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    甘肃省定西市临洮县八年级英语上学期第二次月考试题 冀教版.docx

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    甘肃省定西市临洮县八年级英语上学期第二次月考试题 冀教版.docx

    1、甘肃省定西市临洮县八年级英语上学期第二次月考试题 冀教版20172018学年度第一学期月考试卷八年级英语题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII总分得分注意事项:1.全卷共120分,考试时间120分钟2.考生必须将姓名、准考证号、考场、座位号等个人信息填(涂)写在答题卡上3.考生务必将答案直接填(涂)写在答题卡的相应位置上I.听力部分(30分)( I.)听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)。( )l.A.You should help him. B.Thats great! C.Im very glad to hear that.( )2. A.She wil

    2、l check our homework. B.She said there would be a school party tomorrow.C.She was calling my father.( )3. A.She is watching TV. B.She will go shopping. C. She was cooking.( )4. A.Im happy. B. An astronaut. C.III go shopping. ( )5.A.Thanks for inviting me. B.Im so glad. C.Why do you ask me?( II.)听下面五

    3、段对话根据其内容从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选择最佳选项。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)。( )6.What are they talking about?A.The robots in the future. B.The computers in the future.C.The clothes in the future.( )7.What was the man doing when the woman called him?A. He was looking for a job. B. He was Iooking after his mother.C.He was doing

    4、 the part-time job.( )8.Why was the boy so sad?A.Because he failed the English exam. B.Because his English teacher didnt like him.C.Because his parents were angry with him.( )9. Where will the girl meet her uncle?A. At Lisas house. B.At the station. C.At the airport.( )10.What is the boy going to do

    5、?A.To call his parents for help. B.To visit his math teacher.C.To call his math teacher and say sorry to him.(III.)听下面一段长对话,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选择最佳选项。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)。( )11.How old will Bill be?A.14 years old. B.15 years old. C.13 years old.( )12.When will Bill have the party?A.Next Wednesday. B.Next

    6、Saturday. C.Next Sunday.( )13.Where will Bill have the party?A. At his house. B.At the Red Star Hotel. C.ln a small restaurant.( )14.What skould Ntaria take?A.A basketball. B.A football. C.A volleyball.( )15.How do they talk?A.By QQ. B.By e-mail. C.By phone.(IV.)听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)。(

    7、)16.Where did the story happen? A.In Japan. B.In China. C.In Canada.( )17.Where did the driver want to go?A.A village. B.A city. C.A small town.( )18.Who wanted a gift?A.A littie girl. B.A young woman. C.An old woman.( )19.Why didnt the driver talk to the woman in Chinese at first? A.Because he knew

    8、 little Chinese. B.Because he thought the woman was Japanese. C.Because he thought it was not polite.( )20. How did they bcith feel at last?A. Excited. B. Worried. C. Nervous.(V.)短文理解(每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。两边之间停顿10秒。( )21.Where are the students?A. In the

    9、classroom. B.Near the window. C.In their teachers room( )22.What is Kate doing?A. She is cleaning the blackboard. B. She is carrying the desks. C. She is looking at the blackboard.( )23.What is Sam doing?A. He is carrying the desks. B. He is making the desks clean. C. She is looking at the blackboar

    10、d.( )24.Who are cleaning the windows and the door?A. Mike. B. Kate. C.Lucy and Lily.( )25.What is the teacher doing?A.He is cleaning the windows and the door. B. He is looking at the classroom. C.He is helping his students.(VI.)听短文,根据所所听内容补全句子。每空不超过三个单词。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)。26.David put his report card

    11、_because he didnt want to show it to hisparents.27.David turned on the TV and watched _ on it.28.Bill was Davids_.29.Davids mother got very_ when she saw the report card.30.David only passed_. 笔试部分(90分)II.语法与情境对话(每小题1分,共25分)。()1. Is this your pen? No, it isnt. It _ be Cindys, but Im not sure.A. mayB

    12、. mustC. needD. would()2. Do you know about Quanjude? Of course. It is _ its Beijing duck.A. good with B. different from C. famous forD. worried about( )3. Its so hot today. Jane plans _swimming after school.A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go()4. Do you like watching sitcoms? _. They are boring.A. Yes, I

    13、am B. No, I am not C. Yes, I do D. No, I dont( )5. I am sure the girl will _ look after herself well.A. is able to B. can C. be able to D. could( )6.This is a report _ transportation.A. in B. from C. on D.for( )7My sister is_more outgoing than me.Amore Bmost CmuchDlittle ( )8. Jenny says she might _

    14、a doctor in the future. A. is B. be C. makes D. to be( )9. Jack hopes _ the film with you tonight. And you? A. watch B. to watch C. watches D. watching( )10. There _ a football match next week.A. will have B. is going to be C. are going to be D. has( )11.“Right ”is the opposite of “_”.A. slow B. wro

    15、ng C. dirty D. clear( )12.To be a good nurse is her biggest _.A. problem B.future C. goal D. work( )13.Have you read the news _ the newspaper?A. on B.in C. at D.with( )14._ What is he going to _ when he _ up? _He is going to be a doctor.A.to; in B.does;grows C.be;grow D.be;grows( )15.He is going to

    16、travel _ the world.A.all of B.through C.all over D.from( )16.I go to school _because there is a river between my home and my school.A.by bus B.on foot C.by plane D.by boat( )17._Did you take a train from Canada to London? _ .A.Certainly B.No problem C.Of course not. D.I hope so.( )18.In the _, peopl

    17、e built this bridge.A.1780 B.1780s C.1780s D.1780s( )19.After the car stopped, a little girl _ it and went to school.A.gets off B.got off C.gets on D.got on( )20.Yesterday I met an old friend of mine, but I couldnt _ his name.A.think B.think of C.think over D.think about( )21.Our teacher encourages

    18、us _ it again.A.try B.keep C.having D.to try( )22.It _ us 3 hours _ through the forest on foot.A.took; going B.took; to go C.spent; to go D.cost; go( )23.Mr. Black is _ to us. We love her very much.A.angry B.nice C.opposite D.sad( )24.Our teacher Ms. Wu is _ with us, but we all love her.A.strict B.w

    19、ise C.nice D.friendly( )25. It is _ cold today. You d better drink _ cola.A.too much; much too B.much too; too much C.too many; many too D.too much; too manyIII. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Should friends be different or the same?The following is what three of my classmates say. My name is Mary.I like to have f

    20、riends who are_26_ me.My best friend Betty is taller and _27_ than me.I am _28_ and like reading,but she is more athletic than me.She likes _29_ and always beats me in pingpong.My name is Peter. I am very funny and outgoing. I like friends who have the same interests _30_ me.My best friend is Victor

    21、.He is much fatter than me.But _31_ like doing the same things.We dont think differences are important in a friendship.Im Ted.I like to have friends who are _32_ me. Its necessary _33_ the same.All my friends are smart and athletic.And they are as _34_ as me. I am thinner than most of them,but I run

    22、 _35_ among them.26A.difference from Bdifference to Cdifferent to Ddifferent from27.A.more outgoing Boutgoing Coutgoinger Dmuch outgoing28.A.happy Bquiet Ctall Dangry29A.music B.sports C.art D.English30.A.from B.as C.to D.for31.A.both we B. we both C. both us D. we all32.A.as Blook Cso Dlike33.A.be

    23、Bis Cto be Dwas34.A.carefully Bcareful Cmore carefulDmost careful35.A.fastest Bfast Cfaster Dmuch fastIV. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)ASome children wish to be writers someday. They want to write stories or books for people to read. Thats good! Its good to write something for people to read! But they should kn

    24、ow that they need to be good readers first before they are really good writers. They should read a lot of books, instead(代替) of watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free.There is more fun in reading, you want to look for more books to read.Before you decide(决定) to be a

    25、good writer, youd better say to yourself, I must read more and more !根据短文内容,选择正确答案。36. This article mainly tells us that _.A. some children wish to be writers somedayB. it is good to write something for people to readC. reading can be helpful for us to become a good writerD. writers like to read mor

    26、e books for fun37. Some children want to be writers _.A.because they want to be good readersB. to write stories or books for people to readC. to find good work some dayD. to get more money to keep a family38. Its good for children _.A. to do a lot of readingB. to watch TV in the eveningC. to have wi

    27、shes onlyD. to be good writers right now39. Reading can _.A. help you to be a good playerB. help you write wellC. make you work betterD. make you watch more TV at home40. From the passage we know that _.A. all children like to be writersB. people like to read for childrenC. all writers are childrenD

    28、. children need to read more and more booksBGuo Jingjing was born (出生) in Baoding, Hebei Province on October 15th, 1981. At the age of seven, she joined the diving (跳水) team. In 1992, she joined the national (国家的) diving team. She exercised many hours a day so that she became one of the best divers

    29、in China. In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, she won a gold medal in the womens diving from 3-meter springboard (跳板) with Wu Minxia. On August 26th, 2004, she won her first individual (个人的) Olympic gold medal in the 3-meter womens springboard event.Four years later, Guo Jingjing won another two gold medals in 2008 Olympic Games. Now she has the same number of gold medals as Fu Mingxia. They are the girls who won the most gold medals in the Olympic Games. If she didnt retire in 2012, I think she might win the most gold medals in China. She is really a great woman.( )41. When did Guo Ji


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