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    11规则后真题航海英语 7.docx

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    11规则后真题航海英语 7.docx

    1、11规则后真题航海英语 711规则后真题91.a vessel may enter a traffic separation zone _ in an emergency to engage in fishing within the zone to cross the traffic separation scheme A. B. C. D. 2. you are in charge of a stand-on vessel in a crossing situation. The other vessel is 1.5 miles to port. You believe that ris

    2、k of collision exists. You should_A. take avoiding action immediately upon determining that risk of collision exists.B. immediately sound the danger signalC. take avoiding action only after providing the give-way vessel time to take action, and determining that her action is not appropriate. D. hold

    3、 course and speed until the point of extremis, and they sound the danger signal, taking whatever action will best avert collision.3. what is the direction of rotation of tropical cyclones, tropical storms and hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere?A. clockwise and outwardB. counterclockwise and inwar

    4、dC. counterclockwise and outwardD. clockwise and inward4. When a vessel is stationary and in a hogging condition, the main deck is under_A. compression stress B. tension stress C. shear stress D. racking stress 5. Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in _A. capital B.itali

    5、csC.boldface printD.underlined letters6. in summer, monsoon over the south China Sea blows from_A.northeastB.southwestC.southwestD.northwest7. maintenance of charts and publications up to date is a statutory requirement under the _Convention.A. STCWB.MARPOLC. SOLASD. ISM8. the machinery associated w

    6、ith heaving in and running out anchor chain is the _A. winchB. windlassC. draw worksD. dynamic pay out system9. the diurnal pressure variation is most noticeable in the _A. polar regionsB. horse latitudeC. roaring fortiesD. doldrums10. you see another vessel approaching, and its compass bearing does

    7、 not significantly change. This would indicate that _A. you are the stand- on vesselB. risk of collision existsC. a special circumstances situation existsD. the other vessel is dead in the water11. Where shall the key to CO2 room be kept?A. in masters cabinB. in third officers cabinC. in a break-gla

    8、ss type enclosure conspicuously located adjacent to the roomD. in a locked locker conspicuously located adjacent to the room12. At security level 1, which one of the following activities shall not be carried out, through appropriate measure, on all ships?A. controlling access to the shipB. controlli

    9、ng the embarkation of persons and their effectsC. monitoring restricted areasD. monitoring mess room13. you are on watch and the pilot has just anchored the vessel. The next thing that you should do after the anchor has been let go is to _A. stop the engineB. escort the pilot to the accommodation la

    10、dderC. plot the vessels position on the chartD. make a round of the weather decks14. advection fog is most commonly caused by _A. air being warmed above the dew pointB. saturation of cold air by rainC. a rapid cooling of the air near the surface of the Earth at nightD. warm moist air being blown ove

    11、r a colder surface15. a Doppler log in the volume reverberation mode indicates_A. speed being made goodB. speed through the waterC. the set of the currentD. the depth of the water16. high pressure ridge_ from Sevastopol to eastern Libya.A. reachingB. extendingC. increasingD. upgrading17. The overall

    12、 set in Malacca strait is to the NW, but from May to September there is a tendency for SE sets to prevail in some N and central parts. In this sentence, “set” refers to _A. The direction of trafficB.The direction of currentC.The direction of monsoonD.The direction of wind18. which statement is TRUE

    13、when comparing cold and warm fronts?A. cold fronts are more violent and of shorter durationB. cold fronts are milder and last longerC. they are very similar with the exception of wind directionD. warm front are more violent and of longer duration 19. BASHI: E TO SE 9-10. 500M IN HVY SQUALLY SHWRS AN

    14、D TS. SEA 8-9M. SWELL SE 6-7M. From the above forecast, the wind in Beaufort Scale will be _A. STRONG GALE TO STORMB. GALE TO STRONG GALEC. NEAR GALE TO GALED. STRONG BREEZE TO NEAR GALE20. A vessel with a small GM will _A. have a large amplitude of rollB. provide a comfortable ride for the crew and

    15、 passengersC. have drier decks in heavy weatherD. be likely to have cargo shift in heavy weather21. which of following physical abilities is not required as to the routine movement around a vessel?A. maintain balance and move with abilityB. climb p and down vertical ladders and stairwaysC. open and

    16、close watertight doorsD. take part in vessel evacuation procedures22. which of the following is usually NOT required in preparing a hold for reception of a bulk grain cargo?A. to remove residue of previous cargoB. to remove loose rust and scaleC. to steam clean areas obstructed by structural members

    17、D. to spray or fumigate any insect colonies23. Point out which one of the following items is not in the charge of Chief Officer in repairing operation_A. hull cleaningB. derusting and paintingC. the maintenance of boilingD. docking and undocking24. deep-draught vessels and VLCCs shall allow for _of

    18、at least 3.5m at all times during the entire passage through the Strait of Malacca and Singapore.A.a draftB.a freeboardC.an air draftD.an under-keel clearance25. The Safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the _A.IMDG conferenceB.American Bureau of ShippingC.International Maritime Organiza

    19、tionD.American Institute of Maritime Shipping关联题Having planned the passage taking into account the normal conditions, consideration should be given to the actual conditions which it is expected will be encountered.With the aid of the latest weather forecast, weather maps and ice charts, a system of

    20、weather routeing enable the original route to be modified to make best use of the actual weather pattern and the alternations expected take place within it. This will produce the greatest economy in fuel expenditure and reduce the risk of heavy weather damage to the ship and her cargo.Weather routei

    21、ng services are provided by certain foreign governments and private firms; details of which can be obtained from Admiralty List of Radio Signal volume 3.These services apply latest weather reports and long range forecasts to determine the best route for a particular vessel. On passage, modifications

    22、 to the route are passed to the vessel to enable the early action to avoid developing areas of adverse conditions.The World Meteorological Organization (WHO) has established a global service for the transmission of high seas weather warnings and route weather bulletins. (1) Which of following is not

    23、 true?A. some foreign governments can provide to you weather routeing servicesB. some private firms also can provide to you weather routeing servicesC. on passage, the route determined by weather routeing will not be changedD. on passage, the route determined by weather routeing may be changed(2) We

    24、ather Routeing Services detail information can be obtained from_A. Sailing DirectionB. Notice to MarinersC. List of lights and Fogs SignalsD. List of Radio Signals(3) why do you make use of weather routeing when planning passage?A. saving timeB. saving distanceC. reduce the risk of heavy weather dam

    25、age to the ship and cargoD. easy and convenience(4) when planning passage, _ should not be taken into account.A. the latest weather forecastsB. actual weather conditions which may be exceptedC. a system of weather routeingD. the weather for port of destination26. What does ECDIS stand for?A. Electro

    26、nic chart display and indication systemB.Electronic chart display and information systemC.Electronic chart display and informing systemD.Electronic chart display and indicating system关联题A vessel not under command shall exhibit:(1) two all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best seen(2) t

    27、wo balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best seen(3) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and s stern lightA vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver, except a vessel engaged in mine clearance operations, shall

    28、 exhibit:(i) three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best seen. The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light shall be white(ii) three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The highest and lowest of these shapes be balls and the middle one

    29、 a diamond (iii) when making way through the water, a masthead light or lights, side light and a stern light, in addition to the lights prescribed in sub-paragraph(i)(iv) when at anchor, in addition to the lights or shapes prescribed in sub-paragraph(i) and (ii), the light, lights or shape prescribe

    30、d in Rule 30.(1)A vessel restricted in her ability to manoevre, when at anchor, shall exhibit_ all-round lightsA. two B. threeC. fourD. five(2) In the passage, the all- round light refers to _A. a light showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 360 degreesB. a light showing an unbroken

    31、 light over an arc of horizon of 135 degreesC. a light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 120 flashes per minutesD. a white light placed over the fore and aft center line of the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc of horizon of 225 degrees(3) a vessel not under command, when making way through the water, shall exhibit_A. two all-round lightsB. two all-round lights and two ballsC. side lights and a stern lightD. two all-round lights, side lights and a stern light(4) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver, shall display_Atwo ba


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