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    1、2005年陕西省高校在校生专升本英语考试试题注意事项:1本卷满分为150分。考试时间为150分钟。2本卷分试卷I和试卷II,均用钢笔或圆珠笔答卷。第I卷为客观题,考生必须把答案用大写字母写在答题纸上;第II卷为主观题,考生直接把答案写在试卷上。3答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。题号一二三四五总分总分人分数试卷I得分评卷人I. Vocabulary and structure (40分)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marke

    2、d A, B, C, and D. choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. The professor needs an assistant that he can to take care of problems in his absence. A. count in B. count up C. count on D. count out2. I am not sure whether l can get any profit from t

    3、he business, so I cant make a(n) decision about what to do next. A. exact B. denied C. sure D. definite3. Because of the cold weather, they through the night in the camp. A. kept the burning fire B. kept the fire burning C. kept the fire burnt D. kept burning the fire4. Convenience foods which are a

    4、lready prepared for cooking are in stores. A. ready B. available C. probable D. approachable5. Many people are reported in the natural disaster. A. being killed B. to be killedC. to have killed D. to have been killed6. If the whole surgery beforehand carefully, there would have been a better result.

    5、 A. was planned B. has been planned C. had been planned D. were planned7. Jane has said little so far, responding only briefly when A. spoken B. speaking to C. speaking D. spoken to8. to finish quickly. A. Not every worker want B. No every workers wantC. Not every worker wants D. No every workers wa

    6、nts9. The photos on the wall grandma of those happy, old days when a large family lived together. A. recall B. retain C. remember D. remind10. Youd better tell me beforehand if go with me. A. youll rather not B. you wont rather C. youd rather not D. youd rather not to11. We all hope hell soon his di

    7、sappointment and be happy again.A. get through B. get away C. get up D. get down12. The problem of environment protection has been studied . A. extremely B. intensively C. originally D. violently.13. All games_because of the rainstorm, many students could do nothing but study in the classroom. A. we

    8、re canceled B. having been canceled. C. had been canceled D. have been canceled14.“Did you buy anything at the clothing store?”“Yes, I bought three shirts for just120.” A. fifty-dollar B. fifties-dollar C. fifty-dollars D. fifties-dollars15. By the time you get back, great changes_in this area. A. w

    9、ill take place B. will be taken place C. are going to take place D. will have taken place16. The boy now for the 1ight in his room is still on. A. must study B. must be studying C. must have studied D. would study 17. _she was living in Paris that she met her husband Terry. A. Just then B. It was wh

    10、ile C. Soon after D. During the time when 18. Technical schools prepare their students for the application of practical skills, they learn in class their work. A. to B. in C. for D. of19. His written English was first-class and he had a(n) vocabulary for a sophomore. A. intimate B. initial C. inevit

    11、able D. incredible 20. After the company the problem of unfair competition, its sales figures dropped to a record low. A. look into B. ran into C. come into D. put into21. John isnt a diligent student for it is the third time he has been late, ? A. wasnt B. hasnt it C. isnt it D. hasnt he22. He told

    12、 me_afraid because l had done nothing wrong. A. to be not B. not to be C. not being D. being not23. Last year, the production rate by 20 percent. A. rose B. raised C. arose D. aroused24. I hope that the good weather _ for the rest of our trip. A. holds up B. holds down C. holds out D. holds in25. Ea

    13、ch person in the world has a(n) personality. They are different from one another. A. only B. sole C. unique D. one26. With all the work on hand. He _to the cinema last night. A. should go B. must have gone C. shouldnt have gone D. might have gone27. I am sorry to your feelings. A. have spoilt B. hav

    14、e destroyed C. have hurt D .have damaged28. He is so wise a man that all the people _. A. 1ook him up B. 1ook into him C. 1ook up to him D. 1ook to him29. Yon can write the paper_ you 1ike. A. whatever B. however C. anyway D. some way30. I dont doubt she will learn a lot during her stay in China. A.

    15、 that B. if C. whether D. what31. Though Mum is very busy, she always some time every day to read to her children. A. sets off B. sets in C. sets aside D. sets up32. These three girls help _to clean the house. A. one another B. each otherC. one and the other D. one and other 33. The teacher recommen

    16、ded that Jack math or physics instead of English because he was quick at numbers. A. must study B. could study C. study D. studied 34. He participated in the reconstruction of the city the war was over. A. before long B. soon after C. long after D. soon before 35. Only by making wise use of land to

    17、find a solution to the problem of hunger and famine. A. we can be B. we will be able C. will we be able D. can we 36. A teacher who is_ to the needs of individual student is sure to achieve some success. A. serious B. sensitive C. secure D. senior37. Nobody any more to say, the meeting was closed. A

    18、 .had B. has had C. having D. had had 38. When the guests were gone, she the tea-things in the cupboard. A. put up B. put off C. put away D. put in 39. Staying in a hotel costs renting a room in an apartment for a week. A. twice more than B. twice as much C. as much as twice D. much as twice as 40.

    19、One and a half years passed. A. are B. were C. have D. has 得分评卷人. Reading Comprehension (50%)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D .You should decide on the best

    20、 choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:Passage One Population tends to grow at an exponential(指数的)rate. This means that they progressively double. As an example of this type of growth rate take one penny and double every d

    21、ay for one month. After the first week, you would have only 64 cent, but after the fourth week you would have over a million dollars. This helps explain why the population has come on“all of a sudden” took from he beginning of human 1ife to the year 1830 for the population of the earth to reach one

    22、billion. That repents(缓慢进行) a time span of at least two million years. Then it took from 1830 to 1930 for world population to reach 2 billion. The next billion was added by 1960 only thirty years and in 1975 world population reached 4 billion which is another billion people in only fifteen years. Wo

    23、rld population is increasing at a rate of 9, 000per hour, 220,000 per day and 80 million per year. This is not only due to higher birth rate, but to lower death rate as well. The number of births has not declined at the same rate as the number of deaths.Some countries such as Columbia, Thailand, Mor

    24、occo, Costa Rica and the Philippines are doubling their population about every twenty-one years with a growth rate of 3.3 percent a year or more. The United States is doubling its population about very eighty-seven years, with a rate of 0.8 percent per year. (81)Every time a population doubles, the

    25、country involved needs twice as much of everything, including hospitals, schools, resources, food and medicines to care for its people. It is easy to see that this is very difficult to achieve for the more rapidly growing countries. 41. This passage chiefly discusses A. the growth of world populatio

    26、n. B. one type of the exponential rate. C. the population problem of more rapidly growing countries. D. the possible ways of dealing with the rapid population growth. 42. According to the passage what helps to explain why the population problem has come on “all of a sudden”? A. The penny that doubles itself every day for one month. B. The time span of at 1east two million years in human h


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