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    高中英语 Unit 2 Language单元综合检测 牛津译林版必修3.docx

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    高中英语 Unit 2 Language单元综合检测 牛津译林版必修3.docx

    1、高中英语 Unit 2 Language单元综合检测 牛津译林版必修3Unit 2 Language第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21More attention should be the safety of school buses, which has become big concern of the whole society.(2015福州高一检测)Apaid to improving;aBpaid to improve;theCpa

    2、id to improving;theDpaid to improve;/答案A解析句意为:应该多加注意提高校车的安全,这已经成为全社会关注的一件大事。根据pay attention to doing sth.“注意做某事”可排除B、D两项;第二个空用不定冠词,a big concern意为“一件受关注的大事”,故A项正确。22Boys and girls, Mr. Smith is ill, so I him in the English class.Areplace Btake the placeCinstead of Din place of答案A解析句意为:同学们,史密斯老师病了,因此

    3、我来替他上英语课。分析句子结构可知,所填部分作谓语,排除C、D两项;另外,replacetake the place of,所以A项符合。23We the national flag when the sun in the east every morning.Araise;raises Brise;risesCraise;rises Drise;raises答案C解析句意为:每天当太阳从东方升起时,我们升国旗。raise为及物动词,意为“使升高”;rise为不及物动词,常常用来表示日、月、星等的升起,故C项正确。24In some places women are expected to e

    4、arn money men work at home and raise their children.Abut BwhileCbecause Dthough答案B解析句意为:有些地方指望女人挣钱养家,而男人在家做家务抚养孩子。根据句意可知此处用并列连词while “而,却”,表示前后对比关系。25Mary the job offered to her,but she didnt.Acant take Bought to have takenCshould take Dmust have taken答案B解析句意为:玛丽本应该接受被提供的这份工作,但是她没有。ought to have don

    5、e本应该做而未做。26American Indians about five percent of the US population.Afill up Bbring upCmake up Dset up答案C解析句意为:美国印第安人构成了大约5%的美国人口。fill up填满;bring up抚养,提出;make up组成,构成,弥补;set up成立,建立。由句意可知选C。27Everyone knows that is dangerous to play with fire, but is difficult is to prevent children from doing so.(2

    6、015长沙高一检测)Ait;it Bit;whatCwhat;what Dwhat;it答案B解析句意为:大家都知道玩火是危险的,但是阻止孩子们玩火是困难的。分析句子结构可知,第一个空用形式主语it,真正的主语为动词不定式短语to play with fire;第二个空用what引导主语从句,故B项正确。28It is known to all that a proper amount of exercise to good health.Abenefits BcontributesCvalues Dimproves答案B解析句意为:众所周知,适量的锻炼有助于身体健康。benefit使受益;c

    7、ontribute to促成,有助于;value估价,评价,尊重,重视;improve提高,改善;A、C、D三项不与to搭配,故B项正确。29With our knowledge practice,we can make contributions to our society.Ato base on Bbasing onCbased on Dbase on答案C解析考查非谓语动词。句意为:用我们以实践为基础的知识,我们能为社会做出贡献。be based on 以为基础,此处为过去分词短语作定语,相当于定语从句which is based on practice,故选C项。30As we al

    8、l know,the English language the grammar and vocabulary that people from different countries and cultures brought to Britain.Ais consisted of Bmakes up ofCconsists of Dmakes up答案C解析句意为:正如我们所知道的那样,英语由语法和来自不同国家文化背景的人带到英国的词汇组成。consist ofbe made up of由组成,故C项正确。31Oh, you havent read my email?Sorry, I have

    9、nt had any to the computer these days.Aaccess BattitudeCattention Dapproach答案A解析句意为:哦,你没有看我发给你的电子邮件吗?对不起,最近我没有机会用电脑。have access to有机会使用。为固定搭配,故A项正确。32After graduation from high school we will reach a point we have to decide which university to attend.(2015杭州高一检测)Athat BwhatCwhich Dwhere答案D解析句意为:高中毕业

    10、后我们就处于自己决定就读哪所大学的境地。分析句子结构可知,where作为关系副词引导限制性定语从句,修饰point,where在从句中作状语,表示模糊的地点概念。33 being fun, watching English videos is a good form of listening exercise.AAside from BIn additionCBesides that DExcept for答案A解析句意为:看英文视频除了好玩,还是听力练习的一种好方式。aside from除之外,还有;in addition除之外,还有,为副词短语;besides不与that连用;except

    11、 for除去。34Do you know at what age children are able to between right and wrong?(2015淮安高一检测)Atell BdivideCdiffer Ddistinguish答案D解析句意为:你知道孩子们到多大时才能辨别是非吗?distinguish between right and wrongtell right from wrong辨别是非,故D项正确。35 has been a privilege to be involved in such interesting voluntary work.AIt BThis

    12、CThat DWhat答案A解析句意为:参加这样有趣的志愿工作是一件很荣幸的事。It is a privilege to do sth.做某事是一种荣幸。it在句中作形式主语。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Once a foreign tourist traveling in France came to Paris for a few days. 36 the very first day of his stay in the French capital he sent a 37 to his

    13、wife 38 the name and the address of the hotel 39 he was staying.Then he decided to go out and see the places of 40 in the capital.He 41 a long walk along the 42 of the city, 43 a few museums and by the end of the day he felt terribly 44 . He wanted to 45 to the hotel to take a rest there,but suddenl

    14、y he realized that he remembered 46 the name,nor the address of the hotel.He felt quite 47 and slowly walked along the street,not 48 what to do.Suddenly he found 49 in front of a postoffice.He quickly ran inside and said to a clerk in a(n) 50 voice,“Give me a telegram form,please.”“ 51 ,”the clerk a

    15、nswered,giving him a form.It didnt 52 the tourist long to fill it in.A minute later he handed in the telegram and 53 the money.The tourists wife was greatly 54 when an hour later she received the second telegram from her husband.“ 55 me my address at once.”36A.On BAt CIn DFor答案A解析根据 “the very first

    16、day of his stay”可知,在他在法国首都的第一天。和具体某一天搭配用介词on。故选A。37A.letter BnoteCtelegram Dmessage答案C解析根据下文“Give me a telegram form,please.”可知,他给妻子发了一份电报。telegram电报。故选C。38A.using BwithCby Dabout答案B解析电报上有他居住的旅店的名字和地址。with有着,带有。故选B。39A.when BwhereCwhich Dthat答案B解析先行词是hotel,定语从句中不缺主宾表,缺少地点状语,用where引导定语从句。故选B。40A.happ

    17、iness BinterestCenjoyment Djoy答案B解析他想出去看看首都的名胜。 places of interest名胜。故选B。41A.took BtriedCgot Dmade答案A解析他沿着城市的街道走了很长时间。take a long walk走了很远。故选A。42A.buildings BplacesChouses Dstreets答案D解析根据下文“walked along the street”可知,他沿着街道走。street街道。故选D。43A.watched BvisitedCpaid visit Dobserved答案B解析根据下文“a few museum

    18、s”可知,他参观了几个博物馆。visit参观。故选B。44A.tired BhungryCthirsty Dasleep答案A解析根据上文“He a long walk along the of the city, a few museums and.”可知,到了晚上他感到很疲劳。tired疲劳的。故选A。45A.come BgetCreturn Dgo答案C解析根据下文“to take a rest there”可知,他想回到旅店休息。return回来,返回。故选C。46A.either BneitherCno Dnot答案B解析他不记得旅店的名字,也不记得旅店的地址。neither.nor

    19、.既不也不。故选B。47A.glad BlostChappy Dtired答案B解析根据上文“remembered the name,nor the address of the hotel”可知,他迷路了。lost迷失的。故选B。48A.thinking BrealizingCknowing Drecognizing答案C解析根据上文“slowly walked along the street”可知,他不知道做什么。know知道。故选C。49A.him Bhis wifeChis hotel Dhimself答案D解析突然他发现自己来到邮局前面。find oneself 介词短语,意为“发

    20、现自己不知不觉在”。故选D。50A.surprised BstrangeCexcited Dloud答案C解析根据上文“He quickly ran inside”可知,他用兴奋的声音对职员说。excited兴奋的。故选C。51A.Here is it BHere you areCGive it to you DSurely答案B解析根据下文“giving him a form”可知,职员说:“给你!”。Here you are给你。故选B。52A.take BhaveCget Dspend答案A解析根据下文“A minute later”可知,这个游客没有花很长时间就完成了表格。使用It t

    21、akes sb.some time to do sth.某人花费多长时间做某事。故选A。53A.paid for BpaidCpaid off Dpaid on答案B解析一分钟后,他交了电报并付了钱。pay the money付钱。pay for sth.为付钱。故选B。54A.happy BsurprisedCexcited Dangry答案B解析根据下文“when an hour later she received the second telegram from her husband”可知,游客的妻子收到丈夫的第二封电报的时候很惊讶。surprised惊讶的。故选B。55A.Give

    22、 BPost CSend DPass答案C解析根据上文这个游客不知道旅店的名字和地址,现在应该是让妻子将地址发过来。可知,send发送,符合语境。第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A “One thing I enjoy about my job is that I can work on something that is actually active,” says Game McGimsey,an American volcanologist(火山学家)Part of his job inclu

    23、des keeping an eye on Alaskas many active volcanoes and giving people a headsup when a volcano might erupt(喷发)Like most jobs in the science,volcanology requires a lot of education.McGimsey received an undergraduate degree in geology at the University of North Carolina,then landed an internship(实习期)

    24、with a geologist at the USGS(美国地质勘探局) whose work field was about volcanoes.After earning a graduate degree at the University of Colorado,McGimsey accepted a job with the USGS and has been with the Alaska Volcano Observatory for 25 years.Volcanoes can influence the world in ways we might not think ab

    25、out.For example,on Dec.15 1989,a 747 jetliner(a large airplane) flew through a thick ash cloud produced by Mount Redoubt,an Alaskan volcano that hadnt erupted in 25 years.The ash caused all four engines to die,and the planes electronics went dead.“The plane was within several thousand feet of flying

    26、 into the mountains below when the pilots got a couple of engines restarted and landed safely in Anchorage,” McGimsey says.It cost nearly 80 million to repair the damage to the plane.Such situations show just how dangerous volcanoes can be.However,volcanologists know the risks and are prepared to pr

    27、otect themselves.McGimsey admits,“There is certainly a higher danger level in volcanology than some other jobs.We understand how serious the danger is,and we dont like taking unnecessary chances.We avoid getting too close to an erupting volcano,because it is not worth injury or death simply to get a

    28、 rock or a photograph.”56Before working for the USGS,McGimsey .Ahad been a pilot for 25 yearsBknew nothing about the organizationChad taught at the University of North CarolinaDhad studied at the University of Colorado答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句可知,在为美国地质勘探局工作之前,McGimsey在科罗拉多大学上学。故选D。57On Dec.15,1989,a 747

    29、 jetliner .Ahad all its engines restartedBflew into a volcano in EuropeCsurvived an air accident luckilyDdisappeared in a huge ash cloud答案C解析细节理解题。根据文章第四段的句子“The plane was within several thousand feet of flying into the mountains below when the pilots got a couple of engines restarted and landed saf

    30、ely in Anchorage.”可知,1989年12月15号,一架747飞机幸运地避免了一场空难。故选C。58What McGimsey says in the last paragraph shows his .Apride BcarefulnessCloneliness Ddoubt答案B解析推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“We avoid getting too close to an erupting volcano,because it is not worth injury or death simply to get a rock or a photograph.”可知,McGimsey是很小心的。故选B。59What would be the best title for the text?AGame McGimsey:A Man of His WordBGame McGimsey:A Volcano Watcher CThe Eruption of Mt RedoubtDLost


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