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    1、高三英语写作练习52尖概要+语法填空解析+小作文范本高考词汇361. give/offer sb access to sth让人有机会.2. allow sb to have access to sth 让人有.的权利3. actively engage in team activities积极参加团队活动4. highlight the importance of (doing) sth 凸显了.的重要性5. foster healthy interpersonal relationships培养健康的人际关系6. ensure a balance between.and.确保.的平衡7.

    2、voice concern that 从句(表达了)担忧8. promote mental health促进心理健康9. relieve anxiety and stress减缓焦虑与压力10. fail to meet the publics expectations不能满足公众的期望11. limit childrens exposure to harmful online content限制孩子接触网上有害信息12. exposure to different cultures接触不同的文化13. require great concentration.需要全神贯注14. be easi

    3、ly driven by.容易受到.的驱使15. be easily influenced by.容易受到.的影响16. be badly/severely affected by.受到严重影响17. be mainly affected by.主要受到.的影响18. They are motivated by a need to achieve.对成功的渴望激励着他们。(sb be motivated by sth 受到.的激励/驱使; 出于.; motivate sb to do sth 激励;激发某人做.) 19. The new technology was applied to fa

    4、rming.这项新技术已应用于农业。(be applied to.被应用于.)20. Making every person in society enjoy the convenience of technology is where the meaning of science lies.让社会上的每一个人都能享受到技术的便利是科学的意义所在。(sth is where sth lies. .是.的目的所在)21. Excessive drinking/smoking is harmful to the health. 饮酒过多会伤害身体。22. Excessive drinking (D

    5、rinking excessively) will undoubtedly affect ones health. 饮酒过度,势必影响健康。23. Supplies are under increasing threat from overuse and pollution.由于滥用和污染,供应正受到日益严重的威胁。(be under threat .受到威胁)24. The whole food chain is affected by the overuse of chemicals in agriculture. 整个食物链因农业生产过程过多使用化学品而受到影响。25. Do you a

    6、buse and overuse them? 你是否滥用或过度重复它们。26. No sufficient evidence has been found yet to show the relationship between brain development and education.没有足够的研究能够证明大脑发展与教育之间存在着关联。27. Without adequate information, many students choose a college almost blindly. 因为缺少足够的信息,许多学生都是近乎盲目地选择大学。28. The public have

    7、become increasing conscious of the serious consequences of global warming.公众越来越意识到全球变暖的严重后果。(become conscious of.意识到.)29. Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.幸福不在于你拥有多少财产。(consist in/lie in.在于.)30. Global warming has emerged as the biggest enviromental problem the world has ev

    8、er faced.全球变暖已经成为当今世界面临的最大的环境问题。(.emerge vi. 出现)31. The debate about whether garbage classification is necessary has engaged the whole nation.关于垃圾分类是否有必要的争论已经引起了全国的关注。(engage sb 引起某人的注意或兴趣)32. Nowadays, office workers rarely engage in regular exercise.现在,上班族很少定期进行锻炼。(engage in.参加;参与)33. It pays to k

    9、now whether your effort is in line with your objective. 了解你的努力和你的目标是否吻合是有价值的。(be in line/accord with.与.相符/一致)34. Cooperation between schools and corporations can help students to learn the skills in accord with the job requirements, thereby preparing them for the workplace.校企合作可以帮助学生学到符合工作岗位要求的技能,从而

    10、为他们的职场生涯作准备。(in accord with.与.相一致; thereby doing.因此.)35. To maintain physical and mental health, it is of great importance to release negative emotions, such as anxiety, anger or sadness.为了保持身心健康,释放消极情绪,如焦虑、愤怒或悲伤是非常重要的。(release.释放.)36. Developing the economy does not require us to sacrifice the envi

    11、ronment.发展经济并不意味着我们要牺牲环境。(require sb to do sth 要求某人做.)37. The concept of losing weight by dieting has taken root, but excessive dieting can lead to multiple diseases.节食减肥的观念已经深入人心,但过度节食会导致多种疾病。(.take root 深入人心;根深蒂固)38. Foreign vacations have become commonplace.去国外度假已经变得很平常了。(commonplace adj. 普遍的; be

    12、come a commonplace n. 平常的事; It is a commonplace for sb to do sth .很常见。)39. It is necessary for schools to offer such courses as students can learn new knowledge happily from.学校有必要开设这样的课程,让学生快乐地学习新知识。(使用as引导的定语从句)概要翻译练习: 1、先前的研究表明白天午睡(nap)对那些晚上缺少睡眠的人有益。(doing作主语;those who定语从句)Previous research shows

    13、that taking a nap in the daytime is beneficial to those who lack sleep at night.2、对于那些缺少时间与钱的人来说,上网注册(register)是帮助他们更好地了解学校的一个很好的选择(alternative)。(doing作主语)For students who are short of money and time, registering online is a good alternative to help them better understand schools.3、然而,人们常常忽视的是,饮食也会影

    14、响环境。(tend to do; 主语从句)However, what people tend to ignore is that diets can also affect the environment.4、尽管手机旨在帮助人们与别人方便交流,我们许多人总是对手机上瘾。(while尽管;be intended to do )While smartphones were intended to help people interact with others more conveniently, many of us are addicted to them.5、此外,为了减少焦虑,你应该经

    15、常与他们商议(consult with)并听从他们的指导。(to do作目的状语)Besides, to decrease their anxiety, you should consult with them frequently and follow their instructions. 6、 随着网络的广泛使用,不管距离如何,人们有能力更频繁地与朋友联系。(with结构;be capable of; regardless of )With the extensive use of the Internet, people are capable of contacting more o

    16、ften with friends, regardless of distance.7、今天,尽管对污物(dirt)的态度仍然有很在的不同,越来越多的人选择相信,在污物中玩耍有助于增强免疫力(immune)。(differ; doing作主语)Today, although attitudes to dirt still differ greatly, more and more people choose to believe that playing in the dirt can help strengthen ones immune.8、一些专家担心因为缺少面对面的交流,技术会影响家庭

    17、关系。(fear that从句)Some experts fear that technology can affect family relationships for lack of face-to-face communication.9、事实上,不是技术本身而是人们对它的态度影响家庭关系。(not.but.; 或强调句型It is notbutthat)Actually, not technology itself but peoples attitude towards it influences family relations.Actually, it is not techno

    18、logy itself but peoples attitude towards it that influences family relations.10、尽管许多人不喜欢它,实际上它在我们的日常生活中很重要。(but; be of vital importance)It is disliked by many people, but actually it is of vital importance in our daily life. 11、此外,人口增加是另一个影响因素。(factor;growth)Additionally, another contributing factor

    19、 is population growth.12、熬夜学习没有一些人想的那么有必要。(doing作主语;not asas)Staying up all night for studying is not so essential as some people think.13、与纸巾比(paper towels)起来,烘手机(hand dryers)有更多的优点,这在四个方面对我们学校有益。(compared with; which非限制性定语从句)Compared with paper towels, hand dryers have more advantages, which will

    20、benefit our school in four ways.14、在我们的是日常生活中,几乎每个人体经历过拖延症(procrastination), 这对我们的财富与健康有消极的影响。(experience; which非限制性定语从句)In our daily life, almost everyone has experienced procrastination, which has a negative influence on our wealth and health.15、根据一位心理学家(psychologist), 孩子需要放松,以便他们能自由地做吸引他们的事。(so t

    21、hat; appeal to) According to a psychologist, children need to relax themselves, so that they can freely do things that appeal to them.16、为了避免消极感受,首先要尽力将嫉妒转化为(transform)提高自己的动力(motivation)。(to do作目的状语;祈使句)To avoid this negative feeling, firstly try to transform envy into the motivation to improve you

    22、rselves.17、我们的生活常常受到周围人的控制很常见。(it is that主语从句) It is common that our life is controlled by other people around us. 18、尽管这个目标很难实现,但是它值得尝试。(as倒装句;be worth doing)Hard as the goal is to achieve, it is worth trying.19、然而,根据数据分析(data analysis),有一个教授认为他们与大脑无关。(argue that; based on)However, a professor argu

    23、es that they have nothing to do with brains based on the data analysis. 20、是社会化(socialization)而不是其它因素导致差异,这在过去是被忽视的。(rather than; 强调句;which非限制性定语从句)It is socialization rather than some other factors that can account for the differences, which was neglected in the past.21、一份报告表明越来越多的中国年轻人,尤其是95后(the

    24、post-1995 generation),由于懒惰总是在网上购物。(indicate that; due to) A report indicates that more young Chinese, especially the post-1995 generation tend to shop online due to laziness.22、由于方便,中国的主要城市见证了共享单车(bike-sharing)的普及。(witness; due to)Major cities in China have witnessed the enormous popularity of bike-

    25、sharing due to its convenience.23、年轻人觉得共享单车(shared bicycles)在一些方面带来了好处,包括环保与交通。(feel that; including)Young people feel that shared bicycles bring lots of benefits in some aspects, including environmental protection and traffic.24、此外,缺少训练也导致了他们不会写合适的电子邮件。(lack of.; failure to do)Besides, lack of trai

    26、ning can also account for their failure to write appropriate emails.25、第三,持续的(lasting)压力也会导致各种精神疾病(mental illnesses),如:抑郁、酗酒(alcoholism)以及其它的上瘾(addictions)。(as well; like)Third, lasing stress can contribute to various mental illnesses as well, like depression, alcoholism and other addictions.26、一些人担

    27、心这可能会引起失业(unemployment),而另外一些人则持积极的态度。(worry that; while)Some worry that it may cause unemployment while others hold positive attitudes.27、作课堂报告(make in-class presentations)被认为是中学生培养自信以及领导能力(leadership skills)的一个好方法。(be considered as; a way to do sth)Making in-class presentations is considered as an

    28、 excellent way for high school students to develop confidence, leadership skills and so forth.28、然而,在全球食物消耗上(the global food consumption)存在不公平,这使得实现这个目标成为一个挑战。(there exist; make it adj to do sth)But there exists inequality in the global food consumption, which makes it challenging to achieve this go

    29、al.语法填空1.同位语从句连接词 the fact/evidence that2.词性转换adv.+v./adj.1)poorpoorly;2)finalfinally;3)wonderwonderful, 4)competefierce comepetitions; 5)traditiontraditional; 6)hugehugely; 7)believe belief; 8)easyeasily; 9)show no connection(s) connect; 10)recentrecently, ; 11)with great satisfaction (satisfy); 12

    30、)homeless peoplehome; 13)the majorioty of the timemajor; 14)typicaltypically; 15)closeclosely;16)obviousobviously 17).for safety. safe safely own safety 18)probableprobably has taken. 19)challengechallenging20)fullfully21)cheercheerful 22)increaseincreasingly 23)delightdelighted 24)globeglobal25)amu

    31、seamusing 26)perfectperfectly27)exactexactly28)possiblepossibly 29)ableunable30)argueargument31)in amazementamaze 32)enjoy increasing popularitypopular 33)entireentirely 34)likelyunlikely35)lovelovers36)actualactually 37)dangerdangerous 38)include including39)benefitbeneficial 40)probableprobably41)the warmth warm42)simple simply 43)how intelligentintelligence44)a major accomplishmentaccomplish 3.名词单复数1)various activities; 2)woman-women; 3)family members;4)potential problems;


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