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    1、贵州大学研究生英语阅读教程提高级第三版期复习资料汇总docLesson 3A.1、 It was like a parent trying to coax a lying child into admitting an obvious truth.A punish B persuade C criticize D release2、 Zofi tended to write long and detailed e-mails,bur her boss always zapped back.terse single-word responses .A brief B forceful C dif

    2、ficult D complex3、 Benny Anvi scolded the dog,which become fiercer and looked nearly ready topounce.A back off B lie down C bite on D spring forward4、 Working with the wrong company could potentially distort my image andultimately chip away at the faith of my fans A strengthen B weaken C keep D lose

    3、5、 The photographs takan at Belsen and other camps led to widespread and intenserevulsion towards Nazi Germany.A criticism B disgust C punishment D attack6、 It is only the paintaking people who can live a brilliant life .A optimistic B confident C patient D diligent7、 When one considers our world fr

    4、om such a perspective.the need for accptanceand understanding becomes glaringly apprent.A obviously B increasingly C possibly D reliably8、 That is one reason why this conflict grinds remorselessly from decade to decade A dramatically B silently C endlessly D regretfully9 Overzealous and effective th

    5、eft detection and prevention creates an atmoshere that is likely to intimidate innocent customers.A encourage B reassure C frighten D surprise10、 He called the success a vindication of his partys free-market economic policy. A justification B support C stimulus D projectB.In the know pay off wend on

    6、es way deliberately tellingIncremental rip (sth) up dead in the water every so often in place1、Every so often Mother takes an opportunity to remind us that eating animals eventually bite us back.2 Spain and Greeeces bears are unlikely to survive unless stict protection programs are put in place.3、 w

    7、e talked to agents?managers?publishers,lawyers and others in the know to come up with our estimates.4、 We are seeking continuous.incremental improvements,not great breakthroughs.5、 Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off6、 The government has been involved in a disinform

    8、ation campaign, deliberately misleading its citizens.7、 She took every photograph of me that was in our house and angrily ripped it up Todays investors lack the patients to hang on for years as ideas wend their way from the lab to the market.Lesson 4A.1、 During the lecture all the audience listened

    9、to chinas first astronaut with raptadmiration.A obscure B obvious C obliged D obsessed2、 Most of her colleagues didnt like her because she was adept at the fine art ofirritating peopleA ambitious B annoying C skillful D scornful3、 In the schools today we need, more than ever, the training of deft ha

    10、nds.quickeyes and ears ,and above all thebroader,deeper,higher culture of gifted mind and pure hearts.A skillful B clever C delicate D elegant4、 At last the judge decided to give the custody of the child to his fathe匚A supervision B catering C raising D fostering5、 Denver residents continued to dig

    11、out from what was called the worst blizzard innearly a centuryA catastrophe B disaster C snowstonn D landslide6、 After all ,the candidate was endorsed by the governors board and many of thelocal party members.A ignored B rejected C sponsored D suDDortcd7、 His expression gave temporary meaning to a s

    12、et of features but it wasnondescript.A unclear B distinctive C implied D ambiguous8、 She came home spouting off about the subjects she was taught at school andbasked in her teachers praise.A prided B enjoyed C. criticized D narrated9、 It was evident that the administrative officials did not believe

    13、the excuse that he held forth for the delayed delivery.A lied B told C emphasized D compiled10 When frank heard that the war had started ,it didrft sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army.A be understood B be accepted C be taken D be illustratedB.1、 Plants will lose their

    14、when they are heavily trimmed.A voyage B vitality C vogue D virgin2、 It was generally conceded that the nst result of the incident was calculated tomake Eisenhower mad enough to force him to re-electionA run for B compete in C apply to D line up with3、 Mick entered the Vocational High School,and in

    15、order to get to know her newclassmates,she a party.A cast B launched C flung D threw4、Alice Moore refused to learn what they required.She couldnt see the necessity of for those that would appear in the examinations.A clapping B cramming C clashing D creeping5、The listeners were by his magic eloquenc

    16、e and ready to stand by him in hisboldest flights-A agonized B thrilled C disturbed D interfered6 We remained until our ship was repaired,and after that,we set sail for Englandour port being Londom.A doomed B denoted C despaired D destinedfood.But not all seeds are A palatable B primitive7、 Seeds of

    17、 various typleswheat grains,beans,and nutsform the bulk of human food.But not all seeds are to either humans or insects 5many contain toxins.C peculiar D permanent9、 A bill passed by both houses in August requires states to set up systems forwithholding child support payments from the wages and stat

    18、es tax refunds of those persons.A anonymously B autonomously C unanimously D enormously10、After about an hour all the participants with the regulations and eachother.A wanned up B made up C mixed up D wound upLessson 6A.1、 another common use of the tag question is in small talk when the speaker istr

    19、ying to conversation:sure is hot here,isnt it?,A Illicit B elicit C solicit D explicit2、 napster says it is delaying the launch of its subscription service yetagain,after running into serious problems in its talks with other firms .so here is napster : still not ready.A refrain B renown C restraint

    20、D retention3、 The path from initial lab work on a drug to final approval of the drug by thefood &drug administration is a long and process.A hilarious B notorious C industrious D laborious4、 When I was a childj always refused to write thank-you notes for birthdaypresents from a faraway relative.my m

    21、other would me andsayjpaul ,you must learn to be polite;A glide B slide C abide D chide5、 A(a) memory may be a good thing,but the ability to forget is the truetoken of greatness.A attentive B inattentive C retentive D irretentive6、 Theres still a great deal of on the weapons of mass destruction ,whi

    22、chdespite what president bush and prime minister blair say,have not yet beenfound.A evidence B skepticism C knowledge D consensus7、 Even though exercise has many positive benefits,too much can beharmful.teens who exercise are at risk for both physical andpsychological problems.A comparatively B comp

    23、etitively C comDulsively D comprehensively8 Some of the maids were quiet and affectionate.but others were ,drivingthe young women crazy by complaining to them all the time.A auerulous B fabulous C pretentious D conscientious9、 There is nothing more fascinating than observing citizens of many differe

    24、ntnationalities and exchanging greetings in an international airport.A singling B dingling C jingling D mingling10 When dallas police notifed the hospital that president kennedy had been shot,at first,the young neurosurgeon thought it was a .A blank B flank C Drank D frankB.Thumb nose at obsess with

    25、 single out brust onto on the lookout forMore often than not superior to obscure disregard get along1、He picked up things that he thought people were throwing away and still had life.He was very upset that people were very quick to clisregarcl things of value. 2 Looking for life elsewhere is a tough

    26、 task.The good news is that the scientists are on the lookout for extraterrestrials signs and scientific tools to search for extraterrestrial life are advancing rapidly.3、 They are not so obsessed with their studies that they avoid sports.On the contrarythey juggle their crowded hours to play on a v

    27、ariety of teams.4、 People remember only what is interesting and useful to them,what helps them make sense of the world,or helps them get along in it.5、 My husband reacted with irritation because he felt the comments implied: Youre is not a real marriage, I am superior to you because my wife and I ha

    28、ve avoided your misfortune.6、 Airlines are thumbing nose at the plan to modernize Los Angeles Internstional Airport because their financial problems would make it difficult for them to pay for the renovation.7 The Green Party of Pennsylvania has the burst onto politicalvsense in 2001 with unpreceden

    29、ted energy and vigor and Green voter registration has more than quadrupled.8、 Before he went to university,Peince William had gone off to the jungles of South America and worked on rather obscure farms in England.9 More often than not we tend to get stressed and disturbed by lifet endless ups and do

    30、wns- You have the choice to remain the same or change it to your advantage.10、 Following the terrrorist attacks,there have been reports of beating and killings of Arabs.As an African AmericanJ am outraged by the singleing out of ArabAmericans and Muslims.Lesson 7A.1、 Upon hearing these critical rema

    31、rks ,he was in a complete state of bewildennent and did not know what to do next.A astonishment B frustration C depression D Demlexity2、 For many women .the hairowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.A promising B embarrassing C haunting D upsetting3、 The companydisappointing sales figures are an ominous sign of worse thing to come.A disgraceful B disgusting C scandalous D threatening4、 He said


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