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    1、大学生面对金融危机的英语演讲稿完整版大学生面对金融危机的英语演讲稿大学生面对金融危机的英语演讲稿第一篇:大学生面对金融危机的英语演讲稿onfronting the finanial risis ,hat should e ollege students do ?honourable judges ,ladies and gentlemen :good morning ! at the beginning of m speeh , id like to make a brief introdutoion about mself that i hope ont bore ou , m name i

    2、s liu zijing ,ho e from bozhou of anhui provine ,i as admitted to huaibei oal industr teahers ollege in xx年,and major in hinese language and literature . m todas speeh is : onfronting the finanial risis ,hat should e ollege students do ?hen ou alking along a street , an inevitable phenomenon ou ill

    3、find is that lots of shops or markets are selling their goods at a disount ; hen ou visting a ountrside ,an evident situation ou ill disover is that man orkers are staing in their hometon . h ? thats beause the finanial risis that originated on all street and sept the orld has gone beond the to seto

    4、r and bitten into the hinese eonom. over the past six months,man labor-intensive fatories have shut don ,leaving massive numbers of orkers jobless . although our government have taken some effetive measures to stimulate the need of emploment , e also ant den the fat that the situation is still serio

    5、us . aording to expets , hinas gdp groth sloed to 9.9 perent don 3 perentage points from the same period lastear and falling to single figures for the first time in five ears .as a ollege students ,i ant be more sensitive to the essential meanings behind thesenumbers ,basing on expets , the graduate

    6、s in this ear are more than 5 millions , to m surprise ,there are exeed 1 million ant find position . so it seems ver important for us ollege students to onsider hat should e do in the intensel petitive soiet , partiularl during this speial bakground-international finanial risis .from m on perspetiv

    7、e ,e should do three things as follos :in the first instane , e should turn an objetive attitude toards the enironment and ourselves . although e ollege students used to be the most-favored people in soiet ,e have reeived a higher eduation ,hane e are more intelligent and knoledgeable than our ountp

    8、arts ho failed to attend ollege . soiet is developing in a ver high pae and being more and more advaned , so e shoule kno our on strengths and eaknesses and have the right attitude toards ourselves and the job vXXnies ,in addition ,e should not attah too muh importane to material aspets of the job .

    9、seondl ,e should have great ambition toards our future . ambitions are like the stars-e never reah them ,but like mariners ,e hart our ourse b them . no matter the suessful merhant or offiial or sientist ,the have an idential personalit-ambition . on the surfaeof the globe finanial risis , it brings

    10、 the pessmisiti eonomi situations , but it still ant prevent a person ho have great ambition ahieving his goals . just like george bernard sha said :people alas blaming their irumstane , the people ho get on in this orld are the people ho get up and look for the irumstane s the ant ,and ,if the ant

    11、find them ,make them.last but not the least, e should stud to the best of our abilit to aquire knoledge as muh as possible . ollege is a plae here e an enrih our knoledge and improve ourselves .as a ollege student , e should be these ho have a strong sense of soial responsibilities , up-to-date knol

    12、edge and perhensive apabilities .but never idle XX our preious time and make our ollege life perplexed and vauous . onl master extensive knoledge and la a solid foundtion an e have a promising and bright future.m fello friends ,please remember , heaven never helps the man ho ill not at ever man is t

    13、he arhitet of his on fortune , no matter ho iked the environment is ,i do believe a brilliant and original person still an realize his value and make ontribution to our soiet .thank ou ver muh for our attention !第二篇:英语演讲稿(关于金融危机演讲稿)i am honored extremel stand in here for everbod leture! e all kne th

    14、at, no the orld all is suffering the finanial risis, and man fatories all alread ent out of business the bankrupt, this also meant ould have man people to fae is ing off sentr dut. perhaps in shool e regarding this realized is not ver big, hoever e soon fae the graduation, also meant must look for t

    15、he ork. alread some people mented: the next several ear universit graduate, the graduation also on meant unemploment! although i not like this believed, but i still felt e should have one kind of risis feeling, b faes the orst possible ourrene. therefore, also annot again ontinue to aste in the univ

    16、ersit period time, that alread as ma not obtain extremel! therefore i hoped shoolmates, all an learn on diligentl speial ourse, in order to might find from no on most suits on ork.我很荣幸极为站在这里为大家演讲! 我们都知道,现在世界上所有正在遭受金融危机,许多工厂都已经倒闭了破产,这也意味着可能有许多人面对即将关闭站岗,英语演讲稿(关于金融危机演讲稿),演讲稿英语演讲稿(关于金融危机演讲稿)。也许在学校,我们对这个

    17、认识是不是很大,但是我们很快面临毕业,也意味着必须寻找工作。 已经有些人评论说:在未来数年大学毕业,毕业也意味着失业!虽然我不喜欢这样认为,但我仍觉得我们应该有一种危机感,所面临的最严重的可能发生。 因此,也不能再继续浪费在大学期间的时间,这已经是可能无法获得极为!因此,我希望同学,大家都可以了解自己的勤奋特殊当然,为了可能会发现从现在起,最适合自己的工作。第三篇:大学生关于金融危机演讲稿中英文i am honored extremel stand in here for everbod leture! e all kne that, no the orld all is suffering

    18、the finanial risis, and man fatories all alread ent out of business the bankrupt, this also meant ould have man people to fae is ing off sentr dut. perhaps in shool e regarding this realized is not ver big, hoever e soon fae the graduation, also meant must look for the ork. alread some people mented

    19、: the next several ear universit graduate, the graduation also on meant unemploment! although i not like this believed, but i still felt e should have one kind of risis feeling, b faes the orst possible ourrene. therefore, also annot again ontinue to aste in the universit period time, that alread as

    20、 ma not obtain extremel! therefore i hoped shoolmates, all an learn on diligentl speial ourse, in order to might find from no on most suits on ork. 我很荣幸极为站在这里为大家演讲! 我们都知道,现在世界上所有正在遭受金融危机,许多工厂都已经倒闭了破产,这也意味着可能有许多人面对即将关闭站岗。 也许在学校,我们对这个认识是不是很大,但是我们很快面临毕业,也意味着必须寻找工作。 已经有些人评论说:在未来数年大学毕业,毕业也意味着失业!虽然我不喜欢这样认

    21、为,但我仍觉得我们应该有一种危机感,所面临的最严重的可能发生。 因此,也不能再继续浪费在大学期间的时间,这已经是可能无法获得极为!因此,我希望同学,大家都可以了解自己的勤奋特殊当然,为了可能会发现从现在起,最适合自己的工作。第四篇:大学生关于金融危机演讲稿中英文i am honored extremel stand in here for everbod leture!e all kne that, no the orld all is suffering the finanial risis, and man fatories all alread ent out of business t

    22、he bankrupt, this also meant ould have man people to fae is ing off sentr dut.perhaps in shool e regarding this realized is not ver big, hoever e soon fae the graduation, also meant must look for the ork.alread some people mented: the next several ear universit graduate, the graduation also on meant

    23、 unemploment! although i not like this believed, but i still felt e should have one kind of risis feeling, b faes the orst possible ourrene.therefore, also annot again ontinue to aste in the universit period time, that alread as ma not obtain extremel! therefore i hoped shoolmates, all an learn on d

    24、iligentl speial ourse, in order to might find from no on most suits on ork.我很荣幸极为站在这里为大家演讲!我们都知道,现在世界上所有正在遭受金融危机,许多工厂都已经倒闭了破产,这也意味着可能有许多人面对即将关闭站岗。也许在学校,我们对这个认识是不是很大,但是我们很快面临毕业,也意味着必须寻找工作。已经有些人评论说:在未来数年大学毕业,毕业也意味着失业!虽然我不喜欢这样认为,但我仍觉得我们应该有一种危机感,所面临的最严重的可能发生。因此,也不能再继续浪费在大学期间的时间,这已经是可能无法获得极为!因此,我希望同学,大家都


    26、作中去 。针对当前国际金融危机蔓延发展、世界经济低迷下行的形势变化,商务部在开展专题研讨的基础上,进一步强化了扩大消费需求、保持进出口稳定增长、优化利用外资结构、扩大对外投资合作等4个重点课题调研。目前,由党组成员带队,深入基层和企业的调研活动已经迅速展开。努力开创一些新的消费领域,因为随着科学技术的发展,有好多新的消费领域其实不知不觉地已经来到了我们的面前。加强产业价值链的合作,创造共赢的局面。近年来,各家银行加速推进“零售银行战略”和“综合经营战略”,大力发展占用资本量少、成本收益比低的中间业务,已成为商业银行战略转型的一大特点。中间业务收入的快速增长,不仅表明上述银行加快了经营机制的市场





    31、201X年以来,推进主动风险管理,全面落实风险管理集中化、专业化各项改革措施,加大风险内控体制机制创新力度,同时积极贯彻落实国家宏观调控政策,优化授信投向结构,加强客户主动退出管理等,成为各家银行的工作重点。我们合作银行要以服务“三农”为方向,稳步推进整体改制,努力成为资本充足、治理规范、内控严密、运营安全、服务优质、效益良好、创新能力和国际竞争力强的银行企业。让我们携手共进,为合作银行美好的明天尽一份力!新街口分理处201X年3月27日附送:大学生面试优秀英文自我介绍大学生面试优秀英文自我介绍第一篇:大学生面试优秀英文自我介绍hello everone, m name is lee. thi

    32、s is reall a great honor to have this opportunit, and i believe i an make good performane toda. no i ill introdue mself briefl.i am 20 ears old, born in guangdong provine, south of hina, and i am a senior student at guangdong *universit. m major is english. and i ill reeive m bahelor degree after m graduation in june.in the past four ears, i spent most of m time on stud. i passed et4 and et6 ith a ease and aquired basi theoretial and pratial knoledge of language.besides, i have attended seve


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