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    1、秋外研版四年级英语上册全册教案外研版四年级英语上册教案Unit 1 Go straight on.【学情分析】1. 知识经验:四年级学生经过一年的英语学习,已有初步的感性认识,但基础较弱,缺乏语感。2. 心理认知特征:四年级学生以直观形象思维为主。3. 学习方式:四年级学生倾向于轻松有趣的学习方式,玩中学,寓学于乐。【教学目标】1.让学生能够掌握 go straight on, turn left, turn right. 2.让学生学会用 where is. 问路。3.让学生掌握日常的礼貌用语excuse me, thank you so much youre welcome.【重点难点】1

    2、、教学重点:掌握下列单词及词组live, road, go straight on, turn left, turn right, excuse me.2、教学难点:能在情景中正确用英语指路、问路。【教具准备】PPT课件、单词卡片、人物头像、CD-ROM【教学方法】情景教学、游戏、合作探究、任务型教学法【教学过程】Step 1: Warmup1. Greeting2. 出示里约奥运会的宣传图片,问学生“Whats this?” 学生回答:“里约奥运会”。教师继续提问:What can you see in the Olympic Games?” 学生回答出很多的运动项目引出本节课竞赛任务:“T

    3、oday we will have an English Olympic Game. Which group will be No.1.”自然而然的呈现本课的新词“No.”,并教授这个新词。3.出示得分标准。Step 2: New words and phrases1.通过师生和生生互动,复习方位名词on in under behind。2.通过TPR的方法完成一首和方位名词有关的chant。This is my book. This is my hand.My hand is on the book.My hand is in the book.My hand is under the bo

    4、ok.My hand is behind the book.3.从chant中引出左右手,从而教授left on your left, right , on your right等本课新词。4.用TPR的方法演唱“左右手之歌”,使用“两只老虎”的伴奏。5. 用图片形式呈现物品,并询问:“where is the dog/football?”引出next to, beside两个新词,并教授新词。6.用师生对话和生生练习的形式,练习 on your left, on your right, next to, beside.Step 3:TextText 11.出示Sam和Tom玩游戏的照片。引出

    5、课文。2.播放第一遍视频让学生 听录音,排顺序。3.然后全体跟读、分组角色扮演,小组内角色扮演,上台表演。Text 21.设置情景:教师从自己假期去的地方入手,引入supermarket, cinema, park, zoo, street, school等地点。复习或进行新词教授。2.设置任务,TF Boys 也去了这个城市,他们迷路了(进行lost的教学),请你们帮助他们。引出Go straight on, turn left/right.3. 通过下口令,做动作和听口令摘旗子的游戏,教授并练习Go straight on, turn left/right.4.用Go straight o

    6、n, turn left/right完成帮助TF Boys的任务。5.通过图片引出活动二课文。通过watch and answer, repeat and order, retell 等形式朗读课文。同时穿插礼貌教育。6.通过角色扮演,小组练习、表演等形式练习课文对话。Step 4: ExerciseMake your own city。教师进行示范,学生在白纸上根据教师的示范画出地图,并标注supermarket, cinema, park, zoo, street, school等地点。教师给出对话范本,生生练习对话。Step 5: SummaryWhich group is No.1?W

    7、hat do we learn today?Step 6:HomeworkRecite the text. 背诵课文。Tell your classmates and friends where your home is and how to go there from school.找一找Excuse me的其他用法。Unit 2 Its at the station.【教学目标】知识目标:1.能识别并运用单词station/ train/houses/ hill/ up/ down/ near。2.能听懂并运用语句Where is train ? Its up/down the hill.

    8、能力目标:-1.能够运用所学知识来描述路线或方位,进一步提高学生的综合运用能力。2.培养学生探究合作的学习方法。情感目标:让学生体验英语学习的快乐与自信,激发学习英语的兴趣。【学情分析】四年级的学生,他们已经具备了初步的英语听、说能力,对英语有一定的认识和基础,对于单词的学习也有了一些自己的体会与方法,课堂上简单的句子对话能做到了,学生的形象思维记忆占主导地位,有意记忆逐步增强。但是个别学生对英语的重视与热情还是不够。【重点难点】1.掌握新单词station/ train/houses/ hill/ up/ down/ near。2.学会描述路线的功能句型 Where is the Train

    9、 ? Its up/down the hill./Its near the houses./Its at the station.【教学过程】Step 1: Warm up and lead in1.Review the chant that we have learned last lesson.Left , left ,turn left.Right, right, turn right.Go straight on ,go, go,go.2.Show the picture of a train,Teach the pronunciation of the train.Step 2: P

    10、resentation1 Lead in .T: Look, here is a train. Now, i am a train driver, i will show you a magic.(学生说:train, train,练习新单词,老师变魔术)(火车不见了)T: where is the train?2 Show the picture of a house.T: look,Where is the trainss:Its near the house.同样方法呈现 Its up the hill./Its down the hill./Its near the house./ I

    11、ts at the station.Step 3: Consolidation1 Lets chant.up, up, up the hill.down, down, down the hill.near, near, near the house.At, at , at the station.2 Word game.(1) High and low voice game.(2) Fingers game.3 The text.Read the text after the tape, then answer the teachers questions.4 Role play.Step 4

    12、: Read and match. Then say.(1) The bus is up the hill.(2)The bus is down the hill.(3)The bus is near the park.(4)The bus is at the station.Step 5: Draw, ask and answer.Where is the supermarket?Go straight on. Turn left.Step 6: Homework1 Listen to the tape and read the dialogue of the text.2 Use the

    13、sentence of “where s the .?” “Its .”to describe the location.3 Familiar with the words of “house, station, hill, train and the phrases of “up the hill, down the hill , near the house, at the station.”Unit 1 Shes reading a book.【学情分析】年龄特点: 本课授课对象是四年级的学生。四年级的学生在观察能力、思维能力、语言表达能力方面都有了较好的提高,他们喜欢在玩中学,在想中学

    14、,喜欢受到表扬或赞美。本课的任务是talk about pictures,学生在小组内谈论图片,学以致用,体验成功,培植自信,该活动符合本年级学生的年龄特点。知识特点: 学生已知:学生在三年级下学期已学了:swim, sleep, eat, play等动词,以及 watch TV, play football, play basketball, ride a bike, ride a bike等动词短语;学过一般现在时语句,如:He plays football in the morning. 学生新知:学习新短语:read a book和take pictures; 第一次感知现在进行时结构

    15、。能力差异:学生经过一年的英语学习,随着知识的不断积累和加深,四年级的学生能力已开始出现两极分化趋势。【教学目标】一、语言知识与语言技能目标:1.能认读单词:running, read, reading, take, taking, pictures;2.能听懂,会说短语:read a book, take pictures;3.能听懂,会说语句:Shes reading a book. Hes taking pictures.4.能借助图片、文字听懂、读懂、朗读课文;5.能运用“Shes reading a book. Hes taking pictures.”讲述正在发生的事情。二、学习策

    16、略 尝试通过观察对所学内容进行必要的归纳。三、情感态度敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误。合作学习。【重点难点】教学重点:1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词:running, read, picture, take, these; 动词短语:read a book, take pictures;2.能听懂、会说、认读语句:Shes reading a book. Hes taking pictures. 3.能运用现在在进行时描述图中正在发生的事情。教学难点:正确运用现在进行时的结构描述正在发生的事情。【教具准备】PPT课件、单词卡片、人物头像、CD-ROM【教学方法】情景教学、游戏、合作探究、任务型教学法

    17、【教学过程】Step 1: Warmup1.Greeting2. Chant: I like coffee.学生打拍子朗读韵诗。(设计意图:韵诗热身,吸引注意力,活跃课堂气氛。)Step 2: Revision1. Look and say 趣味大转盘:转动转盘,全班齐说短语:watch TV, swim, sleep, play football, play basketball, ride a bike, fly a kite2. Activity: I say you do 师说动词或动词短语,生做动作。(设计意图:通过趣味大转盘和听指令做动作两个活动,复习一些动词和短语,不仅活跃了课堂

    18、气氛,也为学生talk about pictures做准备。)Step 3:Leading-in and presentation1.出示Lingling展示自己和朋友活动的PPT。T: Whats Lingling doing? Oh, Shes talking about the pictures of her friends.2.导入课题:Module 2 Unit 1 Shes reading a book.读课题。(设计意图:从介绍Lingling 在展示照片,到呈现课题,过渡自然。)3.播放动画,学生看动画。4.学习新词:running 动作展示,纠正发音。5.再次播放动画,学生跟

    19、读,模仿语音语调。(设计意图:从呈现课题,到活动1的学习,衔接也自然。)6.任务呈现 T: Lingling talked about her pictures for us. So today, our task: Talk about pictures.(设计意图:借助教材提供的导入建议,结合学生实际,呈现本课任务。)Step 4: Text1.学生看图,理解课文语境。2.播放课文动画,请学生划出新单词。(设计意图:整体输入,让学生带着任务听音,目的明确。)3.学习新单词。(1)read: tea meat eat read read a book(2)picture: PPT出示一张教师

    20、照片,引出picture,分解音节,教授picture(3)take: cake lake take take pictures(设计意图:进行语音渗透,指导自主学习,授人以渔。)4.听第二遍录音,圈出“-ing”,并回答问题:Whats he/she doing?5.学生回答问题,师板书,并总结黑板上句子的共同点。(设计意图:检测学生对课文内容的理解;指导学生对所学内容进行观察,帮助学生有效地使用学习策略。)6.跟读录音,模仿语音语调。(设计意图:能根据录音模仿说话,纠音。)7.朗读chant.Read, reading, reading a book; take, taking, taki

    21、ng pictures;watch, watching, watching TV; play, playing, playing with a toy train.8.游戏:眼力大比拼。(设计意图:通过两个小活动,检测学生对目标语句的掌握情况。)Step 5:Consolidation and Extension1.完成SB Unit1 活动4。四人小组活动:看图,尝试描述图片的内容。最后请部分学生展示。(设计意图:在活动中运用语言。)2.Extension: Talk about pictures(1)师示范介绍图片,课件展示。(设计意图:起示范作用,提供语言脚手架。)(2)学生小组内交流,

    22、互相谈论图片。(设计意图:合作学习,培养综合语言运用能力,达到学以致用)(3)个别展示。(设计意图:展示成果,获得成就感。)Step 6:Homework1.模仿跟读课文3遍(家长签名);2.继续谈论图片;3.完成练习册Unit 1练习6。(设计意图:作业布置由简到难,循序渐进,作业3遵循“听说领先,读写跟上”原则,巩固所学知识。)Unit 2 What are you doing?【教学目标】一、知识与技能掌握本节课的短语以及句型What are you doing?二、过程与方法能询问别人正在做什么以及描述自己在做什么。三、情感态度培养学生学习及使用英语的兴趣。【学情分析】四年级的孩子对英

    23、语知识已经有了基本的掌握,对英语学习还有着浓厚的兴趣,但是对系统英语的宏观把握还不够,并且上课时的注意力容易分散,个别学生还存在害怕说英语的现象。在课堂上尽量注意这几点。【重点难点】listen to/talk to/China/children短语及单词的掌握,特别是talk的发音。What are you doing?Im verb +ing.【教学过程】Step 1: Warm up and lead in1.讲新课之前,学生们先齐唱歌谣。ride riding riding a bike ;fly flying flying a kite;take taking taking pict

    24、ures;read reading reading a book.2.活动:抽奖游戏。准备一个盒子,里面装有动词短语卡片。让学生随机抽取卡片,并大声朗读所抽到的动词短语,当然也有一些是小奖励的卡片。(通过游戏,激发学生学习的兴趣)Step 2: Presentation1.在盒子中放入今天要讲授的单词卡片,教授学生不会读的短语, 练习句型。T: What are you doing?S: I am listening to music.T:What are you doing?S: I am talking to my friend.2.利用课件讲解新的短语及句型。3.利用课件讲解childr

    25、en和China.4.呈现课文,学习第一部分的韵诗。5.播放课文录音,学习课文。Step 3: Practice1.学习课文,回答问题。What is Amy doing?What is Sam doing?What is Tom doing?2.学生小组进行对话练习。3.展示对话。Step 4: Practice通过PPT出示练习并且进行讲解。Step 5: Homework在班级中做一个调查,同学们在课余时间都在做什么。完成调查表。Unit 1 What are they doing?【学情分析】The pupils of Grade 4 are so active that they l

    26、ike to do the actions. But they cant master too many words imediately. In this unit, there are lots of new words and phrases. So the teacher asked them to preview them. And the teacher designed many activites to draw their attention.【教学目标】1. Knowledge aimsa. Master the words “kid, interesting, peopl

    27、e, boat, men, between, drink, clock, hungry”.(Because there are so many words in this unit, so I asked the pupils to preview the new words.)b. Know the phrases “do taijiquan, row a dragon boat, play chess, drink soya milk”.c. Ask and answer with”What are they doing? They are.”。2. Ability aimsThe stu

    28、dents can communicate with each other.3. Emotion aimsThe students love to communicate with others.【重点难点】1. New words and phrases.2. The Present Continuous Tense.【教具准备】PPT课件、单词卡片、人物头像、CD-ROM【教学方法】情景教学、游戏、合作探究、任务型教学法【教学过程】Step 1: Warming up and revision1.Greeting. Classes begin. Good morning, boys and

    29、 girls. How are you? Im fine, too.2.Boys and girls. Lets chant together, ok? Chant: two little black birds.(Two little black birds sitting on a hill, one named Jack and one named Jill, fly away Jack, fly away Jill, come back Jack and come back Jill.)3.You did a very good job. Boys, are you ready for

    30、 the class? Girls, are you ready? Sit down, please.4.Ok, first lets review.( Chant: Listen, listening. Im listening to music. Write, write, writing. Im writing a letter. Play, play, playing. Im playing football. Talk, talk, talking. Im talking to you. Ask and answer: What is he/she doing?)Step 2: Ne

    31、w ConceptsLead in: What are they doing? What are the kids doing? Learn the new word: kid. Read one by one. Kids are equal to children.A.1. Let s watch and listen.2. This time, lets follow.B.Look at the picture. Guess what it is. Bus Lets get on the bus. We can see lots of interesting things. Interesting: play balloon.3. Lets go! Look, there are lots of people in the


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