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    1、人教版英语八年级下册Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcam人教版八年级下学期英语导学案课题 Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?一、 学习目标1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握下列句型:What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rai nstorm?E2RGbCAPWhat was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm?1EanqFDPw3能够听懂谈论过去某个场景正在发

    2、生的事情。4理解并了解以用过去式表示已经发生的事情。二、 学习重难点 重点:1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握上述句型。难点:.1能够听懂谈论过去某个场景正在发生的事情。2理解并了解以用过去式表示已经发生的事情。三、导学流程1自主预习案在图书馆 在大街上 在我家 在公交车站 等公交车 打篮球 2扫除“障碍”1、 What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstormDXDiTa9E3d过去进行时的特殊疑问句与现在进行时的特殊疑问句 用法一样特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句+ ?过去进行时的一般疑问句:将 was/ were提

    3、前,当遇到第一人称的时候,将第一人称转变成第 二人称过去进行时的否定句在 was/were后面加not缩写成:wasn t/weren。 teg: My sister was doing my homework at the time of the rainstormRTCrpUDGiT一般疑问句: your sister doing your home work at the time of rainstorm?pczVD7HxA否定句: My sister doing my home work at the time of the rainstormjLBHmAiLg特殊疑问句: what

    4、 was your sister at the time of rainstorm?cHAQX74jox2、过去进行时态 (Past Progressive Tense)观察下列两个句子,有什么区别(1)1 am doing my homework now.现在我正在做作业(2)1 was doing my homework at 7:00 last ni ght.昨天晚上七点我正在写作业第一个句子是 时态,表示的是现在这一刻正在进行的动作。其陈述句构成是主语+ + +宾语+时间状语。时间状语通常是 nO W.LDAYtRyKfE通过第一句试联想:第二个句子是 时态,表示 正在发生的动作。其陈

    5、述句构成是 Zzz6ZB2Ltk主+ + +宾语+时间状语。时间状语为 。dvzfvkwMIleg :昨天晚上当我妈妈看电视时,我正在睡觉。I whe n my mother watched TV yesterdayqyni4ZNxi3合作探究案1)小组合作讨论1a,各组请一代表给出自己的答案,教师校正其答案的正确性。2)组织全体同学进行听录音,自主完成1b练习,以小组为单位,各组派出代表回答并及时反馈问题。教师应给予详细的指导。EmxvxOtOco3)教师鼓励学生积极参与1c活动,让学生各自找同伴,就1a进行对话。4课堂练习案选择题1.I met a frie nd of mine I wa

    6、s walki ng in the parkSixE2yxpq5A. before B. whe n C. after D. if6ewMyirQFL2.We II go for a walk if it tomorrow.A. will not rain B. isn t raining C. doesn t rain D. isn t kavn42VRUs3.The boy with two dogs in the yard whe n the earthquake hit the city6v3ALoS89A. is playi ng B. are playi ngC. were pla

    7、yi ng D. was playi ng4.The n ews amazed us. We were all at the n ewu.bevSTnPA. amazed; amazed B. amaz ing; amazedC. amaze; amaz ing D. amazed; amaz ing5.My father books in the room at this time yesterday OYujCfmucwA was seeing B was reading C is reading D read用括号内的动词的适当形式填空(1).Look! My father (fix)

    8、up my bike.(2).What you (do)when the accident happened eUts8ZQVRd.He (study) at 9:00 pm last night.(4). he (play)basketball on the playgro und no w?QsAEjkW5T四、导学后记课题 Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?MsiasNXkA 学习目标1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握下列句型:So, whe n the rai nstorm sudde nly came, wh

    9、at were you doi nGchYzgI called at seven and you didn pick up. t3能够运用过去进行时讨论过去某个时间正在做什么。4.了解并理解while和when在引导时间状语从句时语法上的区别三、学习重难点重点:1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握上述句型。难点:.1能够运用过去进行时讨论过去某个时间正在做什么。2.了解并理解while和when在引导时间状语从句时语法上的区别三、导学流程1自主预习案暴风雨 在的时候 回家 等公车 故我的家庭作业 上班 发出响声 错过公交车 接电话 2扫除“障碍”1.My alarm didn g6 c

    10、tff so I up late关于go的短语:go off 发出响声 go over 复习go away 离开 go by (时间)过去go ahead进行,前进,继续 go after追逐,追赶Tom, I called you, but you did n .pick up 捡起;拾起(开车)接某人 学到;获得I a wallet on my way homeI will pick you at the stationHe was up the skills quickly.4.将下面的句子翻译成中文,并仔细观察进行比较。(1). The boy was walki ng dow n t

    11、he street whe n the rain storm cameq7iGfO2E(2). While the boy was walk ing dow n the street, the rai nstorm camevpgeqJ1hk(3). The girl was shopp ing whe n the policema n got ouNrpoJac3v1(4). While the girl was shopp ing, the policema n got outinowfTG4KI总结:When与while:都是“当 的时候”,但如2.4句,后接的动词用过去进行时,多选用

    12、;而后接的动词用一般过去时态时,用 fjnFLDa5Zo本课的when和 while的用法:(1)when 引导的从句时态多为 和 (2)while引导的从句时态多为 3合作探究案1)组织全体同学进行听录音,自主完成 2a-2b练习,以小组为单位,各组派出代表回答并及时反馈问题。教师应给予详细的指导。tfnNhnE6e52)教师鼓励学生积极参与2c活动,让学生各自找同伴,就 2b进行对话。3)组长带领组员就2d讨论知识难点和重点并翻译对话。以小组为单位,进行“小老师 讲课”。4课堂练习案 选择题1.My father was read ing a n ewspaper while my mot

    13、her dinn eHbmVN777sLA. is cook ing B. cooks C. was cook ing D. will cook2.All the students were sleeping they heard a man v7i4jRB8Hs “ help ”.A. whe n ; shout ing B. while; to shout C. whe n ; to shout D. while; shouted83lcPA59W93.The rai nstorm came while Ann her purse in the classrooimekklkzaapA.

    14、was look ing for B. looked for C. is look ing at D. looks atAVktR43bpw4 . I went to the moon and took a walk there last ni ght oRjBnOwcEdA Good luck B Good idea C You re kidding D Best wish 2MijTyodTT5. When the man downstairs knocked at the door, I gli.Spiue7AA. am doing housework B. was doing hous

    15、eworkC. were doing housework D. am going to do houseworkuEhou1Yfmh四、导学后记三、 学习目标1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握下列句型:With on light, it felt like midnight.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily againstthe wi ndowSg9qLsgBX3.能够通过速读、细读等技巧回答文章中的问题,并且深入理解过去进行时的用法和 意义。4.能够读懂有过去进行时构成的文

    16、章。四、 学习重难点 重点:1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握上述句型。难点:.1.能够通过速读、细读等技巧回答文章中的问题,并且深入理解过去进行时的用法和意义2.能够读懂有过去进行时构成的文章三、导学流程1自主预习案一场暴风雨 在桌子上 在我家 一团糟 醒来 纸牌游戏 睡 2扫除“障碍”1、Ben s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. WwghWvVhPEwork运转;发挥作用。eg

    17、. The medicine doesn t w这药不起作用work有三个意思: 表示 工作”,是不可数名词:He has too much to do.他要做的工作太多。 表示 著作”或 作品”,是可数名词,但多用复数:He has read many of Hemingway s. 表示 工厂”,只用复数形式,但可表示单数意义:The glass ( =factory) is near the station. 玻璃工厂在车站附近。 asfpsfpi4k2、 It was hard to have fun with a serious storm happe ning outsideooe

    18、yYZTjjiIt is adj. for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做,怎么样。eg: 在街上踢球很危险。 It is soccer on the street.keGu|nkx|每天早上读书对你来说很有必要。It is for you in the morni ng3、 With no light outside, it felt like mid night.with + n +adv,在句中做伴随状语with +n +adj. She can see stars in the dark sky the wi ndow operPgdoosRlM。feel like doin

    19、g sth = would like/want to do sth 想要做某事 3cdXwckmi54、 He fin ally fell asleep whe n the wi nd was dying dow n at around 3:00 a.mh8c52wongMfall asleep进入梦乡,睡着;asleep adj.睡着的区别:alseep 和 sleep1asleep是形容词,意思是 睡着的”,强调状态,常作表语。短语fall asleep意为 入睡;睡着”。 如:v4bdyGiousGran dma fell whe n watchi ng TV.奶奶看电视时睡着了。2sl

    20、eep可作动词,意为“睡觉”,也可作名词,意为“睡眠;睡觉”。女口: My father is . Please keep quiet 我父亲在睡觉,请保持安静 jobm4qMpj93合作探究案1) 同桌间互相讨论完成3a。2) 以小组为单位讨论完成3b,组长为代表竞争回答。3) 组长带领组员就3c讨论并完成表格。以小组为单位,进行对话表演。4课堂练习案1)用所给的短语或其适当形式填空。feel like make sure have fun with die dow n wake upXVauA9grYP1.When I this morning, it was nineo?clock. b

    21、R9C6Tjscw2. to catch up with other stude nts, oyou?ll fall behi nd. pN9LBDdtrd3.We our classmates in the park yesterday afternoonDJ8T7nHuGT4.She eati ng bread and chicke n for lunchQ F81D7bvUA5.When I got up this morning, the wind was 4B7a9QFw9h2)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1.Let?sset out now before the sun r

    22、 .2.It ra ined so 大)last ni ght that the lake is full of water no w. ix6iFA8xox3.David fell (睡着)in class because he stayed up too late last nightyt6qbkCyDE4.The room is very dark, I want to get 火柴)to light the can dlesKp5zH46zRk四、导学后记四、 学习目标1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握下列句型:Whe n it beg in to rai n, Ben wa

    23、s helpi ng his mom make dinn eYJ4HdOAA61While Linda was sleep ing, Jenny was helpi ng Mary with her homeworkch4Pjx4BlI3.能够运用过去进行时讨论过去的经历。4.掌握while和when在引导时间状语从句时语法上的区别。五、 学习重难点重点:1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握上述句型。难点:.1.能够运用过去进行时讨论过去的经历。2.掌握while和when在引导时间状语从句时语法上的区别。三、导学流程1自主预习案买杯喝的 打开收音机 洗车处 拍照 别开玩笑 事发现场

    24、上 看看 讨论 开始下大雨 一场汽车事故 上周日早晨2扫除“障碍”1、while和when都是表示同时,到底句子中是用 when还是while主要看从句和主句中所使 用的动词是短暂性动作(瞬时动词)还是持续性动作。(1) 若主句表示的是一个短暂性的动作,而从句表示的是一个持续性动作时,两者都可用。eg:He fell asleep whe n while he was reading.他看书时睡着了。(2) 若主、从句表示两个同时进行的持续性动作,且强调主句表示的动作延续到从句所指的整 个时间,通常要用 while。 qd3YfhxCzoeg:l kept sile nt he was wri

    25、ting.在他写的时候,我默不作声。(3) 若从句是一个短暂性动作,而主句是一个持续性动作,可以 when但不用while。eg: he came in, I was liste ning to the radio.他进来时,我在听收音机。(4) 若主、从句表示的是两个同时(或几乎同时)发生的短暂性动作,一般要用 when。I thought of it just you ope ned your mouth.就在你要说的时候,我也想到了。至于什么是短暂性动作,什么是持续性动作,其实有个很简单的规律。就是如果是进行时态,一般是持续性的。如果是过去式,一般是短暂性动作。 E836L11DO5对于

    26、,填写when还是while的问题,通常首先看主句和从句中的时态,再根据以上 4个规律来判断填写那个单词。S42ehLvE3M3合作探究案1)小组合作讨论4a,各组请一代表给出自己的答案,教师校正其答案的正确性。2)以小组为单位谈论完成4b,各组派出代表回答并及时反馈问题。教师应给予详细的 指导。3)教师鼓励学生自主完成4c,与同桌分享4课堂练习案 1 )用when和while进行填空1、I was just reading a book she came into my room01nNvZFis2、 he was a child he was always trying out new i

    27、deas.1viftGw93.you re watchiOigWHLPYou can t do your homework4、 they were talking , the bell rang.5、 I was watching TV Peter came in.2)根据汉语意思完成句子:1、 昨天晚上迈克来的时候我正在做作业。I my homework whe n Mike last ni ghtLOZMkqow2、 安正在看电视的时候,她父亲回来了。While Ann TV, her father came home.3、 昨天晚上8: 30我正在看电视。4、 当我妈妈回来时我正在做作业

    28、5、 正当我在打扫房间时电话响了6、The boy was walk ing home whe n the rain storm came.KzuQsujed四、导学后记五、学习目标1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握下列句型:What eve nt happe ned at the school yesterday?When the school basketball competiti on started, Kate was still mak ing her way to schoodGY2mcoKtT3.能够听懂过去发生的事情的时间先后顺序。4.能够掌握过去进行时的构成方法。

    29、六、学习重难点 重点:1.准确把握本课单词,达到熟练默写。2.掌握上述句型。难点:.1.能够听懂过去发生的事情的时间先后顺序。2.能够掌握过去进行时的构成方法。三、导学流程1自主预习案马路的一边 等待某人 公共汽车站 学校篮球比赛 去学校的路上 错过 2扫除“障碍”1.What eve nt happe ned at the school yesterday昨 天学校发生了什么事? rCYbswRUAhappen发生;碰巧(指偶然性发生)happen动词发生”没有被动语态,主语是物,强调某事发生的偶然性。a.sth. happe n to sb.某事发生在某人身上What happe ned

    30、to you? =What was wrong with him?b.sb. happen to do sth.某人碰巧做某事She happe ned (be) out whe n we called.(2)take place发生,指事情有计划有安排地发生The sports meeti ng took place in our school last weekyxjoFlMWh It happened that 碰巧2.Kate realized her bag was still at home.凯特意识到她的包还在家。Tuwruppobx realize v意识至U(1)realiz

    31、e + n she didn t realize her mistatkWq9jPqE(2)realize + 从句 I didn t realize that you were so unhappyNQFk3.When the school basketball competition started, Kate was still making her way to school.当学校篮球比赛开始的时候,凯特还在去学校的路上。 yhUQsDgRT1make one s way to在某人去 的路上(当后接地点副词时,应省略介词 to)( )I ll make my way home now.A. to B. / C. at D. on3合作探究案1)小组合作讨论1a,各组


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