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    1、高中英语高考读后续写素材库之肢体动作的描写及练习高中英语-高考读后续写素材库之肢体动作的描写及练习-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN读后续写素材库之肢体动作的描写及练习有关hand的有用词链儿及练习take ones hand牵某人的手reach for ones hand伸手抓住某人hold hands手拉手in ones hand 在手里with both hands 用双手shake ones hand 握手hold out a hand 伸出手put ones hands to ones cheeks 用双手捂住脸raise ones hand

    2、s 举手slid ones hands into 将手插进 spread ones hand 摊开双手rub ones hands together 使劲搓着双手rub rAb vt.擦;摩擦ones hands shake/tremble 某人的手颤抖着catch/ hold of ones arm抓住某人的手臂cup ones hand over 捂住 with ones head in ones hands 双手抱着 hand in hand 手拉手翻译句子:1.她拉住孩子的手牵着他爬上台阶。2.他伸手抓住她的手并紧紧握住。3.他们手拉手并肩走着。4.他手里拿着钥匙。5.他双手抓着绳子。

    3、6.他握住我的手好像我们是失散多年的朋友。7.她笑着伸出一只手表示欢迎。8.窘迫之中她用双手捂住了脸。9.几个学生举手回答问题。10.他悄悄地将手插进口袋里。11.她耸耸肩,摊开双手说:“我只能告诉你这么多了。”12.她一边颤抖,一边使劲搓着双手。13.她的手颤抖着把杯子送到唇边。14.一只有力的手伸了出来抓住了她的手臂。15.我用手捂住电话,免得他们听到我的话。16.他双手抱着坐着。17.他们手拉手沿着小路走。参考答案:1.She took the childs hand and helped him climb the steps.2.He reached for her hand and

    4、 held it tightly.3.They walked along, holding hands.4.He held the key in his hand.5.He grasped the rope with both hands.6.He shook my hands as if we were long lost friends.7.She smiled and held out a hand in welcome.8.She put her hands to her cheeks in embarrassment.9.Several students raised their h

    5、ands to answer the question.10.He slid his hands into his pockets.11.She shrugged and spread her hands.Thafs all I can tell you.12.She shivered, rubbing her hands together fiercely.13.Her hands shook/trembled as she lifted the glass to her lips.14.A strong hand reached out and caught/ hold of her ar

    6、m.1.11 cupped my hand over the phone so they couldnt hear me.16.He sat with his head in his hands.17.They walked hand in hand along the path.有关finger的有用词链儿及练习raise a warning finger举起一个手指以示警告raise/hold up a finger to ones lip把一根手指举到某人唇边wag/wave ones finger 某人摇着手指wag waeg v.(动物尾巴)来回摇摆;来回摇动(竖立的手指)翻译练习:

    7、1.老师举起一个手指以示警告,我们停止了交谈。2.她把一根手指举到唇边,要求肃静。3.“这些都不是!”老师摇着手指喊道。4,我把手指蘸着酱汁舔了舔。参考答案:1.The teacher raised a warning finger and we stopped talking.2.She raised/held up a finger to her lip to ask for silence.3.None of that! cried the teacher, wagging/waving her finger.4.1 dipped my finger in the sauce and l

    8、icked it.有关arm的可用词链儿及练习wave ones arms挥动某人的双臂with crossed arms 双臂交叉fold ones arms某人双臂交叉hold out/open ones arms某人伸出/张开双臂catch /grab ones arm抓住某人的胳膊take ones arm挽住某人的胳膊arm in arm手挽手put/throw ones arms around sb.搂住某人pull sb. into ones arms 拉某人进怀翻译练习:1.他向前跑着,挥动着双臂。2.他站在那里,双臂交叉,看上去很生气。3.她双臂交叉,盯着他4.他微笑着伸出/

    9、张开双臂。5.他伸出一只手抓住她的胳膊。6.她走近父亲,挽住他的胳膊。7.他们手挽手走着8.他跑到她跟前,搂住她。9.他把她拉进怀里,吻了她。参考答案:1.He was running forward, waving his arms.2.He stood there with crossed arms, looking angry.3.She folded her arms and stared at him.4.He held out/opened his arms with a broad smile.5.He reached out a hand and caught /grabbed

    10、 her arm.6.She moved closer to her father and took his arm.7.They walked along arm in arm.8.He ran up to her and put/threw his arms around her.9.He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.有关shoulder的有关词链儿及练习shrug ones shoulders 耸耸肩 shrug JrAg vt.耸肩sit on ones shoulders坐在某人的肩膀上looke (back) over ones

    11、shoulder 回头看翻译练习:1.当我问他为什么这么做时,他只是耸耸肩。2.那孩子坐在她父亲的肩膀上看游行经过。3.他回头看了看参考答案:1.When I asked him why he had done it, he just shrugged his shoulders.2.The child sat on her fathers shoulders to watch the parade go by.3.He looked (back) over his shoulder.有关heart的可用词链儿及练习with a heavy/sinking/broken heart怀着沉重的/

    12、沉的/破碎的心with a light heart心情轻松地touch ones heart打动了某人的心Pierce ones heart刺痛某人的心follow ones heart跟随某人的心pour out onesheart to sb.向某人倾诉自己的心声filled ones heart充满某人的内心ones heart is breaking某人的心正在碎ones heart melted 心被融化了beating fast跳得很快pound with excitement 激动得直跳thump with fear因恐惧而砰砰作响翻译练习:1.她怀着沉重的/沉的/破碎的心,看着

    13、他走了。2.他心情轻松地出发了3.他的悲惨故事打动了她的心.4.她的话刺痛了我的心。5.只要跟随你的心,你就会快乐。6.最后,他泪流满面,向她倾诉了自己的心声。7.松了一口气。8.当我想起他们的悲伤时,我的心很痛。9.他的心在里而慢慢地碎了10.他笑了笑,她的心融化了。11.她的心跳得很快。12.她的心激动得直跳13.他的心因恐惧而砰砰作响。参考答案:1.With a heavy/sinking/broken heart, she watched him go.2.He set off with a light heart.3.His sad story touched her heart.4

    14、.Her words pierced my heart.5.Just follow your heart and youll be happy.6.Finally, he broke down in tears and poured out his heart to her.7.Relief filled his heart.8.My heart aches when I think of their sorrow.9.Inside, his heart was slowly breaking10.He smiled and her heart melted.11.Her heart is b

    15、eating fast.12.Her heart was pounding with excitement.13.His heart thumped with fear.关于back的有用词链及练习bend ones back 弯腰/驼背stretch ones back 伸懒腰lean ones back against 把背靠在 lean li:n v.倾斜身体on the back 后背on ones back某人的背上翻译练习:1.他走路时弯腰/驼背。2.他下床时打了个哈欠,伸了个懒腰3.他把背靠在吧台上4.他笑了笑,狠狠地打了我后背一巴掌。5.他们把他的手绑在背后。6.他背着一个小孩

    16、。参考答案:1.He bends his back when he walks.2.He yawned and stretched his back as he got out of bed.3.He leaned his back against the bar.4.He smiled and gave me a hearty slap/pat on the back.5.They tied his hands behind his back.6.He was carrying a small child on his back.有关foot的有用词链儿及练习jump to ones fee

    17、t 跳起来tap/stamp ones feet 敲打/跺脚drag ones feet 拖着脚put ones feet up把脚抬起来翻译练习:1.她一听到这个消息就跳了起来。2.她不耐烦地敲打/跺脚。3.她拖着脚,不情愿地跟着她的父母。4.我的脚滑了,因为我正要投篮,我错过了球。5.他回家后喜欢把脚抬起来看电视。参考答案:l.She jumped to her feet when she heard the news.2 She was tapping/stamping her feet impatiently.3.She dragged her feet as she reluctan

    18、tly followed her parents.4.My feet slipped as I was about to shoot and I missed the ball.5.He likes to put his feet up and watch TV when he gets home.有关knee的有关词链儿及练习hug ones knees 抱着膝盖on ones knees 跪下翻译练习:1.突然,她的膝盖弯曲/虚弱,她摔倒在地板上。2.他抱着膝盖取暖。3.他跪下乞求原谅。4.他坐在她父亲的膝盖上,给她读故事。5.他跪在地上,寻找丢失的戒指。参考答案:1.Suddenly her knees buckled/ weakened and she fell to the floor.2.He hugged his knees to keep warm.3.He went/got down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.4.He sat on her fathers knees while he read her a story.5.He was on his knees, searching for the missing ring.


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