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    人教版新目标初二英语上unit 11 section a could you please clean your room听说课例分析及反思大学论文.docx

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    人教版新目标初二英语上unit 11 section a could you please clean your room听说课例分析及反思大学论文.docx

    1、人教版新目标初二英语上unit 11 section a could you please clean your room听说课例分析及反思大学论文本 科 毕 业 论 文人教版新目标初二英语上Unit 11 Section A Could You Please Clean Your Room听说课例分析及反思学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语教育 年 级 2011级 学 号 姓 名 指 导 教 师 成 绩 二一五年四月Design of a Lesson and Self-evaluation:Based on the Listening and Speaking Section of Unit

    2、 11 “Could You Please Clean Your Room”, PEP edition, the new target English book Duan Qing SupervisorLi RupingA Thesis Submitted inPartial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofB. A. in EnglishCOLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIESSOUTHWEST UNIVERSITYApril, 2015AcknowledgmentsAt the beginning o

    3、f this paper, I would like to express my gratitude to a group of people who have given me a lot of support and encouragement during my study.First of all, I feel deeply grateful to my supervisor, Prof. Li Ruping for his generous supports. He has proved a constant source of inspirations and encourage

    4、ments. But I still have found my progress much slower and more difficult. And all the possible mistakes in this paper remain would be mine. Secondly, I am grateful to Mr. Lin Wenzhi who gave us a detailed instruction about how to write academic papers, Ms Yang Xiaoyu who helped me to get to know, le

    5、arn and get interested in pedagogy. Moreover, I would like to express my appreciation to all my other teachers who have taught me during my study in the College of International Studies, Southwest University., especially, the administration faculty of our department for their helps and supports duri

    6、ng my BA study. Under their guidance, I have not only gained abundant knowledge but also improved my paper. Meanwhile I am deeply indebted to all of my classmates and friends who have helped me materially and spiritually while I am writing this paper. Thanks for keeping me company in the past four y

    7、ears Last but not least, I must sincerely express my appreciation to my family members for their continuous understanding and whole-hearted supports during the four-year studies.ContentAbstract i内 容 摘 要 ii1. Introduction 12. Interpretation of the Lesson 22.1 Analysis of the Students 22.1.1 Psycholog

    8、ical Perspectives 22.1.2 Learning Styles 22.1.3 Prior Knowledge 32.2 Analysis of the Teaching Material 32.3 Analysis of the Teaching Methods 42.3.1 Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) 42.3.2 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) 52.4 Analysis of the Learning Methods 62.4.1 Autonomous Learning 62.4.2

    9、 Cooperative Learning 62.5 Analysis of the Teaching Objectives 72.5.1 Language Knowledge 72.5.2 Language Skills 82.5.3 Affect 82.5.4 Learning Strategy 92.5.5 Personal Objectives 92.6 Analysis of the Teaching Procedure and Time Allotment. 102.6.1 Getting students ready for learning (2 minutes) 102.6.

    10、2 Revision (2 minutes) 102.6.3Pre-listening (12 minutes) 102.6.4 While-listening (12 minutes) 102.6.5 Post- listening (10 minutes) 112.6.6 Assignment (2 minutes) 112.7 Analysis of the Layout of the Blackboard 113. The Detailed Lesson Planning 123.1 Format of Lesson Planning 123.1.1 Background Inform

    11、ation 123.1.2 Contents 123.1.3 Objectives 133.1.4 Focal Points 143.1.5 Difficult Points 143.1.6 Teaching Aids 143.1.7 Teaching Methods 143.2 Procedures and Time Allotment 153.2.1 Getting students ready for learning (3 minutes) 153.2.2 Revision (2 minutes) 153.2.3 Pre-listening (12 minutes) 153.2.4 W

    12、hile-listening (12 minutes) 193.2.5 Post-listening (10 minutes) 203.2.6 Assignments (2minutes) 214. Self-evaluation 224.1 General Evaluation 224.2 The Strong Points of the Lesson 224.3 The Weak Points of the Lesson 235. Conclusion 23References 25Appendix 27 Design of a Lesson and Self-evaluation:Bas

    13、ed on the Listening and Speaking Section of Unit 11 Section A “Could You Please Clean Your Room”, PEP edition, the new target English bookAbstract During the time of our daily communication, approximately 9% is devoted to writing, 16% to reading, 30% to speaking, and 45% to listening (Rivers & Tempe

    14、rley 1978; Oxford 1993; Celce-Murcia 1995; cited in Hedge 2000:228). However, influenced by the traditional English teaching model, teachers pay more attention to reading and writing while English listening and speaking have been neglected for a long time in some areas in China. As a result, listeni

    15、ng comprehension becomes the biggest challenge for students in English learning. Therefore, what matters in English teaching reform is cultivating students listening and speaking abilities which can improve English teaching efficiency. According to the National English Curriculum Standard and the co

    16、ndition of students, this paper takes the listening and speaking section of Unit11 Section A “Could You Please Clean Your Room”, PEP edition, the new target English book as an example, which explores the issue that how to teach listening and speaking effectively from three aspects including lesson i

    17、nterpretation, lesson planning and self-evaluation. The listening class mainly adopts TBLT (task-based language teaching) by showing the lesson plan interpretation, and the lesson plan and the self-evaluation aim to explore how to teach English listening class effectively in junior high schools unde

    18、r the National English Curriculum Standards.Key words: listening teaching, task-based language teaching, National English Curriculum Standard, lesson planning, self-evaluation人教版新目标初二英语上Unit 11 section A Could You Please Clean Your Room听说课例分析及反思段庆西南大学外国语学院,重庆 400715内 容 摘 要在我们个人的日常交流中,大约百分之九是依靠写,百分之十

    19、六依靠阅读,百分之三十依靠说,而剩下的百分之四十五则依靠听来实现,可见听说能力在日常交流中的重要性,然而长期以来,由于传统的教学更注重阅读和写作,相对忽略了学生听说能力的培养。因此,对大多数中学生而言,听力理解是其英语学习的最大挑战,因此关注学生听力技能的培养,提高他们的听力理解能力和用英语进行口头表达的能力是中学英语教学改革,提高教学效率的关键。本课例是在新课标理念的指导下,结合英语课程标准和学生的实际情况,以人民教育出版社初中八年级英语上册第十一单元的一堂听说课“Could You Please Clean You Room ”为例而进行设计的。主要采取任务型教学法,展示了从“说课”到“教

    20、案”到“课后反思”三个环节,初步探讨了在初中英语新课标下如何有效地进行听力教学。本课旨在通过该课例的设计及反思探讨初中英语听说课教学的有效模式。关键词:初中英语听力教学;任务型教学;英语课程标准;教学设计;教学反思Design of a Lesson and Self-evaluation:Based on the Listening and Speaking Section of Unit 11 Section A “Could You Please Clean Your Room”, PEP edition, the new target English book1. Introducti

    21、onWith the development of globalization, English has been named as a global language, which means that English has become a universal language through which native and non-native speakers could communicate with each other. But the wide applications of English do not always seem to be beneficial, for

    22、 example, for English teachers in China which is a non-native English speaking country. In this situation, it is a great challenge to teach and learn it well so that we should take responsibilities for the reformation of the English teaching according to the social and economic demands. The most imp

    23、ortant part of teaching English is the change of the teaching focal points, which have shifted from grammar and vocabulary to the comprehensive ability of language application and listening skills. Thus listening and speaking, as two of the most important aspects of language application, draw more t

    24、eachers attention. At present, the importance of English listening and speaking teaching has been broadly accepted, but in reality, the effective teaching practice still needs to be further explored.This lesson design is mainly concerned with how to teach listening and speaking efficiently and effec

    25、tively under the guidance of the National English Curriculum Standard. It deals with the listening and speaking section of Unit 11 “Could You Please Clean Your Room”, PEP edition, the new target English book, which mainly adopts Task-based Language Teaching and Communicative Language Teaching method

    26、s. It explores the listening and speaking lesson from the following aspects: understanding of the curriculum and the teaching materials, analysis of students, application of teaching and learning methods, the planning of teaching procedure and blackboard design, which are followed by a detailed less

    27、on plan and self-evaluation. 2. Interpretation of the Lesson2.1 Analysis of the StudentsThe students are from Grade1, junior high school. Most of the students have been learning English for over 3 years, and they are willing to share information with others. Their learning motivation and efficiency

    28、will be greatly strengthened by participating in the classroom activities.2.1.1 Psychological PerspectivesThe psychological perspective refers to the students attitude towards listening and the change of the students emotion while listening. It is well known to all that the psychological perspective

    29、s have great influence on English learning, especially on listening because of its own characters, for example different people have different dialects, accents, even rhythms; listeners cannot follow and control the speed of the listening materials and it cannot be repeated and stopped; whats more t

    30、he background music makes the voice hard to be heard.From all those unique characters, it makes listening difficult for the students, which lead to students dislike listening even dislike English. What makes it worse is the dislike in turn causes students panic and anxiety while listening. As a resu

    31、lt, the listening comprehension is greatly hard for students to learn. Therefore most of them are afraid of listening for they usually cannot catch up with what they have heard. In such situation, the teacher must use easy and proper listening materials and make the students be well prepared for the

    32、 listening tasks.2.1.2 Learning StylesAccording to the National English Curriculum Standard, students learning styles are required to be varied.Different students have different learning styles. Just like Lavery (2001) said: some people have an instinctive ear and like learning from hearing and listening, while, others prefer action such as making things with their hands, and walking about. And according to Reid (1998), there are


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