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    1、考研英语考研写作常考句型1考研写作常考句型4结尾段(转载请注明出处)(2010-10-15 23:34:20)转载标签:教育分类:考研资料分享l. in general(on the whole, generally)总的说来2. in brief( in summary, in conclusion, in short, in a word , to sum up , to conclude , to summarize)总而言之,综上所述3. Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably come to (draw) the co

    2、nclusion that从所提供的证据来看,我们可以得出以下结论4. From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude that从以上的比较,任何人都可以得出这样的结论5. From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at(draw, come to, reach)the conclusion that从以上所讨论的来看,我们可以得出以下结论6. For the reasons presented above, I strongly sti

    3、ck to the notion that根据上述的理由,我坚持的观点是7. Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the moral that全盘考虑所有的因素,我们可以得出这样的教训8. All the evidence justifies an unshakable view that所有的证据证明了一个不可动摇的观点9. All the evidence supports an unmistakable conclusion that所有的证据证明了一个千真万确的结论10. Given the

    4、factors I have outlined, I believe that.通过我所简述的这些因素,我相信11. For the reasons above, I feel that.鉴于以上原因,我觉得12 To conclude my essay, I would like to quote an old saying”我想引用一句古语“”来结束我的文章13. It is(high) time that we placed great emphasis on the development of我们旱该把重点放在的发展上了14. There is little doubt (no de

    5、nying) that further attention must be paid to the problem of毫无疑问(不容否认),关于的问题必须受到更多的关注15. It is (high) time we put an end to the undesirable phenomenon of我们早该结束这种不良现象了16. It is high time that we (the government) did我们(政府)早该干17.lt is urgent (important, necessary)that appropriate (effective, proper)act

    6、ions(measures,steps, methods)be taken to end ( correct, improve)采取适当的(有效的,合适的)措施(行动,步骤,方法)去消除(纠止,改进是迫切的(重要的,必要的)。18. Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.不仅仅是为了我们,更是为了我们的后代,政府和普通

    7、公民应该联合起来,使这个世界变成更美好的家园。考研写作常考句型3具体功能句型分类:(2010-10-15 23:33:10)转载标签:教育分类:考研资料分享(1)过渡概括句式1. To understand the truth of., it is necessary to analyze.为了了解的真相,有必要分析2. To get a full appreciation of what / how., we must / have to turn first to为了充分理解,我们应该首先看一下3. To illustrate / prove / show this point, let

    8、me develop my argument.为了说明这一点,首先来讨论一下4. A study of., perhaps, will make this point clear.研究一下的情况也许会说明这一点。5. But, you may ask, why is. important / indispensable / necessary?但你或许会问,为什么很重要(必不可少、有必要)?6. Another equally important aspect / function is.另一个同样重要的方面(作用)是7. Closely connected with / related to

    9、/associated with this factor is.与这个因素密切相关的另一个因素是8. . may further be supported by.可以进一步证实9. . is but one of many effects / pressures. Another is.只不过是其中一个作用 (压力) 。另一个是10. Besides / In addition to / Apart from this, other ways / aspects / functions are除此之外,另外一些方法(方面、作用)是11. Moreover, / Furthermore, / W

    10、hats more, / Worse still,此外(更糟的是)12. . is also / as well harmful / damaging.也是有害的。13. So does / are.也是14. No less important / harmful.同样重要(有害)的是15. It would be foolish / absurd to argue / think / believe that. And it would be more foolish / absurd to argue that.如果认为那是愚蠢的(荒谬的)。但如果认为将更加愚蠢(荒谬)。(2)对比和对照

    11、句式1. The advantages gained in. outweigh / are much greater than the advantages we gain from.的优点远远超过我们从中获得的。2. . bears startling / striking resemblances to.与极为相似。3. While on the one hand; on the other hand, .一方面,;另一方面,4. Like / Similarly / Likewise / In the same way .同样,5. Although. enjoys a distinct

    12、 advantage.尽管有明显优势,但是6. . is no morethan., is/., does not., any more thandoes.绝不比更7. Many students like. Among them there are two types of attitude in. Some of them think that. Others, however, dont think so. They feel that.许多学生喜欢关于他们有两种不用的观点。有的认为而另外一些则不同意这种看法。他们觉得8. Nothing / Few things can approac

    13、h / equal / match / parallel.没有什么能与相比。9. Indeed carries more weight than when is concerned.的确,就而言,的重要性要超过10. Serious as the problem may be, it pales/disappears into insignificance by comparison to.问题可能很严重,但与相比就微不足道了。11. In comparison / contrast.比较而言(对比起来),12. Indeed / certainly. plays a more / less

    14、important role as / when compared to /with.当然,与相比,的影响要大(小)的多。13. Despite the fact that most of them like., I would like to choose to.尽管有许多人喜欢,我还是倾向于14. When the advantages and disadvantages are compared / weighed, the most striking conclusion / finding is quite obvious / self-evident.比较一下优缺点,结论就不言而喻

    15、了。15. There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of. Some people suggest that., while others argue that. I agree with the latter / former.人们并未就达成一致意见。一些人建议,而另一些则争辩说我比较赞成后者(前者)。16. People differ greatly in their attitudes towards this problem. Some maintain thatOthers, on the contr

    16、ary, hold the opinion that. Personally, I stand on the side of.人们对于这个问题的态度差异很大。有人坚持认为与此相反,有人认为就我个人而言,我站在这一边。17. For most people today. has become their main source of.-But as for me,should be regarded as a better source.如今多数人将作为的主要来源。但就我而言,应被看作一种更好的来源。18. . may be superior to. , but it poses problem

    17、s for those who.可能比要好一些,但有可能给那些的人带来问题。19. Different people have different ideas about. Some people take it for granted that. On the contrary, some other people think.:对于的观点因人而异。有人想当然的认为相反,有人则认为20. This case has aroused echoes throughout the country with more and more people following its lead, but i

    18、deas about it vary widely. Those who criticize / oppose/object to / are against., argue / hold that. , but people who advocate / favor/are for, on the other hand, maintain/assert/claim that are for . On the other hand, maintain / assert / claim that.随着越来越多的人加入它的行列,这一现象已经在全国引起了巨大反响。然而人们对此的观点却迥然相异。反对者

    19、认为,而另一方面,支持者则宣称(3)承接转折句式1. But if., .但如果,2. But thats only part of the story / explanation. Perhaps the most significant / remarkable thing aboutis.但这只是部分原因。或许,有关最引人注目的是3. Not only, but also.不仅,而且4. Despite / In spite of / For all the difficulty / problem / pressure.尽管有困难(问题、压力),5. On the other hand

    20、, / On the contrary, / By contrast.相反,6. However, / But, / Nevertheless.但是7. Rather than / Instead of .不是,而是8. And the opposite is also the case.反之亦然9. Some people argue / claim that. But more often than not, the opposite / reverse is usually the case.有些人认为而在许多情况下,事实正好相反。10. Some people assume that.

    21、 Perhaps / Maybe it is just / quite the other way around / opposite / contrary.有人觉得也许事实正好相反。11. Contrary to the widely held / accepted belief / idea / assumption that. new studies challenge the view / opinion / belief that.与普遍的信仰(看法、设想)相反的是,新的研究对的观点(信仰)提出了挑战。12. We have been brought up to believe /

    22、myth that. Yet.我们从小到大都相信这种说法然而13. They argue / maintain / contend that., that., and that. However.他们认为,认为,认为然而,14. At first glance, it may seem a sound solution / suggestion, but on second thoughts, we find.乍看起来,这似乎是个合理的办法(建议);但是仔细考虑一下,我们就会发现15. There is probably an element of truth in the observati

    23、ons, but they ignore a deeper and more basic / important / essential fact.可能这些话有一定的道理,但是他们忽略了一个更深层次和更为基本(重要、本质)的事实,16. It is partly right to say that., but we should not neglect the fact that.尽管部分是对的,但是我们不能忽视的事实。17. It is true that., but this is not to say.是事实,但是也不能说18. Given the fact that., it by n

    24、o means indicates that.尽管是事实,但是并不意味着19. In contrast with the drawbacks/demerits/flaws of ., .can serve as a better solution for the problem of.与的缺点相比,能为问题提供更好的解决途径20. Like anything else, it also has its own dark side, as evidenced in.与其他任何事物一样,它也有黑暗的一面,表现在(4)描述图表和数据句式1. The first graph shows us., wh

    25、ile the other shows that.第个图表告诉我们,而另个则显示2. The table above shows.以上表格显示3. By comparison with 2004, it increased / rose from / decreased / fell from., to.percent of the total.与2004年相比,它从占总数的百分之增长(降低)到百分之4. The first graph tells that. The second graph shows that. The reasons to explain this situation

    26、can be listed as follows.第一个图表告诉我们第二个显示以下原因可以解释这一情况。5. The figure / percentage has nearly doubled / tripled, as against that of last year.与去年相比,数量(百分比)增加了一倍(两倍)。6. It can be discerned from the table that.从以上表格可以看出7. The number of. is three times as much as that of 2002.的数量是2002年的三倍。8. The figure of

    27、the first graph shows that. At the same time, the figure of the second graph shows that. The relationship between these two figures warns us that.第一个图表的数据显示而第二个说明两者之间的关系警告我们9. It accounts for., percent of the total.这占了总数的百分之10. As the bar chart shows, the number of. has dramatically increased / decr

    28、eased during the., years from., to.如柱状图所示,从到的年间,的数量急剧上升(下降)。11. The rate was., per thousand, more than., the 2002 total.比率是千分之,多于2002年的12. From the graph, we know the statistics of. and. It can be seen easily that.从图表中我们可知和的数据。可以很容易地看出13. From the bar chart, it is clear that between., and., the amou

    29、nt of. ranged from., to.从柱状图可以很清楚地看到,从到之间,的数量在从到之间变化。14. As the bar chart shows, great changes concerning., took place between.and.柱状图表明,从到,发生了很大的变化。15. As can be seen in the graph saw great changes in. betweenand.从图表可知,在到之间,在方面发生了巨大变化。16. In 2003, only / less than / more than / about three quarters / 50 percent / one out of four / one in four., preferred / wanted / chose. , as against / compared with one in three last year.与去年的13相比,2003年只有(少于、多于、大约)34(50、14)的喜欢(想要、选择)17. During the period between and., . declined abruptly from to. while, increased sharply from


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