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    学年高中英语人教版选修6作业与测评Unit 2 Section Ⅳ Learning about LanguageUsing Languag.docx

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    学年高中英语人教版选修6作业与测评Unit 2 Section Ⅳ Learning about LanguageUsing Languag.docx

    1、学年高中英语人教版选修6作业与测评Unit 2 Section Learning about Language Using LanguagSection Learning about Language & Using Language基础题单词拼写1I didnt feel that this was a(n) _ (适当的) time to mention the subject of money.答案:appropriate2Everyone was given a(n) _ (毕业文凭) at the end of the course.答案:diploma3Be good to eac

    2、h other and youll feel the _ (温暖) of mankind.答案:warmth4If the show is too controversial, well lose our _ (赞助人)答案:sponsors5As we all know, Lang Lang is a famous _ (钢琴家)答案:pianist6They had to make great concessions in e_ for economic aid.答案:exchange7This method of finding the way was used until c_ and

    3、 maps were invented.答案:compasses8Moreover, the moon then disappeared and left us in profound d_.答案:darkness9My favorite team has won the c_ five times.答案:championship10Fill in the b_ in the following sentences.答案:blanks选词填空in particular; be appropriate for; exchange . for .; be made up of; note down

    4、; try out; let out; load . into/onto .; at the bottom of; in the darkness1They stood close together, waiting _ for midnight.答案:in the darkness2They began to _ luggage _ the carriage.答案:load; into/onto 3You can choose a name that _ your environment.答案:is appropriate for4Was there anything _ that you

    5、wanted to talk about?答案:in particular5The committee _ representatives from every state.答案:is made up of6Scientists believe there might be such chemicals lying _ the ocean.答案:at the bottom of7We have _ this method _ many times, but to our disappointment it doesnt work.答案:tried; out8Id like to _ this

    6、dress _ one in a smaller size.答案:exchange; for9Tom accidentally _ that he had broken the vase.答案:let out10. _ the main points you want to include in your essay.答案:Note down单句语法填空1. It is appropriate that you _ (make) use of every minute to study.答案:(should) make2Would you like my old TV in exchange

    7、_ this camera?答案:for3_ it is youve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.答案:Whatever4She is very likely _ (come) by air.答案:to come5When her son was admitted to a key university, she felt a heavy load taken _ her mind.答案:off6Lucy hopes that Mr Wilson will suggest a good way to get

    8、her written English _ (improve) in a short period.答案:improved7Although she had tried _ every method, Carolina couldnt get the door open.答案:out8. I made a promise to myself _ this year, my first year in high school, would be different.答案:that9. To his _ (sorrowful), his grandma passed away last night

    9、.答案:sorrow10Through great efforts, the young man became a famous _ (piano)答案:pianist单句改错1Throwing their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let off loud shouts of victory. _答案:offout2The third womens conference sponsor in the USA this summer talked about womens rights in the developing c

    10、ountries. _答案:sponsorsponsored3We had bare enough money to last through the weekend so we had to ask for help._答案:barebarely4The reason he gave me that he didnt attend the meeting was that he was badly ill._答案:第一个thatwhy5You didnt know how she finished the relay race with her foot wounding so much._

    11、答案:woundingwounded能力题完形填空(2019南昌市重点中学高三年级段考试题)My grandfather gave me the world when he gave me his love. He would have done anything for me, and he was always _1_ to busy himself with some project meant for my _2_.Summer months meant that I could have more fun on my grandfathers farm away from the _

    12、3_ of city life. Only a twentyminute drive from our home, my mother often made the _4_ with me into the company of my _5_.On one visit that was meant to be short, I enjoyed my childish happiness by _6_ snacks and drinks outside my grandparents house, where other children _7_ to visit friends and fam

    13、ily. I was _8_ counting the little change though it was far from the aim of my _9_.My enthusiasm was disappearing, however, when my mother approached to remind me of an appointment I knew I would not be _10_ to miss. “But who will sit at my lemonade stand?” I asked Mum, unwilling to _11_.“I guess yo

    14、u will have to pack it away until another day,” she replied with _12_. Mournfully, I began to obey, _13_ packing up my lemonade stand.From the _14_, where I could see through window, Grandpa came stepping across the grass. He _15_ touched my check with a rough finger, put my lemonade stand back, sea

    15、ted himself in the chair and _16_ a newspaper. “It is a _17_ day for lemonade,” he said. “Hurry back, and we will share some.”When we _18_ later that day, Grandpa was still at my post. The small box where I had begun to place my _19_ has no more change than it could be accounted for even if the _20_

    16、 village showed up for a drink. 1A.kind BwillingCrelaxed Dprivileged答案:B结合该句中的“He would have done anything for me, and he was always _1_ to busy himself with some project meant for my _2_.”和四个选项可知,这里应选B项。be willing to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“乐意做某事”。2A.birthday BloveCworld Dhappiness答案:D根据上下文语境可知,这里是指祖父愿意为“我

    17、”的幸福做任何事。故选D。3A.boredom BdiversityCamusement Dlaziness答案:A根据该句“Summer months meant that I could have more fun on my grandfathers farm away from the _3_ of city life.”可知,夏季意味着“我”可以在“我”祖父的农场里享受更多的乐趣,远离城市生活的无聊(boredom)。B项意为“差异,多样性”,C项意为“娱乐”,D项意为“懒惰”,都与语境不符。4A.trip BdrinkCfood Dplan答案:A根据该句中的“Only a twe

    18、ntyminute drive from our home, my mother often made the _4_ with me”可知,祖父家离“我”家只有二十分钟的车程,“我”的母亲经常和“我”同行这段旅程(trip)。B项意为“饮料”,C项意为“食物”,D项意为“计划”,都与语境不符。5A.grandfather BfatherCfriend Dfamily答案:A根据语境可知,祖父的农场离“我”家只有二十分钟的车程,“我”的母亲经常和“我”一起去陪伴祖父,故选A。6A.collecting BmakingCenjoying Dselling答案:D根据“On one visit t

    19、hat was meant to be short, I enjoyed my childish happiness by _6_ snacks and drinks outside my grandparents house”并结合下文中的“counting the little change”可知,有一次在祖父家短暂的逗留中,“我”喜欢上了在祖父家的外面向孩子们出售(selling)零食和饮料。A项意为“收集”,B项意为“制造”,C项意为“享受”,都与语境不符。7A.passed BforgotCdecided Dran答案:A根据该句中的“outside my grandparents

    20、house, where other children _7_ to visit friends and family”可知,在祖父家外面,“我”向经过(passed)这里来看望朋友和亲属的孩子们出售零食和饮料。B项意为“忘记”,C项意为“决定”,D项意为“奔跑”,都与语境不符。8A.hopelessly BcarelesslyCexcitedly Dcautiously答案:C根据该句“I was _8_ counting the little change”可知,既然是数钱,应该是很兴奋。C项符合语境。A项意为“无望地”,B项意为“粗心地”,D项意为“谨慎地”,都与语境不符。9A.life

    21、 BeffortCwork Dreality答案:B“我”兴奋地数着这些零钱,尽管它们离“我”努力(effort)的目标还很远。A项意为“生活”,C项意为“工作”,D项意为“事实”,都与语境不符。10A.advised BmadeCprepared Dpermitted答案:D根据该句“My enthusiasm was disappearing,however, when my mother approached to remind me of an appointment I knew I would not be _10_ to miss.”可知,然而,当“我”母亲走近并提醒“我”一个“

    22、我”知道不允许(permitted)错过的约会时,“我”知道“我”要离开这里,所以“我”的热情逐渐消失。A项意为“建议”,B项意为“制造”,C项意为“准备”,都与语境不符。11A.answer BpackCleave Ddisappear答案:C根据上文中的“I enjoyed my childish happiness by _6_ snacks and drinks outside my grandparents house”;结合该句“But who will sit at my lemonade stand? I asked Mum, unwilling to _11_.”可知,“我”

    23、不愿意离开(leave)这里。A项意为“回答”,B项意为“收拾”,D项意为“消失”,都与语境不符。12A.regret BembarrassmentCamusement Danger答案:A根据上文内容可知,“我”要赴一个不允许错过的约会,但“我”不愿离开;再结合该句中的“I guess you will have to pack it away until another day”可推知,母亲应是感到遗憾的。故A项符合语境。B项意为“尴尬”,C项意为“快乐”,D项意为“愤怒”,都与语境不符。13A.gratefully BdelightedlyCslowly Dhurriedly答案:C根据

    24、上文内容并结合该句“I began to obey, _13_ packing up my lemonade stand”可知,“我”开始听从母亲的话,慢慢地(slowly)收拾“我”的柠檬汽水摊位。A项意为“感激地”,B项意为“高兴地”,D项意为“匆忙地”,都与语境不符。14A.farm BstoreChouse Dcar答案:C根据该句中的“where I could see through window”可推知,该处指“我”在一间房子(house)里。A项意为“农场”,B项意为“商店”,D项意为“汽车”,都与语境不符。15A.suddenly BgentlyCsecretly Dacci

    25、dentally答案:B根据该句中的“He _15_ touched my check with a rough finger, put my lemonade stand back”可知,祖父用他那粗糙的手指轻柔地(gently)抚摸着“我”的账单,将“我”的柠檬汽水摊位摆了回去。A项意为“突然地”,C项意为“秘密地”,D项意为“偶然地”,都与语境不符。16A.bought BunfoldedCput aside Dhanded over答案:B根据该句“He _15_ touched my check with a rough finger, put my lemonade stand b

    26、ack, seated himself in the chair and _16_ a newspaper.”可知,祖父用他那粗糙的手指轻抚“我”的账单,把“我”的柠檬汽水摊位摆回去,自己坐在椅子上,打开(unfolded)一份报纸。A项意为“购买”,C项意为“把暂放一边”,D项意为“移交”,都与语境不符。17A.busy BquietCshort Dnice答案:D根据第三段可知,“我”在祖父家外面向孩子们出售零食和饮料,非常开心;结合该句中的“It is a _17_ day for lemonade”可知,祖父知道“我”不想收起摊位就安慰“我”说今天是卖柠檬汽水的好(nice)日子。A项

    27、意为“忙碌的”,B项意为“安静的”,C项意为“短暂的”,都与语境不符。18A.talked BdiscussedCreturned Darrived答案:C根据上文中的“Hurry back”,结合该句“When we _18_ later that day, Grandpa was still at my post.”可知,当我们那天晚些时候回去(returned)时,祖父仍然在“我”的摊位边。A项意为“交谈”,B项意为“讨论”,D项意为“到达”,都与语境不符。19A.goods BearningsCsnacks Dclothes答案:B根据第三段尾句可知,虽然离“我”努力的目标还很远,但是

    28、“我”还是兴奋地数着零钱;结合该句中的“The small box where I had begun to place my _19_ has no more change”可知,“我”是将“我”的收入(earnings)放在一个小盒子里的。A项意为“商品”,C项意为“零食”,D项意为“衣服”,都与语境不符。20A.former BsmallCfamiliar Dentire答案:D根据该句“The small box where I had begun to place my _19_ has no more change than it could be accounted for ev

    29、en if the _20_ village showed up for a drink.”可知,即使整个(entire)村子的人都来喝一杯,“我”也没能赚到很多零钱。A项意为“以前的”,B项意为“小的”,C项意为“熟悉的”,都与语境不符。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2018全国卷)Color is fundamental in home designsomething youll always have in every room. A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms youll love to live in. Do you want a room thats full of life? Professional? Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day? _1_,


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