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    1、届人教版全国高考英语阅读专项重点词汇梳理易混淆动词词组学习与训练126页2020届人教版全国高考英语阅读专项重点词汇梳理易混淆动词词组学习与训练1易混淆动词词组学习与训练1易混词组学习一、break1、break away(from) 逃走、逃脱 The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup. 抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules. (喻) 现代音乐如爵士乐摆脱了旧的传统规则。I should break away fr

    2、om such habits. (改掉(习惯))2、 break down Vi(机器)损坏、抛锚 Our truck broke down outside town. The truck broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚 Vt Vi 破坏、拆散、 毁坏 The Congressmen of the Republican tried to break down the opposition from their opponents to their proposal. (喻)共和党的议员们试图使他们的反对派不再反对他们的提案

    3、。break down old conventions 打破陈规The robbers broke the door down. 强盗们把门砸开了。Her health broke down under the pressure of work.(=become very bad)(被搞垮,垮掉) 把(整体)分解,打破Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。3、break up 破坏、解散、分裂、 结束 After midnight,the party broke

    4、 up.(散(会)) The police broke up the crowd.(分开,分散)4、break into in 破门而入 The thief broke in and took away the TV set. 小偷破门而入偷走了电视机。 打断 Dont break in when we are talking.我们谈话时别打断我们。 注意:break into 突然起来 Hearing the news, he broke into tears. 一听到这消息他突然哭起来了。The thieves planned to break into a bank.(闯入,破门进入)8

    5、. break forth/out 爆发、发生 The Second World War broke out in September 19396、break through 突破、进展 Our troops had little difficulty in breaking through the lines of the police.7、break ones word/ promise (违背,违反)break the lawbreak the rulebroken English(鳖脚的英语)活学活用: 1、News reports say peace talks between th

    6、e two countries have broken _ with no agreement reached.2、Fire broke _ last night.3、Sentences can be broken _ into clauses:4、Youve been working so hard for nearly a month. Relax yourself, or you will break _ sooner or later.5、While we were watching TV,a voice broke _ the programme to announce the el

    7、ection results.Keys:1、down 2、out 3、up 4、 down 5、into二、bring 1. bring about 带来、导致、生产、制造 Financial problems may bring about political problems. 财政问题可能带来政治问题His carelessness brought about the accident. 他的粗心导致了这次意外事故的发生。He brought about a quarrel between his parents.(引起,造成)2. bring down 使 下降、倒下、击落 It is

    8、 a good opportunity for us to bring down our opponents 这是我们打到对手的好机会。Electricity lines as well as telephone poles were brought down by falling trees or branches.(使倒下)bring down prices(降低价格)3 brought up 抚养长大、呕吐Joe was born in Texas but brought up in Oklahoma.(抚养)He was so ill that he brought up everyt

    9、hing.(呕吐)4 bring in 产生(利润、进息、收入) It is the playgoers who bring in much of the towns revenue. 是看戏的人带来了城镇的大部分收入。The boys bring in 60 a week.这些男孩子每周赚60镑。 Bring in every single grain.颗粒归仓。 The sale brought us in over $1000.那笔买卖使我们赚了一千多美元。 5 bring forward 提出、把提早The interrelated departments brought forwar

    10、d some reform plans on the education system.相关部门提出了一些教育制度的改革方案。Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting.(提出)They have brought the meeting forward to next Monday.(把提前,提早)The final examination will be brought forward to June instead of July. 期终考试将由七月提前到六月举行。 6. bring out 显示、表现出、出版Difficulti

    11、es and hardships have brought out the best qualities of the young geologist艰苦和困难的环境使年轻的地质工作者表现出了最优秀的品质。 The publishing company will bring out a good book in the near future. 出版社近期将出版一部好书。to bring out a new kind of soap生产一种新肥皂 活学活用:1、The war in Iraq was _ by the American President Bush.2、The work can

    12、 _ 2000 a year.Keys:1、brought about 2、bring in三、care1. care about(1) 在乎、介意、He does not care about his clothes. 他对穿衣服不在乎。The only thing he cares about is money. 他只在乎钱。(2) 对感兴趣 I dont care about it. 我对此不感兴趣 He cared little about computers. 他对计算机没什么兴趣。2care for(1) 喜欢 (通常用于否定句或疑问句)He doesnt care much fo

    13、r music. 他不大喜欢音乐。(2)照看、照顾 (可用于各种句型) He cared for his father all through his long illness. 他父亲在长期的生病期间由他照顾。Who will care for him if his wife dies? 假若他妻子死了,谁来照顾他?3 care to do sth 愿意、喜欢、想要(通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句)I dont care to play basketball. 我不喜欢打篮球。Would you care to go for a walk? 你想去散散步吗?4. care + 从句 在乎、在

    14、意 (用于否定句或疑问句,偶尔也用于肯定句)I dont care what they say. I shall go on just the same. 我不在乎他们说什么,不管怎么说,我都会继续干下去。I really care whether we win or lose. 我们是输是赢我真的很在乎。四、call 1. call on 拜访某人、号召、请求We will call on Mr. Li tomorrowYoud better call on your friends to help you. 你最好请朋友来帮你。 2call at 拜访某地I called at your

    15、office yesterday, but you were not in.3call for 需要、要求、邀约(人)、取(物)Success called for hard workCall for a doctor 去请医生4call in 请来、收回His brother is badly ill, so call in a doctor at once5call up 打电话、征召、回想起I called Tom up and told him the newsIn most countries men are called up at the age of 18As I grew u

    16、p in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village called up scenes of my childhood活学活用 We are to help those in trouble Becoming a good nurse not only patience, but also love .Keys:callforcalled on 五、carry 1carry away 搬走、使激动得失去控制、使入迷、使倾倒She carried the rubbish away. 她把垃圾搬走。 The ma

    17、tch was so wonderful that he was totally carried away. 比赛十分精彩,令他兴奋不已。 2. carryforward发扬、推进carryforward Chinas civilization 弘扬中华文化We Chinese should carryforward the fine traditions and dare to innovate (继承传统,勇于创新)3. carryon 继续、喧闹、起哄、从事、处理、经营、开展 They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of t

    18、he difficulties. 虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。4. carryout 完成、落实、贯彻、实现、执行 carry out a policy reforms. 实行一项新政策 They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully. 他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。 No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan. 不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。 5. carrythrough 贯彻到底、度过难关、支持到底 ( His courag

    19、e will carry him through (the difficulties). 他的勇气会帮他渡过难关。Carry the revolution through to the end 把革命进行到底活学活用She had finally her promise to quit smoking. 她最终实现了戒烟的诺言。Keys:carried out六、check 1. check in 签到、报到、办理(住宿,乘机等)手续check in at a hotel 在旅馆登记住宿2. check out 退房登记、办清手续后离开、检查、核对 When should we check o

    20、ut and leave for the airport ? 我们应在何时退房呢?I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct. 我核对了所有数字,发现都正确。3. check up 核对、调查、体格检查Please check up the data. 请核对一下这些数据. We will check up as soon as possible and let him know the result. 我们将尽快进行调查,并把结果通知他. 七、come1comeabout发生、(风等)改变方向 How did

    21、 the new idea come out ? This has not come about overnight. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 2. comeacross(无意中)碰到、找到、想到 Have you come across this problem in reading a new novel ? 3. comealong/on来呀、赶快、一道来、 进步赶快. 4. comeout出现、显露、出版、 发表、结果是;取得(第名)、 消失褪去、源于、来自、发表、讲出 Some flowers have begun to come out. 有些花现在已经开始开花了。That mag

    22、azine comes out every Monday. 那份杂志每星期一出版。 The truth has come out at last. 真相终于大白。5. cometo(astandstill/anend/light/noharm/therescueof)苏醒过来、恢复知觉(停止结束发现、显露无害、无碍营救) They are willing to be reasonable and hopefully come to a mutually beneficial agreement。他们愿意通情达理.希望能达成双方互利的协议.6. comeupwith/to提出、赶上、达到标准、到

    23、达、不辜负(众望)Have you come up with a more practical idea? 伯恩: 你有没有想出一个实际的办法?7. come其他的用法:comeback回到原来的(地方,话题等);突然想起;重新流行;恢复,复原,复苏;复辟 comedown下降,跌价 comedownto归根结底;实质上是;实际意味着 comein到来,出现;进入;兴起;到成熟期;上台执政;其作用 come/get/keepin(to)contact/touch与联系,接触;交往 come into effect 开始生效,开始实行come into operation 施行生效;开始工作 活

    24、学活用: 1. How did it that he knew where we were? 他是怎么知道我们在什麽地方的呢?2. We have never such a case of damage during loading. 我们从未遇到过罐头在装船时发生这样的损坏.3. This is a very competitive market. Weve got to a few clever strategies in order to keep our place on top.这是个充满竞争的市场.我们不得不想出几个更聪明的办法来保持我们的领先地位.Keys:1. come abo

    25、ut 2. come across 3. come up with八、cut1. cutdown 削减、减少、砍伐 Expensesoughttobecutdownineveryway.应该在一切方面减少开支。 Youdbettercutthearticledowntoabout2,000words.你最好能把这篇文章压到两千字左右。1. cut in 插话、超车Dont try to cut in while others are talking. 别人谈话时不要插嘴。 Drivers who habitually cut in are bound to cause accidents so

    26、oner or later. 习惯于超车的驾驶员迟早要出车祸。 Hecutinattheheadoftheline.他在队伍的前面插队。 3. cutoff 切断、截止、中断供应(疾病等)使(人)死亡、叫(人)闭口无言、隔绝Wewerecutoffinthemiddleofourtelephoneconversation.我们在电话里谈话谈了一半就被切断了。 Thefloodcutthevillagersofffromtherestoftheworld.洪水切断了村民们与外界的联系。4. cutout 割掉、删去、戒掉、省掉 Imustcutoutsmoking.我必须戒烟。Therainan

    27、dwindhavecutoutadeepvalley.风雨侵蚀出了一条深谷。5. cut up 切碎、使难过、使痛苦 Cut up the carrots before you put them into the pot. 把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内。 The article was severely cut up by some critics. 那篇文章曾受到一些评论家严厉的抨击。活学活用:1 Hewasinhospitalforsixmonths.Hefeltasifhewas_fromtheoutsideworld. A.cutout B.cutoff C.cutup D.cutthro

    28、ugh 2 IwasjusttalkingtoMargaretwhenJackson_. A.cutin B.cutdown C.cutout D.cutup Keys: 1. B 2. A 九、get 1. getacross Vi. 解释清楚、使人了解、通过 The teacher tried to explain the problem,but the explanation did not get across to the class. What point are you trying to get across? 你要叫人理解的要点是什么? 2. getaway离开、出发、逃脱

    29、I was in a meeting and couldnt get away.3. getdownto (doing )开始着手做某事 You must get down to your studies this year. Lets get down to business. 让我们言归正传吧。 4. get on上车 get off下车You shouldnt get on the bus until it has stopped completely.The bus stopped at the terminal station and all the passengers got o

    30、ff.汽车到达终点站所有乘客都下车了。get on 进展 = get along 相处;有进展,有起色 getonwith继续做;在方面获得成功;相处 How can you get on so well with your neighbors? 你是怎样与你的邻居们相处得如此好的呢?5. getover克服困难、解决、恢复过来 She cant get over her shyness. 她无法克服她的羞怯心理6. getthrough接通(电话)、完成I tried to telephone you but I couldnt get through.I will be with you as soon as I get through this w


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