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    1、泛读二期中考试A卷All the answers should be written down on the answer sheet!Exam time: 90 minPart I Vocabulary (301)Section A For each underlined word, write down its Chinese meaning in this sentence. 1. The pictures give great aesthetic pleasure. _ 2. The body is stimulated to build up resistance. _3. The

    2、record was a big hit and sold a million copies. _4. The young man is always ready to pay compliment to a pretty young lady. _5. Their sympathy was well-meaning but ineffective. _6. The vertical cliff was the most striking scenery that I had seen in my journey. _7. There was no compulsion on him to g

    3、o with her. He could stay at home if he liked. _8. Many people have been put into prison for tax evasion. _9. The little boy looked with a longing at the toys in the shop window. _10. Should the police be more accountable to the public? _Section B Word match1. considerate A: to see into or through2.

    4、 penetrate B: a human being3. devastating C: thoughtful of other persons wishes, needs or feelings 4. hospitality D: completely destructive5. mortal E: welcoming behavior6. vigilance A: use of words which are clearly opposed to ones meaning7. forfeit B: a person who pays for professional services fr

    5、om a lawyer or a bank8. client C: watchful care; continual attentiveness9. strive D: to have sth. Taken away form one because some agreement or rule has been broken 10. irony E: to make a great effortSection C Semantic variations: Choose the right meaning of the italicized word.1. Tom works in a pol

    6、ice station. Now he is out on his beat.A. a blowB. regular stressC. the usual path followed by someone on duty, esp. a policeman2. The idea of camping has never appealed to me.A. a strong request for helpB. a call to a higher court to change the decision of a lower courtC. attractive or interesting3

    7、. An atmosphere of tension filled the room.A. the mixture of gases surrounding the earthB. the air in any given placeC. general mood or social environment4. Soup condenses when boiled.A. to express in fewer wordsB. to reduce the volume ofC. to become liquid5. He observed that it would probably rain.

    8、A. to make a commentB. to see and noticeC. to act in accordance with6. He has transferred from the warehouse to the accounts office.A. to move to change from one vehicle to another in the course of a journeyB. to move from one place, job, position, etc., to anotherC. to copy recorded material7. My i

    9、nstructions seem simple enough-do I have to spell them out again?A. to write the letters of a wordB. have (sth) as a result; meanC. make sth clear and easy to understand8. The environmental geological conditions of the Yidu Reach are analyzed in the paper.A. to arrive atB. to stretch out a hand or a

    10、rmC. part of a river9. Asia is a bright spot in an otherwise darkening outlook for the world economy.A. future probabilityB. ones general point of viewC. a view from a particular place10. I will can be contracted to Ill.A. to get or begin to have (something bad)B. to become smallerC. to arrange by f

    11、ormal agreementPart Phrases (52)Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it still means the same, using the phrase in the brackets together with its correct form.1. The world believed his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. (take in)The world _.2. The book was so popular that the

    12、re werent enough copies to supply the demand. (go round)_.3. I was told that it would be repaired free of charge, but the man in the shop refuses to honor his promise. (go back on)_.4. That reminds me of the time I climbed to the top if Mount Fuji. (take back)_.5. Ill explain how it works before you

    13、 try it yourself. (go over)_.Part Cloze (201)The road to a successful broadcast media (媒体) career can be very rough. People in the business point out that getting started in the field is often very difficult. To _1_ with, competition for most broadcast jobs can be _2_. Then, once on the job, the _3_

    14、 and pressure are often great. Many jobs in broadcasting require long working hours, including nights and weekends. In most _4_, the salaries are not very high. What can you do to enter the career in broadcast media? Getting some kind of practical broadcasting _5_ during high school or college can b

    15、e extremely important. _6_ the field is so popular, many employers are in a position to select beginners with _7_ skills. You can start by becoming familiar _8_ communications media while still in high school. If there is a media resource department in your school, _9_ to do anything - run the slide

    16、 and film projectors (放映机), work the computers. If there is no media _10_, take photos of games and social _11_. Work on the drama productions or write _12_ the school newspaper. Many beginners in broadcasting start at small local radio or TV stations. Such stations are usually more _13_ than the ne

    17、tworks (网络) to take on people with little or _14_ experience. Here, you have a chance to be involved in many _15_ of the broadcast industry and get trained on the job. An important career in broadcasting is in the _16_ field. The biggest need now is _17_ employees to keep the machines in good _18_.

    18、This career requires an ability of _19_ with equipment. Skills for most technical jobs can be _20_ through community college and vocational (职业的) school programs.1. A open B conclude C begin D inform 2. A tough B tight C fantastic D fascinating 3. A rate B pose C rush D pace 4. A accounts B cases C

    19、times D occasions 5. A performance B occurrences C experience D programs 6. A Where B However C Although D Because 7. A developed B complicated C duplicated D convinced 8. A to B with C for D in 9. A volunteer B huddle C plunge D cling 10. A instrument B achievement C department D contentment 11. A

    20、stories B events C necessities D accounts 12. A within B off C with D for 13. A aware B universal C willing D conscious 14. A no B none C more D less 15. A reactions B actions C prospects D aspects 16. A impersonal B technical C manual D skillful 17. A within B with C for D from 18. A position B con

    21、dition C station D situation 19. A handling B replacing C tracing D working 20. A obtained B required C addressed D revealed Part Reading Comprehension (202)Passage 1 My observation is that many instructors, from elementary school through undergraduate college courses, have a standard, conventional,

    22、 only one right way approach to the material. A student who does it differently from the instructor is labeled wrong. I believe that such an approach is often the result of the limited intellectual ability of the instructor, who only knows one reliable technique. As a simple example of rigidity (僵化)

    23、, when I was a pupil in elementary school, the textbook and instructor taught that the definition of a noun was the name of a person, place, or thing. But I had read my mothers old college grammar book, which said that a noun was the name of anything. I liked the latter definition better, because it

    24、 was logically simpler: any name is a noun. But I was marked wrong for not using the official definition, although the definition I gave on the examination was equivalent. Students who are both intelligent and highly creative often make average grades in school, because these creative students see i

    25、ssues and vagueness in examination problems that the instructor did not intend. Creative students misread the question, according to the view of the conventional instructor. This problem is particularly severe on multiple choice examinations where a creative student can quickly find situations in wh

    26、ich either all or none of the answers are correct, whereas a noncreative student who knows the material in a conventional way simply selects the best answer and gets marked correct. Children seem to have an innate sense of curiosity, enthusiasm, and imagination. Mature adults generally lack these qu

    27、alities. Where did these qualities get lost? I believe that teachers and industrial managers beat these qualities out of people, in order to make them easier to control and manage. In my experience, both as a student and professor, organized education - as a bureaucracy (官僚机构) - actively discourages

    28、 creativity. I believe that creativity can be taught and encouraged in a master-apprentice setting, such as a student working in a research laboratory. 1. According to the author, what is the problem with school education?_ AThe techniques used in teaching are out of date. BTeachers are trying to te

    29、ach their students in their own way. CStudents are encouraged to solve a problem in a fixed way. DSchools do not provide students with proper learning materials. 2. The author points out that the problem is caused by the following EXCEPT _. Ateachers poor qualities Bthe lower academic levels of schools Cteachers lack of instructive skills Dthe lack of learning materials 3. By taking his / her early experience in education as an example, the author intends to _. Aillustrate how teachers are too rigid Bremind us of the importance of


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