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    1、新编大学英语综合教程3课后答案Unit 1. PersonalityPart One- Preparation1. Mr. And Miss So and So 1) Gentle 2) Dedicated 3) Considerate 4) Adventurous 5) Calm 6)Aggressive7) Critical 8) Energetic 9) Selfish 10) Ambitious 11) Self-confident 12) Easygoing13) Truthful 14) Outgoing 15) Frank 16) Sensitive 17) Bossy 18)P

    2、atient19) Talkative 20) Persuasive 21) Sympathetic 22) Emotional2. Personality and JobSalesperson- shrewed, hard-working, boastful, acute, trickyTeacher- patient, tolerant, talkative, unselfish, loving, humorous, bossyDoctor- patient, calm, independent, careful, sympatheticPolice officer- brave, ale

    3、rt, independent, strong, calmAccountant- careful, honest, cautious, patientLawyer- persuasive, expressive, eloquent, serious, knowledgeable, talkativeTourist guide- enthusiastic, talkative, expressive, energetic, considerate, good-temperedHost or hostess of a show- emotional, expressive, optimistic,

    4、 quick-minded, exaggerated, humorousReporter- cautious, extroverted, open-minded, adventurousSecretrary- easygoing, tolerant, sensitive, frank, thorough, efficientSpokeperson- intelligent, talkative, diplomatic, cautious, matter-of-factPart Two Post-readingReading ComprehensionUnderstanding the Orga

    5、nization of the Text1) Introduction: (para1)Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people2) Reasons why shyness can have a negative effect: (para2-3)People s self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.People with high self-esteem unsually act with confidence.Pe

    6、ople with low self-esteem are likey to be passive and easily influenced by others.3) Ways of overcoming shyness: (para 4-15)i) Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses.ii) Set reasonable goals.iii) Dont waste time and energy on destructive feelings such as guilt and shame.iv) Dont be afraid

    7、to speak up and give your point of view.v) Do not make negative comments about yourself.vi) Accept criticism thoughfully.vii) Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences.viii) Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate.ix) Set aside time to relax,

    8、enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly.x) Practice being in social situations.4) Conclusion: (para16)The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.2. Understanding Specific Information1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6)T 7)F 8)F 9)TVocabulary1.1) self

    9、-couscious (worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you.)2) self-confidence (belief in ones own ability, power, judgment, etc,; confidence in oneself)3) self-esteem (the feeling that you are someone who deserves to be liked, respected, or admired)4) self-destru

    10、ctive (with thoughts or actions that are counter to ones own best interests)5) self-worth (the value you give to your life and achievements)6) self-concept (ones conception or general idea of ones own basic character and nature)7) self-awareness (realistic knowledge and judgment about oneself)8) sel

    11、f-assurance/self-confidence (the belief that you are able to deal with people and problems easily)2.1) B 2 ) I 3) L 4) A 5) H 6) D 7) E8) N 9) J 10) M 11) C 12) F 13) G 14) K3.1) profound 2)jealousy 3) numerous 4)overweight 5) overcome6) eventually 7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance1

    12、1) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4.1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5) sensitive 6) respond/ react 7) eliminated 8) overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time r

    13、elaxing and exercising.(spend time on sth/ in doing sth)2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. (than ever before)3) When the right opportunity comes along, hell take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those d

    14、ark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Three Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) B 2)B 3)A

    15、 4) B 5) D 6) C 7)B 8)C 9)A 10)A 11) C 12) BPart Four- Writing and Translation2.1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning

    16、 experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Dont let negative thoughts hold you back.6)Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so dont blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsPart One Preparation4. Matching Pic

    17、tures1. Aphrodite 2. Ares 3. Hephaestus 4. Artemis 5. Demeter 6. Dionysus7. Poseidon 8. Athena 9. Apollo 10. hermes 11. Hera 12. ZeusPart Two Post-reading1. Testing Your Memory1) Because they were invited to a feast in the sky.2) He saw the birds were busy preparing.3) He planned to go to the feast/

    18、 sky with the birds.4) They didnt agree because Tortoise was mischievous/ cunning and ungrateful.5) With a sweet tongue, he convinced the birds that he was a changed man.6) He made two wings with all the features he got from each bird.7) All of You.8) Nuts, meat and fish soup, punded yam, yam soup,

    19、palm wine, etc.9) For whom have you prepared this feast?10) Because he knew the answer would be “For all of you”, which was his new name. So he could enjoy all the food first.11) They were very angry.12) They took back the feathers they had lent him.13) He asked him to take a message to his wife.14)

    20、 Parrot, because he wanted to take advantage of the chance to get revenge.15) He asked Parrot to tell his wife to bring out all the soft things in his house and cover the ground with them so that he would be able to land safely. But Parrot told his wife to bring out all the hard and sharp things ins

    21、tead.16) His shell was broken into hundreds of pieces.Vocabulary1.1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory / preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approvign E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B

    22、. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/ faithless C. faith D. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troubesome B. troulbed C. troubled D. troubling10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2.1) got/ran into trouble 2) no troubl

    23、e 3) asking for trouble 4) havetrouble 5) trouble with 6) in serious/ deep/ big trouble 7) get/getting into trouble 8) took the trouble3.1) with a pattern of roses.2) prepared a wonderful / good meal for us3) promised faithfully4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate6) keep

    24、out of mischief / behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much10)agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power 1) C 2) C 3) A 4) B 5)A 6) B 7) A 8) B 9) B 10) A

    25、 11) B 12) APart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice 万物之初,天体还是一体,充满混沌。宇宙如同一个大黑蛋,盘古就在黑蛋里。一万八千年以后,盘古长睡醒来,他感到窒息,于是他拿起一把大斧头,用尽全身力量砸开黑蛋。轻的、透明的部分冉冉上升,变成了天;而冷的、混沌的物体依然在下面,变成了大地。盘古站在中间,顶天立地。天地开始以每天一丈的速度分开,盘古的身子也随着长高。一万八千年后,天更高,地更厚,盘古像一根九百万里高的柱子伫立其间,天地永远也无法再合在一起。(附注: 天地渾沌如雞子,盤古生其中。万八千歲,天地開辟,陽

    26、清為天,陰濁為地。 盤古在其中,一日九變,神於天,圣於地。天日高一丈,地日厚一 丈, 盤古日長一丈。如此万八千歲,天數极高,地數极深,盤古极長。後乃有三皇(1)。數起於一,立於三,戒於五,盛於七,處於九,故天去地九万里。藝 文 類 聚 卷 一 引 三 五 歷 紀(1) 三 皇: 天 皇、 地 皇、 人 皇。)3. Racking Your Brains Step OneTime & Place: after, before, during, later on, meanwhile, next, first, second, earlier, immediately, soon, still,

    27、when , while as, where, thenComparison & Contrast: asas, similarly, likewise, but, not soas, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, rather thanAddition: and, in addition to, furthermore, moreover, too, alsoCause & Effect: because (of), due to (the fact that), as a result, therefore, accord

    28、ingly, so, conseqently, thus, hence, since, as, owing toPurpose: so that, in order to / that , so as toCondition & Concession: if , despite, although, though, even though, in spite of, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, yet, all the sameSummary & Restatement: in short, in a word, in brief, in concl

    29、usion, on the whole, generally, altogether, in all, in the final analysis, in other words, finallyOthers: not onlybut also, (n)either(n)or, sothat, suchthat, soas to, otherwise, orUnit 3 Social ProblemsPart OnePreparationPart Two Post-readingReading Comprehension1.1) -5) financial career later guilt

    30、y hurt6) -10) resentful productive independence responsibility trusted11)-15) frightening resentment abandoned factors quality2.T F T F T F F F F FVocabulary1. C H G A E K I D L B J F2.1)-5) constantly impact burden Candidly fulfillment6)-10) salaried resentment assistance perfect suppress3.1)-5) su

    31、ccessfully resentment security necessity advisable6)-10) access/accessibility athletic maturity emotional effectivelyTranslation sPart Three - Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power Step one:1)-7) A B A C A A C 8)-14) B C A A C B CStep two:Step three:1)-5) creates individuals makes combinaiton however6)-10) fall responsible which difference that11)-15) tempted used lowest died reducing16)-20) quick reason principle minor message2. Putting the Paragraphs in OrderStep one: E B F C A G DPart FourTranslation and Writing2.1) 孩子最好远离毒品一个电话报警者打来三个电话,报告毒品交易。他还对交易场所中小


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