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    1、Good morning,everyone. It is my great honor to stand here to present this lesson to you. Thank you. Let me start my lesson from unit one “How many people are there in your family? “ This is an oral reading class, which includes three parts, materials analysis, teaching instruction design and teachin

    2、g program. I. Material analysis 1. This units topic is based on family, while Tony and Lingling are talking about family members. During the dialogue, there are a few new words, like grandfathergrandmothergrandparentsuncleauntsisterbrothermanyhave etc, and other difficult sentence patterns and sente

    3、nces.2. Key pointsGuide the student to learn and use the following words and sentence skillfully. A. Words: grandparentsuncleauntsisterbrothermany and haveB. Sentences: a. -How manyare there?There are b. -Have you got any? -Yes,I have.No,I havent.3. Difficult pointsMake students understand and use w

    4、ords and sentences with multi-meaning or special meaning. a. Words and expression: peoplefamilyorhow manyb. Sentences: -How many people are there in your family? - There are fourmy mom and dad, my sister Linda, and me.So Ive got one aunt and two uncles.c. Speak English according to practical situati

    5、on. 4. Teaching aimsa. Technical aims: the student can understand the dialogue and the conversations between the teacher and the student, which is related to this topic. The student can start a dialogue, knowing and deliver information; can make sentences based on the difficult points without gramma

    6、r mistakes and can create dialogues related to this topic. b. Knowledge aims. The student should remember the new words, expressions, sentence patterns, sentences, difficult sentences, including pronunciations from keys letters and monogram, which can lay the foundation for speaking English fluently

    7、. c. Emotion aims. Stimulate the students interest and enthusiasm through English lessons, make them like English, like speaking English and want to speak English. d. Learning targets: Focus on the language practice, including listening, speaking, reading and writhing, changing traditional mechanica

    8、l teaching methods. Encourage students to speak English bravely, to improve language comprehensive ability in practice and deepen the basic knowledge in mind.Explaning-teaching Method1.Listen to the tape . This is a good way to learn english and key step at class. We can copy the standard pronunciat

    9、ion during listenning.2.Explain difficulties in games. We would meet some words,expressions,sentences or grammer hard to explain at class, we can explain explain them in games so that students can accept them with fun,which makes a good foundation for learning engliash.3.Guard students to start situ

    10、ational dialogues . The teacher can talk to a group of students or any one student. Other students should be quiet when the teacher talks to the student. We should ask those students who learn better , and then others . Let every student have an opportunity to practicewith the teacher, and inspire t

    11、hem; which can make the students feel they are important. Finally, let students talk to each other freely.The dialgue can be made according to the pratical minds, no limitation from the text. 4.Let students show independently. Ask some groups or some couples of students to show the dialogues after t

    12、he demonstration between the teacher and the students .5.Teacher should set out some completions and one-choice questions to test students.Speaking-learning Method1.Form a good habit of listenning and copying the standard pronunciation. Listening to the tape and english songs help the students in le

    13、arning english a lot.2. Store knowledge scientifically. Master a wide range of vocabulary and grammers , and express the communication contents based at dialogues. It is more impressive and flexible to learn in practice.3. Timely review and repeated in usage.The student should timely organize, refre

    14、sh and use the key points which was taught at class and practice the learnt lessons repeatedly. 4. Active practice, oral practice first. The teacher should encourage the student to say hi and talk with classmates in English.Explaining-teaching-learning step1、 Greeting: T: Good moring,boys and girls.

    15、Ss: Good moring,Miss Wu.T: How do you do?Ss: How do you do?T: How are you?Ss: Fine,thank you.And you?T: Im fine,too.Thank you.T stands for the teacher, Ss stands for the student. The teacher often talks with the student and reviews former dialogues2、 Warming-up:T: Stand up,please. Ss Stand up. T: Le

    16、ts play together.If you happy and you know it clap your hand3、Review:Make a dialogue related to the unit topic with the student, ask the whole class first and then some students optionallly. T: Are there any students in the classroom?Ss: Yes,there are.T: Is there a computer on my desk?Ss: No,there i

    17、snt.T: Is there a book in your bag,Xiaoming?Xiaoming: No,there isnt.T: Is there a pen in your pencil case,Xiaofang?Xiaofang: Yes,there is.T: Are there boys and girls in this classroom?Ss: Yes,there are.4、New Lesson: The teacher plays tape and writes new words on the blackboard. Ask what the topic is

    18、 according to what is played.Point out every new words key letter and monograms pronunciation. Let the student read new words according to what was learn before. Ask one or two students for every word. The teacher should correct the pronunciation if it is read wrongly, and the other students read it

    19、 togather twice if it is read right. The teacher leads in reading new words,the student following reading at the blackboard, which can make the students remember the new words quickly following the teachers gesture. Consolidate new words in games. For exsample, react quickly. The teacher says the wo

    20、rd in Chinese, the student says it in English, or in return. Practice a few times to consolidate new words. The teacher leads in reading the whole full text twice. Oral pratice in Key sentence and pronounciation, repeated consolidation in games. How many people are there in your family? grandparents

    21、 brothers Have you got any sisters aunts unclesYes, I have. Ive got HisHer name is Their name areNo, I haavent. Assign roles. Dialigue between the teacher and the students, then between students groups, and among students. “How many students are there in our class?” “How many books are there on the

    22、desk?”Design situational dialogues. The teacher askes the student, expanding the text range. Grammer explaination words:family,people,or,many,how many. Sentences:-How many people are there in your family? -There are fourmy mumand dad,my sister Linda,and me. So Ive got one aunt and two uncles. Test.(

    23、一) Fill in the blank with the first given letter. 1、There are m students in our school.2、Have you got any aunts o uncles?3、There are five p in Bobs family.4、How m students are there in your family?5、Have you got a small f or a big one? (二)Select the right word to complete the sentence. 1、There are (seven people, seven peoples) in his family. 2、Have you got any new books? -Yes, I . (have,do) 3、I have got (some,any)brother 4、- (How many,How much)people are there in your uncles family? -There are five. 5、 (Have, Are)you got a sister?


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