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    1、河北省大名县第一中学届高三月考英语试题清北班一和答案高三月考英语试题 2019.9.25第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. What are the speakers planning to do?A Have a picnic. B Make some sandwiches C. Attend a barbecue party2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Job B. A picture C. A university.3. Where i

    2、s the woman s Dusmart Speaker?A. In the bedroom. B In the kitchen C. In the sitting room4. What did the man buy this morning?A. Trainers B. Socks C Jeans5. What did the man like best about the show?A. The singers B. The costumes. C. The dancing第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分2.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。清听第6段材料,回答第6

    3、、7题。6. What does the woman think of the man s summer Job?A. Tiring B. Interesting. C. Well-paid7. What job is Tammy doing during the summer?A Fruit-picking. B Dog-walking C Babysitting.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What will the man do at 2: 00 pm probably?A Sell dictionaries. B Have an interview C. Work in t

    4、he office9. Where will the man be around 5: 00 pm?A In a classroom. B At a company. C. At a coffee shop.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What type of insurance do the speakers choose? iA. The bronze B. The silver C. The gold11. How will the speakers probably pay?A. By credit card. B. By Alipay C. In cash12. Wh

    5、en will the speakers leave?A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C On Sunday.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How long will the mans course last?A. For four weeks. B. For six weeks C.For eight weeks14. How did the man know the school?A From a friend. B From a newspaper. C From a company.15. Which language can t the ma

    6、n speak?A. French B. German C. Chinese16. What does the man think is the third factor in choosing a school?A. Teachers B Recommendations C. Location请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How did the speaker go to the South Island?A. By bus B- By boat C. By car.18. Where was the speaker s second destination?A. Nelso

    7、n B Kaikoura C. Buller River19. What was the speaker eager to sec?A. Ocean birds B Dolphins C.Whales20. When did the speaker hurt her foot?A. While riding a horse B While rowing a boat C. While climbing the rocks第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。ADiscover t

    8、he London Museum of Water SteamDo you ever turn on the tap and wonder where the water comes from?Be amazed by the massive historic engines that pumped Thames water to Londons taps, andexplore Londons exciting watery past at our newly refurbished Museum.Follow waters fascinating journeyVictorian Lond

    9、on urgently needed water to keep its massively growing population clean and dis-ease- free.Get hands -on to find out more about the details of the capitals watery past, and waters rolein the Victorian battle for public health, in our new interactive Waterworks. In the Waterworks andthe new outdoor S

    10、plash Zone you can test your muscle power as you have a go at water-pumping machines from throughout the centuriesJoin the teamThe Museum has a small staff supported by a large and enthusiastic volunteer base. Roles range from working on the admissions desk to driving the engines and maintaining the

    11、 buildings. Emailvolunteer waterandsteam. org. uk to apply to become part of the family!Keep us in Steam!The Museum is a not -for-profit charity that receives no external revenue funding from thegovernment or private bodies. Your support will help the Museum stay open all year round, with theengines

    12、 and railway steaming, and exciting events for all ages. Support us by becoming a trust mem-ber, volunteering or giving a donation. Become a Trust MemberHelp preserve this historic site for future generations. Trust membership gives unlimited visits to he Museum. Join at the Museum, via our website,

    13、 or email membership( waterandsteam org uk21. What can you do in the museum?A. Find out where Londons tap water comes from.B. Learn about the history of British tap water.C. Build your body in the outdoor Splash Zone.D. learn how tap water cured diseases in Victorian22.What does a volunteer do in th

    14、e museum?A. Collect donations B. Operate machinesC. Act as a tour guide D. Become their staff23. Which is true about the museum?A. It is open to people under 18 B. It is funded by the governmentC. You can become a member online. D. It doesnt accept individual donationsBThere is a new superhero movie

    15、 coming out. The new3-D film stars a different type of superhero. They are dogs whose powers have helped save people and animals.Through the end of the year, you can see six amazing dogs in action inSuperpower DogsTipper and Tony are super sniffers. The two bloodhounds use their incredible sense of

    16、smell to track poachers who hunt and kill endangered animals such as elephants and rhinos in Kenya. in East Africa Reef is a great lifeguard. Her size, strength, webbed paws and waterproof fur enable her to rescue people at risk of drowning along the coast of Italy. She can swim through water and dr

    17、ag as manyas six people on a life raft.These dogs arent born with their powers, though. They learn their skills through training andpractice. You can see a superdog in the making by watching Halo onscreen. When Labrada first metHalo as a pup, she was impressed by the Dutch shepherds intelligence and

    18、 alertness.The film shows how Labrada trained Halo, preparing her for a big certification test. Halo had tohearing to search for hidden people. She learned towalk on narrow boards, climb ladders and ignore distractions such as food or toys. One of the superdogs,Ricochet. started training as a servic

    19、e dog. Her handler soon realized,lthough, that Ricochet was best at sensing emotions and calming sad or frightened people. In themovie, her gentle presence reassures a little boy who is learning to surf.My dog and I are a team, said Labrada, who is preparing with Halo for the busy hurricaneseason. T

    20、ogether we can do things that we cant do separately. The bond, that trust, is actuallyThe real superpower.24. Why does the dog Reef need to be strong?A. She has to climb laddersB. She has to be able to climb ladders. C. She has to drag people on a life raft.D. She has to go into destroyed building25

    21、. How did the dog Ricochet affect people?A. She calms them B. She frightens them.C. She makes them sad D. She makes them excited26. How did the dogs in the movie become superheroes?A. They worked in the movie with human superheroesB. They learned skills that enabled them to be superheroesC. They wer

    22、e trained to act as superheroes to be in the movieD. They were born with the same skills that human superheroes have27. What is the article mainly about?A. A human who trains dogsB. Toys and food that dogs likeC. A movie about special dogs.D. The way of how to train dogs.CThe small Norwegian island

    23、of Sommaroy sits north of the Arctic Circle. The sun does not riseduring the winter, For 69 days in summer, it doesnt set. Needless to say, residents have a different idea of time. They see it differently from people who live where the hours of the day are split intodarkness and light.Kjel Ove Hvedi

    24、ng is one of the islands 300 or so residents. He wants to see time done awaywith on Sommaroy. In June he presented a petition to the government. All the islands residentssigned it and asked for Sommaroy to become the worlds first time-free zone. Hveding says there isno need for certain hours for sch

    25、ool or work. If you want to cut the lawn at 4 a. m. then you do it. he says.Most of us live by a fairly regular schedule. Hvedings ideas might seem strange. Howeverthe people of Sommaroy already have a fairly casual approach to timekeeping. This attitude is symbolized by all the watches that are str

    26、apped onto a bridge from the island to the mainland. They dont need those watches on their islandDoctors have advice for people who live in regions with dark winters and never-ending summer sunlight. They say people should try to keep a regular sleep cycle. Research shows that humans have a natural

    27、internal process. It is called the circadian rhythm. This is basically a 24-hour internal clock. It regulates the sleep-wake cycle and is important for human health.Operating as a timeless zone could be a challenge. The rest of the world is on schedules. Hveding says that he understands planes and t

    28、rains need to leave and arrive at certain hours. However,he also thinks that people create unnecessary stress. They put schedules on themselves, and hethinks they could benefit from looking at time his way.When you are finished with work, please, just put the watch away,he saysDont let the the clock

    29、 lead us.28. What can we know about the people of Sommaroy from the paragraph 3?A. They already live without watches.B. They decorated the bridge with watches.C. They must go to a bridge to get watchesD. They must cross a bridge to get to the mainland29. How does Vending feel about using watches and

    30、 clocks?A. They should never be usedB. They should take care of themC. They can help people lead better lives.D. They are not necessary most of the time30. Which statement would the author agree with?A. There are few good reasons to keep timeB. Living in a time-free city would be difficultC. Sommaro

    31、y will not be successful without timeD. People should stop wearing watches immediately31. Why did the author write this article?A. to explain how time works in SommaroyB. to persuade people to stop using clocks.C. to tell a funny story about a place near the North Pole.D. to describe an island where

    32、 people want to live time-freeDWhen they re excited, scared or happy, elephants make the sounds youre probably familiarwith. They vocalize in other, more complicated ways, too -low-pitched rumbles outside ourhearing. Elephants make sounds at low frequencies to alert each other to danger, which isthe lower limit of human hearing. Low-freque


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