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    1、英语卷04高三英语名校地市联考精选仿真全真模拟卷解析版2020年高三名校地市联考精选仿真模拟卷04英 语(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(河南省

    2、郑州市2019-2020学年高三上学期第一次质量预测)Looking for work?Tutors Wanted: Math / Science / Humanities + Test Preparation Job Posted: 2 days ago Wage: $27 30 per hour Job Type: Part-time Schedule: Afternoons, evenings, weekdays, weekends Job description: Were looking for tutors to join us before the next school yea

    3、r starts. Our suitable candidate will be able to assist middle and high school students with test preparation and academic work in Math, Science and / or Humanities. Well pay for your training before this fall and can also offer flexible summer tutoring chances, including teaching group classes. Onc

    4、e our fall semester starts on August 21, well have even higher demand for tutoring sessions on Sundays from 1 p. m. to 8 p.m. as well as from3 p. m. to 9 p. m. Monday-Thursday. What we offer: Flexible scheduling. Tutors work from 15 to 30 hours per week depending on availability and student demand.

    5、Free Sunday dinners during the academic year. Fun staff gatherings Health insurance reimbursement (补偿) for staff working over 30 hours per week. We are 5 minutes walking distance from the Menlo Park Caltrain Station. Applicants must: Have a good command of the subjects they tutor. Be willing to tuto

    6、r students through the full academic year. Application instructions: Email us your resume (简历) Tell us why you want to join Academic Trainers and describe your experience of tutoring students if you have any. Let us know your scheduling preferences and potential start date. Tell us which of the subj

    7、ects you are able to tutor-Math, Science and / or Humanities.1. Which period of time needs the most tutors during the academic year?A. Saturday and Sunday mornings.B. Friday afternoons and evenings.C. Monday and Thursday mornings.D. Sunday afternoons and evenings.2. What can a tutor enjoy who works

    8、more than 30 hours per week?A. Comfortable accommodation.B. Free job training every month.C. Health insurance reimbursement.D. Free meals during the academic year.3. What qualification should a suitable candidate have?A. He / She must tutor all the subjects part-time.B. He / She must be good at the

    9、subjects they tutor.C. He / She must have a previous tutoring experience.D. He / She must work every evening through the academic year.【文章大意】本文题材属于应用文中的广告招聘。新的学期开始之前,招聘家教,对工作的性质,要求,条件,申请方式等进行了详细的描述。1.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据题干理解,可将答案定位在 Job description 这一主题下面的第四段,Once our fall semester starts on August 21, we

    10、 will have even higher demand for tutoring sessions on Sundays from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. as well as from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday-Thursday. 所以最需要家教的时间是周日下午和晚上。故选择 D。2.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据题干中的 more than 30 hours per week,可定位于文章中 What we offer 这一段中,每周工作超过 30 个小时的家庭教师可享受到健康保险补偿,因此选择 C 答案。A 和 C 选项在文章中没有提及。D 答案在文章中

    11、 Free Sunday dinners,周日的晚饭是免费的,但是选项中 free meals 把范围扩大了,D 答案错误,正确答案 C。故选择C。3.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据题顺序原则可以定位于文章中 Applicants must 这一段,Have a good command of the subjects they tutor. 必须掌握好所教授的科目,因此答案选择 B。A 答案错在 all 一词上面;C 答案和 D 答案在文章中没有提及。故选择B。B(山西省太原市2019-2020学年高三上学期期末) Runners never forget crossing the finis

    12、hing line at their first marathon, and that will be especially true for Mike Kohler. When Kohler crossed the starting line in Fargo last Saturday, he thought he was going to run 13.1 miles, his first half marathon. Six hours later, he had mistakenly” completed his first full marathon, 26.2 miles.Koh

    13、ler, a 26-year-old plumber (水管工) who now lives in West Fargo, had lined up for the half marathon that he hoped to complete in 150 minutes. He didnt realize he was in a starting fence with the full marathoners. Several miles later, Kohler began to realize he was on the course for the full marathon. T

    14、he 8-mile mark was when I figured out that I had made a mistake, he said. Between then and 13.1, I debated with myself about what I should do.”At some point he doesnt remember when he doubled down on the distance. After I decided I was going to keep going, the thought of quitting didnt come back. Ru

    15、n, walk, or crawl, I wanted to finish, he said.Until Saturday, Kohlers longest race was a 10-kilometer run, just over 6 miles. Even the most casual marathoners do a training run of 18 miles before the race. From his experience, he said he learned one thing: sometimes people can do more than they thi

    16、nk they can.After his long race, he went right back to work, put in a 10-hour day and then boarded a flight to Scotland for a vacation. I was pretty sore, but I found the more I kept moving, the less sore I was, so I tried my best to go about life normally minus running,” Kohler said from Glasgow. I

    17、 needed a break from that for a bit.Not for too long, though. Hes already considering the Bemidji Blue Ox Marathon in October.4. When did Kohler realize that he made a mistake?A. Before starting the race.B. After running 8 miles.C. When being with the full marathoners.D. While lining up for the half

    18、 marathon.5. Which of the following best describes Kohler?A. Determined. B. Cooperative.C. Open-minded. D. Well-prepared.6. What can we infer from the text?A. He went to Scotland to get a break from work.B. He had never trained for the full marathon before.C. He decided to complete the race at the 8

    19、-mile mark.D. He was debating with himself when he finished the race.7. What might be the best title for the text?A. Life Lies in MovementB. Life Means Never QuittingC. One Can Always Do More Than He CanD. One Mistakenly Runs Full Marathon Not a Half【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章是关于Mike Kohler的,他一位马拉松选手,第一次误打误撞完

    20、成了他的第一次马拉松比赛。4. B【解析】细节理解题。由第二段The 8-mile mark was when I figured out that I had made a mistake, he said.可知,当Mike Kohler发现自己犯了个错误的时候,是在8公里的记号处。即Kohler意识到自己犯错了是在跑了8公里后。故选B。5.A 【解析】推理判断题。由第三自然段After I decided I was going to keep going, the thought of quitting didnt come back. Run, walk, or crawl, I wa

    21、nted to finish, he said.可知,在他决定继续之后,就再没想过放弃,不管是跑,走或是爬,他都想跑完。由此可知,Kohler是一旦下决心后就坚持到底的人,是有决心的人。故选A。6. B【解析】推理判断题。由第四段Until Saturday, Kohlers longest race was a 10-kilometer run, just over 6 miles. Even the most casual marathoners do a training run of 18 miles before the race.可知,直到周六为止,Kohler最长只跑了10公里,

    22、而即便是最不正式的马拉松运动员在比赛之前都会做18公里的训练。由此可知,Kohler从未为跑完马拉松做过训练。故选B。7.D 主旨大意题。文章是关于Kohler在马拉松比赛中只打算跑13.1 公里,最后却跑完全程26.2公里的故事。由此可知,D项One Mistakenly Runs Full Marathon Not a Half(一个人错误地跑了全程马拉松,而不是半程)适合做本文最佳标题。故选D。C(湖北省“荆、荆、襄、宜四地七校2019-2020学年高三上学期期末)A star athlete at the college where I work recently stopped by

    23、 my office. After committing a few unforced errors during a weekend match, she suffered severely by self-criticism.This student, like many I teach, strongly believes she should be able to control the outcomes of her life by virtue of her hard work. In her mind, “Nothing can stop me but myself”. So w

    24、hen these students fall short of what they imagine they should accomplish, they are filled with self-blame, reasoning, “If my accomplishments are mine to control, my failures must be entirely my faults, too”, which makes it extremely difficult for them to move on.We often owe young adults struggling

    25、 with failure to their parents overprotection of them from discomfort. But there is another factor at play: a message transmitted by indulging (纵容的) parents who have falsely promised them that they can achieve anything if they are willing to work for it. However, the cruel reality of life is that yo

    26、u can do everything in your power and still fail. Then what should be done to help?Psychologists Luthar and Kumar urge parents and teachers to spend time helping students find purpose, or goals they genuinely love to pursue and that make an impact on the world, which may help them gain greater life

    27、satisfaction and become more psychologically mature. Besides, instead of allowing our kids to beat themselves up when things dont go their way, we might all question a culture where one is considered lazy without full devotion. The point is to remind them that life has a way of sucker-punching (出其不意

    28、) us when we least expect it. Its often the people who learn to say “stuff happens” who get up the fastest.8. What does the underlined phrase “by virtue of” in paragraph 2 mean?A. in addition to B. in spite of C. by means of D. for fear of9. The author believes that young adults find it hard to stru

    29、ggle with failure because _.A. they are not taught how to deal with difficultiesB. they are short of the ability to handle failureC. they are under the protection of their parentsD. they are misled by their parents false message10. What did psychologists Luthar and Kumar urge parents and teachers to

    30、 do?A. To teach students how to avoid faults.B. To lead students to set their truly loved goals.C. To help students to discover a path to success.D. To allow kids to blame themselves.11. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Students dont care about failure at all.B. Students are sure to succeed

    31、if they try their best.C. Students should bear all the failures on their own.D. Students with positive attitudes can move on more easily.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章阐述了很多学生因为一些失败而自我批评,但现在年轻人很难与失败作斗争是因为其父母对他们的过度保护。心理学家认为老师和家长应该帮助他们找到自身的目标,对世界造成影响,这样可以提高他们生活的满意度并使得他们心理上变得更成熟。8.C 词义猜测题。第二段第2句提到“In her mind, “Nothi

    32、ng can stop me but myself”.”这名学生认为没有什么能够阻止自己除了她自己之外。换句话说,这名学生觉得自己可以通过自己的努力掌握自己的结果。由此推知,划线词组by virtue of 意为“通过”。A. in addition to除之外;B. in spite of尽管,不顾;C. by means of通过;D. for fear of以免,以防。故选C。9.D 【解析】细节理解题。第三段第1、2句提到“We often owe young adults struggling they can achieve anything if they are willing to work for it.”通常情况下我们把年轻人和失败作斗争归因为父母对他们的过度保护,更主要的原因是因为父母的纵容让年轻人以为只要愿意为之奋斗就能取得成就。由此可知,现在的年轻人很难与失败作斗争,因


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