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    1、(第一次去学校的感受 / 还和高中同学联系吗 / 你在大学接受过职业相关培训吗)Hometown Where is your hometown? Please describe your hometown a little. How long have you lived in there? Do you like it?Flat/house Can you describe the place where you live? How far is it from here? Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? In the future, w

    2、hat type of place would you like to live in?其他话题Gift (喜欢送什么礼物 / 收到过不喜欢的吗 / 收到过喜欢的吗)Ads (中国广告多吗 / 未来的广告方式会有什么变化吗 / 你会因为广告买东西吗)Physical exercise (你经常做运动吗? / 喜欢什么运动 / 现在的孩子锻炼多吗)animal (经常去动物园吗?/ 小孩子看运动好处 / 喜欢哪种野生动物 / 有养宠物吗)dictionary (经常用字典吗 / 经常用哪种 / 喜欢电子的还是纸质的)travel (经常旅游吗 / 喜欢长途旅游吗 / 喜欢坐飞机旅行吗)Trans

    3、portation (家乡人喜欢坐船出行吗 / 你喜欢什么交通方式 / 喜欢坐飞机吗)Rainy days ( 喜欢雨天吗?/ 家乡雨天多吗? / 你有过忘带伞的经历吗?)Meal ( 一般和谁吃饭 / 什么时候吃饭 / 喜欢出去吃还是在家 / 现在饮食习惯和从前比的变化)News ( 喜欢网络获取信息还是报纸 / 喜欢读哪种类型的新闻 / 喜欢国内的还是国外的 )P2一、一个地点1、A leisure facility (cinema, theater, sports center.) you would like to have in your hometownYou should say

    4、:What it isWhere it isWhen you go thereAnd how you feel about it2、An important riverWhere it isHow did you know itWhere you think it is very important3、A city you want to work/live in for the future Where it is When you want to work in that place And why do you want to work in that place in the futu

    5、re二、一个人1、A good parentWho this person isHow you know this personWhat this person doesAnd explain why you think this person is a good parent2、A businessman you admireWho this person isHow did you know him/herAnd why you admire him/her3、A sportsman you admireWho the person isWhat his/her has achieved三

    6、、一个东西1、An exciting book you likeWhen you read itWhat it is aboutWhy you read it /why it is exciting2、Sth. you bought made you happy recently (衔接特殊类科技产品)Where you brought itWhat it was for/how it was usedAnd explain why it made you happy3、A traditional production of your country(旗袍;屏风;陶瓷等)What the pr

    7、oduct isWhen you tried this product for the first timeWhat it is made ofWhy you like this product4、A photo that someone took for youWhere it was takenWhen it was takenWho took it for youWhy it was unforgettable for you四、一件事情1、A time you went out but didnt spend too much moneyWhen it happened and whe

    8、re you wentHow much money you spentWhat you didWhy do you think it was special2、An unusual mealWhen you had itWho you had it withWhat you cookedAnd Why it was unusual3、An important skill which cannot be learned at schoolWhat the skill wasWhy it cannot be learned at schoolWhy it is importantHow we le

    9、arned it4、A time you taught someone a skillWho you taughtWhen you taughtWhat you taughtHow you felt about the teaching5、Sth. you were so proud ofWhat it wasHow you did itHow difficult it wasWhy you are proud of it6、A good decision someone madeWho made itWhat was the decisionWhen it was made why it w

    10、as a good decision7、The thing you often do with the old in your familyHow often you do itWho you do it withWhy you enjoy doing it with this people8、A time you felt so happy because of your mobile phoneWhen it happenedWhere it happenedWho you were withWhy you felt happy by using your cellphone9、The w

    11、ay you do to keep healthyWhat the activity isWhen, where you usually do itHow you do itAnd explain why it can keep you healthy10、An event you celebratedWhy it was importantHow people felt about it五、特殊类1、A science subject you are so interested in What is it aboutWhen you learned it for the first time

    12、Why you are so interested in it2、Your favourite seasonWhen it isWhat you doWhy do you like it3、A new technology you like (besides computer)What the technology isWhen it was inventedWhat it is used forHow you feel about it4、A school rule you agree or disagree Why it is madeWhat are the consequences of breaking the ruleWhy you agree or disagree


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