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    1、初一期末考试英语专项复习题初一期末考试英语专项复习题(笔试部分)一、中英词组互译1. 听起来不错 2. 更加有趣的 3. 像往常一样 4. 不介意,没关系 5. 在四分钟内(后) 6. except for _7. the kindest person_8. my favorite animal _9. wake up _10. have nothing to do _11. catch up with the others _12. 儿童节_13. 你真好 _ 14. 在中国南部 _15. 在晚上 _16. 出生于 _17. 还有别的吗? _ 18. go for a walk _ 19.

    2、be ready for _ 20. 圣诞节 _21. 颐和园 _22. 干得好 _ 23. What a pity! _24. more than _ 害怕,担心 _二、语法知识1 Jim and Mike are twins. They . A. look like B. look after C. look at D. look the same 2. Shanghai is one of in the world. A. the biggest city B. the biggest cities C. the bigger city D. the bigger cities 3. O

    3、f all the apples on the table, this one is . A. very red B. much redder C. the reddest D. reddest 4. He is at doing P.E. than doing maths. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. bader 5. Can you speak a slower voice?A. at B. in D. by D. with 6. a Wednesday morning, both of us went out a walk and saw it happen.

    4、 A. On, for B. In, for C. At, to D. In, with7. Please read a little . A. more slowly B. slowlier C. more slow D. slower8. Janet and Ben have both got good bikes, but is newer than . A. hers, his B. hers, him C. her, him D. her, his 9. This tree is than that one. A. a higher meter B. a meter higher C

    5、. a meter high D. a high meter10. Do you know the man a pair of black glasses? A. has B. with C. is D. in 11. My mother often newspapers after supper. A. see B. watches C. read D. reads12. The weather in Sichuan is cooler and wetter. A. many B. more C. much D. most13. Mr. Bruce will give us to eat.

    6、A. everything different B. something different C. more beautiful D. different everything 14. My new pen isnt as my old one. A. more useful B. useful C. as useful D. much useful 15. Be , or well be late for school. A. quick B. quickly C. soon D. fast16. It us half an hour from here to there. A. take;

    7、 to walk B. take; walk C. takes; to walk D. takes; walking17. They will swim after the swimming lesson. A. can B. able to C. can able to D. be able to 18. The sun makes the people on the earth . A. live well B. to live well C. live good D. to live good 19. In the day, the sun shines on one half of t

    8、he world and night it shines on half. A. in the; other B. at; the other C. in; another D. at; other 20. When winter comes, the days get . A. short and short B. shorter and shorter C. long and long D. longer and longer21. - What did you do last night? - I did my homework and TV.A. watch B. watched C.

    9、 will watch D. watching 22. The old man died . A. for a few years B. a few years ago C. a few years before D. next year23. - What can I do for you? - Im very hungry, Id like .A. eat something B. something to eat C. drink something D. something to drink24. It will take us two months the work. A. to f

    10、inish B. finishing C. finish D. finishes25. . -My father got up early this morning. - .A. So he does B. So does he C. So I did D. So did I 26. Im full. I dont want . A. else something B. anything else C. else everything D. nothing else27. Mum me up before she went to work. A. doesnt wake B. doesnt w

    11、oke C. didnt D. didnt woke 28. you what she said? A. Can; listen B. Could; listen C. Can; heard D. Could; hear29. Mr. Wang put some books on that desk, but someone took . A. it away B. them away C. away it D. away them 30. Dont cut the desk the knife. A. use B. by C. with D. and 31. Are of your fami

    12、ly? A. those photoes B. they photoes C. this photos D. photos 32. Did you feel when you stay there? A. alone B. lonely C. happy D. alone33. Li Ying didnt study , he fell behind. A. hard enough B. enough hard C. harder enough D. enough larder34. She never read a cook book, ? A. doesnt she B. isnt she

    13、 C. does she D. did she 35. -_ is the river? -About 1,700 kilometers. A. How far B. How tall C. How long D. How many36. We must speak English as _ as we can. A. many B. much C. more D. the most37. Jim speaks English better than _ in his class. A. any other student B. the others student C. any other

    14、students D. all the students38. I had to stay at home _ my mother was ill. A. when B. after C. before D. because39. Shanghai is _ the east of China and Japan is _the east of China too. A. in, in B. to, to C. in, to D. to, in40. Remember _ some meat for supper this evening, will you? A. buy B. bought

    15、 C. buying D. to buy 41. Reading _ is bad _ your eyes. A. on bed, to B. on the bed, with C. in bed, for D. in the bed, on 42. There were _ apples. Mother wanted to buy some more. A. little B. a little D. few D. well43. - _ is it from here to the nearest hospital? - About two kilometers. A. How long

    16、B. How far away C. How often D. Where44. Thats _ easy question, _? A. a, isnt it B. an, isnt C. a, isnt that D. an, isnt that45. You _ play on the road. A car _ hit you. A. must, may not B. mustnt, may C. may, must D. may not, mustnt46. -_ do you want to buy? -Nothing. A. Else what B. What other C.

    17、What else D. Who else47. John was ill in bed, _ he didnt come to school yesterday. A. but B. or C. so D. because48. . -where are your bikes? - over there, under the tree. And _ in the building. A. My one is, theirs are B. Mine is, theirs are C. Mine is, they are D. Mine is, his are 49. One of the _

    18、singing in the next room. A. woman is B. women are C. woman are D. women is 50. My father worked in the school 1992 2002. A. in; to B. from; in C. from; to D. from; to三、按要求完成句子。1. His father is older than any other people in his family. (同义转换) His father is _ _ in his family.2. Exercise One is easie

    19、r than Exercise Two. Exercise One is _ _ _ as Exercise Two.3. Shall we go for a walk after supper? (同义转换) _ _ going for a walk after supper? _ go for a walk after supper. _ you like to _ a walk with me?4. She weighs about 45 kilos. (划线部分提问) _ _ _ she weigh?5. He stayed in the house when it rained. (

    20、划线部分提问) _6. My father gets up early every day (用yesterday改写) My father _ up early _.7. Jane came to school by bike this morning. (划线部分提问) _7. The man stayed there for a few minutes. (划线部分提问) _9. The class began at nine and ended at twelve. (同义转换) The class _ _ hours.10. Sue and Joy didnt eat anythin

    21、g. (改为反意疑问句) Sue and Joy didnt eat anything, _ _?11. The girl is only four years old. She cant go to school. (同义转换) The girl isnt _ _ _ go to school.12. I like music, my brother likes it, too. (同义转换) _ _ us like music.13. I was late for school this morning because I got up late. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you la

    22、te for school this morning?14. It takes more than three days to get to the moon by spaceship. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ it _ to get to the moon by spaceship?22. At the age of five, Ben went to school. (同义转换) Ben went to school _ he _ _.15. The Green family visited China last month. (改为否定句) The Green family _

    23、_ China last month.16. They all went to the hospital to see Mr. Li. (就划线部分提问) _ did they all _ to the hospital?17. He will never forget his friends. (完成反意疑问句) He will never forget his friends, _ _?18. My home is about twenty minutes by bike. (同义转换) It _ me about twenty minutes to _ home by bike.19Mo

    24、unt Qomolangma is 8,848 meters high (就划线部分提问) _ _ is Mount Qomolangma?20All the students went to the park last Sunday. Only David did not go. (同义转换) All the students went to the park last Sunday _ David.四、完型填空 When Alan was young, he played a lot _11_ football. And he _12_ very good at it, but then

    25、he went and worked in a town, and there was _13_ team for him there, so he stopped playing. Then he began to get _14_, so he thought, “I stopped _15_ football, and now Im getting fat. What am I _16_?” He thought about it for a few days and he said to himself, “I know, Ill play_17_.” He had a few les

    26、sons, and then played for a few months. He met a _18_ girl at the tennis club (俱乐部) one day and they played a game of tennis against (对抗) another young man and woman. Alan played very badly, and was very _19_ with himself. “I didnt play as _20_ as this before.” He said to the girl. “Oh,” she said, “

    27、you played before, didnt you?” 11. A. / B. for C. of D. to 12. A. isnt B. was C. wasnt D. were13. A. a B. some C. many D. no 14. A. fat B. thin C. tall D. heavy 15. A. playing B. to play C. plays D. played16. A. will do B. do C. going to do D. doing 17. A. football B. the football C. tennis D. the t

    28、ennis 18. A. nice B. well C. strongly D. beautifully19. A. happy B. sad C. sorry D. angry 20. A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst 五 阅读理解A What is the most important thing in the twenty-first century (世纪)? You may say “money”. But some American scientists (科学家) think that money is not as important as many people say. They think in the twenty-first century every family almost gets a TV s


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