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    1、名词变复数名词变复数默写:默写:香蕉香蕉汉堡包汉堡包西红柿西红柿冰激凌冰激凌沙拉沙拉草莓草莓梨梨牛奶牛奶鸡肉鸡肉面包面包食物食物蔬菜蔬菜水果水果苹果苹果鸡蛋鸡蛋胡萝卜胡萝卜大米大米bananahamburgertomatoice-creamsaladstrawberrypearmilk chickenbreadfood vegetablefruitappleeggcarrotrice1.1.找出不可数名词找出不可数名词2.2.把可数名词变成复数形式把可数名词变成复数形式ssssiesessss1.pear 2.class 3.watch 4.strawberry 5.tomato 6.dict

    2、ionary7.key 8.vegetable9.piano10.runner pearsclasseswatchesstrawberriestomatoesdictionarieskeys vegetablespianosrunners总结一下规律吧!总结一下规律吧!1,11,1 个鸡蛋 个鸡蛋 2,122,12 个汉堡 个汉堡 3,133,13 个西红柿 个西红柿 4,4,这些草莓 这些草莓 5.5.一些沙拉 一些沙拉 6.6.许多胡萝卜许多胡萝卜7.7.大量的鸡肉 大量的鸡肉 8.8.一些水果和蔬菜一些水果和蔬菜9 9,我们非常喜欢水果。,我们非常喜欢水果。10 10,他根本不喜欢牛奶。

    3、,他根本不喜欢牛奶。an eggtwelve hamburgersthirteen tomatoesthese strawberriessome saladmany/lots of/a lot of carrotsmuch/lots of/a lot of chicken some fruit and vegetablesWe like fruit very much.He doesnt like milk.复习:复习:1.1.下周是约翰的生日晚宴。下周是约翰的生日晚宴。2.2.让我们思考一下食物吧。让我们思考一下食物吧。3.3.他喜欢沙拉,但是他不喜欢草莓。他喜欢沙拉,但是他不喜欢草莓。4.

    4、4.我认为我认为 John 喜欢牛奶喜欢牛奶.5.5.你是对的。你是对的。6.6.那么我们就来点蔬菜和水果吧。那么我们就来点蔬菜和水果吧。Johns birthday dinner is next week.Lets think about the food.He likes salad,but he doesnt like strawberries.I think John likes milk.Youre right.Lets have vegetables and fruit then.7.听起来不错。听起来不错。8.但是但是 John 喜欢沙拉,并且这是他的生日。喜欢沙拉,并且这是他的

    5、生日。9.水果怎么样?水果怎么样?(That/It)sounds great/good.That is a good idea.But john likes salad,and its his birthday.What about fruit?1.I (有有)a volleyball.2.Mary (喜欢)(喜欢)ice cream.3.she (喜欢喜欢)watch TV?4.Tom (有有)two brothers.5.His father (不喜欢不喜欢)bananas.6.they (有有)a computer?7.Amy (没有没有)a pencil case.havelikesD

    6、oeslikehasdoesnt likeDohavedoesnt have根据所给中文,完成下列句子。1.I like chicken for dinner.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:对划线部分提问:对划线部分提问:2.翻译:他早饭常吃鸡蛋。翻译:他早饭常吃鸡蛋。一般疑问句一般疑问句:对划线部分提问:对划线部分提问:Do you like chicken for dinner?What do you like for dinner?He often eats eggs for breakfast.=For breakfast,he often eats eggs.Does he often e

    7、at eggs for breakfast?What does he often eat for breakfast?3.翻译:我的同学常吃红萝卜当午餐。翻译:我的同学常吃红萝卜当午餐。一般疑问句:一般疑问句:对划线部分提问:对划线部分提问:What does your classmate often have for lunch?My classmate often has carrots for lunch.=For lunch,my classmate often has carrots.Does your classmate often have carrots for lunch?1

    8、.David 问问 Cindy 有关她饮食习惯的事。有关她饮食习惯的事。2.2.早餐你喜欢吃什么?早餐你喜欢吃什么?3.3.我真得认为水果是健康的。我真得认为水果是健康的。4.4.那么你喜欢什么水果那么你喜欢什么水果/蔬菜?蔬菜?5.5.他喜欢什么颜色他喜欢什么颜色/运动运动/食物?食物?6.6.我不喜欢香蕉和面包,但是我喜欢沙拉和草莓。我不喜欢香蕉和面包,但是我喜欢沙拉和草莓。David asks Cindy about her eating habits.What do you like for breakfast?I really think fruit is healthy.So wh

    9、at fruit/vegetables do you like?What colors/sports/food does he like?I dont like bananas or bread,but I like saladand strawberries.7 -午餐呢?你喜欢吃米饭吗?午餐呢?你喜欢吃米饭吗?-是的,我真的很喜欢。是的,我真的很喜欢。8.-你喜欢晚餐吃鸡肉吗?你喜欢晚餐吃鸡肉吗?-不,它不健康。我想晚餐吃苹果。它们是健康的食品不,它不健康。我想晚餐吃苹果。它们是健康的食品。9.最后一个问题最后一个问题-午饭后你吃冰激凌吗?午饭后你吃冰激凌吗?-我喜欢冰激凌,但是我不吃它。

    10、我不想变胖。我喜欢冰激凌,但是我不吃它。我不想变胖。10.我问她有关英语课的事。我问她有关英语课的事。-What about lunch?Do you like rice?-Yes,I really like it.-Do you like chicken for dinner?-No,it isnt healthy.I like apples for dinner.Theyre healthy food.-One last question do you eat ice-cream after dinner?-I like ice-cream,but I dont eat it.I dont

    11、 want to be fat.I ask her about the English class.Unit 6 Revision一.u.n.(不可数名词)不可数名词)&c.n.(可数名词(可数名词)1、可数名词:是、可数名词:是可以可以计数计数的名词。的名词。*有复数形式有复数形式(一个以上)一个以上)。e.g.hamburgers tomatoes French fries oranges bananas strawberries apples carrots pears eggs vegetables noodles2、不可数名词:是、不可数名词:是不不可以可以计数计数的名词。的名词。*

    12、没有复数形式没有复数形式。e.g.broccoli water tea milk bread rice meat3、可数、可数/不可数名词:有时是可数名词,有时是不可数名词。不可数名词:有时是可数名词,有时是不可数名词。e.g.ice cream chicken salad food fruit二、句型:二、句型:1、一般疑问句:一般疑问句:1Do you like strawberries?Yes,I do./No,I dont.2Do they/Tom and Helen like broccoli?Yes,they do./No,they dont.3Does she/he/Lucy/B

    13、ob/your mother like potatoes?(三单三单)Yes,she/he does.No,she/he doesnt.4 肯定句变一般疑问句。(肯定句变一般疑问句。(*助动词助动词 do/does 提前提前)e.g.They like tomatoes.-Do they like tomatoes?(助动词(助动词 do 提前)提前)My brother likes French fries.-Does your brother like French fries?(助动词助动词 does 提前提前)2 They/We/You like bananas,but they/we

    14、/you dont like pears.2、肯定句、否定句、肯定句、否定句1 I like hamburgers,but I dont like ice cream.3 She/He/Lucy/Mr.Lee likes meat,but she/he doesnt like chicken.4 肯定句变否定句 肯定句变否定句 (助动词助动词 do/does+not,置于动词置于动词前前)e.g.Paul and Lucy _ _(not like)rice.dont like Her cousin _ _(not eat)carrots.doesnt eat Bob _ _(not play

    15、)soccer every day.doesnt play壹.壹.根据句意选择正确的词语填空根据句意选择正确的词语填空:1.The _(child,children)are in the room.2.Do they _(likes,like)hamburgers?3.Would you like some _(milk,milks)for breakfast?4.“Do you like salad?”“Yes,I _(do,like).”5.My mother doesnt have _(a lunch,lunch)at home.6.Mike doesnt like _(bananas,

    16、banana).7.8.He _(eat)lots of healthy food every day.childrenlikemilkdolunchbananasThere _(be)some chicken on the table.iseats1._ your parents _bananas?A.Do,like B.Does,like C.Do,likes D.Does,likes 2.He likes to _ some bread and a cup of milk for breakfast.A.eat B.drink C.have D.eating3.-Do you like

    17、salad?-Yes,they like _very much.A.it B.them C.its D.their4.Lets _ some oranges.A.eat B.drink C.to eat D.to drink5.Lets _ about the food for dinner.A.eat B.have C.think D.likePaul and Lucy _ _(not like)rice.dont like Her cousin _ _(not eat)carrots.doesnt eat Bob _ _(not play)soccer every day.doesnt play翻译:我喜欢黄色、红色、和紫色。翻译:我喜欢黄色、红色、和紫色。对划线部分提问:对划线部分提问:他喜欢黑色。他喜欢黑色。对划线部分提问:对划线部分提问:他们喜欢篮球。他们喜欢篮球。对划线部分提问:对划线部分提问:I like yellow,red,and purple.What colors do you like?He likes black.What color does he like?They like basketball.What sports do they like?


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