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    成才之路高中英语人教版必修4同步练习Unit 4 Section.docx

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    成才之路高中英语人教版必修4同步练习Unit 4 Section.docx

    1、成才之路高中英语人教版必修4同步练习Unit 4 SectionUnit 4 Section 1.用所给词的适当形式填空1The government made a _(state) that H7N9 could not spread from person to person.2He gave a sign _(represent)victory and all of us felt excited.3_(association) with the bomb in the town center, he was arrested by the police.4The child was _

    2、(curiosity)about what had happened.5Troops have been sent to _(defence)the borders.6She went on working after _(greet)me.7It is true that he is _(approach)the end but he has been living a memorable life.8The _(misunderstand)between them led to the failure of their friendship.9His writing is quite go

    3、od while his _(speak) English is rather bad.10All the _(flight)were delayed due to bad weather.答案:1.statement2.representing3.Associated4.curious5.defend6.greeting7.approaching8.misunderstanding9.spoken10.flights.选择适当的短语填空1Listening more to each other, helping and learning from each other, a friendsh

    4、ip _ be formed.2_ know the reason drove him to carry out the further research.3Having _ Tom _ a nod, she worked again.4Some think that students should be trained to_ some attacks.5_speeding, he was fined yesterday.6_,the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.7The f

    5、irst man _ the moon came from America.8This organization which _ the people of this area is popular.答案:1.is likely to2.Being curious to3.greeted; with4.defend themselves against5.Associated with6.In general7.to land on8.represents.单项填空1(2014海口高一检测)The audience fixed their eyes on the magician,_ abou

    6、t how he performed the magic trick.Acurious BanxiousCastonished Dupset答案:A考查形容词辨析。句意:观众紧盯着魔术师,对他表演的魔术戏法感到好奇。curious“好奇的”,符合句意。anxious“焦急的,渴望的”;astonished“吃惊的”;upset“心烦的”。2(2014济南高一检测) I changed my _ to learning English this term and did a good job in the final examination.Aapproach BtechniqueCway Dm

    7、ethod答案:A考查名词词义辨析。approach作”方法”用时,与to搭配。technique“技术”;way与of搭配或后接不定式;method与of搭配。3A scene of confusion _ her when she opened the door.Acheered BgreetedCcame Dwelcomed答案:B考查动词辨析。句意:她开开门,一片混乱不堪的景象呈现在她的面前。greet映入的眼帘,符合句意。4(2014厦门高一检测)John was _ to win the 200meter race, but he fell to the ground and mi

    8、ssed the chance.Amaybe BpossibleCprobable Dlikely答案:D考查固定搭配。句意:约翰很可能赢得200米比赛,但他摔在地上错过了机会。be likely to do sth.“很可能做某事”,其主语可以是人也可以是物。5(2014南京高一检测)_,her work has been good, but this essay is not what we have been expecting.AIn general BIn turnCIn time DIn return答案:A考查介词短语。句意:总的说来,她的作品不错,不过这篇文章不是我们想象的那样

    9、。in general“一般而言,总的来说”;in turn“反过来;依次”;in time“及时”;in return“作为回报”。6I dont expect him to help, nor _ expect that he will come.Ado I BI doCdid I DI did答案:A句意:我不期望他会帮忙,我也不期望他会来。根据前一句的时态可知,后一句应用一般现在时态,又因为否定词nor置于句首,使用部分倒装,故选A。7(20l4合肥高一检测) Wise teachers know it s impossible for all the students to lear

    10、n all the subjects well because _ of them are not fit for them.Aevery one BallCnone Dnot all答案:B考查部分否定。句意:聪明的老师都会知道要求所有的学生学好全部课程是不可能的,因为并非所有的科目都适合他们。not与all连用表示部分否定。8(2014青岛高一检测)We hold a meeting every year in honour of those people who lost their lives in _ our motherland. Adefending Bfighting Cpre

    11、venting Dstruggling答案:A考查动词辨析。句意:我们每年都召开会议来纪念那些为保卫祖国而牺牲的人们。defend“保卫;保护”,与句意相符。9You must have _ what I said because I didnt expect you to do so.A misused BmisledCmisunderstood Dminded答案:C考查动词词义。句意:没想到你会这么做,你一定是误解了我的话。misunderstand“误解”,符合句意。misuse“误用”;mislead“误导”;mind“介意”。10A healthy life is frequent

    12、ly thought to be _ with the open countryside and green food.Atied BboundCinvolved Dassociated答案:D考查动词词义辨析。句意:人们通常把健康的生活与广阔的乡村和绿色食品联系起来。be associated with“与联系在一起”,与句意相符。11Oh,my god,you got burnt. How did that happen?Well,I _ a hot pot.Atouched BkeptCfelt Dheld答案:A句意:天呀,你烫伤了。怎么回事?我碰着了热锅。touch触碰;keep保持

    13、;feel摸;hold拿。feel一般表示故意去触摸,故不恰当。12(2014合肥高一检测)Toms still angry with me. You are _. How dare you call him a liar! Hes the last person _.Ablamed; to be lying Bto be blamed; lyingCto blame; to lie Dto blame; lies答案:C句意:汤姆还生我的气呢。这都怪你,你怎么能称他说谎者呢!他是最不可能说谎的。sb.be to blame“某人对(过错,罪行)负责”;名词前有序数词、the last等词修饰

    14、时,该名词后接不定式。13This job, if _ according to the instructions, will be finished ahead of time.Ado Bto doCdoing Ddone答案:D句意:这份工作如果按说明来做,将能提前完成。这是一个省略句,原句应为This job, if it is done.。this job与do之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词done表被动。故选D。14_ his school, he attended the English speech contest and won first prize.ARepresen

    15、t BTo representCRepresenting DRepresented答案:C考查非谓语动词。句意:他代表学校参加了英语口语竞赛并获得了一等奖。动词“represent”与句子主语之间为主动关系,故选C。15Smoking is one of the _ causes of cancer, killing millions of people each year.Acommercial BsimilarCmajor Dchemical答案:C句意:吸烟是患癌症的主要原因之一,每年能伤害数以百万计的人。commercial商业的;similar相似的;major主要的;chemica

    16、l化学的。由句意可知选C。.完形填空Reading body language correctly is important not only at work but also in private life. John had made a date and was_1_excited about it that he told all his friends._2_, the date did not turn up because he hadnt read the body language_3_when he made the date. He was_4_, especially

    17、because everyone had known about it. He felt everyone was_5_at him.Have you ever_6_the body language of others? If you have, then you will have a deep understanding of how John_7_. Then wouldnt it be wonderful to know how to_8_embarrassment in the future or_9_still, become the confident person you w

    18、ant to be?In the past I always_10_on my intuition(直觉)to tell me if things did not seem right._11_is wrong with using intuition, and it helps, too. But to have a recognized system where you can_12_peoples thoughts and actions is more brilliant. It will make your life much_13_once you know how to read

    19、 body language in all areas of your life. Youll find yourself make better_14_about people or work and_15_better at what you choose to do. You will learn what to pay_16_to and how to_17_to the given signs.Of course, it will_18_a lot of practice to be able to recognise the moves and_19_. Sometimes you

    20、 even need to_20_in front of the bathroom mirror. But thats all what you need to do.1A.very BquiteCso Dmuch答案:C句意:约翰要约会了,他很兴奋,所以就告诉了所有的朋友。so.that.“如此以至于”,为固定用法。2A.But BHoweverCBesides DSo答案:B其后句意为转折关系。其后用逗号与主句隔开,故用however,而but后通常不跟逗号。3A.truly BreallyCproperly Dhardly答案:C根据这句话的因果关系“因为约翰没有正确地理解手势语而导致约

    21、会的流产”故选properly“正确地”。truly“真实地”;really“真的”;hardly“几乎不”。4A.amusing BamusedCembarrassing Dembarrassed答案:D根据下一段中的“Then wouldnt it be wonderful to know how to_8_embarrassment in the future”的提示,可知选D项“窘迫的”。5A.laughing BsmilingCshouting Dlooking答案:A句意:大家都知道约翰要约会了,结果却没有,所以他觉得大家都在嘲笑他。laugh at“嘲笑”,符合语境。smile

    22、at“对笑”;shout at“对大叫”;look at“看”。6A.misunderstood BunderstoodCexplained Dconsidered答案:A根据上一个例子可知,约翰是被“误解”的,misunderstand“误解,误会”。7A.considered BthoughtCcommented Dfelt答案:D根据上文最后一句“He felt everyone was_5_at him”可以断定是了解约翰的“感觉”。consider“考虑”;think“思考”;comment“评论”。8A.refuse BadmitCavoid Daccept答案:C前文中提到约翰很

    23、尴尬,所以此处应为“懂得以后如何避免尴尬不是更好吗?”refuse“拒绝”;admit“承认”;accept“接受”。9A.better BgoodCworse Dbad答案:Abecome the confident person you want to be“变为想成为的自信的人”是比避免尴尬更好的事,暗含比较。10A.looked BdependedClived Dfed答案:B句意:过去如果发现有什么不对,我总是“依赖”直觉来判断。depend on“依赖”,符合句意。look on“旁观,观看”;live on“靠生活”;feed on“以为食”。11A.Anything BEver

    24、ythingCSomething DNothing答案:D根据下一句and it helps, too“这也会有帮助”可知,使用直觉是没有什么不对的。12A.seize BtakeCavoid Dread答案:D句意:如果你具备系统的手势语知识会更棒,因为手势语可以使你“弄懂”人们的想法和行为。read在此处为“理解”。13A.easy BeasierChard Dharder答案:B根据后文“Youll find yourself make better_14_about people or work and.”可排除C和D项;根据其前的much,不能修饰形容词,却可以修饰形容词比较级,故选

    25、B。14A.decisions BplansCdesigns Dpromises答案:A根据上文可知,如果一个人对手势语很熟悉的话,就会对人或工作看得更透,所以会做出更好的“决定”。decision“决定”,符合语境。plan“计划”;design“设计”;promise“诺言”。15A.explore BsolveCperform Dapproach答案:C句意:对你所做的选择会“表现”更好。perform“表演,表现”;explore“探索”;solve“解决”;approach“接近”。16A.attention BangerCexpression Dassociation答案:Apay

    26、 attention to“注意”,为固定搭配。anger“怒气”;expression“表达”;association“联想”,则均不能与介词to搭配。17A.answer BreactCreply Dwhisper答案:B句意:如何对特定的手势语作出反应。react to“对作出反应”,符合句意。reply to“答复”;whisper to“对耳语”;answer不需接to。18A.do BmakeCtake Dput答案:C要辨认这些手势语则“需要”大量的练习。19A.messes BtechnologyCrealities Dgestures答案:Dmove and gesture“

    27、动作和手势”。mess“脏或乱的状态”;technology“技术”;reality“现实”,均与上文不搭配。20A.practice BstandCsit Dsmile答案:A根据上一句的“it will_18_a lot of practice”可知,在镜子前“练习”。.阅读理解(2014浙江,B篇)Here is some mustknow information from a handbook on how people behave in doing business in some countries.In BrazilBrazilians are warm and friendl

    28、y. They often stand close when talking and it is common for them to touch the person on the shoulder. People often greet each other (particularly women) with light cheek kisses. Schedules tend to be flexible, with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned. But to be safe, be on time. M

    29、eals can stretch for hourstheres no such thing as rushing a meal in Brazil. Lunches also can start in the mid to late afternoon. Brazilians are social, preferring facetoface communication over mails or phone calls.In SingaporeSingaporeans shake hands when they meet and often also greet each other with a small, polite bow.


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