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    1、各类应用文套句整合以及高级词替换名人名言感谢信开头句式我想在此信中表达我对您由衷的感激I would like to convey(表达) in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you .我想借此机会表达我的感激.I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation .我代表.,向您表达我真挚的感谢On behalf of . , I would like to extend my sincere gratitude .结尾句式 非常感激您所做的一切Many thanks for

    2、all the good things you have done 我真诚的感激是言语所不能表达的My true gratitude is beyond the words description.十分感激您的帮助Your help is very much appreciated&道歉信开头句式$十分抱歉,我无法.Much to my regret,I am unable to 我写此封信向您道歉,因为我没能.(fail to do)I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to我很抱歉的告诉您我.!Im terr

    3、ibly sorry to inform (告知) you that I cant. 结尾句式 您能够接受我的道歉吗 Will you please accept my apology我很抱歉造成的不便。&I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.我真挚地希望你能站在我的角度考虑,也接受我的道歉I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies.求助信开头句式我写此封信想请您帮我个忙。Iamwritingthislettertoasky

    4、outodomeafavor.很抱歉打扰您,但我遇到了一些问题希望您能够帮助我。Sorry to bother you, but I have encountered a problem which I hope you can help me with. 结尾句式!您如果能帮我此忙,我会很感激。Iwouldappreciateitifyoucoulddomethisfavor. 希望您能好心帮我Withthehopethatyouwillbekindenoughtohelpme. 希望没给您带来太多问题. IwishIhadntputyoutoo muchtrouble. 建议信开头句式 我

    5、写此信表达我对于.的观点Im writing to express my views on/concerning(关于)你询问了我一些关于.的建议.,我想给你一些建议/帮助You have asked for some advice concerning,Id like to offer you some suggestions中间句式在我看来,你遵循以下建议是明智的】In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions:.是可取的(desirable)It is desirable that .我认为如果你.会比较好/有

    6、用/有益I think/believe it would be better/very helpful / beneficial if you 结尾句式我希望你觉得这个提议(proposal)有帮助。I hope you will find these proposals useful我相信你会接受我的建议。I trust you will take my suggestions into account.)招聘信 开头句式 我们正在寻找一个.的申请人来填补该职位we are looking for a applicant who is . to fill the post中间句式申请人应该具

    7、备The applicant is supposed to / is required to have申请人的主要责任包括The main responsibilities for the application include.结尾句式-如果你对这个岗位感兴趣,请用(电话号码,邮箱地址).联系我们。If you are interested in the post, please contact us at (2556146 or xxx) 不要再犹豫了,机不可失,失不再来Dont hesitate anymore, it is now or never. 申请信开头句式 我写此信对.做出回

    8、复I am writing in response to . 我想申请刊登在.的岗位I am writing to apply for the post advertised in .自我介绍我对.有很好的掌握I have a good mastery (掌握)of / have a good command(掌握) of 我相信我有资格胜任这个职位(post)I believe that I am well qualified for the post. 结尾句式 我希望你能够考虑我的申请(take.into account 考虑)I hope you would take my appli

    9、cation into account. :如果你需要更进一步了解我,请联系我If you need to know more about me, please reach/contact me at(2024554 or 123) 邀请函【开头句式能够邀请您. 是我极大的荣幸It gives me the greatest pleasure/honor to invite you to.将会有一场.,我们可否有辛邀您一起参加There will be a., may we have the honor to have you there with us中间句式将被举办的.是关于.的,它 .T

    10、he . to be held is about ., which .将会在.开始,在.举行,接下来是.The.will begin at (时间点), taking place in (地点) and it will be followed by(下一个活动 )结尾句式我希望您能够来到我们的派对I do hope that you can make it to our party.我希望能在当天见到你,请让我悉知你的决定。I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision.;如果您能够大驾光临我将很开心I s

    11、hould be very pleased if you could honor me with your presence.祝贺信开头句式恭喜你在.方面取得成功Congratulations on your success in.请允许我赠与你我由衷(heartiest)的恭喜Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations on .结尾句式!希望你更上一层楼。I wish you further success 再次真挚恭喜。 Sincere congratulation again. 愿你好运。May you come into a good

    12、fortune!咨询信开头句式我写此封信是想问下是否您能够提供关于.的信息I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding. 我对.感兴趣,所以我想进一步咨询信息Im interested in . , so I want to inquire further information concerning中间句式需要解答的问题如下The questions that need to be answered are listed as follows !首先,其次,最后To

    13、 begin with . 、 Furthermore、 Finally. 结尾句式感谢你及时关注此信。Thank you for your timely attention to the letter. $如果您能尽早回复我将十分感谢。I will be grateful if you could response at your earliest convenience. 投诉信 开头句式抱歉打搅您,但恐怕我得发起郑重投诉。I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a serious complaint.我不

    14、爱投诉的,但有件事情让我特别不爽I really hate to complain, but one thing is really disturbing now.我写此信希望引发您对我遇到的问题的关注】Im writing to bring your attention to the problems that I have met.结尾句式我真挚希望这样的事情不会再发生。I sincerely hope such things will never take place again. 请让我知道您打算如何应对此事。Please let me know what you intend to

    15、do in this matter.写作高级词汇替换 # 动作类 碰到meetcome across/ encounter/ run into 我遇到了一些问题,希望你能够给我一些建议。I have run into some troubles and I hope you will give some advice. : 丰富生活make life colorfulenrich life是书籍丰富了我们的生活。 It is books that enriches our lives. 培养developcultivate 阅读能够陶冶我们的思想。Reading can cultivate o

    16、ur minds. 导致causelead to / result in/ trigger 这种现象引起了大家的好奇。Phenomenon like this has triggered everyones curiosity. 尽力做try ones best tospare no effort to我将尽我所能协助会议的举办。I will spare no effort to assist the meeting. 获取getacquire / obtain / have access to目前,大多数人都能够获得网络信息。 Nowadays, most of people can hav

    17、e access to Internet information. 给,提供giveoffer 这是你们给我的最好的礼物。 This is the best gift you have offered me. 参加join in。take part in / participate in / be involved in我写此封信申请参加你们的活动。 I am writing this letter to apply for participating in your activity. 想要做want to do would like to do / long to do(渴望)/我想要邀请

    18、你来我校参观。 I would like to invite you to pay a visit to our school. 喜欢likebe keen on / be fond of我十分喜欢体育,这就是为什么我想参加你的社团。I am fond of sports, which is why I long to take part in your society. 对感兴趣be interested inhave enthusiasm in / have passion in我对文学很感兴趣,希望能成为你们的一员。 I have a strong passion for literat

    19、ure and I hope that I can be a part of you. $ 鼓励encourageinspire / motivate他的行动鼓舞了我为他人服务。His actions inspired me to serve others. 。 考虑think about consider / take sth. into account / take sth. into consideration我希望您能够考虑我的申请。 I hope you can take my application into account. 应当 必须should be supposed to/

    20、 be expected to 一个学生所应该做的事情就是好好学习而已吗Is study the only thing a study is expected to do 需要,要求needrequire / call for / be in need of越来越多人开始理解了环保的意义。People in ever increasing number are getting to understand the meaning of environmental protection. 大部分most of:a majority of大部分同学都不赞同这样的看法。!A majority of t

    21、he classmates object to this opinion. 很好的goodexcellent / fantastic / perfect我们过着很好的生活,而他们却不是。We are living a fantastic life while they arent. 糟糕的badterrible / awful / unsatisfactory我感觉非常糟糕,不知道该怎么办。I am feeling terrible, and have no idea what to do. 辛苦的,艰苦的hard*tough/painstaking 我知道这份工作很辛苦,但我不会放弃。I k

    22、now the job will be painstaking, but I am not going to quit. 非常,十分veryawfully / terribly真的十分抱歉我没能赴约。I am awfully sorry that I can make it to the appointment. 明显的,清晰的clearobvious / apparent【显然,他没有做到他该做的。 It is apparent that he failed to do what he is expected to do. 重要的important significant / vital 这对我来说是一个重要的决定。It is a significant decision for me. 仅仅onlymerely / nothing but我


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