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    1、外贸函电学习 外贸函电:邀请与答复Dear Mr. / Ms,We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29to May 4 at the above address. Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week.We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to at

    2、tend.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,在上述地址,我们想请贵公司参加于四月二十九日到五月四日举办的1997国际商品交易会,关于交易会的详情我们一周内将寄给你。希望不久能收到你的来信,并能来参加。您诚挚的肯定答复Dear Mr. / Ms,Thank you for your letter of March 20 inviting our corporation to participate in the 1997 International Fair. We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our e

    3、lectrical appliances as we did in previous years.Mr. Li will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your assistance.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,感谢三月二十八日来信邀请我们公司参加1997国际商品交易会。我们乐于参加并计划展示我们前几年生产的电子设备。李先生将于四月二日至七日去你市做具体安排,非常感谢你的协助。你诚挚的否定的答复Dear Mr. /

    4、 Ms,Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the 1997 International Fair. As we are going to open a repair shop in your city at that time, we are sorry that we shall not be able to come.We hope to see you on some future occasion.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,非常感谢您邀请我们参加1997国际商品交易会。由于我们将于同一时间到你市新

    5、开一家维修店,非常抱歉我们不能前去。希望以后在某些场合见到您。您诚挚的 外贸函电:宣布访问Dear Mr. / Ms,Mr. William Taylor, President of our Corporation and Mr. James Rogers, Marketing Manager, would like to visit Beijing to continue our discussions on a joint venture. They plan to leave in the second half of April and stay in China about a we

    6、ek. Please let us know if the planned visit is convenient for you and what itinerary you would suggest. If the time of their visit is agreeable, will you kindly request your Embassy here to issue the necessary visa?Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,我们公司的总裁威廉泰勒先生和营销部经理珍姆罗杰斯先生,想拜访北京继续商讨合资企业之事。他们计划四月下半月出发并在中国停留

    7、一周。请告知我方该访问计划对你方是否方便或您要建议什么行程计划。如对他们的访问时间无异议的话,可否要求使馆签发所需签证。您诚挚的外贸函电:咨询ConsultationDear Mr. / Ms,We are much concerned that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably. At first we thought this might be due to a slack market, but on looking into the matter more closely, we find that the gen

    8、eral trend of trade during this period has been upwards.It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware. If so, we would like to know what we can do to help. We, therefore, look forward to receiving from you a detailed report on the situation and suggestions as to how we ma

    9、y help in restoring our sales to their former level.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,我们非常关心你方销售近几个月大幅度下降。开始我们以为是市场疲软,但仔细研究问题,我们发现过去这段时间贸易的总趋势是上升的。有可能你方面临我方还不知道的困难,如是这样,我方想知道是否能帮助什么。我们期望收到关于问题的详细报告,及建议我们怎样帮助才能把销售恢复到原来的水平。 外贸函电:询盘 报盘 投诉Enquiry 询盘(a) Dear sir,We have seen your advertisement in the New Asia Jou

    10、rnal and are particularly interested in your portable typewriters, but we require a machine suitable for fairly heavy duty.Please send me your current illustrated catalogue and a price list.Your faithfully敬启者:我们在新亚洲周刊见到你们的广告。我们对你们的手提打字机尤感兴趣,但我们需要的是一台适用于打字量较大的机子。请你寄一份最新的附图产品目录和价目表来。谢谢。Enquiry 询盘(b) D

    11、ear Sir,We are a leading dealer in waterproof garments in this city. Our customers have expressed interest in your raincoats and enquired about their quality.Provided quality and price are satisfactory there are prospects of good sales here, but before placing a firm order we should be glad if you w

    12、ould send us, on fourteen days approval, a selection of mens and womens raincoats. Any of the items unsold at the end of the period, and which we decide not to keep as stock, would be returned at our expense.We look forward to hearing from you soon.敬启者:我们是一家经销防水衣的主要商号。我们的顾客对贵公司生产的雨衣有兴趣,并曾询问过它们的品质。若质

    13、量和价格适宜,你们的雨衣在这里会有较好的销量。但在正式下定单之前,我们希望先试销。如你们能选一批男,女装雨衣寄来,并同意给我们14天的试销期,我们将会感到很高兴。在此期限结束时,任何未销出而我们又不准备库存的产品将退还给你们,退货费用由我方负担。盼早日赐复。Reply 报盘(a) Dear Sir,We were very pleased to receive your letter of 5th April answering our advertisement for typewriters and, as requested, enclose a copy of our latest i

    14、llustrated catalogue and current price list.We think the Portable 95 is a machine that would suit your purpose very well. It weighs 6.5 kg and is a bit heavier than the usual portable, but it is good for heavy duty and at the same time conveniently portable when carried in its case.We have one of th

    15、ese machines in stock and we shall be pleased to arrange for you to try it.Although costs have been rising since March, we have not yet raised our pries, but may have to do so when present stocks run out. We therefore advise you to place your order with us at once.敬启者:我们很高兴收到您四月五日答复我们打字机广告的来信,现按您来信的

    16、要求附上我们最新的附图产品目录及现在的价目表。我们认为“手提95型”会适合您的需要。这部机重6.5公斤,比常见的手提机稍重一些,但适合于打字量大的用途,同时也可放进打字箱内,十分便于手提。我们目前的存货中有这样一台机子,我们将很乐意为您安排前来试用。自今年三月以来各种费用一直在上升,但我们仍未提价,不过目前的库存一旦售完便可能不得不这样做。为此我们建议您即时向我们下订单。Reply 报盘(b) Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter of 10th March. We are gratified to receive your request for men an

    17、d womens raincoats on approval.As we have not previously done business together, perhaps you will kindly agree to supply either the usual trade references, or the name of a bank to which we may refer. As soon as these enquiries are satisfactorily settled, we shall be happy to send you the items you

    18、mention in your letter.W sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a long and pleasant business association. We shall do our best to make it so.敬启者:您三月十日的来函收悉,我们对您提出有意试销我们出产的男女装雨衣的要求谨表示由衷的高兴。鉴于我们双方以往未有生意往来,可否请您提供一些一般的商业信用证明资料,或我们可查询的某家银行的名称。一旦这些查询获满意答复,我们将非常乐意向您寄出您信中提出的产品。我们衷心希望这是我们双方长期愉快合作的开始,我们

    19、将为此尽心竭力。Complaint 投诉 Dear Sir,On 5th October I bought one of your expensive Apollo fountain pens from Julians, a big department store of this town. Unfortunately I have been unable to use the pen because it leaks and fails to write without making blots. I am very disappointed with my purchase.On the

    20、 advice of Julians manager I am returning the pen to you and enclose it with this letter for correction of the fault.Please arrange for the pen to be fixed or replace it with a new one and send it to me as soon as possible.敬启者:本人于十月五日在本市的朱利安大百货公司购买了你们出产的名贵“阿波罗”型号钢笔一支。但遗憾的是,我一直未能使用这支笔,因为它漏墨水,一写字就漏出一滴

    21、滴墨水污渍。我对所购买的产品非常失望。现按照朱利安百货公司经理的意见,我随信把这支笔退还给你们,以便你们设法补救。请你们安排修理此笔,或换一支新的给我,并望早日寄来为盼。Settlement of Complaint 对投诉的处理 Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter of 9th October enclosing the defective Apollo fountain pen, received today. We very much regret that the pen you bought has given your trouble.Normal

    22、ly each of our pens is individually examined before being passed into store and it is hard to understand why this one escaped examination. We have passed your pen to our quality control department for inspection and a report. Meanwhile, we are arranging to replace your pen with a new one.We extend o

    23、ur apologies for the inconvenience this matter has caused you, but are confident that the replacement pen you will be receiving will prove satisfactory and give you the service you are entitled to expect from our products.敬启者:我们今天受到您十月五日寄来的信及所附的有毛病的“阿波罗”钢笔一支。您购买的笔给您造成麻烦,我们对此深感遗憾。一般情况下,我们生产的每支钢笔都要经过单

    24、独检验才能进入仓库,因此很难理解为什么这支被漏检。我们已将您的笔送交质量检查部门检验,并要求做出报告。与此同时,我们正安排为您更换新笔。我们对此事给您造成的不便深感抱歉,但深信您将收到的新笔会令您满意,不辜负您对我们产品质量所寄托的期望。 外贸函电:复函与报价 复函与报价(Replies and Quotations)Macer S.A24th November 20#Foshan Sweethome Installations Ltd.2 Xiyue StreetFoshan, GuangdongChinaDear sirs,In reply to your letter of 21st N

    25、overmber, We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation for bathroom showers.Besides those advertised in the Builers Joural, our illustrated catalogue also encolsed shows various types of bathroom fittings and the sizes available. Most types can be supplied from stock. 45-60 days should be allo

    26、wed for delivery of those marked with an asterisk.Building contractors in Hong Kong and Taiwan have found our equipment easy to install and attractive in apperance. Naturally all parts are replacable. and our quotation includes prices of spare parts. We can allow a 2% discount on all orders of US$6,

    27、000 in value and overf, and a 3%on orders exceeding US$20,000.Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly.yours faithfully.Francesco MaraniSales ManagerEncl.2外贸函电:询盘函电英文范例Dear Sir or Madam,We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the Menswear Ex

    28、hibition that was held in Chicago last month.We are a large chain of retailers and looking for a manufacturer who could supplyus with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market.As we usually place very large orders,we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20% trade discount off net

    29、list prices,and our terms of payment are normally 30 days bill of exchange,documents against payment.If these conditions interest you,and you can meet orders of over 1000 garments at one time,please send us your current catalogue and price-list.We hope to hear from you soon.Yours faithfully,Fred Joh

    30、nsChina Trade Manager外贸函电:报实价的信函Dear Sirs:This is to confirm your telex of 16 January 2004, asking us to make you firm offers for rice and soybeans C&F Singapore.We telexed you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of polished rice at A$2,400 per metric ton, C&F Singapore, for shipment during Ma

    31、rch/April 2004. This offer is firm, subject to the receipt of your reply before 10 February 2004.Please note that we have quoted our most favourable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.With regard to soybeans, we advise you that the few lots we have at present are under offer elsewhere. If, however, you were to make us a suitable offer, there is a possibility of our supplying them.As you know, of late, it has been a heavy demand for these commodities and this has resulted in increased prices.


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