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    国际船舶 货物系固手册.docx

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    国际船舶 货物系固手册.docx

    1、国际船舶 货物系固手册 国际航行船舶货物系固手册CARGO SECURING MANUAL本手册是按照国际海上人命安全公约、国际海事组织Msc/Circ745号通函和“货物积载和系固安全操作规则”编制的。This manual has been prepared according to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), the IMO Msc/circ745, the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (IMO Reso

    2、lution (17) ). 序言(PREAMBLE) 本手册是按照1974年国际海上人命安全公约、国际海事组织第Msc/Circ745号通函、国际海事组织决议(17)以及“货物积载和系固安全操作规则”编制的。 This manual has been prepared according to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea , 1974(SOLAS) 1994 amendment, the IMO Msc/circ745,the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowag

    3、e and Securing (IMO Resolution (17) ). 本手册应永久保留在船上, 以便船级社的验船师、港口国检查的官员以及其他有关人员的随时检查。 The manual shall always be kept on board and available for inspection by class surveyors , port/flag state inspectors and others to whom it may concern. 如系固装置和对系固手册的要求有变化, 本手册应修订并送船级社或主管当局重新批准。 The manual is to be m

    4、odified and re-approved by the Classification Society or the Administration in case of that the provision of Cargo Securing Manual was revised or the cargo securing devices were changed. 附录应保持最新有效。 Appendix should be maintained up to date.CONTENTS第一章(CHAPTER 1) 总则(GENERAL) 船舶数据(SHIP DATA) 定义(DEFINIT


    6、CARGO ) 积载和系固须知 ( Stowage and securing instructions ) 货物单元受力计算(EVALUATION OF FORCES ACTING ON CARGO UNITS) 各种货物单元、车辆和积载容器上的可移动系固装置的使用(APPLICATION OF PORTABLE SECURING DEVICES ON VARIOUS CARGO UNITS,VEHICLES AND STOWAGE BLOCKS) 附则一(ANNEX 1) 非为运输集装箱而专门设计和装备的船舶的甲板上的集装箱的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing

    7、 of containers on deck of ships which are not specially designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers 附则二(ANNEX 2) 45 移动式罐柜的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of portable tanks 附则三(ANNEX 3) 51 移动式容器的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of portable receptacles 附则四(ANNEX 4) 55 轮载(滚动)货物的安全积载和系

    8、固 Safe stowage and securing of wheel-based(rolling cargoes) 附则五(ANNEX 5) 57 机车、变压器等重件货的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of heavy cargo items such as locomotives,transformers,etc. 附则六(ANNEX 6) 63 成卷钢板的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of coiled sheet steel 附则七(ANNEX 7) 69 重金属制品的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage

    9、and securing of heavy metal products 附则八(ANNEX 8) 71 锚链的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of anchor chains 附则九(ANNEX 9) 73 散装金属废料的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of metal scrap in bulk 附则十(ANNEX 10) 75 挠性中间散装容器的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of flexible intermediate bulk container 附则十一(ANNEX 11

    10、) 78 原木在甲板下积载的一般指南 General guidelines for the under-deck stowage of logs 附则十二(ANNEX 12) 83 成组货物的安全积载和系固 Safe stowage and securing of unit loads 附录(APPENDIX)附录一(APPENDIX 1)固定式货物系固设备清单、布置和结构图( List, arrangement and structure sketch of fixed cargo securing devices)附录二(APPENDIX 2)便携式货物系固设备清单、结构图及证明书(Lis

    11、t, structure sketch of portable cargo securing devices and documents to them)附录三(APPENDIX 3)货物系固设备检查/维护簿(Log for inspection/maintenance of cargo securing devices)第一章 (CHAPTER 1) 总则(GENERAL) 船舶数据(SHIP DATA)船名Ship name船级社Classification海事组织编号IMO No.船旗国Flag船籍港Port of registry船东Owner船型Ship type船长Length,

    12、BP船宽Breath, B型深Depth, D服务航速Service speed夏季吃水Summer draft总吨位Gross tonnage初稳性高度范围Range of GM0 定义(DEFINITIONS).1 货物单元(Cargo Units) 系指车辆(公路车辆、滚装拖车等)、铁路车辆、集装箱、板材、托盘、便携式容器、中间散装容器、包装单元、成组货、其他货物运输单元如船运箱盒、件杂货如线材卷、重货如火车头和变压器。不是永久固定在船上的船运输的装载设备或其部件, 也应被视为货物单元。 means vehicles(road vehicles, roll trailers, etc.)

    13、, railway wagons, containers, flats, pallets, portable tanks, intermediate bulk containers(IBC), packaged units, unit loads, other cargo carrying units such as shipping cassettes, cargo entities such as steel coils and heavy cargo items such as locomotives and transformers. Loading equipment, or any

    14、 part thereof, transported on the ship, but which is not permanently fixed to the ship, is also considered as cargo units.2 货物系固设备(Cargo Securing Devices) 所有用于系固和支持货物单元的固定式和便携式装具。 means all fixed and portable devices used to secure and support cargo units.3 最大系固载荷(Maximum Securing Load)(MSL) 本术语用于限定

    15、船上系固设备的许用负荷。当能提供等同或较高的强度时, 安全工作负荷(SWL)可以替代MSL。 MSL is a term used to define the allowable load capacity for a device used to secure cargo to a ship. Safe Working Load(SWL)may be substituted for MSL for securing purposes, provided this is equal to or exceeds the strength defined by MSL.4 标准货(Standard

    16、ized Cargo) 已根据货物单元的特定形式在船上设置了经批准的系固系统的货物。 means cargo for which the ship is provided with an approved securing system based upon cargo units of specific types.5 半标准货(Semi-standardized Cargo) 在船上设置的系固系统仅适应货物单元的有限变化。如: 车辆、拖车等。 means cargo for which the ship is provided with a securing system capable

    17、of accommodating a limited variety of cargo units, such as vehicles, trailers, etc.6 非标准货(Non-standardized Cargo) 需要专门的装载和系固安排的货物。 means cargo which requires individual stowage and securing arrangements.7 固定式系固设备(fixed cargo securing devices) 指系固点及其支撑结构。这些设备既可以是内部的,如焊接在船体结构内,也可以是暴露在外的,如直接焊接在船体结构外部。M

    18、eans securing point and its supporting configuration. It can be inside, such as welding in the hull structure. Can expose outside too , if weld it on the hull structure outside directly.8 便携式系固设备(portable cargo securing devices) 指用于货物单元绑扎、系固和支撑的移动式设备。 Mean portable devices used for cargo units colli

    19、gation、securing and supporting. 概述(GENERAL INFORMATION).1 本手册不排除良好的航海技术, 也不排除经验和在装载和系固方面的实践。 The guidance given herein should by no means rule out the principles of good seamanship, neither can they replace experience in stowage and securing practice.2 本手册的资料和要求与下述文件中的要求相一致:-船舶稳性计算书-1966年国际载重线证书-船体强

    20、度装载手册(如有时)-国际海运危险货物规则(如适用) The information and requirements set forth in this Manual are consistent with the requirements of the vessels trim and stability booklet, International Load Line Certificate(1966), the hull strength loading manual(if provided)and with the requirements of the International

    21、Maritime Dangerous Goods(IMDG)Code(if applicable).3 本手册规定了船上的货物系固设备及其布置方式, 以便对货物单元进行正确的系固。这些规定基于恶劣气候和海况下货物所受到的纵、横、垂向力。 This Cargo Securing Manual specifies arrangements and cargo securing devices provided on board the ship for the correct application to and the securing of cargo units, containers, v

    22、ehicles and other entities, based on transverse, longitudinal and vertical forces which may arise during adverse weather and sea conditions.4 应该认识到对货物的适当系固以及在船上选择适当的系固点对船、货、人的安全都是重要的。 It is imperative to the safety of the ship and the protection of the cargo and personnel that the securing of the ca

    23、rgo is carried out properly and that only appropriate securing points or fittings should be used for cargo securing.5 本手册中提到的货物系固设备应被正确地使用, 并应适合货物的数量、包装方式和物理特性。当采用新型或替代的货物系固设备时, 手册应相应修改。替代的货物系固设备的强度不应低于原设备。 The cargo securing devices mentioned in this manual should be applied so as to be suitable an

    24、d adapted to the quantity, type of packaging, and physical properties of the cargo to be carried. When new or alternative types of cargo securing devices are introduced, the Cargo Securing Manual should be revised accordingly. Alternative cargo securing devices introduced should not have less streng

    25、th than the equipment which it replaces.6 船上应配有足够的备用货物系固设备。 There should be a sufficient quantity of reserve cargo securing devices on board the ship.7 手册中已包括每种货物系固设备的强度资料、使用和保养的须知。货物系固设备应保养良好, 当存在影响系固效果的磨损或损伤时应更新设备。 Information on the strength and instructions for the use and maintenance of each sp

    26、ecific type of cargo securing device, where applicable, is provided in this manual. The cargo securing devices should be maintained in a satisfactory condition. Items worn or damaged to such an extent that their quality is impaired should be replaced.8 未经船长许可船体结构上不得加焊任何部件。 The hull structure cant be

    27、 added and welded any part without permission of captain.9 如要在甲板板、舱壁板上焊接系固设备,必须同扶强材、横梁、纵骨或肋板重合,且具有合适的焊接面积来承载。If securing devices shall be weld at deck, bulkhead, it must connect with the stiffener , beam , longitudinal or frames, and the suitable area of welding is born the weight of.10 所有新更换的基座、绑扎眼

    28、板和绑扎地令等应配有符合合适的国家或国际标准的证书,以证明其最大系固负荷。All renewal of base , eyeplate and D-ling should provide with suitable certificate of nation or the international standard in order to prove its maximum securing load.11 载荷不应直接作用于船体结构上,也不应与系固设备允许的受力面成一定角度(如下图)Load should act on hull structure directly, and should

    29、 not form into a certain angle with allowable forces against securing devices (see the following picture)正确correct 第二章 (CHAPTER 2) 货物系固装置 ( CARGO SECURING DEVICES) 固定式货物系固设备(Fixed cargo securing devices) .1 固定式货物系固设备清单(List of Fixed cargo securing devices ) 见附录二 see appendix 2 .2 固定式货物系固设备布置图(Arrang

    30、ement of fixed cargo securing devices) 见附录二 see appendix 2 .3 固定式货物系固设备结构图(Sketch of fixed cargo securing devices) 见附录二 see appendix 2 便携式货物系固设备(Portable cargo securing devices).1 便携式货物系固设备清单(List of portable cargo securing devices) 见附录三 see appendix 3.2 便携式货物系固设备结构图(Sketch of portable cargo securin

    31、g devices) 见附录三 see appendix 3.3 便携式货物系固设备证明书 ( Documents to portable cargo securing devices ) 见附录三 see appendix 3 检查和维护计划(Inspection and Maintenance Schemes)2.3.1 船长应负责定期检查和维护。货物系固设备的检查的最低要求应包括: Regular inspection and maintenance are carried out under the responsibility of the Master. Cargo securing device inspection should as a minimum include: .1 对零件的日常外观检查: Routine visual examinations of components being utilized: - 使用任何货物系固设备前,无论是固定式还是便携式,均应进行外观检查


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