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    1、高三英语第一轮复习短文改错专题天津市82中学2006-2007年度高三英语第一轮复习短文改错专题短文改错 (一) Dear EditorI used to being a happy little girl but now I am shy 1. And say a few words.When I was eleven. I lost one 2. of the front teeth and it replaced by a false one. 3. No one knows about it except two of my friends. 4. However, I find th

    2、at it hard to face them because 5. they know my secret. When I spoke to them, they 6. often stare at my mouth, what makes me feel 7. uncomfortable. I am afraid of making new friend as I 8. think they will laugh at me. Sometime I even 9. want to kill me indeed. What should I do? 10. Yours,Lily(二)Brea

    3、kfast is too important when youre trying to lose 1. excess weigh. When youre asleep, the boby switches 2. from an acuive energy producer to an almost motionless 3. service and repair factory. When you sleeping, most 4. bodily repairs and renewals take the place. Food eaten 5. during the day is broke

    4、n down and digest, nutrients 6. are passed round the body and used whatever need. 7. Try to get up early and to eat something, either cereal 8. And fruits. Whatever it is, sit down to eat and try to 9. enjoy it ! Soon youll feel much healthy. 10. (三) If there are much more people in the world, then

    5、there 1. must have more food to feed the people. But food is 2. already serious problem today. One-third of the worlds population are 3. starving, because there is not any enough food. Ten thousand 4. people die of hunger everyday in some parts of the world. But 5. in others parts of the world, peop

    6、le become ill or die 6. because they eat too much food, and they are too fat. Some 7. countries have no food, but others have too many, and they 8. throw them away. How can tomorrows world feed its people? 9. The world needs to produce more food than it is now. 10. (四) Last year was my first Thanksg

    7、iving of our own 1. house. I have never cooked Thanksgiving dinner 2. before, so Iwanted to be specisl. I spent what 3. seemed like forever cooking, and to my surprised it 4. came out looking perfectly! I realized that I had 5. forgotten soft drinks at the store but I ran out to 6. get it before gue

    8、sts arrived. 7. I was away for no more than 15 minutes. When 8. I returned back, I found my turkey on the floor 9. Surrounding by a greedy cat and a dog with turkey 10. bits in their mouths.(五) Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor 1. sisters-in any other words, I am an only child

    9、. My parents 2. love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure 3. that I ger a good education. They did not want me to do 4. any work at family ; they want me to devote all my time to 5. my studies so that Ill get good marks in all my subject. We 6. may be one family and live under a sa

    10、me roof, but we do 7. not seem to get much time to talk about together. It looks 8. as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. Do they 9. really understand their own daughter ? What things are in other homes, I wonder. 10. (六) I started learning English at an age of six years old. 1. For 8

    11、years I learned English the way in that everybody 2. does by going to English classes. However I was always 3. one of the best student in class, reading English texts 4. spent me a long time . I made lots of mistakes in my written 5. English and my pronunciation was bad , either. Later , I began 6.

    12、reading books in English , almost novels. I would learn a lot 7. of new words from these books. At first , I had terrible trouble 8. remember them . I never gave up . In two years , my vocabulary 9. has grown from 1,000 English words to 3 ,500 English words . 10. (七) Jack was a excellent student at

    13、school. Whatever he 1. did , he is always the best one in class. He could get 2. full marks every time even he didnt listen to the teacher. 3. Some people found it surprised that he was always ready 4. to help the others with a smile. He helped his classmates 5. with his homework ; he helped the tea

    14、chers answer the 6. difficult questions risen by the students ; he was good at 7. ball games In the whole , he was a perfect boy. Everybody 8. liked him. He lived a peacefully life until one day when he 9. got up he found a gray hair on his head . 10. (八) I am worried about McDonalds building a rest

    15、aurant in 1. my hometown . I am not sure about if McDonalds food is as 2. healthy as they say in their advertisement . When scientists 3. study it carefully they find high levels of fat , sugar or salt . 4. Today , too many people were getting fat through eating fatty 5. food . To my opinion , McDon

    16、alds is not giving young people 6. a good idea of wherher a healthy diet should be . At a McDonalds 7. restaurant , the food is always same . although it is freshly 8. cooked , it is more healthy than our local Chinese food . 9. Therefore , I suggest people not to go to McDonalds often . 10. (九) The

    17、 former White House cook stopped working . He cooked in a traditional French way . His food tasted well , but contained a 1. lot of fat . Doctors say this is not healthier . Welter Scheib , 2. the new chief cook , will have a medical doctor sa adviser . 3. Dr . Dean Ornish is a heart specialist and

    18、writer . He says food 4. can be low in fat still delicious . The Presidents wife 5. Hillary Clinton chose Mr . Scheib after tasted his cooking . She 6. wanted fewer fat in the food she ate in the White House . 7. She wanted to eat more fresh vegetables , and including vegetable 8. pies without the u

    19、se of chemical . The First Lady would also 9. like the White House to serve more America food . 10. (十) In United States , the school holidays are 1. longer than Britain .Rich American families 2. often go out of a town to the country for the 3. summer months . Many fathers stay at works 4. in the c

    20、ities and visit his families at weekends . 5. When some people are on holiday , they liked 6. just sit in the sun , but others want a bit 7. more . “Special interest” holidays is very 8. popular , and you can find 100 interesting things 9. to do in the United States in a week and two . 10. (十一) When

    21、 I was a junior high school student , I think English 1. was very difficult . However I kept myself away 2. from it . In each of test , I got less than 60 marks . 3. But my English teacher encouraged me . Who said 4. English was not so hard as they appeared . He 5. asked me the first to build up con

    22、fidence and 6. then improved my pronunciation . When a lesson was 7. given , he taught me read and wrire English . Under 8. his tirelessly instruction I made surprisingly fast progress 9. At the final exam , I got over 90 points . 10. (十二) Not only Madame Curie but Captain Cook were 1. world-famous

    23、. Marie had very little money to live by but worked 2. day and night .She had to wear an overcoat to keep herself be warm 3. Even after her husbands death , she didnt give away working . 4. Instead , she worked even harder and became the first woman 5. receive the Nobel Prize . Cook ordered large qu

    24、antities 6. of things to be stored their expedition . But once he asked the 7. sailors to throw away a lot of things to rise the boat in the water . 8. Cooks proper dier kept the rest of the sailors health and his 9. Quickly thinking saved a lot of people . 10. (十三) In Oct.17,2005, Shenzhou-VI succe

    25、ssfully returned 1. to the earth, that is another great achievement in Chinese 2. space history . As all the Chinese people, I feel proud of 3. our great country . From now on, I will devote myself to work 4. hard at science . However, I have made up my mind not to 5. lose my heart whatever difficul

    26、ty I may have with my study. Also, 6. I will spend some time every day improving my ability to use 7. computers because they are now playing important part 8. in many fields. Only in this way could I make a contribution 9. for the development of our great country. I hope that students 10. of my age

    27、will also think so. (十四) This year summer vacation was most enjoyable.I spent fifteen days 1. helping my grandparents do farm work in countryside , where 2. I saw mountains and fields covering with green plants . I often 3. went to swimming in the river to the west of the village , the water 4. in i

    28、t was quite clear . I kept a diary every day . Besides doing farm 5. work , I helped the children in the neighborhood with his lessons . 6. All of them showed much interest in English . They can read and 7. write well , and they could hardly say simple English sentences . So every 8. day in the morn

    29、ing I spent about two hours helping them improve 9. their listening and spoken English . They all made much progresses . 10. (十五) Tom was only seven year old , so when he went off 1. camp with a lot of other small boys one summer , his 2. mother thought that he may be unhappy , and she asked 3. all

    30、his relatives to write to her , so that he would get 4. the letter every day while he was away from home. 5. Well , of course he did not write to somebody while 6. he was at the camp . One day before he came back 7. to home , his mother saw him reding at the table and 8. asked him what he was readin

    31、g . “Oh ,” he said , “they are the 9. letters I got them while I was at the camp . I did not have 10. time to look at them while I was there .” (十六) This summer vacation my parents brought me to visit my 1. uncle , whom lives in the coutryside . This was the first time for 2. me to stay in the countryside but I felt quite excited . My uncle took 3. me to the fields to irrigation the vegetables every morning . 4. He told me that irrigation is very easier for them now . Besides , 5. the produce of crops


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