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    1、人教版高中英语必修4Unit2Workingtheland教案Unit2 Working the land单元总体教案1. 重点难点 1. In many ways, he is one of them, and he struggled for the past five decades to help them. In a way; in one way; in some ways 在某种程度上 2However, he cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. carev

    2、. 在乎,在意,喜欢,有兴趣 spend sth. on 在某方面花费 spend (in) doing sth. 花费做某事 3Wishing for nothing, however, costs nothing. wishing for nothing 动名词短语做主语,谓语动词用单数。however是插入语,表示语气的一种转折。 4It also refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. refer to 与有关,关系到某人、某事;提到,涉及;参考 5Instead, organic f

    3、armers insist on changing crops every two or three years. insist on 坚持要求;insist后面可以跟从句,其中谓语动词常用should + 动词原形构成 6Dr. Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could fees more people. with the hope of 带着某种希望 7He used to walk to his fields twice a day, but now he prefers

    4、to ride his motorcycle. used to 过去常常(现在已经不是如此) be used to doing 意思是“习惯于” prefer to do (rather than do) 相比之下更喜欢做某事 8But whatever they grow they make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting becomes a natural fertilizer for the next years crop. whatever引导让步状语从句,表示“无论怎样”,相当于no matter what.

    5、 Eg: Whatever you do, dont give up. 2功能句型 建议(Suggestion & advice) I would rather I dont like because Id prefer because Its a great pity that Should we/I ? Its better to If I have a choice Id choose because You need to May I suggest ? Let me suggest because Perhaps we should suggest because But what/

    6、how about ? 3. 重点单词及短语 单词 hungern. 饥饿,食欲;v. 渴望得到某事物,某人 hunger for/after sth./sb. strugglevi. Struggle with sb. 与某人争斗,搏斗 struggle (against/with sb./sth.) struggle against/with sb./sth. (for sth.) 争斗,拼搏,奋斗,努力 expandvi. (使某事物)变大,增强,伸展,张开 expand on sth. 阐述或详述 expansionn. 扩大,扩展,膨胀 equipvt. equip sb./sth.

    7、 (with sth.) 配备,装备 equipmentn. 设备,装备 exportvt. 输出;n. 出口业,出口品 importvt. 进口 circulatevi. vt. 使某物循环,流通,传播;vt. 发侧知告知某人 circulationn. 循环,流传,传播 confusevt. 把某人弄糊涂,使为难,打乱 confusionn. 混乱,混淆 reducevt. 缩减,减小,降低 reductionn. 减少,缩小 supplyvt. 供给,供应,满足;n. 供应,供给之物 exchangevt. 交换,交易;n. 交换,更换,互访,交流 exhange sth. with s

    8、th. exchangeableadj. 可交换的,可退换的,可兑换的 短语 rid of清除,摆脱 be satisfied with = be contented 感到满足,满意的 would rather do sth. 宁可做某事 refer to 与有关,关系到某人,某事,提到,参考 search for 寻找,搜寻 thanks to 多亏,由于 rather than 而不,宁愿而不 分课时教案Period 1 Warming up and Pre-reading. Step 1. Lead-in. Poem By Li Shen Farmers weeding at noon,

    9、Sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day. Then let one student recite the poem in Chinese.Step 2. Warming up by questioningHello, everyone. We shall read about man who works the land today. Have you ever grown any plants? If not, what kind of plant would you like

    10、to grow? How will you grow it?(For reference: Mr. Li, I worked with my father in the rice field last year. We grow hybrid rice and use animal wastes to make the soil rich.)Has anyone of you ever been to the countryside? What did you do there?(For reference: I went to Chuankou the day before yesterda

    11、y. It is a small mountain village 75 li north of Beijing. I went there to visit my uncles family. I like that small beautiful village very much. )Who are from a farmers family? What do you know about farming?Step 3. Pre-reading and talking Questioning and answeringRice is main food in South China. W

    12、hat do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?(For reference: Then the south people would have to change their eating habit. They could turn to potatoes, wheat flour, cow and sheep cheese, cabbage, onions and garlic for food. They are the bases of the traditional food i

    13、n North China. )If you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world, what would you do?(For reference: I would try to end hunger by popularizing the advanced farmingtechniques. Modern techniques could be introduced to increase the rice output, and expand the area of fields.)Giving

    14、background information about Professor Yuan LongpingHave you ever heard of a man called Professor Yuan Longping? Would anyone of you tell the class something about him?(For reference: Professor Yuan Longping is a Chinese agricultural scientist. Professor Yuans breakthrough scientific achievement led

    15、 to the worlds first successful and widely grown hybrid rice varieties, revolutionizing rice cultivation in China and tripling production over a generation. His approach to rice breeding then spread internationally throughout Asia and to Africa and the Americas, providing food for tens of millions a

    16、nd leading to his becoming known as the Father of Hybrid Rice.Step 4. ReadingReading aloud to the recordingComprehensionunderstanding what you are readingis important. To read in thought groups is an easy, yet effective, way of improving reading comprehension. Now turn to page 9 and read aloud to th

    17、e recording of the text A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE. Pay attention to the thought groups in the sentences while listening and reading aloud. A brief introduction: Yuan Longping is known as Chinas “father of hybrid rice”. Its said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” - Deng Xiaoping, who made t

    18、he policy of System of Production Responsibility, & Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice. Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute. He has been working on agriculture education & the research into hybrid rice since h

    19、e left the institute. In the 1960s, when China was suffering from serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a high yield ( or output). Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice. Yuan devoted him

    20、self to the research into agriculture, & was honored by UNESCO & FAO(联合国教科文组织). Although he is 74 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture.Step 5 课后反思: Period 2 ReadingStep 1. Lead-in . Listen to the tape carefully then answer these questions. 1)When and who did become the fir

    21、st agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output? 2)What did Yuan Longping invent? Step2. Read the passage once again,then find out these sentences true or false. 1) Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist. 2) Dr Yuans kind of rice is the most suitable for Chinas farmland.

    22、3) Dr Yuan would rather work than relax. 4) Dr Yuan has dreams when he is asleep and also when he is awake. 5) Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people. Step3. Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph Para. 1: He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow

    23、rice that has a high output. Para.2:He has devoted his life to finding ways to grow more and more rice. Para.3:He cares little about spending the money on himself and would rather keep time for his hobbies. Para.4 Dr. Yuans dreams. Step4. Write down Yuan Longpings personal information In pairs, read

    24、 the text, find information to complete the following form. Facts about Yuan LongpingFacts about Yuans super hybrid riceagecapacityeducationapplicationmajorcontributionhobbyoverseasidealfutureStep 5 课后反思:Period 3 using languageStep 1. Language points: 1. Struggle for为争取而斗争 Struggle against为反对而斗争 Str

    25、uggle with 与争斗 1)The swimmer struggled against the tide. 2)We had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties. 3)The slaves struggled for the freedom 2. 使做成为 make +it +adj./n. +to do 好天气使游泳成为可能 The fine weather makes it possible( for us )to swim. 他将每早跑步做为一个规则 He makes it a rule to run every m

    26、orning. 其他可用这种结构的词: feel, find, think, consider 3.搜查,搜索 search (sb. / sth.) for He searched all the rooms for the missing person. They searched the man all over for money. 4.由于,多亏 thanks to 相当于 because of 5.是从前两倍那么多 twice as large as before 相当于once larger than before 6.对感到满意 be satisfied with相当于 be

    27、pleased with adj. satisfactory/satisfying n. satisfaction 7.在乎,在意 care about 比较 care for My aunt cared for me when my parents were away last week. Dr Yuan never cares about money and fame. 8. Indeed, his sunburn face and arms and his slim, strong body are like those of millions of other Chinese farm

    28、ers. e.g: The streets in Beijing are wider than those in my hometown. The number of students in our school is larger than that in their school. 9. Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice. e.g: He came to what is called America. 10. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one

    29、-third more of the crop in the same fields. e.g: That made it possible for life to begin to develop. The development of science makes it possible for us to know more about the universe. 11. Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice (that could feed more people). e.g: He

    30、went to the U.S with the hope of finding a better job there. Step 2. Closing down by having a dictationTo end the period you will take a dictation. It is about Yuan Longping, “Father of Super hybrid rice”. Yuan Longping, Chinas Most Famous FarmerYuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s. Since then, 50 percent of Chinas total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice, which added some 300 billion kilograms to the countrys grain output. Furrows grown on his sunburnt face, a slim figure and coiled-up trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters


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