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    1、中考英语单选题易错题100题xx英语精选单项选择题易错题 100 题1 What do you think _solve the problem ?A you can do B can you do C you can do to D can you do to2 In the past he often made his sister_, but now he is often made _by hissister.A to cry; to cry B cry; cry C to cry; cry D cry; to cry 3 The teacher told us that the su

    2、n _in the east.A rises B rose C raises D raised4 He lives in a village _there are a lot of trees.A there B where C that D which5 He _ Alice for ten years.A married to B has married to C has married D has been married to 6 We need fifteen more people _our team to do the job. A but B except C as well

    3、D besides7 They won t allow us _ at this beach.A swimming B to swim C swam D swim8 Is this factory _you visited last week?A that B where C the one D in which9 The reason _he was absent from the meeting was _his car broke downon the way.A that; because B why; that C that; that D for; that 10 Is the r

    4、iver_ through that town very large?A which flows B flows C that flowing D whose flows1 / 1111 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen_ football on theplayground just now.A playingB to be playingC playD to play12 The red rose is the only one _I real like.A which B who C that D

    5、 whom13 All the apples _ fell down were eaten by the pigs.A those B which C what D that14 Don t forget the day _you were received into the Youth League.A when B that C at which D where15 I prefer_ at home to _outside.A staying, playing B to stay, play C staying, play D to stay, playing 16 The box is

    6、 _what I saw in the shop.A same as B the same like C the same that D the same as 17 The pen _she writes letters is broken. A which B that C with which D by which18 Would you like to _us in our discussion.A take part in B join C taking part in D joining19 I m sure the red team will _the game .A win B

    7、 beat C defeat D succeed20 Ahead of me I saw a woman _I thought was my aunt.A who B whom C of whom D whose21 _your help, everything in the room is in good order now.2 / 11A Since B Because C thanks for D Thanks to22 He is known to the world and has a lot of friends_A in and out of abroad B at home a

    8、nd abroadC at home and at abroad D in home and out of abroad23 -Are you going there with them ?-If you go,_.A I also go B so do I C so I will D so will I24 -The flower is beautiful.-_A So is it B So it is C It is so D So it is25 The number of people invited _fifty, but a number of them _absentfor di

    9、fferentreasons.A were; was B was ; was C was; were D were; were26 We haven t had anysuccess _A before long B so long C by far D so far27 Travellers _our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing, Hangzhouandmany other places of interest.A for B to C till D by28 If a man _succeed, he must work as

    10、 hard as he can.A will B should C is going to D is to29 -I am sorry I didn t do a good job.-Never mind. _ you have tried your best.3 / 11A Above all B In all C At all D After all30The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to _healthy eatinghabits.A find B create C develop D prepare31We have

    11、 spent _money on English books .A a great deal of B a good many C a plenty of D a number of32_met, it won t be easily forgotten.A If only B When if C Once D Once you were33The differences_ these two pictures _ colour are easy to see.A in, of B from, of C between ,in D of ,in34You should put_“ s” at

    12、the end of this word.A a B / C an D the35-What s _population of China ?-China has_ population of 1.2 billion.A a; the B the; a C /;/ D the; the36 Its _here. We can t work long hours here.A very much cold B much cold C much too cold D too much cold37 _terrible weather we ve been having these days!A H

    13、ow a B What a C How D What38 -Have you decided when_?-Yes, tomorrow morning.A will you leave B to be leaving C are you leaving D to leave39 The song _My heart will go on is liked by the young people.4 / 11A call B calling C called D to call40Train services are now back to _after three days of typhoo

    14、n.A usual B common C ordinary D normal41He is the best _English in our class.A at B in C for D to42The policeman caught hold of the thief and hit him _the head.A in the B on his C on the D in his43Did John hit Bob _eye ?A in the B on the C in his D on his44There is _ interesting _ today s newspaper.

    15、A anything inothingB. .in C something. .on D nothing. on45Has your teacher given you any advice_ your study?A in B to C on D with46It s bad manners to laugh _ others when they are _ trouble.A at ,in B over ,at C with ,on D to, with47Betty doesn t have enough money to buy that coat. It s very _.The p

    16、rice is too_.A high, high B expensive, expensive C expensive, high D high, expensive48This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen_comfortably.A wearing B wear C wears D is worn49The diamond is _.A very valuable B of great value C great value D A or B5 / 1150Behind the dancer there was

    17、 a woman _a large diamond ring.A carrying B dressing C wearing D having51The young teacher who has a _face can make his classes _andinteresting.A lovely, lively B lovely, lovely C likely, friendly D ugly, lively52They were still _their friends after their child s long illness.A in debt to B in the d

    18、ebt to C in debt with D in the debt with53_, my brother passed the exam.A To my great joy B To my great surprised C With my joy D With my surprise54I am all tears, _,I am listening to you with all attention.A in another words B in the other words C with other words D in other words55He started early

    19、 _he could get there before nine.A in order that B because C so as to D in order to56As you know, whether the person will be elected president is matter of_interest.A general B common C ordinary D mostly57I _ by his story that he made up.A was taken on B was taken out C was taken in D am taken in58H

    20、e didn t go into detail on the subject ,he spoke _.A in general B in particular C in common D in short559We designed the machine _the purpose _production.A for, of increasing B with, of increasing C for, to increase D A or B60Hospital doctors don t go out very often as their work _all their time.6 /

    21、 11A takes away B takes in C takes over D takes up61 We offered him our congratulation _his passing the entrance exam.A on B for C with D at62 My mother _classical music while I am _rock music.A is fond of, in B likes, like C is interested in; into D interests; enjoy63 We each _ strong points and ea

    22、ch of us on the other hand _weakpoints.A have, have B has, have C has, has D have, has64 He is one of the students who, I am sure, always do _ best.A his B one s C my D their65 The police _determined to bring back the missing boy when hisfamily_almostgiven hope.A is, has B are, have C are, has D is,

    23、 have66 More than one girl _ late for class this morning.A are B is C was D were67 Many a student _ in the exam.A have failed B had been failed C has failed D will be failed68 What he says and what he does _.A is not agree B are not agree C does not agree D do not agree69 Not only politics but also

    24、English is important. In other words , _is important.A English, as well as politics B English as well as politicsC both politics and English D politics, as well as English70 It was at the very beginning_ Mr.Smith made a decision _we shouldsend for adoctor.7 / 11A what, that B that, which C which, th

    25、at D that, that71On the way back home from the ball, she suddenly found her necklace_.A missed B losing C gone D be stolen72He didn t ogothe party not _the time but _he was ill.A because of, because B because, becauseC because, because of D because of, because of73The teacher gave me a piece of pape

    26、r_.A to write on B to be written on C to write in D to be written74I can t believe he could jump _high.A very much B such C that D this75-The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they?-_.A I guess not so B I don t guess so C I don t guess D I guess not76The magazine is _reading, so he advised m

    27、e _it.A well worth; to buy B very worth; buyingC worthing , buying D worthy, to buy77She is on a special _to lose _weight.A food; her B food;/ D diet; her D diet;/78Jenny_ a rich man. She has_ him for 5 years.A married with; married with B married; marriedC married to; been married D married; been m

    28、arried to8 / 1179I am _hungry. Give me _of milk.A a bit; a little B not a little; a bit C little; a lit D not a little; a little80A good friend is someone _makes you _.A which; happy B who; happily C who; happy D whose; happily81He was about _when suddenly the telephone rang.A to leave B to starting C leaving D setting off82This task is _difficult for us. We need _people.A much too; another three B too much; other threeC much too; more three D


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