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    1、初中英语常考典型120道填空题附答案汇总初中英语常考120道填空题一用适当的单词填空。1.Welcome _ China.2.Whats the matter _ your watch?3.The weather in Beijing is different _ that of Nanjing.4.His trousers are the same _ mine.5.Mr. Wang is very friendly _ us.6.My father made a kite_me.7.What do you mean _ doing that?8.Id like you to stay _

    2、me tonight.9.His school is far _ his home.10.The hospital is near _ the post office.11.We all do well _ swimming.12.They are good _ boating.13.I spent twenty years _ writing the novel.14.Jim spent 1000 yuan _ the bike.15.Jim paid 1000 yuan _ the bike.16.The started the meeting _ a song.17.Thank you

    3、_ helping me.18.What do you learn English _?19.I sometimes help my mother _ the housework.20.That has nothing to do _ me.21.It is lucky _ you to go to London.22._ beautiful the flower is!23._ an beautiful flower it is!24._ bad weather it is today!25.I find it hard _ me to speak English well!26.They

    4、often ask me _ money.27.Please show the map _ me.28.Pass the cup of tea _ me.29.Mother _ me a bike yesterday.30.Mother bought a bike _ me.31.Jim gave an English dictionary _ me.32.I got _ Beijing _ the morning of May 1st.33.I arrived _ Beijing _ the morning of May 1st.34.I _ Beijing on the morning o

    5、f May 1st.35.There is something wrong _ my car.36.Something is wrong _ my car.37.How do you _ Beijing?38.What do you think _ Beijing?39.What _ do you want to buy?40.Where _ have you gone?41.I have nothing _ to tell you.42.He went on _ his work after a short rest.43.I came to say good-bye _ you.44.Th

    6、ey are busy _ their work now.45.English is very interesting. We are all interested _ it.46.Mother told me to go shopping _ her.47.I will call you _ tomorrow.48.We are ready _ the final examination.49.Lets do _ shopping first.50.Lucy prefers English _ French.51.I _ staying at home _ going to the cine

    7、ma.52.Mr. Wang will _ us to the park next Sunday.53.Please _ the map to me.54.Its very nice _ you to help me _ my math.55.My father _ me a kite.My father made a kite _ me.二用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I want _(go) to school.2.I want my son _ (have) a talk with me.3.We dont know what _ (do) next.4.Let him _ (enter

    8、) the room.5.Let him not _ (stand) in the rain.6.Why dont you _ (play) football with us?7.Why not _ (play) football with us?8.What do you mean _ doing that?9.Jim likes _(swim). But He doesnt like_(swim) now.10.I feel like _ (eat) bananas.11.Would you like _(go) _(row) with me?12.Id like you _ (stay)

    9、 with me tonight.13.His brother often makes him _ (stay) in the sun.14.Let me _ (sing) a song for you.15.You shouldnt _ (have) the students _ (work) so hard.16.They are good at _ (boat).17.It took me more than a year _ (learn) to draw a beautiful horse in five minutes.18.I spent twenty years in _ (w

    10、rite) the novel.19.We are going _ (study) in Japan.20.Thank you for _(help) me.21.How about _ (go) fishing?22.Lucy is the _ (tall) in her class.23.Lucy is _ (tall) than any other student in her class.24.I have _ (go) home now.25.Youd better _ (study) hard at English.26.Youd better not _ (stay) up.27

    11、.Lucy often helps Lily _ (wash) her clothes.28.Lets _ (make) it 8:30.29.That has nothing _ (do) with me.30.I dont think it _ (rain) tomorrow.31.It is lucky for you _ (go) to London.32.I find it hard _ (speak) English well!33.You need _ (study) hard, dont you?34.I _(not need) your money.35.We use pen

    12、s _ (write).36.I hope _ (see) you soon.37.I started _ (learn) English in 1983.38.I started to watch TV after _ (finish) my homework.39.I finished _ (clean) my car just now.40.They all enjoy _ (live) and _ (work) in China.41.What else do you want _ (buy)?42.Where else _ you _(be) recently?43.I forgot

    13、 _ (turn) off the lights. Look, it is dark in the room.44.I forgot _ (turn) off the lights. Could you go back and shut the off?45.I remembered _ (return) your money. Why do ask for it again?46.Remember _ (bring) me some money. Ive run out of it.47.He stopped _ (talk) with Mary when she met her in th

    14、e street.48.The students stopped _ (talk) when the teacher came in.49.I saw you _ (pick) an apple just now.50.I _ (see) you _ (play) basketball with your classmates on the playground last Sunday.51.He went on _ (read) after a short rest.52.He went on _(read) after _ (finish) wash the dishes.53.They

    15、are busy _ (plant) trees on the hill.54.English is very interesting. We are all interested in _ (learn) it.55.Mother told me _ (go) _(shop) with her.56.Jim ask me _ (go)rowing with him.57.Lets _ (go) _ (fish).58.I prefer _ (stay) at home to _ (go) to the cinema.59.Its very nice of you _ (help) me wi

    16、th my English.60.Both Tom and I _ (be) good at English.61.Neither Tom and I _ (be) interested in PE.62.Either Tom and I _ (be) satisfied with our examinations.63.Not only you but also I _ (be) late for the meeting yesterday.64.There _ (be) an honest man and two clever women in the country.65.More th

    17、an one student _ (water) the flowers in the school garden at this time yesterday.【参考答案】一用适当的单词填空。1.to2.with3.from4.as5.to6.for7.by8.with9.from10.to11.in12.at13.in14.on15.for16.with17.for18.for19.with20.with21.for22.Wow23.What24.What25.for26.for27.to28.to29.bought30.for31.to32.to on33.in on34.reached

    18、35.with36.with37.like38.of39.else40.else41.else42.doing43.to44.doing45.in46.with47.up 48.for49.some50.to51.prefer to52.Take53.bring54.of with55.made for二用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.to go2.to have3.to do4.enter5.stand6.play7.play8.by9.swimming to swim10.eating11.to go . rowing12.to stay13.stay14.sing15.have work1

    19、6.boating17.to learn18.writing19.to study20.helping21.going22.tallest23.taller24.to go25.study26.stay27.to wash/wash28.make29.to do30.will rain31.to go to speak32.to study33.dont need34.to write35.to see36.to learn37.finishing38.cleaning39.living40.living working41.to buy42.have been43.turning44.to turn45.returning46.to bring47.to talk48.talking49.pick50.saw playing51.reading52.to finished53.planting54.learning55.to go shopping 56.to go57.go fishing58.staying going59.to help60.are61.am62.am63.am64.is65.was watering


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