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    1、2023广东省深圳市宝安区初三二模英 语 试 卷第一部分 选择题(50分)l. 完形填空(10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Once there was a king. One day he was traveling alone in a forest. After a long time, he reached a small house. Outside the house, he saw an old lady. The lady placed a plate

    2、 of hot rice in front of the king.The king was so 1_ that he quickly put his fingers on the hot food. The hot food 2_ his fingers, and he spilled(溢出) some rice on the floor.The old lady saw this and said, You seem too impatient and hasty (草率的) like our 3_.”Hearing the old ladys words, the king was 4

    3、_ and asked her, Why do you think our king is impatient and hasty?”The old lady began to explain, Our king is having a big dream of capturing all his enemy forts (城堡) and he is focusing only on capturing the large forts.The king said, Thats a 5_ thing, isnt it?The lady replied, Like your 6_ when eat

    4、ing the food, you burnt your fingers and wasted some food. In the same way, the king wants to defeat the enemies quickly, which 7_ the loss of men in his army. Instead, you should eat the less hot food at the edge (边缘)first and then at the center. 8_, the king should target the small forts and stren

    5、gthen his position. It 9_ him to capture the large forts without losing his soldiers in the army.Hearing this, the king understood his 10_. He realized that one should have patience and avoid being hasty in any situation to achieve his goals.1. A. silentB. embarrassedC. cruelD. hungry2. A. attackedB

    6、. burntC. touchedD. covered3. A. kingB. soldierC. enemyD. guard4. A. frightenedB. cheerfulC. surprisedD. comfortable5. A. goodB. terribleC. traditionalD. dangerous6. A. disabilityB. impatienceC. unhappinessD. imbalance7. A. resulted inB. prepared forC. canceled outD. depended on8. A. LuckilyB. Sudde

    7、nlyC. SimilarlyD. Immediately9. A. helpsB. forcesC. warnsD. reminds10. A. pressureB. orderC. planD. mistakeII. 阅读理解(40分)第一节阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每题1.5分)AWangfujing Bookstore lies in one of the busiest areas of the capital Beijing. It has welcomed an unchanging st

    8、ream of customers since the beginning of the Spring Festival in January, 2023.Reading areas have been filled with people. Some of them are willing to just sit on the ground to read since seats are always full.The bookstore5s data show that it received more than 100,000 customers in January. Itis a s

    9、harp increase compared with December 2022.Other bookstores in the city, and even around the country, have also seen huge amounts of readers return since the beginning of the year.During the Spring Festival, more than 160 bookstores in Beijing sold over 20 million yuan worth of books. Bookstore chain

    10、 brand Zhongshuges branch in Shenzhens Baoan district also enjoyed an increase in both customer flow (客流量) and book sales in the first two months of the year. Compared with the same period in 2019, the number of customers increased by 50 percent. A spring of physical (实体的) bookstores in China is com

    11、ing soon, an experienced manager says.Many physical bookstore managers in Shanghai told the Global Times that book sales and the number of customers in these past two months have been much better than those in the previous two years.2023 is set to be a very promising year for physical bookstores, ac

    12、cording to Cao Yu, the general manager of Shenzhen bookstore. He said that in recent weeks his bookstore has had a full schedule of offline events, such as book signings.11. When did the number of customers increase in Wangfujing Bookstore according toParagraph 1?A. In January 2022. B. In December 2

    13、022.C. In January 2023. D. In December 2021.12. What do we know from Paragraphs 1-2?A. No readers want to sit on the ground in Wangfujing Bookstore.B. Wangfujing Bookstore had over 100,000 customers in January.C. Other bookstores were not open to readers at the very beginning of this year.D. The num

    14、ber of readers in January was the same as it was in December 2022.13. What can we infer (推断) from the sentence a spring of physical bookstores in China is coming soon?A. The winter has gone and the spring will come soon.B. The temperature in physical bookstores will go up.C. The customers seldom ret

    15、urn to physical bookstores.D. The book sales in physical bookstores will grow soon.14. What does the underlined word promising in the last paragraph mean?A. Being the same as the year before.B. Showing signs of being successful.C. Aiming to become helpful to readers.D. Becoming necessary for the man

    16、agers.15. Where can we possibly read this passage?A. In a newspaper.B. In a book review.C. In a travel guide.D. In a physics magazine.BSome people decide to stop eating meat and begin to accept a vegan(素食) diet because of health reasons. This way of eating avoids all animal products, including meat,

    17、 fish, milk, eggs and even honey.Making the change can be a challenge for people who often have dairy and meat in their diet, according to Dena Champion, a dietitian, an expert on diet and nutrition(营养学), from Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She added that starting a vegan diet could ch

    18、ange your body in certain ways. It might even offer some health benefits.Reduced body weightInstead of high-fat proteins like bacon and beef, vegans get their protein from plant-based sources such as tofu, beans, soy milk, and so on. This can lead to losing weight. Considering that two-thirds of Ame

    19、ricans are overweight, this can have a positive effect on body shape and health , says Kailey Proctor, a dietitian at St. Joseph Hospital in California.Improved blood sugar controlBecause being overweight is a major risk for developing diabetes(糖尿病), losing weight can lower that risk. There was one

    20、study from some experts published in the magazine Nutrients in 2018. The experts chose some overweight people with no history of diabetes to switch to a vegan diet. Then they followed them for 16 weeks. Improvements and better effects are seen in those people in controlling blood sugar levels.Reduce

    21、d cancer riskTheres also the chance to reduce your risk of developing cancer. Vegan diets, when planned correctly, are also very high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These plant-based foods have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer says Proctor. We should always focus on consuming whole,

    22、fresh foods as much as possible. Ifs important to make sure youre getting enough nutrients for your health.16. Which one belongs to a vegan diet?A. Meat, fish, milk.B. Eggs, honey, soy milk.C. Tofu, beans, milk.D. Tofu, beans, soy milk.17. What does the underlined word This probably refer to?A. The

    23、foods that contain high-fat proteins.B. The way that the vegans get their protein.C. The fact that two-thirds of Americans are overweight.D. The diet that may have a bad effect on peoples bodies.18. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? (Subheadings are not paragraphs)A. The reason for losing weight.B.

    24、The reason for being diabetes.C. A study of getting too much weight.D. A study of controlling blood sugar.19. Whats the structure of the article? (P=Paragraph)20. Which of the following is the best title for the article?A. How to reduce body weightB. How to control blood sugarC. What a vegan diet ca

    25、n bring to peopleD. What we can do to reduce cancer riskCTwo months after l returned home from my voyage to Lilliput(小人国),l was ready to set off again. I joined in Captain John Nicholas5 adventure. We set sail on the 20th of June, 1702. The voyage was smooth and we stopped at the Cape of Good Hope f

    26、or fresh water. We found a small hole in the ship and had to put down all the goods and got the ship repaired. Then the captain was sick and we had to spend the winter there. We continued our voyage at the end of March and sailed northward after passing the Straits of Madagascar (马达加斯加海峡).A few week

    27、s later, we were hit by a very bad storm, which lasted for three days. Finally, we survived, but we did not know where we were when the storm was over. Once again, we needed fresh water very badly. Fortunately, the watcher saw land. The water was too shallow(浅的) and the captain had to send his men t

    28、o the land in a small boat. I asked the captain to let me join the group because l wanted to see a strange land. When we got on land, the other men went to look for fresh water, while I walked alone in the other direction.When l was in full view of the beach we had landed, I was surprised to see our

    29、 men rowing the small boat away toward the ship. After the small boat, there was a giant creature walking as fast as he could. Our men, fortunately, were ahead of him and the monster slowed down as the water became deeper. Then I turned around and started to run away from the beach. Suddenly, I stop

    30、ped because l saw the man who was chasing our boat in the sea, just fifty feet in front of me.21. How did the writer go on his adventure?A. By plane.B. By sea.C. By bus.D. On foot.22. Why did they spend the winter at the Cape of Good Hope?A. Because their captain got ill.B. Because their ship broke

    31、down.C. Because they needed fresh water.D. Because it was too cold to sail on.23. Which of the following can we know from Paragraph 2?A. There was a large amount of fresh water on their ship.B. They found fresh water both in the sea and on the land.C. The writer wanted to join them to look for some

    32、fresh water.D. The water was not deep enough for the ship to reach the land.24. What might the giant creature be?A. A human being.B. A tall soldier.C. Another captain.D. The writers friend.25. What would probably happen next in the story?A. The captain sent more men to find water.B. Their ship broke and ha


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