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    1、WI750024Radioshack产品可靠性试验作业指导书A0 作 業 指 導 書WORK INSTRUCTION文件名稱:Doc. NameRadioshack產品可靠性試驗作業指導書Radioshacks Product Reliability Test WI文件編號:Doc. No. WI/750/024擬制部門:Prepared byRTC版 號:Version A/0受控印章Ctrl. Stamp受控副本章Ctrl. copy擬制 / 日期:Prepared by 田方勇2003.01.21頁 碼 :Page共 10 頁,第1頁 Page 1 of 10 審核 / 日期:Check

    2、ed by李愛民2003.01.21生效日期:Effect Date2003.01.23批準 / 日期:Approved by王細友2003.01.21生效日期Effect Date版序Version修改內容簡述Revised content description修改日期Revised date修改人Revised by審核人Checked by批準人Approved by一.包裝跌落試驗1目的評價於運輸、搬運及其它操作過程中,包裝箱(盒)在受到垂直沖擊時的耐沖擊強度及包裝對內裝物的保謢能力.2适用範圍適用於中名(東莞)電子有限公司生產的Radioshack的原A&A產品.3試驗設備衝擊平臺

    3、:水平的金屬或混凝土板 (任何情況下均不得使用木板與地毯)、包裝跌落試驗機4試驗步驟4.1環境條件:溫度:1530,相對濕度:35%80%.4.2抽取一卡通箱合格的樣品.4.3包裝重量與對應的跌落高度如表1:銷往美國的產品The product sold to USA銷往加拿大/澳大利亞/英國的產品The product sold to CA/AUST/UK包裝重量(Weight)跌落高度(Drop Height)包裝重量(Weight)跌落高度(Drop Height)g 9.5kg76.2cmg 10kg75cm9.5 g 18.6kg61.0cm10 g 15kg60cm18.6kg g

    4、 27.65kg45.7cm15 g 25kg50cm27.65kg g 45.3kg30.5cm25 40kg30cm表1(Form 1)4.4銷往美國的產品,跌落次序(由aj):a.任選一個角b.那個角引出之最短邊c.那個角引出之次短邊d.那個角引出之最長邊e.最小的面f.最小的面的對面g.中間大小的面h.中間大小的面的對面i.最大的面j.最大的面的對面4.5銷往加拿大(CA)/澳大利亞(AUST)/英國(UK)的產品,跌落次序(由ah):a.任選一個角b.那個角的對角 (本步驟僅針對銷往加拿大的產品)c.檢查包裝和樣機的外觀和功能(更換壞品)d.与a中的角相連的最短的邊e.与a中的角相連

    5、的次長的邊f.与a中的角相連的最長的邊g.檢查包裝和樣機的外觀和功能(更換壞品)h.最小的面4.6 試驗后,檢查包裝和樣機的外觀和功能.5 質量要求5.1試驗后,包裝箱無嚴重損壞;包裝箱內產品無散亂;彩盒無爛(彩盒輕微皺判合格).5.2產品的外觀和功能應正常;試驗前、後,樣品的靈敏度相差不超過3dB. 6記錄 保存年限RTC試驗報告 750PR002 3年二.振動試驗1目的評價產品在搬運和運輸及其它操作過程中經受振動衝擊的能力及包裝對產品的保護能力.2适用範圍適用於中名(東莞)電子有限公司生產的Radioshack的原A&A產品.3試驗設備振動試驗臺4試驗步驟4.1環境條件:溫度:1530,相

    6、對濕度:35%80%.4.24.3抽取1卡通箱合格的樣品.將樣品按正常放置狀態固定於振動臺上,設定振動方式及參數: 頻率(f):1030HZ,振幅(A):2mm,每個掃描時間為5分鐘,振三個面,每個面30分鐘4.4試驗后,檢查樣品的外觀和功能.5質量要求5.1試驗后,產品的外觀和功能應正常.5.2包裝箱內的產品無散亂.6記錄 保存年限RTC試驗報告 750PR002 3年三.高低溫試驗1目的確定產品經受高低溫极值下的抵抗能力.2适用範圍適用於中名(東莞)電子有限公司生產的Radioshack的原A&A產品.3試驗設備冰箱、高溫箱4試驗步驟4.1環境條件:溫度:1530,相對濕度:35%80%.

    7、4.2高溫試驗4.2A抽取5pcs(或以上)合格的樣品.4.2B將樣品放置於溫度為43的高溫箱中24小時,取出樣品放在室溫環境中2小時.4.2C檢查樣品的外觀和功能.4.3低溫試驗4.3A抽取5pcs(或以上)合格的樣品.4.3B將樣品放置於溫度設定為0的冰箱中24小時,取出樣品放在室溫環境中2小時.4.3C檢查樣品的外觀和功能.5質量要求5.1試驗后,產品的外觀和功能應正常.5.2試驗前、後,樣品的靈敏度變化須小於3dB.6記錄 保存年限RTC試驗報告 750PR002 3年四.高溫高濕試驗1目的評價產品在高溫高濕條件下使用和貯存的可靠性.2适用範圍適用於中名(東莞)電子有限公司生產的Rad

    8、ioshack的原A&A產品.3試驗設備恒溫恒濕試驗箱4試驗步驟4.1環境條件:溫度:1530,相對濕度:35%80%.4.2隨機抽取5pcs(或以上)合格的樣品.4.3將樣品放入恆溫恆濕試驗箱內(溫度:40C,RH:932%)72小時,72小時后取出樣品,在室溫下放置2小時.4.4試驗后,檢查樣品的外觀和功能.5質量要求5.1試驗后,樣品的外觀和功能應正常.5.2試驗前、後,樣品的靈敏度變化須小於3dB.6記錄 保存年限RTC試驗報告 750PR002 3年五.斜坡跌落試驗1目的評價產品在運輸,搬運,裝卸及其它操作過程中,產品受到沖擊時彩盒對內裝物的保護能力.2适用範圍適用於中名(東莞)電子

    9、有限公司生產的Radioshack的原A&A產品.3試驗設備斜度為45度的木板.4試驗步驟4.1環境條件:溫度:1530,相對濕度:35%80%.4.2隨機抽取2pcs(或以上)合格的帶彩盒包裝的樣品.4.3將樣品放於高度為30英寸,斜度為45度的木板上,讓其自由滑下,並重復2次.4.4試驗后,檢查樣品的外觀和功能.5質量要求5.1試驗后,樣品的外觀和功能應正常;彩盒不得爛(輕微皺可認為合格).5.2試驗前、後,樣品的靈敏度變化須小於3dB.6記錄 保存年限RTC試驗報告 750PR002 3年六.工作壽命試驗1目的用於評定產品在正常工作狀態下,長時間工作所能承受的抗御能力.2适用範圍適用於中


    11、驗(正常生產時)4.4A每批柯打產品生產到最後一天時,抽取1pc合格的樣品.4.4B給樣品輸入相應掃描信號,將樣品放入43的高溫箱中,讓其每天工作8小時,持續試驗30天.4.4C試驗后,檢查樣品的外觀和功能.5質量要求5.1試驗后,樣品的外觀和功能應正常.5.2試驗前、後,樣品的靈敏度變化須小於3dB.6記錄 保存年限RTC試驗報告 750PR002 3年七.鹽霧腐蝕試驗此試驗請參照WI/750/013鹽霧腐蝕試驗.八.插線彎曲壽命試驗此試驗請參照WI/750/054插線老鼠尾彎曲壽命試驗.九.插線線身和接合處拉力試驗此試驗請參照WI/750/053插線線身拉力試驗和WI/750/037插線接

    12、合處強度試驗.十.插頭/插座壽命試驗此試驗請參照WI/750/039插頭/插座壽命試驗.備注:如果某型號的參數與本作業指導書中的內容有衝突,請以客戶資料中某型號的參數為準.以下是英文內容, 如有中英文不符, 按中文為準!Following is English content, if have any different from the Chinese, please judge in Chinese.一.Packed Product Free Drop Test1PurposeTo evaluate the ability of the carton or inner box withst

    13、and the impact when transportation、load and other operation.2ScopeApplying to all Radioshacks product belong to A&A originally that made by Fujikon. 3Test EquipmentImpact platform: horizontal metal floor or concrete ground (cant use wood floor and carpet in any condition) 、Package drop tester4Test P

    14、rocess4.1Environment condition: temperature:1530,RH:3580%.4.2Take 1carton of qualified products.4.3The weight and the corresponding drop height as form1.4.4The product sold to USA, drop sequence (from a to j):a. Anyone cornerb. The shortest edge near the cornerc. The shorter edge near the corner d.

    15、The longest edge near the corner e. The smallest sidef. The opposite side of the smallest sideg. The middle size sideh. The opposite side of the middle size sidei. The biggest sidej. The opposite side of the biggest of side4.5 The product sold to CA/AUST/UK, drop sequence (from a to h):a. Anyone cor

    16、nerb. The opposite corner of the corner (this step is only for the product sold to CA) c. Check the package and the appearance and function of the samples (and replace the bad samples)d. The shorter edge near the cornere. The shorter edge near the cornerf. The longest edge near the cornerg. Check th

    17、e package and the appearance and function of the samples (and replace the bad samples)h. The smallest side4.6After test, check the package and the appearance and function of the samples.5Quality Requirement5.1After test, the package no obvious damage and the product in inner box no any mess. 5.2Afte

    18、r test, the function and appearance of samples shall be normal; The variation of the sensitivity shall be less than 3dB before and after test.6Record Keep TimeRTC Test Report 750PR002 3 years二.Vibration Test1Purpose To evaluate the ability of the product withstand the vibration when transportation a

    19、nd other operation.2ScopeApplying to all Radioshacks product belong to A&A originally that made by Fujikon.3Test EquipmentVibration tester4Test Process4.1Environment condition: temperature:1530,RH:3580%.4.2Take 1carton of qualified products.4.3Fix the samples on the table-board of the vibration test

    20、er as the direction of normal placement and set the tester: frequency: 1030Hz, displacement: 2mm, every sweep is 5 minutes, 3 direction and 30 minutes for each directions 4.4After test, check the appearance and function of the samples.5Quality Requirement5.1After test, the function and appearance of

    21、 samples shall be normal. 5.2After test, the product in carton no any mess.6Record Keep TimeRTC Test Report 750PR002 3 years三.High & Low Temperature Test1Purpose To evaluate the ability of the product withstand the high & low temperature.2ScopeApplying to all Radioshacks product belong to A&A origin

    22、ally that made by Fujikon.3Test EquipmentRefrigerator、oven 4Test Process4.1Environment condition: temperature:1530,RH:3580%.4.2High temperature test.4.2ATake 5pcs (or more) qualified products.4.2BPut the samples in the oven(43) for 24 hours, after 24 hours, take out the samples and expose to ambient

    23、 environment condition for 2 hours.4.2CAfter test, check the appearance and function of the samples.4.3Low temperature test.4.3ATake 5pcs (or more) qualified products.4.3BPut the samples in the refrigerator (0) for 24 hours, after 24 hours, take out the samples and expose to ambient environment cond

    24、ition for 2 hours.4.3CAfter test, check the appearance and function of the samples.5Quality Requirement5.1After test, the function and appearance of samples shall be normal.5.2The variation of the sensitivity shall be less than 3dB before and after test.6Record Keep TimeRTC Test Report 750PR002 3 ye

    25、ars四.High Temperature & High Humidity Test1Purpose To evaluate the reliability of product under the condition of high temperature & high humidity operation or storage.2ScopeApplying to all Radioshacks product belong to A&A originally that made by Fujikon.3Test EquipmentProgrammable temperature & hum

    26、idity test chamber. 4Test Process4.1Environment condition: temperature:1530,RH:3580%.4.2Take 5pcs (or more) qualified products.4.3Put the sample into the chamber (temperature: 40, RH:932%)for 72 hours, after 72 hours, take out the samples and expose to ambient environment condition for 2 hours.4.4Af

    27、ter test, check the function and appearance of samples.5Quality Requirement5.1After test, the function and appearance of samples shall be normal.5.2The variation of the sensitivity shall be less than 3dB before and after test.6Record Keep TimeRTC Test Report 750PR002 3 years五.Drop Test (lean)1Purpos

    28、e To evaluate the ability of the inner box withstand the impact when transportation、load and other operation.2ScopeApplying to all Radioshacks product belong to A&A originally that made by Fujikon.3Test EquipmentWooden board 4Test Process4.1Environment condition: temperature:1530,RH:3580%.4.2Take 2pcs (or more) qual


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