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    1、土木类翻译On the overall process control of projects cost of construction programAbstract : It discusses how to control the projects cost of construction program effectively from investment and decision phase , the phase of design and the phase of carrying out to decrease the generation of three exceed ,

    2、 and points out that the investment system control of constructionprogram should be developed and the investment control level of construction program should be increased to accelerate the develop of the so cialism market economy of our nation.Key words : construction program , projects cost , the p

    3、hase of design , investment and decision phase As the socialist market economic system and the establishment and improvement of the continuous deepening of reform, the project cost the pace of reform in the area also continued to accelerate, the original project cost management system can no longer

    4、meet the socialist market economic system, particularly in China After joining the WTO, such a system no longer suited to participate in international engineering consulting business and market competition. In particular the implementation of construction projects corporate responsibility, and incre

    5、ased corporate projects on the construction project cost of liability and risk, the objective requirements of the construction project on the whole process of cost management. The traditional consumption of resources based on the relatively static determine the cost of different ways, the entire pro

    6、cess of project cost management requirements in determining cost, the first project from the analysis of specific activities and specific activities start, and then based on the project activity and the process used by the project Ergonomics and technical methods to determine the level of consumptio

    7、n of resources for the project occupied the final set of the project cost. In a market economy, how to effectively control the construction project cost is an important component of management. However, in construction projects in the budget for the ultra-estimate, the budget estimates for super, su

    8、per-budget accounts of the three super remains widespread phenomenon, eventually leading to the Serious investment went out of control. As the project cost to the project runs through the entire process of building, according to stage can be divided into: investment decision-making stage, the design

    9、 stage and implementation stage. To be dynamic and effective control of good project cost, we must in all three phases of every step to strengthen control.1.An investment decision-making phase of the project cost control1.1 The overall construction project construction standards Overall construction

    10、 project to develop a standard cost control, it is a measure of cost is reasonable and supervision of construction projects in an objective yardstick. Construction standards in the region of the item from the actual conditions and reasonable development, and should not be set too low or too high. Co

    11、nstruction The main criteria are as follows: the scale of construction, area, technique and equipment, building standards, with related projects, labor and other fixed targets. 1.2 Construction of the social environment Construction of the project and cost control environment seems a far cry from th

    12、e reality, otherwise, the social environment in the impact of the projects have the potential, long-term and energy greatly affect the project cost. Including the external factors, technical factors and supporting labor, capital and raw materials market factors. This aspect of the investment estimat

    13、ed to be master of information -, meaning understanding of deep, the indicators control calculation robust and sophisticated. 1.3 Estimated investment Cost Control focus on the past, the construction phase, and the main focus on pre-settlement construction plans and did not focus on the construction

    14、 cost control - the source of investment decision-making stage. After joining the WTO, attention should be paid estimates, strengthening estimates, reasonable control costs. Some of these include: 1) the establishment of a database, the accumulation of raw data, enhance data management and database

    15、construction. 2) the establishment of the project integrated and systematic information network market, strengthening the dynamic management of equipment and materials. Faced with increasingly fierce post-WTO competition, the region at this stage alone cost the department announced price of material

    16、s and feedback of information is not enough, the need to establish extensive coverage of the network, a library of information anytime, anywhere, at any time in the market trends And changes. 3) their own estimates on investment and improve the accuracy of the speed. Increasing continuously updated

    17、with the emergence of new materials, new technology, new technology and the market competition after Chinas WTO entry, and investment requirements estimated their accuracy, speed, and this needs time to absorb new technologies, new experiences, and updating of thinking and improve computerization .

    18、Estimated investment to meet post-WTO indicators dynamic factor requirements. The unforeseen cost estimates to be more detailed, more accurate, more whole. 5) ensure that the design depth, and strengthen their sense of responsibility design, establish and improve the quality guarantee system.2 desig

    19、n phase of the project cost control2.1 to strengthen technical and economic integration of the optimization For a long time, because of a lack of technical personnel concept, design thinking conservative, design specifications, construction norms behind. And engaged in the project over the budget be

    20、cause staff are not familiar with engineering technology, and less understanding of the various works in progress, can not effectively control Cost. Therefore, in the process of construction technology and organically integrate the economy through economic analysis, technical evaluation and comparis

    21、on, correctly handle the relationship between the unity of opposites, to meet the advanced technology and reasonable under the conditions of the economy and reasonable On the basis of advanced technology. 2.2 implementation of the design limits, designed to strengthen the management of change At pre

    22、sent, Chinas construction projects have begun to limit trial design, but because of the design change management is imperfect, so that limits designed to be difficult to achieve, the project cost out of control. Design changes to strengthen the management and strict control of design changes and var

    23、ious types of visas, the non-occurrence can not be changes, should analyse the reasons is the request of the owners in the design or lack of timely treatment should be found as soon as possible. Change found that the sooner, the smaller the loss, but the greater loss. If the only change in the desig

    24、n stage to amend the drawings, and other costs has not yet occurred, losses limited. If the change in construction, in addition to the above costs, construction projects must have been removed, it is bound to cause major changes to the loss. To this end corresponding to the establishment of the desi

    25、gn management system, as far as possible to change control at the design stage, the impact of the project cost of design changes, we should first Suanzhang, after the change of the solutions so that the project cost under control. 2.3 implementation of the design of reward and punishment system To i

    26、mplement the design limits, limits should be established and sound design of reward and punishment system. Limits on the design do a good job, saving and investment is indeed effective cost control, project legal person should be given appropriate incentives and design units. Design units to limit t

    27、he enactment of this internal evaluation and incentive design methods to limit the design, investment and saving in cost effective control of the offices and significant achievements of individuals and should be incentives. Do not attach importance to the design limit, do not take measures to save t

    28、he investment, resulting in more than a professional design limits the investment offices and individuals should be given to economic penalties. To reward and punishment clearly defined and encourage designers to root out potential design, attention to design programmes to control the economy and re

    29、asonable project cost will be a major breakthrough.3. implementation phase of the construction project cost control 3.1 bidding stage The construction project bidding is to control the construction project implementation phase of the project cost effective means. To do a good job in public bidding w

    30、ork, we should do the following: 1) to review the Commissioner for good, and resolutely put an end to all passive bribery, and other damage bidding discipline; 2) strengthening the basic price management, guarantee basic price of the accuracy and confidentiality; 3) formulate a scientific method of

    31、Pingbiaodingbiao, select the successful bidder should be the standard unit of pricing reasonable, short construction period, reputable companies, such as construction experience to consider, evaluation, the first technical standard assessment, after the assessment business standard, to Open, fair an

    32、d just. 3.2 Construction Stage 1) strengthen the technical and economic construction plan comparison. Construction of the programme is the design of an important work, a reasonable construction plan, can shorten the construction period, and ensure project quality and increase economic efficiency. Co

    33、nstruction of the programme from the technical and economic evaluation of comparison, through qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, quality, period, the cost of three technical and economic indicators, can be rational and effective use of human, material, financial resources and achieving better economic B


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