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    1、五年级下册英语期末检测20152016学年度第二学期小学期末质量检测五年级英语试题(时间:60分钟)等级听力部分一、 玲玲的奶奶在谈论过去的生活,选择单词补充完整她的介绍。( ) 1. Life was _ in China many years ago. A. different B. difficult( ) 2. There werent any _. A. telephones B. televisions( ) 3. My father worked in the _. A. fields B. factory( ) 4. I _very hard at school. A. sta

    2、yed B. studied( ) 5. I often read books about _. A. science B. sports二、Simon在介绍自己好友的上周活动,请根据录音内容给下面图片排序。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、大明在介绍自己家人的情况,听录音,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( )1. My father is a taxi driver. ( )2. He goes to work at eight oclock every morning. ( )3. My mother is a doctor. ( )4. She goes to work very

    3、 late. ( )5. I go to school from Monday to Friday at seven oclock every morning.四、玲玲正在介绍自己在英国的经历,听录音,选择词语补充完整句子。( ) 1. Lingling went to a _ last week.A. Childrens cinema B. Childrens theatre C. zoo( ) 2. The actors told lots of funny_.A. jokes B. stories C. songs( ) 3. Children here love the _very m

    4、uch.A. show B. theatre C. cinema( ) 4. After the show, we _.A. ate fish and chips B. sang songs C. went home( ) 5. Lingling really likes the _.A. mens clothes B. traditional English food C. trip to the US五、听对话,选择与录音内容相符的图片。( )1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.六、Sam和玲玲正在谈论玲玲的假期,听录音,选择合适的选项。( )1. A. Hong Kong B.

    5、Xinjiang( )2. A. Its in the south of China. B. Its in the west of China.( )3. A. Her parents. B. Her aunt.( )4. A. She visited Disneyland. B. She ate lots of delicious food.( )5. A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didnt.七、请根据Daming的介绍,从方框中选词补充完整下面短文。 painted, put, tied, cut, drew Last night I made a kite f

    6、or my cousin. I a dragon on a piece of paper. I the dragon. Then I _ the paper. I _ sticks on it. I strings to the dragon. Look! A beautiful dragon kite.笔试部分一、 选出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中。( ) 1. A. actor B. word C. dancer ( ) 2. A. change B. west C. south( ) 3. A. June B. July C. pocket( ) 4. A. film B. ra

    7、dio C. lovely( )5. A. gave B. told C. take 二、根据图片及字母提示补全单词。1. We can find books about animals in our school l_ brar_.2. Its _ _sy for me to carry. 3. -Where did you go for your holidays? -I went to the m_ _n.4. Lily went to Hong Kong with her par_ _ts in July.5. I had noodles with tomatoes for br_ _

    8、kfast at seven oclock.二、读一读,选择合适的词语补充完整下列句子。 try, programme, idea, wrong, climbed 1.The story books are in the _ place. I cant find them on Shelf B.2.I watched a television _ about animals last night.3.Lingling _ the Tai Mountain in Shandong.4. This blue T-shirt is too big for me. I want to that sma

    9、ll one.OK. Here you are.5. Lets go to the park. Thats a good . puton, at the airport, look at, by taxi, as well 6.Amy, _ your bag. Its broken.7.Grandma and Simon met me _.8. We can find information from films and e-books . 9. They went to the zoo yesterday.10. We can these books the big shelf.四、选择填空

    10、,将正确答案的序号填入题前括号中。( )1. My aunt can English well. A. spoke B. speak C. speaks( )2. The bag is . I cant carry it.A. light B. broken C. heavy ( )3. There any buses many years ago.A. werent B. wasnt C. arent( )4. I dont have a pen. Can I your pen?Of course. Here you are.A. buy B. borrow C. bring( )5. Sh

    11、e went to Beijing.A. Why did Amy go to Beijing? B. What did Amy do in Beijing?C. Where did Amy go for her holiday?( )6. She was 2 years old then. She couldnt read write. A. or B. and C. but( )7. Lily, hurry up! We are going to be .A. tired B. late C. thirsty( )8. Did your grandma learn English? .A.

    12、Yes, she was a teacher B. Yes, she does C. No, she didnt ( )9. Its twelve oclock. Its time for .A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( )10. Its rainy. Take your with you, Tony.A. umbrella B. passport C. bike五、从方框中选择合适的选项补全Sam 和大明的对话,将序号填入对应的答题位置。A. Safe trip B. I am going to visit my grandma in New York.C

    13、. At seven oclock in the morning.D. Are you ready for your trip?E. What are you going to take?Sam: Hello, Daming. Where are you going this summer holiday?Daming: _Sam: _Daming: I think so.Sam: _Daming: Clothes, shoes, presents, the ticket, my passportSam: When are you going to the airport?Daming:_Sa

    14、m: Who are you going to the airport with you?Daming: My mum and dad.Sam: _.Daming:Thank you very much.六、阅读理解 (A)阅读Amy的作息时间表,选择正确答案。6:30 a.m.Get up6:45 a.m.Do morning exercises7:00 a.m.Have breakfast7:30 a.m.Go to school by bike8:00 a.m.11:00 a.m.Have maths、Chinese and English12:00 a.m.Have lunch at

    15、school2:00 p.m.4:00 p.m.Have music、art and science4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m.Do sports after school( )1. Amy gets up at _.A. a quarter past six B. half past six C. thirty six( )2. Amy does morning exercises _ breakfast.A. before B. for C. after( )3. Amy goes to school _.A. by bike B. by bus C. by train( )4.

    16、 Amy has lunch _.A. at home B. at school C. with her mother( )5. Amy does sports for _after school.A. an hour B. thirty minutes C. twenty minutes(B)阅读文章,了解Rose在中国的生活,选择正确答案。Rose is an English girl. She lives in Beijing with her parents. Her father is a doctor and her mother is an English teacher in

    17、a school. Rose is a student. She is learning Chinese. She can speak a little Chinese now. She has many Chinese friends. She teaches them English and they teach her Chinese. They help each other. Rose likes her Chinese friends. And she also likes Chinese food. Dumplings are her favourite(最爱). Yesterd

    18、ay she went to Toms home. Toms mother cooked lots of delicious food for her. She had eggs, some vegetables, fish and soup. They had a very good time.( )1. Rose comes from_.A. the US B. China C. the UK( )2.Roses mother teaches _ in a school.A. Chinese B. English C. Art( )3. Rose teaches her friends_.

    19、A. Chinese B. English C. Chinese and English( )4. Rose likes _ very much.A. Dumplings B. fish C. noodles( )5. Rose had a good time _yesterday.A. in the park B. at school C. at Toms home七、同学们,还记得自己最近的一次旅游经历吗?请写下自己的旅游日志吧。要求: 1. 回想自己的旅游经历,在表格中用英语写出旅游的关键信息。2. 根据表格内容,仿照例文,写下自己的旅游日志。3. 注意语句的时态、标点和大小写。请认真、规范书写。地点位置时间人物交通方式所做的事情例文: Last year I went to Chengdu with my family. Chendu is in the west of China. We went there by plane. We went to the zoo and saw some pandas. They were cute. I took many photos. I had a lovely time there. My Trip(旅游) to _ Six years ago,


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