides a bie Seties he als A in B n t D fr8( )The students ill have a part the evening f une 18th A n B at in9( )The an aes a living _ teahing A ithut B ith b 60( ) h d u alas g t Lan


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