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    1、新疆哈密地区高二英语下学期期末考试2016-2017学年下学期高二(18届)英语学科期末考试试卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AA woman brought a very limp-looking duck to see a vet. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope(听诊器) and listened to the birds chest.

    2、After a moment or two, the vet shook his head and sadly said, “I sorry, your duck, Cuddles, has passed away.” The woman was so disappointed and asked, “Are you sure?” “Yes, I am sure. Your duck is dead,” replied the vet. “How can you be so sure?”she protested. “I mean you havent done any testing on

    3、him or anything. He might just be in a coma(昏迷) or something.”The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room. He returned a few minutes later with a black dog. As the ducks owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his back legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed

    4、 the duck from top to bottom. He then looked up at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head. The vet patted the dog on the head and took it out of the room.A few minutes later, he returned with a cat. The cat jumped on the table and also carefully sniffed the bird from head to foot. The cat sat back

    5、 down, shook his head meowed softly and went out of the room.The vet looked at the woman and said, “Im sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck.”The vet turned to his computer, pressed a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman.The ducks owner, s

    6、till in shock, took the bill. “150 dollars!” she shouted. “150 dollars just to tell me my duck is dead!”The vet shrugged, “Im sorry. If you had just taken my word for it, the bill would have been 20 dollars, but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, its now 150 dollars.”1. Why did the vet take a dog

    7、 and a cat into the examination room?A. To confirm the duck was dead.B. To give to the woman as pets.C. To comfort the woman.D. To ask them to save the ducks life.2. How was the woman likely to feel after being told the reason why the bill was 150 dollars?A. Awkward. B. Angry C. Sad. D. Delighted.3.

    8、 The passage is a(n)_.A. novel B. joke. C. advertisement D. review BChinese kungfu is one of the earliest and longest-lasting sports that use both muscle and brain. Over its long history it has developed as a unique combination of exercise, practical self-defense, self-discipline and art. It is esti

    9、mated that Chinese kungfu can date back to ancient times. At that time, people used sticks to fight wild beasts. Gradually, they accumulated a great deal of self-defense experience. When the Shang dynasty began, hunting was considered an important part of kungfu training. During the Shang and Zhou d

    10、ynasties, martial arts(武术) evolved to become a kind of dancing. Usually, the dancing of martial arts was used to train soldiers and inspire their morale. At the same time, the skill and technology of sword making as well as sword ceremonies developed rapidly. Starting from the Tang dynasty, a kungfu

    11、 examination was proposed and introduced. Excellent candidates would receive titles and awards through the examination, largely promoting the development of martial arts. By then, martial arts had evolved to become an art form and an independent genre(类型). Kungfu was gradually introduced to many cou

    12、ntries in Southeast Asia. Today, kungfu is honored as the ancestor of kickboxing(跆拳道), karate(空手道) and judo. The Song and Yuan dynasties witnessed the climax of kungfu development. The practice of kungfu by civil organizations became more and more popular. People actually made a living as martial ar

    13、ts performers all over the country. Usually their performance was carried out by a single person or two as a pair. Chinese kungfu achieved greater development in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the Ming dynasty, a lot of genres came into being and numerous books on martial arts were published. In th

    14、e Qing dynasty, the ruling empire banned the practice of martial arts, and the people had to set up various clubs or societies to pass on the skills in secret. Today, kungfu continues to be practiced by many people for the purposed of keeping fit or improving body image.4. According to the text, _ w

    15、as an important of the development of kungfu in ancient times.A. hunting B. dancing C. singing D. fighting5. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, kungfu was used to _.A. promote the national economy.B. keep healthy and improve body image.C. train soldiers and inspire their morale.D. fight big wild a

    16、nimals.6. What can we learn from the text?A. The production of swords reached the highest point during the Tang Dynasty.B. Kungfu was always performed by a group of people during the Song and Yuan dynasties.C. Kungfu has had a profound impact on many activities in Southeast Asia.D. The Tang dynasty

    17、witnessed the climax of kungfu development.7. How did kungfu evolve in the Ming dynasty?A. The emperor set up many organizations to promote kungfu.B. Various genres appeared and books were published about kungfu.C. Kungfu became the only performance at court parties.D. People made a living as kungfu

    18、 performers all over the country. CA bottled water company in eastern China has begun printing pictures of missing children on its packaging to help parents and authorities find them.Qingdao Kingtex International said it has sold 500,000 bottles with information on six children missing since July. T

    19、he labels also include the childs birth date and a hotline number.“We just wanted to play our part in helping those parents who might spend their lifetime searching for their missing children. ” said Shi Yiwei,a marketing manager at the company.“Were mainly selling the water bottles in Qingdao.” She

    20、 said. “Next, wed like to expand the program to Beijing and Shanghai , to spread the information nationwide , so as to raise more awareness about missing children.The project was launched in cooperation with Baobei Huijia, a volunteer group that supports parents looking for missing children nationwi

    21、de. “Its always agood thing to add another method to help search for lost children. At the very least, these efforts will help to draw peoples attention to the problem of child trafficking(非法交易),” said Zhang Baoyan, who founded the group with her husband, Qin Yanyou.Kingtexs water bottles have recei

    22、ved a lot of attention on social media. While some applaud the move, others have questioned the companys motives, not least because its bottled water sells for 5.5 yuan higher than many other domestic brands.“The water is so expensive. Cant the company lower the price so as to improve sales and spre

    23、ad the information to more people?” wrote one netizen on Sina Weibo. Shi said Kingtexs prices have remained the same since 2014. “We also distribute a number of bottles for free in order to reach more people,” she added.Non-governmental organizations are playing an important role in assisiting the s

    24、earch for missing children and combating human trafficking in China. Baobei Huijia said it has helped to reunite more than 1,700 families since it was established in 2007. “Were still working on about 31,000 unsolved cases,” Zhang said.A traditional preference for male heirs(继承人),particularly in rur

    25、al areas, has led to a black market, with families willing to spend large sums to get a baby boy.8.What is Kingtex doing to help to find missing children?A. It is funding missing childrens parents by selling its products at a high price.B. It is printing information of missing children on the packag

    26、ing of its product.C. It is selling its products across a wide area to collect more money for Baobei Huijia.D. It is cooperating with the government to fight children trafficking.9.Why have some people questioned the motives of the company?A. Its products have received extra attention on social medi

    27、a.B. It hasnt raised much awareness about missing children.C. The quality of its products is poorer than of many other domestic brands.D. The price of its products is higher than that of many domestic brands.10. What can we learn from the passage?A. Baobei Huijia has made a great contribution to fin

    28、ding missing children.B. The government lacks laws to combat child trafficking.C. There are still 31000 cases of child trafficking waiting to be solved in China.D. The low education level of Chinese people is the main reason for child trafficking.11. What is the authors attitude towads Kingtexs proj

    29、ect?A. Approving B. Disapproving C. Neutral D. Indifferent DA girl from Montclair, New Jersey, Charlotte Alter, who is now in her twenties, wrote on T that when she was 12, her mother told her, “I dont want to frighten you, but I think you may have put on a little weight.”Contrary to popular belief

    30、about body confidence, the remark didnt crush her self-respect and actually benefited her in the long run. Her mother apparently told her honestly at the time: “Its only three or four pounds, and its not the end of the world. It happens to everyone. Ill help you figure it out.” Instead of giving her

    31、 a complex about her weight, Miss Alter says her mothers openness made her aware of her body in a healthy way.“My mother decided to name the demon(恶魔) and teach me how to deal with it, which revealed the weight loss process and made it a lot less scary,” she wrote.To get her back on the right track,

    32、 her mother suggested she stop eating desserts for two weeks and run two laps around a park near her house every day. When she completed the two weeks, her mother congratulated her. “The next time I asked her if I looked fat, she said I looked great. And I believed her,” recalled Miss Alter.“She was concerned about me: she noticed that I wasnt exercising, that my clothes werent fitting me properly, that I would look glum in the mirror.” She said she was able


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