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    1、福建宁德市高中毕业班教学质量检查英语2福建宁德市2014年高中毕业班教学质量检查(英语)2 高考英语 2014-03-17 220145 CWhat to expect in the cinema this winter? The Golden Compass Running Time 1 hour 54 min. Release Date December7, 2007 Starring Nicole Kidman, Dakota Blue Richards, Directed by Chris Weitz 12-year-old Lyra is a girl who lives in a

    2、world, where human souls take the form of animal companions. When her best friend disappears, Lyra promises to find him. One thing Lyra packs for the trip is a mysterious compass that many people are violently determined to get. What is awaiting her? I AM Legend Running Time 1 hour 42min. Release Da

    3、te December14, 2007 Starring Will Smith, Alice Braga, Dash Mihok, Robert Neville, a brilliant scientist, isnt quite brilliant enough to stop a man-made virus from escaping and killing everyone in sight. Somehow, Robert is Virus-free. As Robert realizes that his time may be up, hes determined to find

    4、 a way to save the human raceusing his own virus-free blood. This Christmas Running Time 1 hour 57 min. Release Date November 29, 2007 Starring Laz Alonso, Chris Brown, Its Christmas! Time for joy! Love! Gifts! And, oh family. For the first time in many years, the white fields are all coming home. I

    5、t should be a happy time for all, but after years away, its clear that there are plenty of reasons they ve grown apart. How can all these people and all their secrets survive under one roof? By the time the presents are opened, they are to find out what they have missed for these yearsfamily. Into t

    6、he Wild Running Time 2hours 20min Release Date December 22nd, 2007 Starring Emile Hirsch, Marcia Harden Freshly graduated from Harvard with a bright future, 22 year-old Christopher instead walked out of his “good” life and into the wild in search of adventure. What happened to him on the way changed

    7、 this young wanderer into an enduring symbol for countless people. Was Christopher a heroic adventurer or another American loser?64. The film with the longest running time is _ . A. The Golden Compass B. I AM Legend C. This Christmas D. Into the Wild65. “This Christmas” probably _ . A. reveals how t

    8、o choose Christmas gifts for our relatives B. reveals the secrets to a successful marriage C. reveals the importance of money to any family D. reveals the truth of a family and its real problems66. In the movie “Into the Wild”, the “good” life is probably _ . A. adventurous and dangerous B. steady a

    9、nd promising C. risky and exciting D. poor and depressingDAre some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experiences? Strangely enough,the answer to both these questions is yes. To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth,and

    10、no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of a persons intelligence are fixed at birth

    11、,but whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment。This view, now held by most experts can be supported in a number of ways.It is easy to say that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they

    12、are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from the population, it is likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If on the other hand we take two identical twins, they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like

    13、brothers and sisters,parents and children,usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.Imagine that now we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory wh

    14、ere the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with eac h other, but who are not related at all, are likely to ha

    15、ve similar degrees of intelligence.67. By using the example that two people closer in blood relationship are closer in intelligence that writer wants to prove _ .A. intelligence is given at birthB. intelligence can be developed by environmentC. intelligence can be developed by experience来源Z+xx+k.Com

    16、D. education plays an important part in the development of education68. A child who lives in rich and varied surroundings turns out higher in intelligence because _.来源学科网ZXXKA. his family is rich and therefore can afford to develop his intelligenceB. he can break the limits of intelligence fixed at

    17、birthC. his family is rich and provides him with various healthy foodD. these surroundings are likely to help him reach the limits of their intelligence69. Writer of this article believes that _.A. the development of ones intelligence is determined by many factors working togetherB. environment play

    18、s the most important role in the development of intelligenceC. education plays the most important role in the development of intelligenceD. birth plays the most important role in the development of intelligence70. The best title for this passage might be .A. Intelligence B. Birth and EnvironmentC. T

    19、he Answer to a Question D. Intelligence and EducationE Some futurologists have assumed that the vast increase of women in the workforce may portend(预示)a rejection of marriage. Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry. The opposite of this concern is that the outlook of

    20、becoming a multi-paycheck household could encourage marriage. In the past, only the earnings and financial prospects of the man counted in the marriage decision. Now, however, the earning ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner. Data show that economic downturns tend to

    21、 put off marriage because the parties cannot afford to establish a family or are concerned about rainy days ahead. As the economy comes to life, the number of marriages also rises. The increase in divorce rates follows to the increase in women working outside the home. Yet, it may be wrong to jump t

    22、o any simple cause-and-effect conclusions. The effect of a wifes work on divorce is no less cloudy than its effect on marriage decisions. The realiza tion that she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an un satisfactory marriage. But the revers

    23、e is equally plausible(似是而非的). Tensions grounded in financial problems oft en play a key role in ending a marriage. By raising a familys standard of living, a working wife may strengthen her familys financial and emotional stability. Psychological factors also should be considered. For example, a wi

    24、fe blocked from a career outside the home may feel caged in the house. She may view her only choice as seeking a divorce. On the other hand, if she can find fulfillment through work outside the home, work and marriage can go together to create a stronger and more stable union. Also, a major part of

    25、womens inequality in marriage has been due to the fact that, in most cases, men have remained the main breadwinners. A working wife may rob a husband of being the master of the house. Depending upon how the couple reacts to these new conditions, it could create a stronger equal partnership or it cou

    26、ld create new insecurities.71. It is said in the passage that when the economy moves to a worse situation, _. A. men would choose working women as their marriage partners B. more women would get married to seek financial security C. even working women would worry about their marriages D. more people

    27、 would prefer to remain single for the time being72. The underlined word “rejection” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _. A. accepting B. refusing C. producing D. confusing73. If women find fulfillment through work outside the home, _. A. they are more likely to control their marriage partners

    28、 B. their husbands are expected to do more housework C. their marriage ties can be strengthened D. they tend to put their career before marriage74. One reason why women with no career may seek a divorce is that _. A. they feel that they have been robbed of their freedom B. they are afraid of being b

    29、ossed around by their husbands C. they feel that their partners fail to live up to their expectations D. they tend to suspect their husbands loyalty to their marriage75. Which of the following statements can best summarize the authors view in the passage? A. The stability of marriage and the divorce

    30、 rate may reflect the economic situation of the country. B. Even when economically independent, most women have to struggle for real equality in marriage. C. In order to secure their marriage women should work outside the home and remain independent. D. The effect of the growing female workforce on marriage varies from case to case.第二卷(共35分) 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文填词(共2014小题;每小题1分,满分2014分)阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2


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