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    1、武汉市江岸区七年级下学期期末 英语试卷(附答案)武汉市江岸区七年级下学期期末 英语试卷(附答案)第I卷(选择题,共85分)第一部分听力部分一、听力测试(共三节,满分25分)第一节(共4小题,每小题1分,满分4分)听下面5个问题。每个问题后有三个答语。一从题中所给的A、B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒种的时间来作答和阅读下一个小题,每个问题仅读一遍。1. A. It is cloudy. B. I like rain. C. It is a snowman.2. . Yes, please. B. Thank you. C. Sorry, I dont know.3. A

    2、. Hamburgers. B. A violinist. C. He is short and fat.4. A. Had a great time. B. To the beach. C. Ice cream.5. A. At 9:00. B. by bus. C. With his classmates.第二节(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分)听下面7段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题本所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。6. What time did Lily go to school this

    3、morning?A. At 7:10. B. At 7:30. C. At 7;50.7. Where are they talking?A. In a store. B. In a dumpling house. C. At home.8. Who is the man over there?A. The boys father, B. the boys friend. C. The boys brother 9. What size bowl of noodles does the woman want?A. Small B. Medium C. Large.10. When did Al

    4、ice finish her homework?A. Yesterday morning B. Yesterday afternoon C. Yesterday evening.1l. How did Mike think of the beach trip? Fantastic B. Awful. C. Boring.12. Who are the two speakers?A. Teacher and student B. Mother and son C. Good friends.第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所绘A

    5、.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒种;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答13至15题。13. Where are the two speakers?A. In the post office B.Near the bank, C. On the street.14. Where is the cinema?A. Behind the post office B.Next to the police station C.Next to the bank.15. what can we learn f

    6、rom the conversation?A. The bank is behind the cinema.B. The cinema is next to the bank.C. The post office is across from the bank.16. How long will they have a vacation?A. For a week B. For seven weeks. C. For five days17. Why does Li Hua want to go to the forests in Yunnan?A. Because the weather t

    7、here is very good.B. Because it is very cool there.C. Because the man likes exciting vacations.18. Where does Zhang Ling want to go?A. She wants to go with the man.B. She wants to relax on the beach.C. She wants to see the sea in Sanya.听下面一段对话,回答19至22题。19. What did Sally do last weekend?A. She went

    8、swimming.B. She visited her friends.C. She looked after her mother.20. How was Jims weekend?A. He didnt enjoy himself.B. He had a great time.C. It was boring.21. Which of the following things Jim didnt do last weekend?A. Visited his grandparentsB. Played basketball.c. went swimming.22. When did Jim

    9、do his homework?A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. C. On Monday.听下面一段材料回答23至25题。23. Why did the Jones family have to be ready before eleven oclock?A. Because they had to go to a town.B. Because they were going to a party.C. Because they had to arrive at the airport before 1 1: 40.24. How long does it tak

    10、e to go from Mr. Jones house to the airport by car?A. Twenty minutes. B. Thirty minutes. C. Fifty minutes.25. Why did Mrs Jones sit quietly at 10:50?A. Because she wanted to stay at home.B. Because she didnt like to spend her vacation.C. Because its 1030 on the clock in fact.第二部分笔试部分二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题

    11、1分,共15分)从题中所给的A.B.C.D四个油项中,选出个最佳答案。26.-Hello! Jane speaking.-Hi, Jane_.A. Im Dave. B. Whore you? C. Its Dave here. D. Are you Jane?27. I had a really nice weekend in the country. -_.A. Oh, thats very nice of you B. Good ideaC. Thats OK D. Im glad to hear that28.-What do you want to drink, coffee or

    12、water?-_is OK. I really dont mind (介意).A. All B. Either C. Both D. Each29.-What do you think of Alice?-Shes a lively child and _with everyone of us.A. free B. popular C. different D. busy30.-Jim always _too much time on computer games.-Thats too bad.A. keeps B. takes C. costs D. spends31.-The river

    13、is very dirty,_ people want to swim in it,-We should do something to save it.A. A few B. Little C. Pew D. A little32.-Is the juice_?-Yes, you dont need to pay for it.A. free B. healthy C. delicious D. cold33.-Hurry up, Jack!-Just give me five minutes to put my desk in_.A. time B. height C. order D.

    14、size34.-I dont want to be friends with her but I dont know how to get the _to her.-Maybe t can help you.A. Message B. news C. problem D. way35.-Have a good rest, you need to_your energy (能量) for the football game this afternoon.-I will.A. leave B. save C. grow D. get36.-Lets go to the West Hill Park

    15、 by taxi.-Oh, it is not far away from here. We _take a taxi.A. couldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. cant37.-If you dont know the meaning of a word,._in a good dictionary.-OK.I will.A. look through it B. look it up C. look for it D. look it over38.-Be careful!-You dont have to_ me. I can ride a horse.A. wo

    16、rry about B. take care C. learn from D. ask for39.-What is your mom doing now?-She is_ my little brother with a spoon.A. Kicking B.giving C. waking D. feeding40.-can you tell me_?-Sure, hes tall and thin, he has curly blond hair.A. what does Tom look like B. what your brother looks like.C. whos your

    17、 brother D. what Mr. Green likes三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A.B.C、D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。On a cold November evening, my mother and I walked back home from a pizza store. We bought many things from a 41.we were 42 In our warm clothes. I felt a little 43 because I carried our shopping bag

    18、s, so I decided to throw something away. I walked towards a dustbin(垃圾箱) when I found a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us. He was going to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it. There were many 44 eating dinner here so In thought he was looking for some food.I suddenl

    19、y felt very 45 because t wanted to throw away a new drink just because it was too 46 I walked up to him and gave the 47 and some bread to him. The man looked up in 48 and took what I give him. He had a big smile. 1 felt I couldnt be happier with myself. But then he said, Wow, this is my sons 49 day!

    20、With that, he thanked me happily and started off on his bike. I even heard him singing as he 50 away. I got a warm 51 inside. I now understand the sayingGiving is getting.Though it was only a little action, I got and 52 more in those two 53 than I did in the rest of the month. Everyone in the world

    21、54 help. Everyone can give help and everyone will be helped by 55 kindness (善意).The scene of that mans happiness causes by my small gift often comes out in my mind whenever I have the chance to do something nice.41. A. restaurant B. hotel C. bank D. supermarket42. A. wearing B. dressed C. putting. D

    22、. having43. A. worried B. interested C. happy D. tired44. A. people B. students C. girls D. children45. A. different B. special C. sorry D. hot46. A. heavy B. cold C. cheap D. funny47. A. money B. toys C. drink D. clothes48. A. silence B. surprise C. anger D. fear49. A. bad B. usual C. lucky D. dark

    23、50. A. rode B. ran C. walked D. drove51. A. idea B. flag C. flower D. feeling52. A. learned B. enjoyed C. looked D. followed53. A. hours B. seconds C. days D. minutes54. A. needs B. gives C. takes D. brings55. A. showing B. getting C. knowing D. making四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下面三篇材料,从每篇材料后个小题所给的四个

    24、选项(A、B、C、D)四个选项中,选出最佳答案。59. If you want to go, you can_A. call 234. 340. 2394.B. come to 15th Street, 1243.C. find more information at WWW.FLYERHEROES.COM.D. go there at any time.60. According to the material, which sentence is NOT right?A. people can park the car for free.B. This activity happens i

    25、n the USA.C. This is the biggest music party in 2012.D. people can enjoy the party at the daytime.BA boy began to study at the best school in town. In the morning, Grandfather took his grandson to the school. When the boy and his grandfather went into the playground, the children came up.What a funn

    26、y old man,one boy said, making a face.“ Hey, fatty (胖子),another one shouted (吼).The children jeered at the two and jumped up and down.Without saying a word, the old man took his grandson out of that school gate. Wonderful, I dont have to go to school!the boy said.You do. But not this one,his grandfa

    27、ther replied.Ill find you a school myself.Grandfather took his grandson back to his own house ,asked Grandmother to look for a school himself .Every time he got to school ,the old man went into a playground ,and waited for the children to come out at break time. In some schools the children complete

    28、ly ignored (不理会) the old man. And in others, they made fun of (取笑) him. When this happened, he would turn sadly and go home.Finally, he went into the very small playground of a very small school, and stood tiredly against the wall. When class was over, the children got out into the playground.Sir, are you all right? Shall I bring you something to drink?a voice said. We have a bench in the playground, come and sit down,came another voice.Soon a young teacher came out


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