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    1、届高三英语二轮复习效果检测34. 单项填空1. (南京模拟)I admire my English teacher. I can remember very few occasions _she stopped working because of ill health. A. thatB. whenC. whereD. which2. Mr. Hoffman, aged over 60, has recentlyplaying golf at weekends, contributing to his rosy face. A. taken to B. slid intoC. submitt

    2、ed to D. broken into3. Successful people like Mo Yan have some good qualities and above all, they are nevera simple life so they keep fighting until they are top ones. A. interested in B. curious aboutC. content with D. confident in4. (吉林模拟)Why was Jackson searching shop after shop for a sweater?Oh,

    3、 he was veryabout his clothes. A. particular B. special C. curious D. unusual5. He seems poor, but Ithat he has quite a lot of money. A. wonder B. suspect C. convince D. doubt6. (杭州模拟)Dickens visited America in 1842, publishing American Notes on his return andhis experience in another book. A. to in

    4、clude B. includingC. to be included D. included7. (温州模拟)Traditionally, Chinese peoplethe Chinese characters “Double Happiness” and stick them onto walls or doors for weddings. A. cut out B. cut offC. cut up D. cut down8. My fathermy brother for driving but he wanted to pickthe knowledge of the compu

    5、ter during his spare time. A. advised; up B. persuaded; outC. intended; up D. managed; out9. People are programmed to pay attention to anything that is different or novel. If you make something different it will. A. stand out B. leave outC. pick out D. put out10. The audiences were soby his humorous

    6、 performance that they kept laughing all the time. A. moved B. frightenedC. entertained D. shocked11. When Mom looked back on the early days of their marriage, she wondered how they had managed withmoney. A. so few B. such fewC. so little D. such little12. (武威模拟)With the priceso quickly, I find 1, 0

    7、00 yuan a month can hardly cover the cost of living. A. to rise B. risenC. being risen D. rising13. Liu Yang is so excellentshe has become the first Chinese woman astronaut of our country. A. as B. that C. which D. where14. (洛阳模拟)Lets give up. Its too late. I dont think any bus will come. I dont car

    8、e. Ill get thereI have to walk all the way. A. even if B. as ifC. so that D. now that15. I dont think I am; it is said thatis the mother of success. A. a failure; failure B. failure; a failureC. a failure; a failure D. failure; failure. 阅读理解A new study has found that making someone laugh is one of t

    9、he best ways to woo(求婚)ones lover. However, researchers have discovered that not all humour is equal. The quickest path to success is to use a very specific form of wit: Self-deprecation. “Many studies show that a sense of humour is attractive to women, especially to their girlfriends, but weve foun

    10、d that self-deprecating humour is the most attractive of all. ” said anthropologist Gil Greengross. One possible explanation is that taking the mickey out of oneself is a high-risk strategy. “It is a risky form of humour because it can draw attention to ones real faults, thereby diminishing(缩小)the s

    11、elf-deprecators status in the eyes of others. But based on the idea that self-deprecating humour can be an especially reliable indicator not only of general intelligence and creativity, but also of moral virtues such as humility. ” Anthropologist Kate Fox, author of Watching the English, believes se

    12、lf-deprecation is uniquely vital for those with an English cultural background: “For the English, the rules of humour are the cultural equivalent of natural lawswe obey them automatically, rather in the way that we obey the law of gravity. ” “Pomposity(夸耀)and self-importance are outlawed. Serious ma

    13、tters can be spoken of seriously, but one must never take oneself too seriously. ” she added. “As long as everyone understands the rules, they are duly impressed both by ones achievements and by ones reluctance(不愿)to talk about them publicly. ” However, Greengross warns of another danger in the use

    14、of self-deprecation. “If you are a low-status individual, using self-deprecating humour can be disastrous to you. ” he said. “Think about the secondary-school child whom nobody liked, who made fun of his shortcoming in sports. His kids laughed at him and he was considered more pathetic(悲惨的)than he w

    15、as previously. This is high-risk attraction. It is not for everyone. ” (330W)1. What is Kate Fox?A. A film-maker. B. An official at school. C. A lawyer. D. An expert in studying anthropology. 2. From the passage, we know that Gil Greengross. A. is attractive to women all the way, especially to his g

    16、irlfriendB. believes that he himself is really the author of Watching the EnglishC. thinks that a low-status individual can be disastrous to him/her while using self-deprecationD. loves the secondary-school child whom nobody liked because of his shortcoming in sports3. The underlined phrase “taking

    17、the mickey out of oneself” (in Paragraph 3)may be replaced by. A. making someone laughB. self-deprecationC. obeying the law of gravityD. pomposity and self-importance4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The quickest path to success is to make someone laugh. B. Self-deprecati

    18、on perhaps lowers its status in the eyes of others. C. The English obey natural laws without obeying the law of gravity. D. Nobody likes making fun of one childs shortcoming in sports. 5. Where does the text probably come from?A. A novel. B. A survey study. C. A pet magazine. D. A travel guide. . 阅读

    19、第二节下面文章中有5处(第15题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Speed-reading courses recommended by the authorB. Try to find your own method to improve your reading speedC. More and more people have realized the importance of speed-readingD. People spend more time in reading to prepare the

    20、mselves for the futureE. The benefits of group events in improving the speed-reading abilityF. Courses available to improve the speed-reading ability1. Speed-reading has become a necessity in the business world as well as in the world of education. More and more people are signing up to take courses

    21、 online or at local community colleges to improve not only their reading speed but also the rate at which they accurately comprehend the materials they are reading. 2. Many people constantly attend courses, trying to improve their reading speed and the comprehension ability. Were in such a world whe

    22、re everyone maintains copious(丰富的)useless trivia rattling around in our brains in order to come out at unexpected times. However, we all know that there is no such a thing as bad knowledge, so we constantly educate ourselves in the hope that we can face any challenge or difficulty in life with ease.

    23、 3. If you are looking for a speed-reading course in order to improve your skills, I recommend courses in which you are doing more than reading tips and advice. There are many that offer software, games, and other boosters to help you learn to read faster. Im a bit skeptical of the idea of simply re

    24、ading a list of suggestions in order to accelerate the reading speed and improve the reading comprehension. 4. If you have joined a local group that often get together in order to “compete” or offer that little bit of competitive edge as far as speed-reading goes, this is an excellent motivator for

    25、those who need a little push or a friendly competition in order to really get into the swing of things. Having some degree of accountability to yourselves or others always seems to help and offer that extra little nudge to do things faster the next time. However, its easier to compete with others th

    26、an it is to compete with yourself. Therefore, group events are great way to encourage you to show marked improvement in your speed-reading ability. 5. Keep in mind that if one method doesnt seem to be working for you, you should try another rather than giving up all together. No two brains are alike

    27、 and it sometimes takes a lot of trial and error before you find the most suitable way. The ability of speed-reading is a great gift given to you by God, so dont give up easily. 【语篇随练】1. 根据阅读理解, 翻译下列句子Many studies show that a sense of humour is attractive to women, especially to their girlfriends, b

    28、ut weve found that self-deprecating humour is the most attractive of all. _2. 用30个词左右概括阅读理解大意_答案解析. 1. 【解析】选B。考查关系副词的用法。先行词occasions, 在从句中作时间状语, 所以用when, 相当于on which。句意:我钦佩我的英语老师。在我的记忆中她几乎没有因为生病而不给我们上课的时候。【变式备选】In a sports team each player has a clear role, and there are fewwhen members are uncertai

    29、n of their roles. A. occasions B. positionsC. chances D. situations【解析】选A。考查名词词义辨析。occasion表示 “场合; (重大的)时刻(节), 时机, 机会” ; position表示 “方位, 位置; 地位, 身份; 职位, 职务” ; chance表示 “机会; 时机” ; situation表示 “形势; 情况” 。根据句意 “在一个运动队中每位队员都有清晰的角色意识, 在很少场合下会出现队员不清楚自己角色的情况。” 可知应选A项。2.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。take to喜欢; slide into(

    30、不自觉地)陷入某种状态; submit to屈服, 认输; break into闯入。3.【解析】选C。句意:像莫言这样的成功人士都拥有一些好的品质, 最重要的是他们绝不会对简单的生活感到满意, 因此他们不断奋斗直到成为顶尖人才。A项意为 “对感兴趣” , B项意为 “对感到好奇” , C项意为 “对感到满意” , D项意为 “对有信心” 。4.【解析】选A。be particular about对挑剔。这里表达的意思是他对衣服特别挑剔。5.【解析】选B。句意:他看起来贫困, 但是我怀疑他很有钱。suspect “怀疑” , 为及物动词, 其后可直接接从句。wonder想知道; convince使确信; doubt不相信后面的内容。6.【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意:狄更斯在1842年访问了美国, 回来时出版了他的美国纪行, 在另一本书中也包含了他的这次经历。由前面的publishing可知空格处要用including作状语。and连接两个现在分词短语。7.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:中国人结婚时有剪汉字 “双囍” 并把它们贴在墙上或门上的传统。cut out裁剪, 把(纸、布等)剪切成某种形状, 符合句意。cut off剪下,


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